Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jul 1928, p. 1

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WILMETT · E VOL. XVII. NO. 41 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JULY 6, 1928 LrF .E PRICE FIVE CENTS SUNDAY MOVIE VOTE HERE SEPTEMBER .25 Wilm. ette'Jumps to 17,000 Population $a:vs 1~traus Report Wilmette now boasts a population of Seek Annual Dooations Wilmette Post No. 46 of the American Legion is requesting financial contributions toward the fund which annually defrays the expense of a fitting Memorial day observance and also a community Fourth of July celebration fn the village. . It is only in this manner that the Post is enabled to raise the necessary funds for these two important annual events in the village and it is hoped the citizens of Wilmette will come forward with their usual liberal contributions. Donations may be made to H. L. Flentye, Jr., treasurer of the Patriotic Celebrations fund; Village President Earl E. Orner, or Dan G. Stiles, at the First National bank. '----------------' PASS $337,400 BD.L OF .APPROPRIADONS Village Trustees Enact Onlinance Providing for Expenditures in Current Year .. . I~ ·. ·~ .. ' cently by S. W. Straus and company. The Straus figures also give Winnetka The annual Village Appropriation Tuesday, September 25, will be the a population of 11,000, Glencoe, 5,200, bill, entailing a·n estimated expenditure date of a special election in Wilmette, and Kenilworth, 2,500. The gain in of $337,400 for municipal purposes in at which the voters of the village will each instance over a year ago is estithe current fiscal year, was adopted be asked to ballot on the proposition mated at from 8 to 10 percent. by the Village board at its regular of Sunday operation of motion picture The population of the entire suburban meeting Tuesday of this week. The theaters in this community. area within a forty mile radius of the ordinance was presented by C. Miles On the basis of a petition request- city is estimated by S. W. Straus at McDonald, chairman of the Finance ing a referendum on the Sunday Movie 1,321,596, or a gain of approximately committee of the board. question, and bearing the signatures 100,000 over a year ago. Perusal of the AppropriatiQn Bill, of more than 1,500 Wilmette voters, Taking the population of Chicago as which appears in another column in the Village board last Tuesday eve- 3,500,496, the population of the metrothis issue of WILMET'n~ Lu'E, will afning instructed Village Attorney politan area of Chicago would be 4.822,·ford the reader an accurate idea of the Charles H. Jackson to prepare an 092, the survey indicates. These estidistribution of funds necessary to deordinance providing for a special elec- mates, Straus company offidah exfray the " operating C03t of the manv detion to be held Tuesday, September plain, are based on population figures 25, on the proposition : "Shall moving furnished by public officials, banks, su~~~~:~:n~.nd ·branches of the Village · picture theaters, in the Village of Wil- burban newspapers, chambers of comWant Incinerating Plant mette, County . of Cook and State of merce or business men in the respec· · " The fact that the Appropriation bill Illinois, be permitted to operate on tive towns. Arthur T. Mcintosh, 521 Roslyn road, is approximately $123,000 higher than ·filtndays, after noon?" Evanston's present population, according to the Straus report, is now Kenilworth, has been elected pres- that of last year, is expla-ined by t~~ Board Ac:tion July 17 The ordinance is to be formally acted 64,000, while Highland Park has 14,500, ident of the Northwestern University board in the fact that several amtitFoundation, it was announced this tious improvement programs are antiupon at the meeting of the Village and Lake Forest, 7,000. week by Thomas H. Gonser, executive cipated, outstanding among these beb1 ard, Tuesday evening, July 17. secretary. Mr. Mcintosh was graduat- ing, the issuance of $50,000 in bonds Recommendation to the board that McCarthy Company Will ed from Northwestern in 1900, and has for the acquisition of a site and the the movie ballot ordinance be prebeen in the real estate business in Chi- erection . of an incinerating- plant, subResurface Lake Avenue pared without delay and the election ject to authorization by the voters .of The contract to resurface Lake ave- cago since 1907. date set at September 25, came from The other new officers of the founthe Village at a regular or s·pectal ;.venue on the nue, from Michigan Trustee Ernest C. Cazel, who; several weeks ago, presented a majority report east to Ridge road ou the west, was dation are : vice-president, Vernon R. election; extensive improvements in of the Public Service committee of awarded to the ]. }. McCarthy paving Loucks, a Chicago attorney; secretary, the water system, provision for which the board favoring operation of mo- company at the session of the Village John Cadmus, former president of the have already been made by action of tion picture theaters on Sunday. ThiaJ board last Tuesday evening. The Mc- Chicago Dental society; and treasurer, the board, and which are destined to nd s $69,651.49, the George P. Ellis of Chicago, a certified insure an adequate water supply, a· report was submitted in consequence Carthy company bid wa. public accountant. extensive street improvements, street lowest of three bids submitted to the of a post card expression given by The Northwestern University Foun-: lightin~ installation and other impr~we residents of the community, which board. dation was organized a little more than ments in the territory west of Rtdqe Lake avenue will be resurfaced with indicated that of 3,600 cards mailed to a year ago for the purpose of raising avenue which was annexed to the Vilthe homes, 2,779 residents responded as asphalt, and, with Forest avenue, now incom~ rather than capital funds from 1age in recent years. in process of being resurfaced, comfavorable to Sunday movies here, while Itemize Appropriation Bill among the university's alumni. The 465 were opposed to Sunday opening. prises one of the most extensive street The appropriation bill may be itemimprovement projects authorized by the first year more than $25,000 was conSuggest. Referendum Village in recent years! Work on Lake tributed by 1500 alumni. This amounts ized briefly as foJJows : · A minority report submitted by avenue will begin at once, it is ex- to income at 6 per cent on a capital of l. For construction and repairing of Chairman Hans vonReinsperg of the plained. $500,000. Money contributed to the 1 · foundation will be used for' teachers' street, alleys, sidewalks, c eamng Public Service committee, and embodysalaJjes, research work and loan funds. streets and alleys, and care of trees, ing the suggestion that a Referendum $45,000. ballot on the question would be the 2. For opening and repairing drains proper procedure in settling the SunWithdraws Permit Request and repairing sewers and water mains day movie question, won the approval Before Local Appe_. Board and their connections, $1,500. of a majority of the board. 3. For heating a-nd lighting Village Shortly following the board's action The request for a permit to operate a petition was circulated with the re~ a dyeing and cleaning plant, submitted offices, for stationery and official supsuit that, within ten or twelve days to the Wilmette Appeal Board on Zon- plies, court and legal expenses and 1,512 voters, several more than the Ia~ ing in the name of Henry C. Schultz, costs election expenses and other necrequires in this connection affixed was withdrawn by the petitioner at a essar~ expenses,-$l8,000. 4. For supplies for and expenses of hearing conducted by the Appeal board their signatures to a petiti~n for a at the Village hall Tuesday of this street lighting and incidental expenses referendum vote on the Sunday movie week. The proposed dyeing and in connection therewith, $25,000. proposition as stated above. S. Dor paying salaries of the officers cleaning plant is located in "Gasoline It was pointed out in Mr. vonand clerks of the Village, $24,500. Alley," which extends west from 12th Reinsperg's minority report that, with 6. For operation, equipment, support street, one-half block north of Cenbut few exceptions, the organizations and maintenance of the Fire depart.., tral avenue. expressing oppositi0n to operation of ment, $16,000. motion picture theaters on Sunday· 7. For paying salaries of police offi.suggested a Referendum ballot as the Board to Receive Bids cers of the village, $45,000. fair means of settling the question. follow on Water System Work 8. For paying the interest on bonded WILMETTE'S Permission has been granted the indebtedness of the Village, $1,000. 1,000 Villasrers Attend 9. For a sinking fund to · provide for Village of Wilmette by the Chicago progress Sanitary district to install new pumps the .Jiquidation of the bonded indebtedWolff-Griffis Opening through the eyes of the and connections in the pumping sta- ness of the Village as the same matBetween nine hundred and a thoution at the Sheridan road bridge. Bids ures, $3,5()0. ~ ._ sand persons visited the Wolff-Griffis 10. For a library fund for the matnfor this and other water system inHardware company last Saturday in stallations, comprising a 16-inch water tenance of a Free Public Library in the new building which the company pipe from the proposed steel elevated the Village, $12,000. now occupies on Central avenue. It was Watch for it in next 11. For the operation and maintewater tank (to be located near Ridge the fonnal opening day for the new week's issue nance of a pumping station, $4,000. and Lake avenue) to 6 and 12road store, Hu.ndr~ds of roses for women, lnc:reue Water SuppiJ' inch lines on Ridge road, will be resouvenirs for the men and balloons· and 12. For purchasing and installing ceived at the meeting of the Village other toys for children who visited the (Continued on Page 4) board, Tuesday evening, July 17. store were given away. Village Board Takes Action in 17,000 accor:ding to estimates estabConsequence of Voters' Peti · lished in an exhaustive survey of the Chicago suburban area conducted retion for Referendum Arthur T. M clntosh ] s Named President Of N U Foundat;On REAL ESTATE SECTION

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