Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1928, p. 56

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WILMETTE !7 LIFE IlfTEBIOB DECORATING June 29, 1928 HELP WANTED-FEMALE . CLASSIFIBD ADVERTISEMENTS Claalfted &4vertlMmenta will be charp4 ODIJ' to ruldenta of the dl8b1ct from JDftMtoD to GleMoe~ IDolutft no. D&mea appear In the telephone diNCtoi'J', or who are 8UMcl'lhen to iatther WILJiilME LIFJD. WINNETJCA TALK or G co· NBWS. .._._.,... of ftw word· to the lhae. No black face type -used. lt" 4J·eo··t on all cull with order ad~ertteementa when. broucht to our oftlce at 1212 C..tral AYe., Wilmette, or &ef Lincoln Ave., WlnnetkL "--~~,· ..., for Inaettt.ona Classltled actvertlaementa w111 be ac"""""' u --cepted up to Wednelld&J' 6 o'clock for the WILIIBT'l'E LII'E or all three papers; Thunday 6 o'clock for the Cien«lll Notiu --:.. WANTED YOUNG LA.DY WITH CLERical and bookkeeping knowledge for dry cleaning store. One with }?usiness abiltty and phone soliciting exp. preWITH YOUR DR!APERIES AND DECferred. Store located in Wilmette, orative scheme painted to order. Our steady position. Apply by letter, Otto creative artists achieve perfect reF. Fisher, Gen. Mgr., Ermine Cleaners, sults. Vases wired. Inc., Highwood, Ill. 56L39-3tp ALAN GOODRICH 632 Church St. PARCHMENT SHA.DES THAT HARMONIZE .Gf.._!~ cell~ a line In one paper. 26 ce~ta a line In any two papen. R ·· 10 centa a llne In all three paper& llllfiiiUX CRA.BGB H eeatt. Charles H. 'Brethold 1st and 2nd Mortgage· 545 Main St. ·. Wilmette INSURANCE GIRL WHITE FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, NO WASHING. PH. WILMETTE 4347. 56LTN40-ltc EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSEwork. No cooking. No washing. Refs. $15. Ph. Wilmette 3405. 5, 6 LTN40-ltc WANTED WHITE MAID FOR GEN. housework, must like children. Good home ; stay nights, $16. Ph. Wilmette 2320. 56LTN40-ltc WINN1I:TKA TALK and Friday & o'clock for the GLENCOE NJISWS. Telephone·: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 104'0-2001. · Tel. 85 30L17-tfc ' FOR SALE-AUTOS FOR SALE-AUTOS MONEY TO LOAN MCKENDRY REALTY 39 . - PETS JJ unll y ~ TL:3 lL Jf' (Q)'{!lllffclill 0 Attractively Priced J e w e tt Sedan ... .. .. ....... . ......... $475 Dodge Sedan . .......... .... 450 Graham-Paige, No. 619 Sedan, very carefully used as a d emonstrator. List price delivered is $1,730. We wiil take $1,450. n . cJ>jp)<e<:ell& HELP WANTED-MALE ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES 97 at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - confidential service. SALESMAN WANTED-YOUNG MAN to sell popular line of automobiles on North Shor~. Permanent position. 1614 Orrington Ave .. Evanston .Unlv. 8383 Must have high school educ. Write · 30LTN35-7tp Wilmette Life A-56. 57LTN40-tfc Co. 1926 7-pass. Buick Sedan, Gold Seal, new tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,200 555 Chestnut St. Winnetka 330 1927 5-pass. Buick Coupe, Gold Seal 1,275 4LTN40-ltc 1926 2-door Master Buick Sedan, new tires · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 800 li BUILDING AND CONTRACTING 1926 4-door Master Buick Sedan, Gold Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . 975 CARPENTER AND GENERAl~ 1927 2 pass. Standard Six Buick CONTRACTOR Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 If you leave your name and phone number and what style car you prefer, we wlll o o be glad to notify you when we get one Screens-Storm Sash ln. Garages-Porches-Additions Expert Cabinet Work. LIBERAL TERMS 1752 Highland Ave., WU. Ph. Wll. 1178 11LTN24-ttc HANSON MOTOR CO. NEWSBOYS WANTED FOR MORNlng routes in Hubbard Woods. Ph. FOR SALE-PEDIGREED :MALE POWinnetka 765. 57LTN40 ... 2tc li ce pup. 2 months old, $15. Ph. Northbrook 188. 39LTN40-ltc 60 SITUATION WTD.-FEMALE HYBRED POLICE PUPPY, MALE, $6. WANTED - BLANKETS, CURTAINS & 21 0-5th St., Wilmette, Ill. 39LT40-ltc other laundry work to do. Will call and del. 886 Willow Rd. Ph. Winn. 1924. 60LT~34-tfc 43 REPAlRI~G AND REFINISHING PEOPLE WHO KNOW AND AP- EXPERIEXCED CHILD'S N U R S E PRECIATE EXPERT CRAFTSwish es position. Care of children and MANSHIP, SEND THEIR FURNIupstairs work. Ph. Wilmette 3233. TURE TO US TO BE REPAIRED 60LTN40-ltp AND REFINISHED BY OUR EXPERTS. CALL US AT UNIVER- SITUATION WANTED COLLEGE SITY 6300. 43LTN28-tfc student d esires position as governess for summer. Will ]eave city. Ph. Van Buren 5586. 60LTN40-ltc WATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EXpe rt. Watches cleaned and adjusted. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette GENERAL WORK OR COOKING AND Avenue . Phone Wilmette 6. 43L34-tfc first floor work. Elxp. Winn . ref. Colored. Call from 9 :30 to 12. Winn . 4.; SHEET :i\'lf:TAL WORK 990. 60TN17-ltp IF JJ IHia~Ik\<er N(Q)l!tllil §llil(Q)Ir~ J7 DRESSJfAKIXG DRESS:\TAKING, ALTERATIO~S AND r emod eling. SportR and childre n's cloth es . Ph . Winnetka 3169. 1030 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON 17LTN40- ltc Phone Wilmette 3750 ----------------·· OPEN EVENINGS WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND AND SUNDAYS mending . Taking care of children. Ph. 4LTN40-ltc Lnk e ForeRt 45R}f. 17LTN40--ltp SILVER PLATING HAVE YOUR EXP. GIRL WISHES GENERAL OFgood old pieces renewed at a reasonflee work. Refs. furnished. Call Wila bl e price. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 mette 1183 after 5 :10 P. M. 20 OARDF:NJNG 60L40-ltc Wilmette A venue. Phone Wilmette 6. 45AL34-tfc .~.'\nntta1s GIRL, 16, WISHES TO TAKE CARE OF of HE:SERAL REPAIRS childre n or assist with housework. Ph. Winn. 557R. 60LTN17-ltp REPAIRING AND RETall African ::\-farigolds, doz. .. 20c JEWELRY French Marigolds, doz. mod e ling by a craftsman of rare abil- HE}fSTITCHING AT HOME. MRS. 20c Holly CosmaR, doz. ity. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 WilJ. Trudell. 624 Willow Rd. Call "Winn . 20c Gt:>raniuml'l, pink, r ed, eac h mette Ave. Phone Wilmette 6. 1162. 60LTN17-ltp 20c Big Price Reductions 50L34-tfc Vinca, each .. . ..... 25c CASH MONEY TALKS DURING MoRt all varieti es of plants at bargain ALL KINDS OF TYPING DONE AT THIS SALE 51 prices. WINDOW SHADES reasonable rates. Tel. Winn. 2242. 60LTN 40-1 tp Ostrowsky's N urserv Garden & Beach Umbre11as 1928 Packard 5-26 Sedan Drapery Hardware · 1 Mile West Greenbay Rd. 'on DAY WORK BY WHITE WOMAN. 1927 Packard 4-26 Sedan Canopies Rented W. Park Ave. Highland Pk. 2098-Yl Gen. cleaning or taking care of chil1926 Packard 3-26 Sedan . 20LTN40-2tp dren. Ph. Wilmette 4446. 60L40-ltc 1925 Packard 2-43 Sedan (7 pass. 8 c yl.) Awnings & Window Shades 1927 Buick Master 6-5 pass. Sedan LANDSCAPE GARDENER AND CONWASHING AND IRONING OR ROUGH 61 Cadillac 7 pass. Touring tractor, lawn reseeding, black dirt, dry. Will call for and del. Tel. Winn. Big 6 Studebaker 7 pass: Touring shrubs and perennials of all kinds fur859. 60LTN39-4tc Buick Master 6 Sedan Limoslne nished. Driveways made or resurfaced. 26 Prouty Annex Ph. Winnetka 2864. 20LTN37-tfc Studebaker Standard 6 Sedan Winnetka 1125 2 GIRLS FOR GENERAL HOUSEHudson 7 passenger LANDSCAPE GARDENING; BLACK Waukegan Office work and cooking. Good refs. Call Jordan 8 cyl. 3 pass. Coupe ~oil; manure. F. W. Kares. Tel. Wil. 302 S. Genesse St. Drexel 1055. 60LTN40-ltp MANY MORE TO PICK FROM R91- Y1. 20LT39-4tp Waukegan 2087 ~n. 51LTN29-tfc EXP. LAUNDRESS AND DAY woRK. _,. F.I;ECTRIC REPAIRS ~~~~~~~~~~~~===~ Ph. Wilmette 3150. 60LT40-ltc 06 S. lst Street Highland Park, Ill. :JiJ LOST AND FOUND 81 SITUATION W ANTED-1\lALE 4LTN40-ltc CLOCK REPAIRING RY EXPERT . .----------------Clocks called for and dt:>llvered. Paul LOST-FROM VICINITY OF SKOKIE Da\'E'Y, JE>wE>ler. 1165 Wilmette AveCountry Club, male wire haired fox LAWNS TO MOW AT 75c AN HOUR nue. Phone WilmE>tte 6. 23L34-tfc CARS TO WASH AT $2 (CLOSED); terrier, unplucked. White with 2 black $1.50 (OPEN) ESSEX COACH, PERFECT MECHANspots on back. Liberal reward for inf. or I~S'fRT : CTION (Polishing-vacuum cleaning incl.) Ical cond ., a bargain at $250. 1927 2» return. McMahon. 509 Washington Chevrolet Imperial Landau in perf. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ave., Glencoe, Ill. 55LTN40-ltc By boy earning course in college. Fast reliable work ; cars called for and reshape. Car has always been chauffeur t" driYen-,a25. 1927 Ford ton truck 00 turned free ! Guaranteed satisfaction. LOST CHILD'S BONE RIMMED with wid ~:' , open express body. Has SECOND SEASON . FOR CHILDREN Ph. Kenilworth 1062. 61LT40-ltp glaRses, between Central School and just been thoroughly overhauled-$250. from 4 to 8 yrs. Conducted on private Linden Ave. Reward. Call Wilmette beach. Swimming Instructions, gRmes 1686. 55L·l0-ltc CARPENTER WORK, S C R E EN S, on the sand, exercises, story hour. Arpchs., glazed porches, garages, addirangement to have children called for tions-done reasonably. Tel. Winn. 911 LlndE'n AYe. Winn. 150 HELP WANTED-FEMALE and returned to their homes. Select »6 2420. 61LTN39-tfc 4LTN40-ltp and restrictea number of pupils. For - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - inf. call Wll. 1068. 25L40-ltc STENOGRAPHER- AUTHOR NEEDS SIT. WTD.-COLLEGE STUDENT DEFOR SALE-NASH ADVANCED 6 VICpart-time assistance, chiefly typing: sires pos. for the summer. Can drive work may be done at home. Shorttoria Coupe In Yery good condition. 4 SUMMER TUTORING IN LATIN BY car, mech. inclined. Write Wilmette hand useful, not imperative. Prubable new tires. Price $475, tE>rms can be High School teacher, Reasonable. Life A-41. 61L15-ltp equivalent of ten days' work per month. arrang d . Ph. Gl neoE> 1131. Write Wilmette Life A-53. State experience, education, how now 4LTN40-ltc 25LTN40-2tc employed, hourly or daily rate of com- EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS work by the day or week. Winn. 2864. .~. ~ pensation desired. Write Wilmette 61LTN34-tfc Life A55. 56LT40-ltc 1B3Ullii<elk Ceo>mm~&Im1 A1ID1t©rnm©lbnll®~ Until July 14, Only ONE vVEI£K ONLY JUNE 28 'ro JULY 8 Ceo. H. Koon Motor Sales USED CARS r ·· Otttd oor R ecrea ton .. Sch I H. C. THOMPSON Baa J'OU Waat Ad Ia Evaa·toa, too !his Office will accept classified advertising to be run an THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching r6,ooo familin in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays. " Position open for gen. maid on north WHITEWASHING 'GARAGES, BASEshore; ref. required. University 934. ments and storages. Call University 1299. 61LTN 40-ltp No. Shore Emp. Club Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 1618 Sherman Ave., Evanston POS. WTD.--CHAUFFEUR OR PART 56LTN40-1tc time driver. Call University 6135. 61LTN40-ltp WANTED HOUSEMAID-YOUNG GIRL to assist with housework. White. Ph. POSITION BY MAN FOR DAY WORK. Wilmette 3391. · 56L40-ltc Wilmette 1058. 61L40-ltp

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