Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1928, p. 55

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June 29, 1928 .WILMETTE I LIFE The Kenilworth Garden club eptertained the Wilmette Garden club last Friday. The guests were shown about the gardens 'of Kenilworth and later had tea in Mrs. Douglas Flood's Mr. and Mrs. James Prentiss of garden. Kenilworth returned on Wednesday, -oJune 20, from Ann Arbor, where they . Edgar and Francis Stanton of Inattended commencement exercises at dian Hill returned Sunday from the the University of Michigan. Robert Hotchkiss school where ·they comPrentiss was one of the graduates. pleted their senior year. They expect He and several of his friends from to enter Yale university in the falL school sailed last Monday for Europe -owhere they plan to spend the summer Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hillis of Kenilmonths. worth are being congratulated upon -othe birth of a _ son born on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap of Ken- June 22. Mrs .. Hillis is at the Memorilworth, went east last Friday to ial hospital in Buffalo, N. Y. attend the commencement exercises at -o-Hill school where Mark, Jr., was a Webster Ball, son of Mr. and Mrs. graduate~ Mark, Jr., and two of his Sidney Ball of Indian Hill, has reroo111mates · are motoring home. The turned from Exeter for the summer boys will be here with Mark until holidays. He expects to enter PrinceJuly 5, when they all leave for a fish- ton university 1n the fall. ing trip in the north woods. I Frederick · Breit, son of Mr. and l,.._ _ _ _ _llllllil_ _ _ _ll!lll!l~~~ Mrs. Fred Br~it of Kenilworth, reP·oae Gleacoe 1. . turned recently from C a n t e r b u r y, GleDGOe where he has been attending school , Lalld..__. .Co. for the .past year. -oW a lter M arx, Jr., has returned to Kenilworth. from Williams college, where he JUst completed his sophomore }:ear. Lmd.cape Contractor· ExeaTatl·· by llo&or, Geaeral Hawllar. we lndld Pools, Ceaeat Walka. 8teae Walkt, Grat\l·r aad Driveways of All lUnda. Blaek Dirt aad Xanwre We Plaat aad 8·PPIT ETerrreeas Shr·bs, Trees, Ete. Sati1faction GutantHd ---r- -oRichard Shucks, nephew of the Lorenzo Dilks of Kenilworth, left recently for a two weeks' vacation in Pennsylvania, where his home is. JOHN ULLIAN, Proprietor 344 Maclisoa St. Cleacoe, IU. . APARTMENTS -oMiss. Mar,earet Bluthardt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bluthardt of Kenilworth, entertained six'teen girls at a bridge tea on Friday, June 22. Her guests were girls who had returned from college and also those who were leaving town for the sum mer. - o- Furnished or Unfurnished Three and Four Rooms Beautiful apartments of J and 4 rooms, conveniently located to all stores and transportation-all the latest features are included. Mrs . Clyde Ross of Kenilworth has as her guest her aunt, Miss Alice Graham of Bloomington, Ill. Miss Graham expects to be here for several weeks. -o- M iss Georgianna Fowler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fowler of Kenilworth, had as her guest for the -opast week, Mi ss Louise Frayser of Mrs. Herbert Taylor and Mrs. St. Louis. Frank Ketchum of Kenilworth enter-0tained about 125 guests at a luncheon . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hubbart and at Sunset Ridge Country club on their two daughters, ff>rmerly of Ke'lMonday. The guests later played ilworth but now of Evanston, have bridge. just returned from a trip to Nash -0ville, Tenn. Mrs. Joseph Joyce of Kenilworth -oentertained eight guests for luncheon Mr_ s. A. ]. Brock, and her daughter, and bridge on Wednesday at the Marjorie, of Kenilworth, have returnNorth Shore Country club. ed from California where they have -obeen on an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sherritt and -o-family of Kenilworth have returned Harry Dubsky of Kenilworth has from Florida where they spent the returned from Williams college where winter mQrtths. he has just finished his sophomore -oyear. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Danly and -ofamily of Kenilworth have returned Mrs. Fred D. Breit of Kenilworth from · Florida where they spent the gave a dinner party for eighteen winter months. guests Saturday night, June 23. Immediate PosseS&ion - Reasonable Rentals Also Stores and Shops ALL LIGHT AND ROOMY Hubbard Woods Tower Court Bldg. Corp. Telephone Winnetka 1949 Linden St. North of Tower Road FOR RENT NEW APARTMENTS READY NOW-2 and 3 ROOMS -o- -o- Miss Pauline Spiegle, daughter of Mrs .. Burt Crowe of Kenilworth enthe Montie Spiegles of Kenilworth, tertained her brid.ge club Friday, left last Wedne~day for Camp Songo, June 22, for luncheon . in Maine. -oM rs. B. C. Dowse of Kenilworth -oMrs. William A. Moulton of 235 entertained a few friends at luncheon Raleizh road, Kenilworth entertained and bridge last Friday. Wednesd~y afternoon of last week at -oMrs. John E. Hicks of Kenilworth the Illinois Golf club. is entertaining- her luncheon club on -oM iss Harriet Bellamy of California, Friday, June 29. formerly of Kenilworth, is the guest of -oMrs. W. Stone of Pasadena, is visitMiss Elizabeth Kelly of Cumnor road, ing Mrs. Sidney Eastman of Melrose Kenilworth. avenue, Kenilworth. -oM iss Virginia Woodland , daughter -oMrs. E. D. Parmelee of Kenilworth of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woodland of Kenilworth has returned from Smith t-.~5 gone east to visit her son, Edward, college for the summer holidays. Jr. ----------------------------------------------------· I I . I I Sheridan Road Office or Shop Available in NO MAN'S LAND By reason of building our own office across street, our unusual space of 3 2. feet on Sheridan Road, the most desirable in this rapidly de.veloping Del Lago section, will be available shortly. Inquiries invited. Large living ~ooms and bed rooms. Unusual clostt space. Baths have showers and all built-in fixturn. 1J Tht · last word in interior decorations. Canvased walls and 1J Beautiful eltctric fixwoodwork in antique finishes. tures. Roll-a-way beds; tlectric refrigeration furnished by owner; most up-to-date kitchen cabinets and othtr built-in features. 1J Sound-proof construction. UA very highgrade building; must be seen to be apprtciated. Rea1onllble Rentall $ 6o and upward· VERY CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN WINNETKA BILLS REALTY, Inc. 1603 Sheridan Road-Wilmette 3740 s~~J'~"~!~!'N tKCORPORATF.O £.SAWYER~ CH Rl STY Exc aaiot Agent· 736 ELM STREET WINNETKA WINNETKA PHONES 14:1·147 ·--~---·········-------·····---------------~--------~

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