Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1928, p. 1

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ET 'T E VOL. XVII. NO. 40 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS," JUNE 29, 1928 Published weeklll bll LJovd HoUiater In.c., 1!U-lU6 Central .Ave., Wilmette, Imnola Bntered CIS eeocmd o'ICJ·· mCJtter March 13, 1924, at the post o!lice at Wilmette, IJUnoia, vtader the Act of March 3, is79. Subscript~ price u.oo a 2/flar. LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS VOTERS RALLY TO SIGN l MOVIE BALLOT PETITION · ·~ i f/eads Commission JULY FOURTH Events of the Day 12:45 p. m.-Damantis band and Wilmtrtte Post drum and bugle corps parade to Village Green. 1:15 p. m.-Poating of colors at Village Green · GREAT FOURTH PLANNED FOR WILMEITE CITIZENS Big Program of Athletic Eventa to 'Be Held at Village Green; Fireworks Later . Village Board Soon to Receive Formal Request for Referendum on Sunday Opening 'l f .,., I I I· Rapid progress is reported in seAt noon on July Fourth bombs will curing the prescribed number of voters' 1:30 p. m.-Racea at Village Green. be exploded, high in the · air, to signaturts to the petition which is notify the people of Wilmette that now being circulated throughout the · 4:00 p. m.-Baseball at Village the games and races are soo·n t? begin village in the interest of a special referGroen, Wilmette va. Winnetka. at the Village Green. Damantts ban~ endum election on the Sunday mo\·ie and the Wilmette Legion Post Drum proposition. and Bugle cnrps will lead the way 4:00 p. m.-Punch and Judy show, Starting late last week, the committo the Green, where there will be fun magician for children at Village tee of citizens volunteering to do for· all. with prizes for the winners of Green. heavy duty in getting signatures afthe races. These prizes are to be fixed to the petition has encoun_terec~ donated by local merchants. 8: 00 p. m.-Grand display of fire· unexpected success, with latest inforAt 1 :15 p. m. Wilmette Legionnaires works at Dyche stadium, Evmation indicating that the petition will will post the colors as the drum and anston. be ready for filing before the Village bugle corps plays "To the Colors." board at a meeting in the immediate Everyone will join in the singing as future. the band plays "Star Spangled BanFirst National Bank Respon~e to the call for signatures · ner." ·· S. Van Im~··agen, commander has heel! largely unsolicited to date. Increases Capital Stock of Wilmette Post, No. 46, American the committee explains, but the list of E. B. Knudtsen, president of the Legion will explain the purpose of signers has heen growing steadily until First National Bank of Wilmette, has the g-a~cs and race.; which will folit is fdt certain that within a · few low. Here is the race progratn which announced a!_l increase in capital stock davs the document will .be readv for of the bank from $50,000 to $150,000. begins at' 1 :30: presentation to the village trustees in The surplus remains at $50,000. Race Program the hope that favorable action will be The increase in capital stock was 1. Twenty-five yard dash for girls under Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes of the take~1 in setting the time for the speauthorized this week by the compeight years. cial ekction at the "earliest date pos- Chicago area of the Methodist Epis2. Fifty-yard shoe race for boys under sible," or probably sometime in Sep- copal church and a resident of \Vil- troller of currency at Washington, D. seventeen. . 3. Twenty-five yard wheelbarrow race tember. The petition will hear the mette, has been presiding at confer- c. The increase is made at this time for girls between ten and twelve signatures of 1,200 or more voters, a ences of the \\'oriel Service commission partially to finance the new building years. numher said to be considerablv in ex- of the denomination in session in Chiprogram of the bank and to increase 4. Twenty-five yard dash for boys under cess of that prescribed by st~te law. cago. Bishop Hughes is president of years. the services the b_ ank may render to 5. eight the commission which supervises the Fifty yard dash for girls eight and Place Repeat Orders its clients. · nine years old. Copies of the petition have been benevolences of the church. G. Fifty yard three-legged race for boys placed in scores of business estabunder sixteen. Kenilworth Lends Hand 7. Ball throwing for women over twenlishments. and, in many instances, shop Storm Breaks Wires·, and storekeepers have found it necesty-one. to Make Vets Happier 8. Fifty yard dash for boys eight and sary to place repeat orders, so rapidCall Fire Department The ex-service committee of Kenilnine years old. 1~ ha\·e the papers heen filled \\'ith The hean· rainstorm of Sundav night worth women took its usual trip to 9. Fifty yard dash for girls from ten stgnatures · . . to twelve. Only \\'ilmette voters are entitled caused the breaklllg of the electnc Great Lakes last Monday, to visit the 10. Twenty-five yard wheelbarrow race war veterans. Three victrolas have for boys from ten to twelve. to sign the petition. 1wires at 735 Xinth street. and the con11. Fifty yard three-legged race for girls . The signature in no sense indicates sequent calling of the ore department. been dona.ted by Kenilworth friends . under sixteen. Men's clothing will be greatly apprethe attitude ot the signer toward the The broken wires grounded and caused ciated by the committee and will be 12. Fifty yard dash for boys from ten to twelve. Sunda ,. movie question, the petition r t t' Seventy-five yard dash for girls from being .concerned solely with the propo- an arc tg 1 1 · crea .lllg a fire scare in distributed carefully among the war 13. thirteen to fifteen. veterans, the committee announces. sition oi settling the question definite- that part of the \'tllage . 14. Fifty yard potato and spoon race for ly in a legal ballot as suggested in boys under fourteen. 15. Fifty yard relay race for husband several communications recently diand wife. rected to the Village board and ex16. Seventy-five yard dash for boys from pressing opposition to operation of mothirteen to fifteen. 17. Seventy-five yard dash for girls from tion picture theaters in the village on sixteen to twenty. Sunday. · 18. Fifty yard sack race for boys under State Proposed Proposition sixteen years. · The proposition which the petitioners 19. Fifty yard potato and spoon race for girls under fourteen. would have the board place on the .. of . Publication for 20. One hundrE:d yard dash for boys special Referendum ballot reads: from sixteen to twenty. "'Shall moving picture theaters in METTE LIFE set one day ahead. 21. Fifty yard dash for ladies twenty-one the Village of Wilmette, Count); of yE>ars and over. 22. Balloon race for all boys and girls Cook and State of Illinois, be per· under twenty-one. mitted to operate on Sundavs after 23. One hundred yard dash for men noon?" - ' Because next Wednesday, July 4, is Indepentwenty-one years and over. Independence Day Next Week ~{Schedule WIL-}- ,, '· .. Col. Story Will Speak On World's Fair Plans At the next regular meeting of the Chamber of Commerce .Monday eveni.ng ~ol. Sidney Story, of Chicago, wtll gtve a twenty minute talk on the plans for the World's Fair in 1933. Col. Story, who was formerly in foreign trade work, is now a member of one of the committees which is making plans for the fair. Another feature of the meeting will be a moving picture film showing the latest developments in the telephone' industry. Henry B. Gates will provide the film and will give a talk explaining it. dence Day, the ~'deadline" for WILMETTE LIFE will necessarily be on Tuesday, July 3· at 5 p. m. instead of Wednesday noon. Please note this advancement of schedule for the issue of July 6, a~d cooperate with us by having all news items, display advertising and want ads ready for us a day earlier. WILMETTE LIFE thanks you! '( Fifty yard dash for women over thirty-five years. 25. Fifty yard three-legged race for husband and wife. 26. Twenty-five yard dash for women weighing more . than 160 pounds. . 27. Twenty-five yard dash for fat men with forty-three inch waist. 28. Fifty yard sack race for girls undP.r sixteen years. 29. One hundred yard dash for men thirty-five and over. 30. Tug of war-Legion member~, Army vs. Navy. 24. WILMETTE LIFE Baaeball Game At 4 o'clock there will be a baseball game between Wilmette and Win· netka. There will also be music and entertainment in charge of H. Flentye, Jr. A Punch and Judy (Continued on Page ··s) t:.

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