June 22, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE OPEN RAVINIA OPERA n_ir_ec_ts_R_a_d_io_S_ta_t_io_n_w_E_H_S_ · _ _ I OUVt:o==~ WITH ."MASKED ·BAU" ._ _ _ MISS JESSIE ROBINSON, dramatic soprano and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sanitary - District and County W. B. Robin~on of 10~6 Ash~and avenue, \Vilmette, who for the past year Oflicials to Co-operate With has been staff arttst of rad1o station WEHS on the Orrington hotel Evanston Abatement Districts · is tlOW the announ~er and di~ rector of that station. . .Miss Robinson has gained · Chicago and its regional communities ~tdt: popularity t~rough her have finally sounded the crack of doom S11_1gmg and charmmg person- for the mosquito pest. These insects, ahty. She has achieved. signal equipped for an unsuspected flying range. success as a concert arttst, her are to be eliminated once and for all. first appearance being with This decision follow~d an address made the Chtcago Symphot!Y .or- by President T. ], Crowe of the Sani· chestra at t.he Audttonum tary District of Chicago, at a meeting theater .. She t; a graduate of this week held in his office and at which New Tn~r Htgh school and were the trustees of the North Shore the ~mencat~ Conservatory of Mosquito Abatement districts as well as ~h~s~ and IS a. member. of officials of the Forest Preserve district. 1 e~a, profe~s10nal mustcal As a result of Mr. Crowe's remarks fratermty. She 1s th.e posses.sor outlining a tentative program a Chiof .an unusual . votce · · ' . ' wh1ch ' cago Regtonal MosqUtto Abatement unltke the majortty of so~ · pranos, registers perfectly agreement has been entered upon,. w1th over the air. the ~earty support of Dr. ~rankhn. M. "The Fortune Teller," a Martm o~ the Gorgas Mem.onal Ins~1~ute popular selection from Victor of Troptcal and Pre~enttve ¥edtcme. Herbert's comic opera of the Supportmg Mr. Crowe s suggestion were same name, will be a feature D~. S. ~· Fuller and J. Lyle Clar~e, on the program of the North c~tef engmeer of the North. Shore dtsShore Ensemble this Satur- ttct, ~· S. Szymczak, S~pe_rmtendent of day evening, 6 :30 to 7 :30, over . the Forest Preserve d1s~nct;. Herman WEHS, according to Miss N. Bun~esen, ~· medtcal d1rector of Robinson. the Samtary d1stnct, and Arthur E. CorThis welt known dinner man, epidemiologist in Dr. Bundesen's concett group has become a department. regular week-end feature at Full co-oPeration is given by the Board the Orrington hotel station. It of County Commissioners in connection is ~ompo~ed of Walter ~· ~il- with the plan of elimination of mosquito gnm, dtrector and ptamst, breeding grounds in the Forest Preserve )ll!ls Jes !e Robinson Leon :Miller and Palmer District, the Des Plaines river, Salt Creek, the Skokie Marsh and other Myron, violinist, and Georl;e Lauer, 'cellist. places. Outlines Abatement Plana Large Enrollment for In f urthcrancc of his plan President Summer School Session Crowe made the following suggestions: That the Chicago Sanitary district Enrollment in the summer session of the Wilmette Public schools had eliminate or control by oiling or other means mosquito breeding on its property Six hundred summer school students reached 204 when classes began at 9 and along waterways used by the district o'clock Monday morning in four were enrolted at New Trier last Monfor sanitation or drainage purposes. schools of the village-Central, Howday morning when summer classes beThe · North Shore and Des Plaines gan. This is the second largest summer ard, Logan, and Laurel. This figure is enrollment in the history of New Trier about twenty-five per cerit higher than Valley Mosquito Abatement districts to · . eliminate or control by oiling or other High school. falling slightly below the that of last year. Summer school classes are meeting means mosquito breeding within their rerecord set last year. Additional students from 9 to 12 o'clock each morning spective distrids exclusive of the area are expected to enroll during the week. from Monday to Friday in Vlilmette. to be controlled by the Sanitary disThe summer classes will continue for 1~hey will continue for a period of six trict ; and in addition, such areas beeight weeks under the direction of Wes- weeks. Games and outdoor activities yond their corporate limits which are ley L. Brown, director of the research are a part of the summer program necessary for effective control of mosdepartment at the school during the regu- in addition to the regular school work. quito breeding in the region agreed upon lar winter session. They will be held for control. each day from 8 o'clock in the morning \Vatter Zibble, \Vilm~tte fire chief, The County commissioners to co-operuntil 12 :30 o'clock in the afternoon. was in C rbana this week attending the ate in the control of mosquito breeding Twenty-two teachers are assisting state convention of the firemen. in Forest Preserves and adjacent propMr. Brown in the summer work. Folerties by providing adequate by-passes lowing are the teachers, together with around dams in waterways passing their departments: Robert H. Carpenter, through the preserves and operating Miss Aveline Kent, Harry C. Pifer, and these by-passes to permit such regulation Gordon VanKirk, English : Harold Caof the stream as may be necessary to ton, Clyde 0. Grater, C. Herbert Jones. coutrol mosquito breeding. To provide and Fred A. Kahler. mathematics; F. for drainage of swampy area within the Donald Frisbie, John M. Nay, and Rowforest preserves and along the rights-ofland B. Wehr, social science: Fred C. way of county highways. The Gorgas Windocs. George D. Edwards, and SamWhen you're away Memorial Institute to serve in a conuel S. Vernon, science: C. Russell Small, sultant capacity to end of the above orwhat's more welcome than DeForrest Walton. Miss Jessie Sentney, ganization. and Myron E. Duckles, language: David news from home? The development of details for a genE. Johnson, Alhert L. Grinnell. and eral co-operative program, consistent Harry H. Herron. commerce: and Harry with the above policies, to be delegateci B. Aram, mechanical drawing. to a board of engineers, one from each Let Miss Ella M. Shaw will have charge of the Mosquito Abatement Districts, of the high school library during the the Cook County Forest Preserve DisWILMETTE LIFE summer session. trict, The Sanitary District and the Many of the stude~1ts have enrolled fo(low you on your Gorgas Memorial Institute. This group in the New Trier summer school for the to be knowt~ as the Board of Engineers vacation-and keep purpose of completing their school of the Chicago Regional Mosquito work in less than the regular four year5, Abatement Agreement and to submit as up with events! while others have entered to make up early as possible a report with recomwork in which they have fatten behind. mendations for carrying out effective mosquito con'trol work this season along ~ust call our Circula-t co-operative lines. REAPPOINT COMMISSIONER tton Department-say Howard .Bowen, Wilmette building w h e n and w h e r e. ] . R. Harper. superintendent of the commissioner for t·h e past year, has They'll do the rest. Wilmette Public schools, left last Satbeen reappointed for the fiscal year urday for his farm at Hartford, Mich. 1928-29 by Village President Orner. He expected to be gone a week or ten The appointment was confirmed by the days. Village ·b oard Tuesday of this week. Retbberg and Martinelli Head Brilliant Cast in Season's ln. augural Tomorro~ --- ' By Critic Everything is now virtually in readiness for the openin.~S of the seventeenth season of Ravinia opera and concerts this Saturday night. Nearly all the artists to be heard at Ravinia this season are now on hand and rehearsals began last Monday. The box-office wa,; opened for the general sale of seats Saturday morning, June 16, and, as was to be expected, the demand was tremendously heavy. Hundreds of north shore residents availed themselves of the convenience of the double line telephone system and called Highland Park 2727 for reservations . The first eight day,; of the new season is of such ma.(l'nitude that it will long be remembered by all opera enthusiasts. Louis Eckstein has left nothing undone that would add to the gratification of his patrons. Seven operas, the first of the Monday night concerts, one popular concert and one children's concert-this is t_ he program for the first eight days extending from June 23 to ] une 30. inclusive. It is more than a season of opera which wilt. be brought to a realization when the curtain is lifted on "The Masked Ball" by Verdi Saturday night. Rather. it is a veritable festival of music, in which. although o p e r a t i c performances predominate, music in general is so broadly represented that it becomes a brilliant expo.;ition of this art form in all its aspe~ts. - -· p., Sunday Concerts £yery Sunday afternoon during the season. a concert o·f lighter music will be given by the Chicago Symphony orchestra, while on Monday nights. except when special opera performances are announced. there will be a concert of more pretentious works hv this same organization with soloists .;;elected from the ranks of the open forces and the orchestra. The children' concet:ts and entertainments will he given on Thursday afternoons, Eric De Lamarter giving the explanatory talks to 1he youngsters. Ravinia has never been bound by the fetters of conventionalitv in the matter of its opening- offering. Every ye8.r something different · is chosen. and there is rea.;on for congratulation that this season Mr. Eckstein's choice has fallen upon "The Masked Ball." Not onh· is this one of Verdi's greatest operas. but is one which enjoys special favor at Ravinia in view of the fact that it offers .;uch unusual opportunity for Elisabeth Rethber?.". who only a few days ago at Dresden created the title rolP. of Richarci Strauss' new ooera "The Es:z-yptian Helen": Giovanni 'Martinelli. Giusenoe Danise. Florence 1f acheth. J uti a Clrtussen, Virgilio La7zari and a host of others. This work is replete in dramatic action and in music which is lilting- in its melodv. Give "Louise" Sunday Last season Ravinia patrons \\'f're g-iven a rlelig-htful_ and unlooked for surnrise in the ens:z-ao-ement of M;ne Yvonne Gall of the Paris Grand oper~ and the Onera ComiQue. who was broug-ht to Ravinia in August for · a limited serif's of nerformances. · ThPse included CharpentiPr's Hf ,ouic::e" which had never been sung at Ravinia before. hut which, with Mme. Gall in the name part and Edward Tohnson oooo,itf' her. made instant appeal. This ooera. with exactly the same cast as that of last season, is to be given Sundav night, June 24. Here ultra-morl~rn muiic is exemplifitci at its best while naturalistic dramrt is Piven ;,,11 olav. (Contint!'td on Pa~e 57) - · 600 Students in Summer School at New Trier High {