Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jun 1928, p. 60

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60 furnish a bond to the ~atisfaction and appr \'al of said Board of Local Improvements, tn a sum E>qu~l to fifty (50) per centum of the contract price, conditioned for t,he faithful performance of the eontract. EARL E. ORXER, EHXEST C. CAZEL, ALBERT L. CHUXXELL, PAt:L A. 11 FFl\IAX, C. l\U LES :\IcDOX ALD, IIAXS YOl': HEINSPERG, GOHUO::\ \\.ILSOX, Board of Local lmpro\· ments of th Yillage of Wilm tte. L39-ltc WILMETTE (Continued from page 59) LIFE I JUne 22, 1928 · for having been made and returned to said Court, (Docket No. 239), the ~nal hearing thereon will be had on the nmth day of July, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. ,M. or as soon thereafter ~s the business of the Court will perm1t. . ,. All persons desiring may file obJectwns in said co1,1rt before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the c oll ection of said assessment in ten (~0) annual installments with annual mten·~t thereon at th e r a te of six p er centum per annum as provided by law. Dated Wilmette, Illinois, June 2~nt1. A. D. 1928. 'HARLES ~. EVANS Person appointed by th t-> Pre!-:id e nt of the Board of Ln ca I £m prove m e nts of the Village of W,ilmette, Cook County, Illinoi s to make sa id assessment. L39-2tc Sl~.E(;L\.L .\.SS}~SSJIEXT NO'l'H 'J-: having applied to the CouQ.tY Court of Cook Count~ Illinois for an assessment ()f the cost of said improvement, according to benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to sa id Court, . (Docket No. !!3-l ), tlw tinal hearing thereon will be had on the ninth day of July, A. D. B2S. at tt'n o'clock A. M. or as soon the reaft ... r as the' business of th e Court will p ermit. All persons desiring may tile obj ect ions in said court befon· said day arHl may a ppear o n the h ea1·ing- and ma k e th e ir defense: Said o rdinance 'iH·o,·idt·~ for th collection of said asse~smem in t e n ( 10) annual installments with annual inter est thereon at the rat e o f six Pe r ce ntum per annum as pro\'ided by Ia w. Dated 'Vilmett .... Illinoi s, .Jun e 2~nd. A. D. 1928. 1\"0TICE OF A WARD OF COXTRAC1' CHARLE~ X . 8\"..\XS For paving and otherwise improving P erson appointed hy th e Pre~d Seventeeuth Street from \Vilmette Aved ent of tlw Boanl of Loca l Imnue to Elmwood Avenue. pro\'t· m en ts of th e , .illage of \Vilmett e. l"uuk t 'ounty, Illinois (Wilmette Special Asse ssme nt Ko . 223) to mak e sa ill asso-'~l'Jllt· nt. Office of the Board of Local ImL39-2tc provements, ·wilm ette, Illinois, June 13th, 1928. T KOTICE is hereby given to all p e rsons interested that the bids for paving and SPE( ' L\J , . \:-\SF.SS . " E~T XOTH' F. otherwise improving Seventeenth Street from \Vilmette Avenue to Elmwood AveYIT.L .\CH~ 0}' WII.JIF.TTF. nue in the Village of Wilmette , were SI'J-: ('1..\J, .\SS:ESS..\rF: ~T NO. :!!JI opened on the 12t!l day of June, A. D. Xot ic.:e is h e rt>hy given to all pt:'rsons 1928, an(! Paul Reschke of Winnetka, Illinoil'. b eing t hl· lowest r esponsible bidder, interested that the President and Board the .c ontract was awarded t o Paul of Trustees of the Village of Wilm e tte, Reschke on the 19th day of June, ..\. D. in the County or Cook and State of 1!>28. Illinois, having ordered that the full Said bid iR for the work as a wh ole width of the first alley north of ~faple· Avenue from the west curb line· of and is as follows : Fourteenth Street to a lin e two hundred 4400 cubic yards of excavation at 95c per cubic yard ..... $ 4,1 0.00 and forty-six (246) feet west of Fourteenth Street, and the central e ightee n 8600 square yards of concrete (18) feet of that part of said alley lying pavement seven (7) inc hes between said line two hundred and fortythick with one-quarter-inch six (246) feet west of Fourteenth Street expansion joints set normal and the east line of Fifteenth Street be to the center line of the improved by grading and paving pa wment at thirty (30) foot with Portland cement concrete, in the inter\'als and with a conVillage of Wilmette, Cook County, cealed metal joint of No. 18 Illinois, the ordinance for the same begal\·anized or painted sheet ing on file in the office of the Yillage steel, six and one-half (61f.z) Clerk of said Village and said Village inches high, at five (5) foot having applied to the County f'ourt of inten-als, and cured with Cook County, Illinois for an assess m e nt Calcium Chloride Hakes, two of the cost of said hnpro\·e m ent, accord(2) pounds to the square ing to henefits, and an assessn\ent thPreyard, including cost of labor for having been madf> and r eturned to and materials . at $2.65 per sairl Court, (Dockt>t Xo. 2~1 ). the fin::~ I square yard .... ... ........ 22,i!l0.00 h earing then~o n will b had on the . ninth 6460 lin eal feet of concrete curb day of July, A. D . 19~8. at t e n o'clock fiy e (5) inches high and l'ix .:\ . :\L or as soon th e r~a fter as the busi(6) !.nches thick, composed n ess of th t> Court will p e rmit. of same kind of concrete All persons deRiring 111ay file' objections of ~ame materials and in said ('Ourt he fore .·aid day and may mixe d in the ~ame proporaptwar nn the ht>:uing and mak t> t~1eir dPfense. tions as for the pave ment herein pro\'ided to be laid ~aid ordinance JH"Ovidt>s for til t> collection nf said assessme nt in t e n ( 10) anand abf~\'e m e ntion d, co nnnal installm~>nts with annual inter est structed in place on the 1 h en'on at the rate> of six Pt.> r centum outer six (6) inches of the JWr nnnum as JH'o\·ided by law. concrete pa Ye ment at the DatNl \\"ilmdt··, Tllinois, .Jun t> 2~nd. time of its construction, in.\ . n. 1ns. cluding cost of labor and C'H.-\RLES X . E\· .-\X~ material at 44c p e r foot . . 2,806.00 536 lineal fee t of 10-inch tilf' P··rson :l.PJlointed by th e> Prt:>sicl Pnt of till' Board of Local Im.·ewe1· at $2.10 pe r foot . 1,125.1i0 Jl!'l)\'t' ll1Pntl'! of th e \.illagt> · f 2 brick man holt's with 470 \\ ~i lnwtt· ' . ('nok f'ount~· . Tllinois pound coYt>r~ at $!10 f':t h 1~0.00 to malH· sa icl as. ('SS tn('nt. 4 brick catchbasin~ with ca::-t L39-2tc iron coYers at $90 each 360.00 40 lineal · feet of 8-inch tilt>, tile connection to c:1 tt·h bal'ins, n.t $1.60 p e r foot . SPF:( ' f..\1, .\SSF.SSJIF.XT X.OTI('F. 64.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . $~1,552.1iO The owners of a majority of the front agf> of thf' lots and lands upon said alley whf>r in said work is to hf' d01w may \\'lthln ten days from the cl:1t~ hereof, aR provided by law, elect to take said work and f>nte>r into a writt t> n Cf\nt ract to do said work at ten per centum lt-ss than the JWice at which same haR ht-en a warded . RA RL E. ORXER. EnKE~T f'. f' AZEL, A . L.. GRI~NELL, PAl. L A. H8FF1\JAX f' . l\fTLES 1\rcDON.-\ T.D HAN~ ,·o n RETX~PEn<;, SP}~('I.\1, SPECIAL ASSESSl\IENT NOTICE VILLAGE OF WILliETTE SPECIAL ASSESSJIE~T NO. 229 Xotice is hereby given to all persons inter estt:d q1at the President and Board of Trustees o f th e Village of 'Vilmette, in the Co unty of Coo k and State of Illin ois, having orde r ed that the central e ighteen (18) fee t of the first a ll ey n o rth of Lake AYenue from th~ east curu lin · of \.Vilmette A,·e nue to the w est c.:ut·b line of ' en~nt h Street (except across the central twe nty-two (22) feet of Tenth Stree t, Ninth Sttet:t and Eighth Street respectively) be fmproved by grading· and paving with Portland cement concrete, in the Viliage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on fil e in the office of the Village Cle rk of said Village and said Villag , haYing applied to th e County Court of Cook County1 Illinois for an assessment of the cost of said improve m e nt, a ccording to benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and r eturned to said t 'ourt. (Do(·ket ~o . 229), tlw final h earing th er on will b e had on the ninth dav of July, A. D. 1828 . at t en o'clock A. · :\I. or ns soon the reafte r as the business of the Court will permit. . All pe rsons d siring may file objections in said court be for e said day and may appear on th e hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of sa id assessment in ten (10) annual installments with annual inter est the r eon at the rate of six Pe r centum pt-r annum as provided by law. Dated Wilmette, Illinois, Jun e 22nd. A. D. InSC.HA.RLES ~ . EYAXS P e rson appointed hy th. President of the Board of Local ImproYements of the Villag~ <?f \nlmette, Cook County, Illmo1s to make said assessment. L 39 _2tc SPECIAL ASSESSJI EXT :XOTICE YILL ..\.GE OF WIL3lETTE SPF.f'IAL ASSESS:\IKST :XO. :!tO VILLAGE Ol' WII~l\IE'f1'E SPECIAL ASSESS:\IEXT XO. 2:1~ I Notice is het·e by g-i\·en to all per son s interest ed that the President and Board of Trustees of tlw Village (,f \Vilm ette. in the County of 'uok and State of Illinois, having· o rde t·ed that the central e ightee n (]8) f et of the first a.lley north of Forest .A ve nu e from the w est line of Sixth Stree t t o the east line of Seventh Street b e improve d by grading and pavincr with Portland cement concrete, in bthe Yillag . of Wilme tte, Cook County, Illinoi~, th(.' ordinance for the sam~ being- on fill· in th e office of tl~e \: 11lag~· r 1erk of said Villag-e and sa1d \!!lag·,. ha \'ir..,. applied to the Count~· <'ourt of rook oCounty, Illinois for an a ..,..;,·s~nwnt . of tlw cost of said improvement, accordt there ing· to bc· n e fits , and an assessmen for ha,·ing been made and returned tn !-:nid Court, (Doc·ket Xo. 238), the ~nal hearing thereon ' will he had on the .nmth day of July, A. D. l!l28. at ten o cloc!< A. l\L or as soon thereafter ~s the ,business of the Court will permit. . . All persons desiring m.aY file obJections in said court befo re. sa1d day and ma:Y appear on the hearmg and make thetr YJT.J, .H';F. OF · WTJ,JIF.TTE .\SSl:SSJIF.XT NO. 2:10 nonnox ·wn~~ox . noard of m ·nts of ,,. ilmettt·. Local ~lw Tmn··o,· 'Yilhn· · nf ~PH'I.\1, \SSEs~nll:XT XOTff'l: \'I J. J, Ha-: OF WTL,IF.TTF. s I·Ef'J \I, .\ ssJ-:ssJJF.XT xo. :?!l.J ::\"oti, ·t· is lwrt·by l!i\'t'll to a ll ]Wrson" Pr· .. sidPnt ' ancl Ro:u·d 11f Tru ~ tt 'P f; ttf th. · Yill;tg, . of \\Tilnwttp i·1 tht· ('t·U""" of f'ootl\ ;tnd ~latc· nt Illinois. ha,·ing- ordt>rt>d thnt tht> ct·ntral SiXl\ ·t·ll ( 10) fPt·1 llf tJ1;· fir~t ::Jilt·\' south l>f LakP .\ , .l'll Ut' from tlw w··st <'urh linf> of Fi frP~>nth Rtrt· ... t to tlw east line (If ~ixt t·P nth Rtn·t't bt> imprO\'f>d hy grading nnd pa\'ing with Portland cf·m~>nt (·om·rt>te and otherwise fmnro\'ln~ sanw.. in the Vlllag of WilmettP, f'ook f'ounty, Illinois, the ordinance for the same beIng on fliP ln tJ,e office of tht> Villagp Clerk of said Yillagi and said Village irlt··rf.>~tNI that 1h l Xoti r(' is hereby g·h'en to all p~>rsons intt·rested that the President and Board of Trusti:'<'S of the Village of 'Vilmette, in the County of Cook and State of T1l i no is, having ordered that tlh' first alley south of :\Iaple A \'enue from the west curb line of Fourte nth Street to the ens t line of Fifteen th Strt'et he inmroved by grading . and paving- with Portland cement COill'rt>te, in the Yillagt' of Wilmette, Cook rounty, Illinois, the ot·dinance for tht> f;ame !wing on file in the office of th<' . ' illag·~· Clerk of said Village and said \'illng··· haYing applif>d to the Count~· Court of f'ook County, Illinois for an a~sf's~mt·nt nf the <'OSt of said improYenwnt. ar ·ordj» g· to hf'JH'fits, and an rt!'isessnwnt th A···'f·ll" lla ,. in~· h t>t' n mad P a ncl r t>turn ed tn sairt Court. (Oo('kt't Xn. :>·~t)\ . tlw fit> ··! h ea ring th erc·on h<' hatl nn tlH' ninth rlrty of July, A. D . 192S . at t t~ n o'rlo<'k ..\ . :\f. nr a~ f;Onn tht>I' L':tftt' l' as tlw husi111'~~ of th ' Court will permit. All lh :·snns desiring may filt' objt>ctions in l'Hi<l court bt' fnr t> said day and m:ty HJHtt'ar on the h aring- nnd mnk l· P11·ir <lt ·fenst' . ~aid nrdinance proYicll'S for th(' collertion of said nssessment in ten ( 10) annun! in:tallnwnts with annunl inte rt'~ t tlwre>o n at the rate> nf Rix Pt>r centum Jlt'r annum as J1l'O\'ided by law. Datt-d \\"ilnwtte, Illinois, June 22nd. A. D. 1!\28 . CHARLES ~. E\·A.~S PPrson appointed hy th e President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Yillage of 'Vilmette, Cook County, Illinois to make said assessment. L39-2tc '"ill Xoti ce is hereby gi\·er: to all persons I de~~~de.ordinance provides for the oollecinterested that the ~~estdent and Board tion of said assessment in ten (10) an?f Trus!ees ~f the \ tllage ~f Wilmett~, nnal installments with annual ·interest m the ( ount~ of Cook and State of Ilh- th t th rate of six per centum n_ois, having ordered that the central e~r~~~U~l as eprovided by law. eighteen (18) feet .of the first alley north P D t d 'Vilm ett Illinois, June 22nd. of Oakwood A\·enue from the west curb De · ' 1928 line ~f Ninth Street to the east A. · CHARLES N. EVANS curb lme of Tent~ Street be ~mP e rson appointed by the Presiproved by gradmg and pavmg dent of the Board of Local Im_with .Ponland . cement cor;tcret~, provements of the Village of m .th~ Vtllag · o~ Wilmette, Cook Count:-,, "~ilmette, Cook County, Illinoi s Ilhnms, the .ordmance for the sam~ beto makE· said assessment. ing on file m the office of t~e V~llage . L~~-2tc Clerk of said Village and sa1d VIllage having applied to the . County Court of Cook County, Illinois for an ass essm ent S Pt~ f'J.\T, .\ ~S F.SS3TF.:XT 'YOTIC'l: 1f the cost of sai.d improvement, according to benefit~. and an assessment thereYIJ,J.,\GF. OF '"HJ.~TF.TTE for ha\'ing been made and returned to SPE('l.\ r. .\SSF.SS:\lF.XT NO. 2:1; said Court, (Docket No. 240), the final h earing th er eon will be had on the ninth Notice is hereby given to all per so n!'~ day of July, A. D. 1928, at t en o'clock interested that the President and Board A. l\1.. or as soon thereafte r as the busi- of Truste es of the Village of "Vilmette, ness of the Court will permit. in the County of Cook and State of All persons desiring may fil e objections Illinois, having ordered that the central in said court b~>fore said day and may eighteen ( 18) feet of the first alley north appear on the hearing and make their l)f Onkwood Avenue from the west d ·fense. · (·urb line of Ninth Street to the east Said ordinance provides for th e collec- ('Urh line of Tenth Street be imtion of said assessment in t en ( 10) an- proved by grading and P <1-"nual installments with annual int r est ing with Portland cement concrete, ther 'on at the rat t:> of six PPr centum in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, lH' I' annum as provide d by law. Illinois, the ordinance for the same beDated 'Vilmctte, Illinois, June 22nd. ing on file in the office of the Village A . n. 1928. (;Jerk of said Village and said Vi II age CHARLES N. EY AXS having applied to the County Court of Person appointed by the Presi- rook CountyJ Illinois for an assessment dent of the Board of Lora! Im- nf tlw cost of said improvement, accordprovements of th e \.illage of ing; to benefits, and an assessment ther t>\nlme tt e, Cook County, Illinois for having been made and returned to tn makt' said assP~smt>nt. said Court, (DockPt No. 237), the final L3!J-2tc hearing thereon will be had on the ninth day of July, A. D. 1928, at ten o'cloc.k A. l\L or as soon thereafter as the busJ:-; J·F.f'J.\1, "\ SSESSJIE:XT :XOTICE Jwss of the Court will permit. All nersons desiring may file objE>ctions YTJ . L .\GE 0}~ WJLJJE'I'TF. in said court bt>for~:> said day and may SPF.f'T .\T, .. \SSF.S~DIF.~T XO. :?39 ;1t1near on the hearing and make t.fl('ir Xllt iee is h ereby g·iye n to all persons df>fense. Said ordinance proYicles for the collerintPI't>Stf>d that th e Pr ' Sident and Board of Tl'u~t ·es of tht:> ,.illage of \Vilmett~>, tion of said ass~:>ssment in ten (10) anin the C< unty of Cook and State of Tlli- nual installments with annual intPrt'st th 0rron at the rat<' of six PE'r centum nni~. haYing ordered that the roadway of (;reg-ory AvPni.te from the w est line of ppr :1nnum ::IS J)I'OVidP<1 by law. 'Yilmrtte, Illinois, .Tun~:> 22nd. Park Asem1e to the ea t line of Fifteenth A. D!.ltecl D. 1928. Street, and the roadway of all intersectf'HARLES N. EVA :~J'S ing- streets to the outer lin es of GregorY PPrson appointed by thP Pr.,~i A Y··nu t>, b e impro,·t> d by cleaning th e old rl ent of th~ Board of Local Im macadam JHt\·ement, spike rolling· or nro\'eme nts of the Yilla!!'P nf ~·earifying, n ·mo\·ing l'X<'t'SS material, l'l' \\~iln1PttP, Cook Count~·. Illinois shaping, r olling and J)rt>paring th e ma~ I to rnakP said asst>!'>Sm\'nt. eadam for a f·IUI111ation for pa \·ing, and L3!)-2tc' paving the same wit·h asphalti, concrete two ( 2) in c lw~ thick and otherwise impro\'ing same in the S PE('I.\ L .\ SSESs,n: XT XOTH'E Yillage of \.Vilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the ordinantl· for th " sanw l; l·Yll,J, .\f:.F. OF WTT,,TF.TTJ: ing- on flit' in tht> offil' nf' tlw Yilh\.g·e Sl'l~f'T.\1~ .HiSF.SSJIE:XT XO. 2!16 Cl<>rk of said Villag·e a ,d said Vi lla~t> haYing applied to tlw County Court of Xotirt> iR her~>h~· t:?'i\·Pn to all ·person" f'ook C'ounty. Illinois for an assesflmt>nt ; 'terPsted that tht> President anrl BoArrl of th P cost of said improYement, accord- of Trustees of the Village of \Viling to benefits, and au assessment there(Continued on page 61) I

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