Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jun 1928, p. 1

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WILMETTE Published weekly by Lloyd Hollister Inc., 1U2- 12 36 Ccnl1·al Ave., Wilmette, Illinois. Entered as second class matter .Mm·ch 13, 1924, at the post office at Wi.lmette, Illinois, un cler the Act of March 3, 1819. Subscription price U.OO a y~ar. VOL. XVII. NO. 39 \VILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JUNE 22, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS Circulate Petition for Sunday Movie Referendum SHATTER.All RECORDS ~LTER LICENSE FEES Board Effects Sweeping ReIN PLAY ATTENDANC'E Village duction of Fees and Establishes Uniform Date of Expiration Name Harvey H opp \URGE SPECIAL BALLOT NewL~;i~:~:~~r46 ON 'SUNDAY OPENING' Children Swarm to Four Playgrounds .Monday at Opening of Summer Activities A new attendance record was established at the opening of the summer playground season Monday, according to the staff of the Playground and Recreation board. At the last count, Monday afternoon. some 655 children had registered on the four playgrounds during the day and there are at least 150 more who failed to register. The weather having cleared considerably the attend::tnce on the succeeding days of the first week was expected to exceed that of the first day. The first week's program has heen devoted to organization and local contests in boys' playground ball, girts:. kick ball and girls' O'Leary contests. Next week the program will be more complicated and village-wide O'Leary contests will be held with entries from each of the four playgrounds. Vattman. Laurel. Village Green, and the Beach. competing. A village-wide league in playground ball between the teams of the various play centers will also be started. Arrange Beach Program The beach playground and water program will get under way next week and free swimming instruction will be started Monday by Dudley C. Stone and :Mrs. Alta B. Caldwell. The ~wim ming classes will meet each afternoon at 3 o'clock and in addition to the instruction in strokes. breathing. diving and other essentials for the aquatic sport practice in events scheduled for the weekly beach days. held on Fridays, will be held. The first beach day program is to be next Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. and a list of novelty races and swimming stunts will supplement the regular program of competitive swimming. \\T inning places in the various events will carry points toward the cup . given yearly to the boy or girl registered on either of the four playgrounds who has the greatest number of points at the end of the season. Events listed on the first Beach Day celebration are: 20 Yard clash-Boys 10 years of age and under. 20 Yard dash-Girls 10 years of age and under. 25 Yard dash-Boys 11, 12, 13 years of age. 25 Yard dash-Girls 11, 12, 13 years of age. 50 Yard dash-Boys 14, 15, 16 years of age. 50 Yard dash-Boys 14, 15, 16 years of age. Hurdle race-Boys 14 years of age and under. One-Armed race-Girls 15 years of age and under. Under \Vater . race-Boys 10 years of age and under. Dead Man's Float (For Distance)Girls 10 years of age and under. Watermelon Grab-Boys 14 years of age and under. Harvey Hopp was elected commandordinances relatiitg to mu- er of Wilmette Post 46 of the Amer.. nicipal license fees were adopted at ican Legion at its ] une meeting. W. last Tuesday's Village board meeting E. Richmond was elected vice-comfor the primary purpose of establishing a uniform expiration date-namely, mander; Harry Flentye, finance ofDecember 31. ficer; Russell Johnson, sergeant-atExpiration dates on various license arms; Bert O'Connell and Harold fees charged by the Village have in Mohr, members of the executive comthe past ranged over a period of sev- mittee. The new offidals will take eral months, thus entailing endless office late in the 'fall. clerical w~rk w~ich, in consequence of 1 Motion pictures of the 'Memorial the boards action, ~an no~ be con- Day parad~ taken by Mr. and Mrs~ centrated upon a bnef penod at the Orville Daily were shown with a longoutset o~ ea~h calendar year. er reel taken by Edward Kunz. The . Embo~ted m several of the amend- pictures shown enabled the post memmg ord1~3:nces. en~cted last Tuesday bers to see all of the parade in which wece revtstons 111 license fees char~ed. they had participated. These changes may be summanzcd Tl Vrl tt t d · ·1· briefly as follows: . . 1C .t me e p~s an Its auxl tary Ow!~ers of dairy \'chicles mpst pay Will furmsh entertamm~nt and refres~ an annual fee of $5 for each vehicle ments next Monday mght .to the sailoperating over \Vilmette streets. or.~ ~t Great Lakes l~osp1tal. Those The annual license fee for the op- Wlshmg to go or furmsh cars are ree'ration of billiard and pool tables is quested to ca~l Commander S. Van Inset at $15 per table. w~gen at \Ytlmette .374 or Mrs. BeaThe annual license fee for opera- tnce Hawkms at Wtlmette 3260. tion of bowling alleys is $25 per alley, a n Juction from the former rate of Appoint Local Pastor $50. The annual license fee for the sale to Methodist Cotnmission of cigarets is $25, and a reduction of Dr. Horace G. Smith, pastor of the $75 from the fee charged to date. Wilmette Parish Methodist church and License fees for pedlars were estab- delegate of the Rock River Conference lished as follows: $50 per annum, $25 to the recent Quadrennial Conference for six months, $15 for three months, of the Methodist denomination at and $10 for one month or fraction Kansas City, has been appointed a thereof. member of the World Service ComThe annual license fee for brokers mission of the Methodist church. The (including real estate, insurance and commission is to meet at the Chicago all others engaged in the brokerage Temple next Tuesday. It controls the business) is now $10, as against $25, benevolence program of the denominawhich has heen the established fee tion. for several years. The annual liccn. c fee for catchbasin and sewer cleaners \\"as maintained at $25. Licensing of peddlers. President Orncr e:xplain.ed. \\'as in the' interes~ of discouraging undesirables and especialThe day is ly those who might employ that scheme as a temporary vocation, to gain entrance into homes for the purpose of gone when "any making surveys preliminary to a contemplated burglary. old printing" \ ~arious Request Village Board to Set Date for Referendum Vote Early as Possible I A petition was circulated this ~orn ing requesting the Wilmette Vtllage board to ca11 a special referendum election "at the earliest date possible" on the proposition to permit the operation of motion picture theaters in Wilmette on Sundays. · The petition states the Sunday moyie proposition as follows : "Shalt movmg . picture theat~rs, in the Village of Wilmette, County of Cook and State of Illinois, be permitted to operate on Sundays, after noon?" . In anticipation of rapidly securmg far more than the pre~crib~.d number of signatures, a small army of citizens acceuted the task of circulating copies of the petition today and it was felt certa.in that the enterprise will have been com~ted in time to present the proposition to the Village board at a meeting in the very near future. Objectors Suggest Referea~~ Since virtually all the orgamzat10n_s that registered protest with the board concerning the recent Postcard ~x pre5sions. favoring Sunday mov~es, suggested settlement o.f the question by a legal referendum, .tt was expected that voters affiliated w1th thqse groups would be eager to affix their signatures to a petiti~n designed to bri!lg . about that method · of procedure. Stgnmg of the petition. it is pointed out, ~oes not in any sense indicate the sentgnent ?f the 3i!!-ner regarding the Sunday movte question, since the document me~ely reQuests a legal ballot on the questiOn. Copies of the p~tition will be circ';'lateil throughout the village and wtll also.,.. be in evidence at various stores and in other public places in the community. May Vote in September The earliest possible date for the proposed referendum ballot. would be sixty days from date of a.c~tOn the Villag-e board on the pcttttOn, tt was explained. or probably not sooner than early in September. . A recent postcard expresston on the ?Y Rotary Leader to Enjoy Wisconsin Fishing Trip D. E. Allen, Jr., of the firm of Edclington and Allen, \Vilmette realtors, is enjoying a fishing trip in th,e northwQods near Boulder Junction, Wis. Mr. Allen went to Boulder Junction from M inneapolis where he attended the convention of Rotary International this week as delegate of the \Vilmette Rotary club. He is president-elect of the local luncheon club. was good enough. ·. I (Continued on Page 6) I l Board Rejects Bids on I I 1 Lake Avenue Paving Job ' Improvement of Lake avenue by r~surfacing, a project ~cheduled on thts summer's street pavmg program, encountered delay this week when all the bids submitted to the Village board were rejected because they were in excess of the engineer's estimate on the improvement. It will now be necessary to readvertise for bids on this project. Lake avenue is to ~e resurfaced with sheet asphalt from Michigan avenue to Ridge road. · Contract for the paving of 17th street was awarded to Paul Reschke, Winnetka contractor, at Tuesday's board meeting. Mr. Reschke's bid totaled $31,552. ~0 CALL WILMETTE - 4300 LET BIDS FOR CHURCH SOON Contract bids for construction of the proposed new Wilmette Parish Methodist church edifice will be solicited about July 1, it was learned this week. The building committee of the parish is pr~parin,r plans to be submitted to prospective bidders. the number of LLOYD HoLLISTER INC.

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