WILMETTE LIFE. June 22, 1~.28 ROAD BUILDING IN COOK COUNTY SETS fAST PACE Gross Point . Road Is Listed Among Highways to Be Improved Soon University 1024 Wilmette 3700 fOVNWN ~QVARL LVANSTON Announcement of the continuation of the massive highway widening and building program of Cook county was made to President A. J. Cermak this week bv Suoerintendent of Highways George -A Quinlan. No county in the United States has attempted to nursue as large a road building program in any one year as is nm~ Jnder construction and being planned for the next few road building months. It Southern Suburbs Celebrate \Vith Western avenue south of Blue Island ready to be opened, with bigcelebration by the southern villages of Cook county participatin~. on June 19 · with the Belmont-Addison connectio~ comnleted: with N:orthwest hig-hwav and- Euclid avenue widened. anno~mcement is made of an additiona 1 massive pla_ n. On Tune 30 contracts for the building of forty-foot pavement on Milwaukee an:.nue north, Halsted street snttth. and Lake ~trect west ,,·ill he reach· for letting. These will he · suhmittcd tn Chairman vVilliam Busse <"lll(l the road s and hridgc committee for action. Plan 40-foot Highway Plans for the 40-foot Snntlnrr.:.t hi(.dn\'a,· will also be submitted to thl' h~an1 on that date and plans for the widening of the River road. '!'Jorth ,,· r~t higlnraY . Dixie high\Yay and Hal t e d street '"ill also he suhmittco. On Jnh· 5 another h~tch of plan s fr r imnrovecl highwavs will he suhmittcrL .Among- these wilt he the paYin~ of Harrison street from First a venue t n the counh· line. Pr<'sident Ccrm~k h ;1 c;; bern \Yorking on this imnroyement fo, mnre than t\YO and one-half Y<>::~rs anrl tnis i. :; the first sten in making- o ~ H<lrrisnn c;;trert a main e;:~st and \\· e -: t t horn119-h f arf' . Gross Point Road Included Other roadc; in this h(l tch of nlan~ are: Ashland avenue-Wood c;;freo:-t: Dee road : r.ross Point road; Hill"i(lc avenue. Willow Sorin~s road: 26th c:treet. Chicago Heights: 26th .5tred. Riverside. "Many of the roads in Cook count" are tied up h:v construction." declared President Cerrn~ k in commenting on the program. "Manv drivers are inronvenienced. hut I hope they wilt endure it for the sake of the miles of !!ontl roadc: that arP ac;c;ureo us. "I am CToin{! to repeat mv anneal for ~utomohili.5ts to trv our side roafl, nn n1easttre h1Unts leavin{! the main hi!!h"·avs for tnose who h:1vP tn travel 0""r +nem on Sun<lavs an-ct hotidavs. '\'e ma~r finrl it nPcesc;arv to is~:11P (lt1 ordPr rf'strirtinO' slnw mnvinrr vPhirlPs. snrh ..,c: trucvc;, frnm thf' -main hirrh"';n·::: rlnr;n(T tl,p ron,trnrtion ner:orls. C:() th<lt +ra ffic ron~Pstion mav he nreven ted to some extent." ... The New Hose Shades: London Gray Misty Morn to be found in an exqu1stte new picot- topped, double-hemstitched stoc~ing of sheer chiffon, at $1.95 a pau. The woman who is particular about details of her dress is very particular indel!d about the shade of her stockings. It must be new-and it must harmonize in some effective manner, with her costume. These two new shades-the newest gray and the newest tanare to be of importance this season. Other shades in these same hose inWhite Jade. Honey Beige, Atmosphere and White. Mauve, silver, flesh pink, r-QAOHATE FPOM CORNELL dud~ Ingrain Hose in Evening Tints, $2.95. gunmetal. nude, and mauve taupe. Lord's-First Floor. Frl""lrrl ~rheidPnhplm . o::nf1 of ,.,.,... ..,,..,, ~!fro:: . E. T.. S,.hP;denl,Plm nf 7().:1 T .,,." :;!VPt1UP. YVilmPHf'. w~c; rrracln::~tt' (l ' f (\n'l::lv trnm r(\ft1f'J1 1tl"'i\TPr,ihr witl~ '1 ,·.,IY~PP r-f 'R::lrhP1n.- nf A rh: . Tnhn R , ,r(\~r'ln .. t... . c()n At '\,f': ::lnrl Mrs . ('h ...... t,, 'fl '\f nrrlnrk "f ()4~ M ::~n1P ·tref't. yv;,,_ ., otlr(l . '"'3 c;; CTf::) rf, :~ tprl -:1 t t h p c """ <> tin1P ... :.1, ? """"~""' nt P..., ,.1-.plnr (\t C.rienre !.-ntn th" rnllPfYP of f.'nrrinPPrin!Y. 'T'hf' 1912 :odumni of NorthwPc;tern ,niver,itv hf'lrl their rP1mion dinnrr Q"'."frl::l" ~t thP ~enrrri~n hotel. Mr~: . Richard G. Breerle11 wa~ in charge of arrangements.