Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jun 1928, p. 26

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Latest School News Published weekly by the &chool chtldren of Wilmette under aupervision of Wilmette Plau<Jround and Recreation Board. VOL. I, NO. 23 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JUNE 22, 1928 8-B Class Prophecy '-----------------..... After eight years of courtship between On Wednesday, May 24, I left for Doris Good and Paul Hosking, they rode Washington, D. C. I arrived there on a double seated bicycle to Joliet and Thursday morning. I tht: n set about seeing things of Interest. We first visited were married by the Rev. De La Low. the washington monument which is 650 (The reason they went to the stated place feet high, a beautiful piece of archltecis because they thought Romeo and ture. It was started In 1S48 and not finished till 36 years later. A big elevator Th 1 h Juliet werel ratihsedOrltherte.) Th e r ~n,ey- makes the ascent in one minute and flve moon was n e en · ey wer md mediately invited to have dinner with the secon s. happy married couple, Mrs. Elaine and We then returned ~0 the Raleigh hotel Robert Sparks. They owned a beautl- for lunch. About 2 clock we boarded a ful residence across the street from the bus and saw Washington, visitinfs th~ home of the gods, which Is situated on great Lincoln memorial which has P Osmond field. Of course this occasion Iars, one from each .state. After supp~r called for a dress suit, and Paul felt it we visited the capitol and saw the sena e his duty to have It made by an old in session which was very inter~s nf' school chum, Charles the taBor. Paul They were discussing the Muscle hoa s Sterner, known as Mercury, the fastest bill. delivery boy ot the time, galloped over Friday morning turned out to be rainy to the Hosking residence when the suit so we decided to take a bus and see the was completed. When our hero finally public buildings. The bus took us to succeeded in opening the package, after the printers and engravers and we saw breaking two of his 4-inch finger nails, them make paper money and stamps. to his great surprise he hauled out a Our guide told us It took 30 days to make J apanese ki mono and a paroso. 1 L a ter a bill for it takes so 1ong t o d ry. w e they found out that Olive Chase and then went to the White House where Klyde Warble, some more of the honored President Coolidge met us and we had guests, had just returned f~om the wilds our pictures taken with him. of Africa. Klyde thought by warbling, In the afternoon we went to Mount he could charm the snakes while Olive Vernon and saw w'ashington's home and chased the lions. After listening to -these e His home is furnished as it was boring African tales, Bob Waters, the g~:v · he lived there with the orig·inal Swedish waiter, brought in the rice and e7ture W e then went to Arlington tea. Mr. Sparks made the motion that urn t ry . and saw the tomb of the Unthey all go to the White House to be ~~r:;!,; Soldier ;nd Floyd Bennett's grave. the gu_ests of President Pavilcek. Elaine 'l'he nex t day we went to the Smithsonian ~~unedtately !umped up and exclain;t~d.; institute whe re Lindy's plane is. There Have~ you e\er heard of the T. T. '1. s. is everything imaginable in the institute You know, the Tubbs Travel Tours. C!f including aeroplane engines, machinery, course I know the Warble couple haven t and exhibits of interesting things. mu ch money, but by selling his animal . . . . skins, he can arrange to scrape up enough But of all the mteres tlf!g thm.gs tn for the trip, as it is very expensive an<l Washington, . the Congressw nal ~tbrary exclusive." Seei ng as it was Mr. Sparks' ~s. the most mteresting. It cont~uns ?rsuggestion, they went. On the boat they tgm~l docum ~n~s and manuscripts meyed Marie Skog doing the latest hit, cludmg th.e ongmal Declaration of Indethe Charleston, in the lead of the chorus. pend011ce m a Cfl:Se. of gold. ~n Sunday Later, who should come on the scene, we boarded the limited for Cht cago after but Lucy Murdlson In the latest Scotch a most interest ing trip. outfit. Then she did the highland fling. -Laun·nce Buckmaster, 7B Stolp The only reason that Marie and Lucy could acquire this job was becausE' of the drag they had with the owner of s resent the boat, Marian Tubbs. I forgot to mention that Bettie Jane Haig, Cornelia· . eSS&ge 8fC18 Ket'fner and Margaret Melton were also 7B Stolp enjoyed a party recen tly, in the 'chorus. Of course they weren't which was given in their home room. very Important, but mind you they were The program consisted of a paper, "A all there. When the party arrived in MesPage to Garcia," given under the di"' Washington, to their surprise they dis- rection of William H. Klein. covered that the White House was reThe · cast con~isted of boys. The cast cently moved near the green house was: President McKinley, Laurence Chicago. At the White House they met Ruckmnster; 'Lieutenant Andrew Rown, Kermit Simons who had just returned Herbert Naper; the Colonel, Selim Tidefrom swimming the Atlantic with water mann: the !'lervant, Roy Warshawsky: wings. The reason as they found out first sentinel, Howard Wilkins: second 1 Garcia · later, but mind you' not from him, was sent 1ne 1, Ch , es t er H anson; G ene r"' n that he had gone to Europe, to take up John Cutler: osrderly, HEodwarddS w pkins: the art of street cleaning, and he ran sailor!'!: Augus tevens, war o omon . out of money and had to swlm back. Richard Pickard and Roy Warshawsky. Th t k 1 th h 11 d The scenery for this play wa.s made ey oo a g ance across e a , an by the cast. Eaclt act was greeted by who should they see, but Elizabeth tremendous applau!'le. Mrs. Solomon , EdFowler, washing the windows. She found ward'!'l mother, put the make-up on the this a very convenient job becam1e she nlavers. Then came the refreshments. could reach from top to bottom window Thf: party was a hie- success and came of 1 the of to a ... "'rand close a lot of cheerin,.. dd White Th House t without t the i it use d th - with · a a er. e par Y nex v s e e and handshakes for Mif's Davis. Library of Congress. The Jibrarian was teacher. - ('hester Hanson, 7B Stolp. 7B's kind enough to show them the book that was moat popular, which was written by Harriet Redfern ; the title was, "The Secret Lover." The hero of the melan- very ill. The physician ln attf'ndance choly drama was Edward Kerman. Dor- was Mr. Zlbble. After many days of othy Kunzer starred In the role o f the great anxiety the adventurers comheroine. The play here in Chicago was pleted their trip. The Warbles departed a fiat tire, but by the rubes and tht> from their fellow travelers, and booked passage in an airship for a trip to the hicks it was considered a knockout. north pole. Although the climate was not As Olive likes plenty of excitement, she exactly like that of sunny California, the suggested that the party go to Ri\'er- air was bracing and one could bask for view. For dinner they went to the hot- six months in uninterrupted sunshine, foldog stand, and who should be there but lowed by a similar period of moonshine. :&largaret Ludiger. The shortage of hot- The other couple wishing them a speedy dogs explained the 'reason of Margaret recovery of health sent them a huge painting her finger with Iodine a~t It bouquet of polson l\'y. served very well as a wlennie. When The Sparks decided they would take a they were on the bobs Olive got excited, sky-rocket trip to a health resort in and Jumped up, waving her arms violent- Mars. Upon Inquiry they found that John ly. Mr. Sparks announced that if she Dernehl was the pilot and Dick Huck was wanted to swim so badly that there was the chief cook and bottle-washer of the a river right underneath her, so he expedition. When they landed on Mars ·ently puahed her into the water below. the first person they saw was Senorita A couple of days after she ~as rescued Lorraine Haigh who had been teaching by our hero, Roger Delander ; she was the young sheiks and flappers of Mars taken with a cold which later developed how to dance the tango. She was ably bato artbrttla of the big toe. She became assisted in her work by Nellie. l Laurence Tells . Howard School 8A · of Fine Visit Howard Class Poem . · Pre~ents Its Last 1 in Washington Oh children, my children, Wzll and Testament We, class of SA Howard scho<?l .in the Count~ of Coo~ and State of Ilhnot ~. being of sound mmd ~nd memory an~ considerin~ the ~ncertamthy off this fr:·l and transitory hfe, do, t ere or.e, rna e, There has.n't been a da.y in !'chool or~ain, publish and declare thts to be That hasn't brou~ht .ome fun, our last wlll and testament.: And we shed tears, ~o think, my dears First: We order and dtrect that our Our Howard years are done. executor hereinafter named pay all just debts and funeral expenses as soon after But since we really have to go d e as convenient may be we leave some parting tokens, our ec~~s Aft r the ayment of such To show that we, the grand 8B. fu~:~~r expense: and d~bts, we give, deHave inward thoughts bespoken. vise and be ueath as follows: first, Ross Skelton hisq most excellent behavior to Our sheikie, Donald Pavlicek, John Ozborn and Arthur Boyajian his Bestow his stacomb tar ability to teli everyone where to get off Upon Jean Dun~·s wooly wig, at to Lee Blaylock, while to Betty Hurtt, The .Popular comic star. Vera Dangerfield leaves her constant giggles. Miss Skog, with many hems and haws, As Art Cramer is so ·exceptionally Bequeaths to Pickard Steen .small Ralph Meeker leaves him his large Her fetching ways and gentle yoite. heavy set frame and Ruth Smith is leavTo bewitch a bride foreseen . ing Helen Miller all of her numerous His honorable Robert Waters cosm~tics. Next Hank Specht ' wills his football talent to Spencer Norrington Contributes his sissyfied way:-; \"hile to J ean Dunning Clarice Newhagen To Mr. That heArthur might Cramer, win much prai!'e. leaYes her quiet ways. Laurie McHale's feminine ma,g-netism goes to Martin The red ha ired d emon of RB, Herberholtz and John Hellmuth's tennis Margaret Ludiger, so to f'peak, ::tbility to Rob Klemm. Because of Edna Wills all her jokes from tht- conwass Stiles' ability to write Memorial Day point; . essays ~he i:s willing it to. Don~l~ Fue~What more shoulLl Betty llurtt ~eek? man and George Jones IH wtlhng ht s right to run Mrs. Jones' errands to In the name of · the law, .John Dernehl Romeo Nevins and .Jeanette O'Connor Most solem nly swf'ars to g·h ·e will!" he r surplus fl esh to Ann McCaulton. To Miss l\Iadsen hi s gift or arguing: Be:-tuse of Konrad Anderson's danc!ng We hope ~he is able to liYe. abili 1~· and sheikie ways we are leavm g them .to '-"·alter Harmon.· Robert .Golden,'s Roger's noifiy thinking beautiful Roman profile to Olive Htll h; mo!'t g-racio us ly bequea th e1l O'Mack. T? Dick St.een, J:;tn~t Mc~?n'T'o a girl named Agnt>s Ander~"n : naughey wtlls h er JOurnahs ttc abiltty. We hope ::-he is not .peeved. \Vhile l<'lora Holm Hansen bequea th s her batting- average to Ruth Genter. Helen Edward Hurman, !mown to all, Green is willing h e t· glasses and freckles Wills to l\Irs. Groves to :\o[urial Meyer. Because of Charlotte His wol'ldly knowledge of PWrything. Harvey's ever present bracelets she is For he's always sure he 1\now:-;. willing them to Alice Nord. Lydia Roger!' wills her bu!"iness-like ways to Marshall In thii' document here, in a gTant Doose. While Ruth Wayt wills her large To Sil· Henry Von der Hoff, stature to Hank Von der Hoff. Isabel Miss Alberga transmits ex tra lw ig·ht : Hasl<ins wills her dramatic tal ents to At this offer h e .should not S('off. Kelly Welter. Because Alice Edmonds has a cheer-leading voice she is willingAlbert Zibbl e'H laugh, like a l'ippling it. to Bruce Meeker. Lauretta An?e~s~n brook, wtll~ her self as~urance to Vtrgmta Or the !:'il\'('r bells of a fairy dance, Ma ine. While Jimmie Dwar. AI Li!ld r~ be:-:towed upon the most fortunate leaveH his excellent work m Soctal .fohn: Sc.ience to Carl ~nder~on and to Ed M~:r. Mr. Osborne ii-l pleased at the chance. L m d Hey Fi_e 1-1 u w1 11 s h ts ev e 1· pr·esent : dt c tlo. narles and notebook. .Le.nt;ne Wolff Paul Hosking, so called skinney, 11 hi th h t v McCo11 Bestows his superfluous fat Wl ~ li or ograp Y o . Irgtma On his majesty, Robert Klemm ; n~ll. As Louise Eldr.tdge . ~as . such We hope this causes not a spat. gigantic strength she ts wtlhng 1t to ~orothy Yetter and Erwin Foslund wills The dark and beautifully thoughtful eyes hts abtlity as. a corn~tist to Fred LeaOf the lovely Harriet Redfern son. And wtth con~1derable heart~c~~ Are granted to An l\l N ht . John .Jordan wills hts annual hou 1 na c aug on · study to Paddock We hope this makes not Anna's head ' Lastly: Betty We make, constitute and apturn. point James Kraft, . Robert Klemm. . . . E,·elvn Hughness and Agnes Anderson to I .. ucy Murdtson wtlls her dimples be e"xecutors of thJ's our last will and With h r pl t L i h Bl 1 k - _e easure o e g ay oc testament hereby revoking all former That tl~ey may grac~ his !airy-like face; wills by { s n~ade. 1 Now g1rls around htm Wlll flock. In witness whereof, we have hereunto Mr. Warble kindly is seen subscl'ibed our names and affixed our Granting his musical name seal the 7th day of June in the year T o the f or t unate Muriel Meyer; of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred From this she will win much fame. :md twenty-eight. -Howard, SA And last, but not least, we leave This instrument was, on the day of To the fortunate grades coming in the date thereof, signed, published and Our beautifully roomy desks, inkspots declared by the said testators, Howard and all, ~A, to be their last will and testament And the best teachers we've ever seen. in the preRence of us who at their request 1 have .subscribed our names thereto as Oh children, my children, witnesses in their presence and in the Our sojourn here is done, presence of each other. Our eighth grade year draws to its close, - Edna Stiles, Stephen Brooks, Tsabl'l The diplomas at last are won. · Haskin, Albert Lind. - Lucy Murdison and -Isabel Haskins, SA Howard Harriet Redfern. THAT FUNNY MR. STONE When Mr. Stone came to Miss McPartWIN SPEJ.J~ DOWN lin's room to give some tickets to some June 5, a spell down was held be- children and on going out he looked at tween Miss Fox's room and Miss McPart- our sand table, which was at that time lin's room. Ten of the best spellers Manhatten Island, with all the small formed the sides. When it was Miss Mc- buildings. He said, "Has anybody writPartlin's side's turn one speller went ten about the graveyard?" down and ~hen all the rest began going Frank Hooper, 5B Central. down. Miss Fox's room won. Judith Ross was the last one up on our side. EXTEND SYMPATHY Another spell down was started WednesThe teacher and classmates of Carol day In Miss Fox's room. Miss Fox's Linn were very sorry to hear of the loss room Is losln;: 5 to G.-Evelyn Youngquist, of her father on June 5. We also sent 5B Central. some fi_ o we>rs.-Ma,rllyn Kehl, Central 5B. Our dreadful trip is done, ·we have weathered every rock The teachers have beg\m. ·T I ° r J p Stolp Pupi "A M to G ·" In I I'

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