WILMETTE that tied the score after the Hoodlums were lt>adlng and ftnally won 11-8. Results of the other two games played Monday eYening were : O'Kays (9) 8 Diamonds (19) Emma Hicks Leona Hottman Betty Barry Dorothy Schinler Margaret Smith Blanche Kell Lois Mlller Helen Deinlein Gretchen Miller Martha Peters Mary HofriJlan Marguerite Bleser Gladys Engles Mary Koza Dorothy Smith Marcella Kummer Harry Hart, Umpire I LIPE June 22, h1928 Women's Athletics · The ftrst round In the Women's Playground Ball leacue leaves the Horsefeather team, which has won all cups In th~ athletic leagues for women sponsored by the Playground and Recreation Board tl}us far, leading the fteld. The ftnal game of the · ftrst round was played last Monday evening at Stolp school grounds and the Hoodlum team, captained by ~Isle Paterson, gave the Horsefeather nf'Ck to neck competition before the winners succeeded In carrying off the laurels by three scores. Vernette Lewis is captain of' the Horsefeather team and it was her pitching Gertrude Meyer Mildred Barr Eleanor Phillips Palyma Lee Burpee Marjorie Miller Beatrice Davis Elizabeth Bleser Esther Stone Miss Eulah Stevens of Aurora, Ill., Angela Meier Nola Todd Jane Krier ahd Robert B. Bennett of Wilmette l\frs. White Blanchard, Umpire will be married at 4 o'clock tomorrow Robert Bennett W eels in Aurora Tomorrow The ceremony will take afternoon. The lineups for the Hoodlum game were: Hoodlums (8) Horsefeathers (11) Kathleen Kalmes Alma Muehlberg Elsie Paterson Vernette Lewis · Florence . Clifford Elizabeth Nelson Eleanor Clifford Elizabeth Thorsen Helen Braun Rosaline Mills Eleanor Keenor Gladys Fehlen Clara Udell Helen Schleier Skaer, Umpil'e Horsefeather- place at the home of Miss Stevens' Skinners (5) Vivian Barr Joe Slddmore Mary Lauer Cliquots (12) Madeline Hicks Lorrane Jannes Anna Fiegan DISTRIBUTOR WANTED for ~tatt of Illinois. for nationally advertistd home appliance, now growing in popularity vtry fast. Business ability and financial responsibility requirtd. Write or Wire Glencoe Student Wins High Honors at Smith HART.-CONWEY, Advertising Agents Temple Builclina Roeheatel', N. Y. Lar,eet Exclaawe Carpet, Rug and Linoleum Store North of t~e Loop Elizabeth Wilder of Ravinia, Ill., is one of sixteen girls to receive her: A. B. degree magna cum laude at the Commencement exercises of S m i t h college this ·week. Miss Wilder al.5o received Departmental Honors in Eng- "Divinity and Inspiration" lish. Next Baha'i Lecture Topic Gertrude Parker Smith of Glencoe The next public Bahai' lecture will was one of sixteen girls who studied with the subject, "Demonstration deal under the Special Honors systeq1, Divinity and Inspiration-the working in the department of music, of and was one of four to receive her \Vord." This spiritual subject treating with degree with highest honors. Four hundred and nineteen Bachelor's de- the potency of Divine Revelation, as grec5 were conferred by President revealed in the 19th century, as well William Allan Neilson. Three students as by the prophets of the past, will received their degrees summa cum be given b:r Dr. Albert R. Vail, of laude; sixteen magna cum laude; eigh- Evanston, Sunday, June 24, in the Baha'i foundation hall at Linden avety-four cum laude. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ward have nue near Sheridan road, \Vilmette, at recentlv moved to their new home at 4 o'c!ock. 519 Greenleaf avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ward moved here from their residence MARRIED in Chicago the ·latter part of May. Miss Edna May Block, daughter of -oMr. and Mrs. Alex Block of Willow Philip V. Bright returned Wednes-~ street, Winnetka, was married to Sidday night to his home at 731 Ashland ney Braverman, son of Mr. and Mrs. avenue after a trip abroad. He left B. Braverman of Chicago, on Sunday, Wilmette the first of last April. ] une 17, in her home. sister, Mrs. Bernard Gunz of Aurora. Only the immediate members of the families will be present. Miss Stevens wa.s graduated from Northwestern Ut}iversity in 1927 and is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Mr. Bennett attended Northwestern university also, and is a mem ber of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. After the wedding they will go to Iowa City where Mr. Bennett will assist in establishing a branch store for Bennett and Flug-5tad, clothiers. Mr. Bennett has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. ]. Bennett, for the past month at their home, 1033 Ashland avenue. I + I I Summer Floor Coverings Are Notably Underpriced WAITEX RUGS, $4.75 TO $19.00 Somttbing new-a vtry cooling effect. Striking desigas, in many sius. W AITEX is made to givt expected long wearing service. No bttttr srlrction can. bt madt for warm season. .....-. The U. S. Government Is Authority for This Statement By following modern laundry methods . sure clothing is scientifically' one ts clean.. And these methods are gentle baths tn warm · suds of pure soap and fi~tered rainsoft water, followed by many noses .to remove every particle of dirt. GRASS RUGS You will find in this showing a librral range in aius--juat the rag for Hot weather. Sizes ]X6 ft. tO 9X I~ ft. $1.50 to $12.00 FIBRE RUGS Fibrt Rugs of Rusbwbod fibre, beautiful colors. These Rugs will give lasting wtar. In sizes 6x9 ft. and 9x1~ ft. Size 6x9 ft ···.... S1o.so Size gx12 ft··.··· S2o.oo David G. Barry Mew Loeadoa: 806410 GNYe St. CIHnitlf ·rHI .R·pairing THE WASHINGTON LAUNDRY Wilmette 145 Pboae VIII.V. 5712. o..eealeat :asoo