Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 4

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WIL-METTE LIFE June 15. · 1928 ~-----····················· P·LAY FOR DIRECTORS' CUP The secQnd round of the directors' trophy tournament will be played at the North Shore Golf club this Saturday. On Sunday a mixed two ball foursome and medal play will be the features. I BABIES' FRIENDLY TO MEET The next meeting of the · Babies' Friendly will be held Thursday, June 21 at the home of Mrs.·William Culver in' Wheaton. Anyone wishing ~o go is asked to call Mrs. D. M. M1ckey, \i\Tilmt::tte ·1228~ 'or Mrs. Donald Ma~ well Wilmette 2986. Each person lS req~ested to take her own box luncheon. :Miss Mildred Burns, daughter of ~1r. and Ur . vV. M. Burns of 727 Laurel avenue returned la ,;t week from Denison university for the summer holidays. M. Portenhauser. Painter and·Decorator Estimates Without Obligation M allinckrodt Gives . Diplomas to Class of Thirty Graduates Thirty students received diplomas, graduating from the M~llinck~odt Catholic High school for Gtrlst R1dge ·road \Vilmette, last Wednesday aftern'oo~. The commencement exercises were pretentious, the Rt,. . Rev .. Bernard ]. Sheil, D. D., Aux1hary B1shop of Chicago, presiding. The · Monsignori and clergy of neighboring parishes attended. Miss Blanche Keil was awarded the honor medal for scholarship. The graduating class was composed of the following students: JOINS TIGHE COMPANY Mrs. B. R. Alexander, formerly employed by Paul Schroeder and company, ha s joined the sales force of th e Tighe Real Estate company, 1420 Sheridan road. She started her new work Monday 1 June 11. 1030Greenleaf Phone2764 ········-----------------· ~"IT HAS NO ·BAKERY TASTE"~ ui can,t believe it was bought at a bakery. It certainly doesn,t taste like it.,, This is the remark that hundreds of pleased hostesses have heard from their guests time and again when they have served Dutch Oven dainties. Too good to be possible- yes, unbelievable that any bakery could produce such delicious home made things- and still it is true. For, after all, The Dutch Oven is just like ·a kitchen in a good home-only on a larger scale. And that is the reason why a constantly increasing number of women "let The Du.tch Oven do their baking." Such a saving of time, bother and fusst always ready when you want it and as you want it- doesn tt it sound good to you? Dorthy S. Baker, Anna ' M. Braun, Minnie :\f. Coglianese, Helen L. Dupre, Viv- . ian :i\I. English, Elizabeth C. Faetz, Dorothy A. Freihage, Florence J. Fuchssteiner, Emily A. Geimer, Elvira A. Gerst nhrand, Irene S Hoffman, June D. Hoffman, Leona J. Hoffman, Margaret K. Huerter, Blanche M. Keil, Betty M. Ludwig, Angela M. 1\Ieier, Gertrude E. l\leyf'r, Gretch n A. Miller, Margaret C. Xanzig, Marion E. Neely, Gertrude M. Payne, l\1arion F. Quaney, Mary F. Richards, Dorothy l\I. Schinler, Mary B. S 1zer, Anna Marie Shea, Margue rite M. Steffens, Anna E. Sto'rdeur and Mary S. Van de North. The commencement program was as follows: · Proe:essional-:\Ulitary . March of Athalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mendelssohn The l\lallinckrodt Orchestra Greetings ............................... . l\tiss Elizabeth Faetz Choru s-S ing Praise to God, th e Lord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franck Thf' :\lallinckrodt Choral Club Piano Solo-Prelud e in C ~harp :\linor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rachmaninoff :\Tiss Helen Dupre The Last Token . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eaton :\Iiss :\fargaret Huertf'r Piano: Miss Geraldine Weber horus-Snow Legend . . . . . . . . . . Clokey The Dance of the Pine Tree Fairies ............................ Forman The Mallinckrodt Glee Club Orchestra-Pompee Valsante . . . . Poldini Conferring of Diplomas and Honor Medal Address .. The Rt. Rev. B. J. Sheil, D.D. Recessional-Grand March ..... Ise nman The Mallinckrodt Orchestra DANISH PASTRY A ROYAL DELICA·CY Developed to perfection in our shop. The ulti·mate in fine coffee cake. Try some Saturday. Congregationalists to Hold Picnic Saturday Congregational families have planned their annual picnic at"' the Washington park beach to be held this Saturclav. and to be attended by a large number of the members of t·he First ConThis year the g-regational church. committee on arrangements has devised a transportation plan by which any member of the parish desiring transportation to or from the picnic may have it by calling the church office before noon on Saturday. Osmond F. Fields is ohairman of the committee on games and stunts and ha s arranged a series of contests and games for boys and girls of all ages. A Fathers and Sons baseball game "'ill be played at 5 o'clock. Last year the sons beat the fathers by a small score and this year it appears likely that fathers will retaliate with a vengC'ance. One of the features of the picnic is the supper which is served in famil y style at about 7 o'clock. Ice-cream and lemonade are provided free to members of the church who attend. For Berries, Fruits. Ice Cream Velvet Cake Squares .Velvet Cake Layers Lady Fingers A new sponge mix-quite different and much superior to the ordinary. LECTURES AT NORTHWESTERN Frederick E. Clerk, superintendent of the New Trier Township high school, will give a series of lectures on high school administration and personnel work, at Northwestern university this summer. The lectures will be for graduate students in the school of education at the university. Mrs. Frank ]. Pavlicek of 160 Highland avenue had as her guest for several days last week, Miss M. Louise Gross of Harrison, N. Y., who is attending the Platform committee at the Republican convention in Kan~as City, M~ 1129 Central Ave. Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2998 .

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