Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 59

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J~ is, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE KenilWOttb. Garden ·Club :Awatds Prizes :.:. ·. ·. tor Its Flowet Show By P. H. I mittee for friendly co-operation ~;vith Shades . of the ' Republican National 'The Kenilworth Garden club met at I ~;<-s~ rviceh "!~n: an activity of the convention, or maybe the Democratic! ~ent wort .t'<etghbors club, Thursday Everything from "keynote.. speeches" the home of Mrs. Leon Allen, ~lelrose of last n·eek "~'uch en th ustasm · . . I f 1 F ·d f .. · .n was to "pat orm" was given in the Senior avenue. ast n ay a ternoon, ~or what shown among t the nevv workers. department annual banquet at the Her guests on that day were ~rs. Congregational church last Tuesday provefd to be. one of. the mos~ mterTestmg o. many mterestmg meetmgs. b_e Joseph Joyce, 1fn. \V. 0. Belt, ~rs. evening when the members of the de3 Qccaston ~fl a F~ower f ·h?\Vf and rt Arthur Adair, .Mrs. Harrv Harris-on. partment assembled as delegates from was a re? O\v~er ow. or tt a llowed .\[rs. Walter Shattuck, Mrs. Walter various states. the ~utfme ot the. ol~er a_nd more Knoop. Mrs. Thoma · White, Mrs. The superintendent introduced the 10 e.xpenenced clubs tt- drsplay of Clyde Ross. Mrs_ Noble Gillett, Mrs. permanent chairman of the convention, classes and the members prese.nted Hoy Osgood. ~rs. B. C. Hawks ~nd Karl Yo.;t, who, with bursts of oratory examples in each cla ss worth v of an v ~[ rs. Harry Wets3. ' and rhetorical flourishes, introduced in prof~ssional. _ There were si~ .cia,; ·e·· Cigarets and chocolate hars were dis- turn: The Rev. William E. McCoran·dl ~n each. t_her~- were from etf!ht t~ tributed last Monday at Great Lakes. mack, who made the keynote speech; t~~ -y~ ewn~s . . 1.\tt~ ~he efx~~ptton (} [ I "Please, someone. se nd. us a victrola! Richard Macalister, a student in Iowa c a ::, · 0 enng vanette o tn ·. 1 Phone Mrs. ~ason. f..:'enilworth 4363," university who presented in nominaThe ribbons were awarded a· fol- the committee urges. tion a "~~ndidate of the Old Guard," lows: , whose speech reflected the attitude of Cia s I. · Flower arrangement in any Lloyd J\ingsley. son of \f r. and :\{ rs. an alumnu-~ of the department towards pitcher. ~Ir ·. ~[cCloud. tir ·t: . Irs. George Kmgsley. Cum nor road, Kenil- the work; Wallace Miller, retiring Hugh F oresman. _;econd: ~[rs. Leon i worth, who has been confined at the president of the department, who preAllen. third. Evanston. hospit<!l for many months, :s sented in nomination a .. Favorite Son," Class [ L Flower arrangement in an v now at ho .ne a1{ain. dwelling on the accompHshments of th.e -odepartment under his administration ; me tal va e--1[r ·. \\'_ D . Launch::;. ~'"st: · ~(r ·. E. ]. Phelps. second; _ M!ss Frances Oleson is at home in and Miss Faith Burge, who nominated ~[ rs. Rufu: Stolp. third_ . ~emlwo~th from the Hillside school in the "Dark Horse" by reason of her Class UL Flower arran_.ement for l onnecttcut. I efection as _ p f'esident of the department C h in e · e or Japane -;e effect with either .-hruh ~ nr cut Aower~-1[r ·. l . G. ~it~e!L _tirs_t: ~[rs .. :\Ilen. second: I ~IL . G. \\ . ~ell_y. thtrd. Class [\-. Flo""er arrangement in ch0p- 1 bowl. Plant~ or cut tiuwer-; .u...;ed I Pinfl . -llrs_· Hugh .-\. F0resman. hr't: ~f r.- . James Prcnti:-;s. -;econd: \.{ r~ . Ed~ in Hedrick. thini. Cla;-;~ V. Rreakra.-; trav fnr one-\[ro.; E. F. ~n:-dacker. ri;st: ~(rs . S. C ! Ea:tman. -..ec0ncl: \[ r-s. Ea:-;tman. third. Cla..:s \,'f. F!ne ,t ..-arie ie ~ nf [ri ·-1[ "Launder. ti r'tTh member.: a:-t' nO\'\- turn in r the ir a ten!'i(m t n thr; Lake f, )re:-;t Garden dub exhtbt i' hie h \\ill occur next Sa urda v and Surrlav a the estate I ~Ir~ Rock.efeller ~fc(ormick. Each . v ·ear ·:i i-. tl.1 1 \1\. er .;hnw attracr:; all flower r..... e ~ and i~ a great ev·en in the Garden dub ht..:tory. There will lw a nun' her nf exhi hi s in the rlifferent ' cla..:"e' from member· ·of the -enil- 1 wor:h Garrler: cluh. The next regular meeting- of the Kenll\1\.orth Garrlen club will he on 1 June 23. at the home of ~[ ro.;. S. D. : Flond on K:en ilwnrth av.enue. wh.~n the membero.; will entertam · the \t\ tlmene Garrlen cluh. An Atmosphere of l' for next year# Mr, !_artl!! ~a·~~· p former Nordlwestern · unrver!Jf.Y ~tar · · ervtce DUDJ ee · arty Convention athle~e and. no~ cqach a~ Waba1h ~[r.;. Frank C. ~a ·on of Kenilworth Th. B ~allege, made the principal addre s of entertained the workers of her comat tS anquef .the evening onder. the- 'title, "The Plat- Mr~. Frank Naaon 'Hostess to Ex S · Co ·tt 1 1 form." During the evening, th_e annual Lake Geneva .~ward. for acht~vem~nt was made to Mtss Fa1th Burge, by the · d t f tr.. d t t supermten en o ue epar men . This entitles Miss Burge ~o a~tend a conference. at Lake Gene':a durmg tne summer With expenses patd. . The officers elected at this meeting were: president. Faith Burget first vice-pre3irlent,· Robert Brown; second vice-president, Marion M <>Don a I tl; third vice-president, Eleanor Roc~~ feJJow; secretary and treasurer, Phthp Brooks; pianist, Richard Rossma·n ; music director. Clifton Darling. Miss Alice Binghurst of Seattle, \Nash. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Moody of 124 Robsart road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Moody is giving a bridge luncheon in her niece's honor Tuesday~ June· 19. l 1 I -oAlfred McDougal of Kenilworth is entertaining a ~mall ~roup of guests at the opening hridge party of the 'Mission Hills Country club next Tuesday. j,[ rs. I 1 1 1 , i 1 nr 1 1 1 ENTERTAIN AT TEA I 1 The Composing Room 1[r. and ~[rs. Percy Echkart anrl daughtt'r:. \[arion and Charlotte: .re- I ceived a a te a last week. entertamm!4 their friends in a ver:v rl~lightful manner. \f r~ . Donald ~[ c Laughlin and her young sc)r. are with ~[ r. an~ Mrs. Ech karr rM ~ rew Wt'eks whtle J,f r. 1fcLaugh lin is in Californ ia on bu~i ne s .~. After all is said and done, the most extravagant printing you can buy is the kind that is "just good enough.'~ Economy, therefore, dictates the use of the superior facilities of the printing house of A hho~t:;fo rd r oa.i are leaving Ken il- 1f r and 11 rs . Harry Harrison of I wonh Sunday with their family for "1! aro-n 0o k." their <;ummer home~ at Lelanrl. 1I ich. 1f r . anrl yf rs. Ka:l Korr~d " expect tn occupy the Harn-;0n 11o~e during the summer. -oJ,f rc;. Frederick D' Aix 0f Kenilworth. who underwent a verv ,:;erious ope:at1on on 1fonday at the Preshytenan hosp1tal. i~ now reported to be out of dang-er. On \ltv' ednesday the doctor<: anrl family feared she would not recover_ -0- LLOYD HOLLISTER 1232-36 Central Avenue Wilmette 4300 Winnetka 2ooo Greenleaf 4 3 oo INC. ~fiss Bettv Brown, dauu;htcr of :vir. and Mrs . Ralph Brown of 1315 Ches+nut avenue; has returned recently frm!l Barat college. Lake Fore st. She ts !la.iJing- Saturday from New York on tli~ France to spend the summer Wilmette Sheldrake 5687 s_ s.- in Europ~.

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