Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 58

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58 WILMETTE LIFE June 15, 1928 Classified Advertisements (Continued from page 57) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · }~OR 97 WTD. TO BUY-VACANT SALE-VACANT WINNETKA ACREAGE ESTATE VERY EXCLUSIVE, ADJOINS EQUALly beautiful estates. Artistically landscaped, wonderful gardens of shrubs and flowers and an abundance of trees. Really a natural park. Beautiful spacious home having 5 baths and separate servants' quarters. You can sell 2 or 3 estates and retain the original home 100 at practically no cost. This Is a safe investment and a delightful place to live while · it is growIng Into mone:v. Liberal terms can be arranged. Many Wilmette Boy Scouts won additional merits in the Court of Wilmette public schools, with 52 1-3 Award held here Friday, _June 8, the results of which were announced as ANTIQUES 91 points, tied for third place with the follows this week: -Haven school of Evanston in the anLife award to David Henderson, Troop ANTIQUES nual North Shore Gra~mar School 4. Star Award to Jerome Nevins, Troop NE\V SHIPMENT Hitchcock, Windsor & Fiddleback chairs. Track meet held at Dyche stadium last 3; Craig Stoddard, Troop 4; Hubert Currier & Ives Prints. Glass, rugs, week. Boltwood school of Evanst~m Pelott, Troop 5 ; Frederic Robinson, da-beds. 10 rooms full. was first with 65 1-6 points and Keml- Troop 5 ; Wilbert Kunz, Troop 8. 808 WASHINGTON ST. First Class awards to Budd Howard, worth finished second with 61 1-6 Troop (1 Block So. of Main St.) 2; John L. Brenner, Troop 2; Bill Evanston points. Soren Troop 6 ; Harold Osborn, Troop WANTED-A LOT 75 OR 100 FT. front in east Wilmette or Kenilworth. Must be reas. Mabel T. Harney, Box 363. Ph. Kenilworth 1576. 97L38-ltp Wilmette School Trackmen Third ·in W. S. Events Many Scouts Receive New Merits in Awards Court ------------------------------ CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Phone Wlnn. 2032 78LTN38-ltc HIGHLAND PARK LAKE FRONTAGE THE CHOICEST PIECE OF FRONTage left in Highland Park with full riparian rights. 560 feet ~f street frontage and 190 feet of beautiful sand beach. Wonderfully situated, only 5 blocks from Central street sta tlons. This property has just come on the · market and will not long be available at the very reasonable price asked. Full particulars on request. B· THOMAS & CO · FRED 'Ir ~ 743 Elm Street 10 S. La Salle St. WlnnP.tka Chicago 78LTN38-ltc INDL~N HILL .~CREAGE THE LAST LARGE PIECE LEFT adjacent to Indian Hill Club. Over 3 acres In the very exclusive section at a genuine bargain price. FRED'K B. THOMA.S, Excl. Agents 743 Elm St. Winnetka . 10 S. La Salle St.. Chicago 78LTN38-ltc IS OFFERED IN 'l~HIS 75 FOOT LOT suitable for two houses. Convenient to transportation, schools, etc. Price only $65 per foot. 418 Linden Ave. SPLENDID \ li\LUE PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. Phone Wilmette 698 78L38-ltc Best Vacant on tfhe Shore WIDOW MUST SELL BEAUTIFUL home site near lake harbor and park fn Wilmette, surrounded by the most exclusive homes. Deep lot ; a real bargain at $185 per foot. 78L38-ltc FOR SALE-50 FT." LOT, HIGHLAND Ave. 1 block west of Ridge $3,500. Terms, no brokers. Ph. Wilmette 1582. f8L38-ltc FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE lot near Indian H1ll station. Price $5,600. Terms. W. A. Schrel, Ph. KenIlworth 2640 or State 47H. 78LT38-ltp WILL BUILD HOME FOR RESPONsible party In Deerfield, lot 60x136 3 blocks t'o transp. Write Wllm~tte Life A-16. 78LTN12-tfc 8t SUMMER RESORTS WAUNIT..A HOT SPRINGS GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. Hotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for ltght housekeeping, $35 per mo. Swimming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis, dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. L. P. Stitzer, Mgr. 82LTN33-Htp FOR RENT~UMMER COTTAGE AT Post Lake, near Pelican Lake, Wis. 3 bedrms. ; living rm. ; kitchen, screened porch. Good boating and ftehing, golf course nearby. Ph. Winnetka 2878. 82LTN38-ltc M WTD. TO RENT-FURN. HOUSES BY RESPONSIBLE COUPLE FOR SUMmer or longer. Longbeach 9060. Frese. 90L38-ltp H · WANTED TO BUY-HOUSES WANTED-HOUSE, 6-10 ROOMS, EVston to Wlnn. east of tracks. All cash, m~st be bargain. GiYe price & location. Address Talk A-33. 96LT38-ltp WANTED 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, aouth or central Winnetka or Kenilworth. Brick, $35,000 cash; no brokers. Write Wilmette Life A-39. 96LTN38-ltc SENIOR DIVISION (Weight Above 100 Lbs,) FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS 60-yard Dash 1. George Quinlan, Wilmette. Con1plete I-Iousehold 2. Hugh Saxon, Wilmette. 3. Robert Camp, Boltwood. Furnishings 4. Fred Wetterer, Kenilworth. INCLUDING BEDRM., LIVING RM., Time: · 6.2 dining rm., sunporch furniture; rugs, 100-yard Dash lamps, pictures, etc. China, glassware 1. Hugh Saxon, Wilmette. and kitchenware ; washing machine, 2. Robert Camp, Boltwood. mangle, many household appliances and 3. George Quinlan, Wilmette. electric devices. Boy's and girl's 4. Fred Wetterer, Kenilworth. bicycles. Cadlllac tour. car. All very Time: 11.2 reasonably priced. 1195 Hamptondale 60-yard Hurdles Rd., Winnetka. 100LTN38-ltc 1. Frank Hamlin, Boltwood. 2. Fred Wetterer, Kenilworth. 3. Claude Phillips, Kenilworth. 4. Sandy Champion, Boltwood. 1024 CENTRAL AVE.. WILMETTE Time: 8.8 Dr. Maude B . Sands is leaving Wil. for Pole vault permanent residence in Paris, and is 1. Melvin Haines, Haven. offering for sale the entire furnishings 2. Tom White, Kenilworth. of her home, including carpets, Ot·iental 3. Rollin Sievers, Boltwood. rugs, rare pictures, bric-a-brac, dishes, 4. Don Everett, Haven. etc. Sale June 19, 20 and 21. Ph. WilHeight: 8 ft., 6 ins. mette 1219. 100LTN38-ltc Shot Put 1. Frank Riley, Wilmette. BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN 2. Don Smith, Boltwood. Sanlco gas range mah. flat top desk ; 3. Wilbert King, Wilmette. Oliver typewriter; adding machine; 4. Claude Philllps, Kenilworth. Simmons ivory twin beds, springs and Distance : 40 ft., 3 ins. mattresses ; work bench ; China Running High Jump cabinet ; dining and breakfast tables; 1. Tom White, Kenllworth. kitchen chairs; sanitary couch, etc. 2. Morton Hair, Boltwood. 850 Sheridan Rd. Tel. Glencoe 440. 3. Tied by Rollin Sievers, Boltwood; 100LTN38-ltc Don Smith, Haven; and Louis Stolle. Haven. FOR SALE-1 FULL SIZED CAUCADistance: 5 ft., 2 ins. sian walnut bed, spring and mattress, Running Broad Jump dresser to match with large bevel plate mirror, also small writing and oak ta- I 1. Tom White, Kenilworth. 2. Gustav Longstov, Haven. ble. Very reas. 1038 Greenwood Ave., 3. Lawrence McHale, Wilmette. Wilmette. 100L38-ltc 4. Charles Geanopolis, Boltwood. Distance: 16 ft., 7 ins. FOR SALE-SUNROOM WICKER DA Venport and chair, white bed complete, INTERliEDIATE DIVISIO~ kitchen cabinet and misc. furn. 210 (85 to 100 Lbs.) Broadway, Ph. Wilmette 1126. lJO-yard Dash 100L38-ltc 1. Arnold Fogarty, Boltwood. 2. WilHam Holmes, Kenilworth. FOR SALE-RUGS, CHAIRS, SEWING 3. Robert Rye, Wilmette. ma.__chine, mangle, bedroom set, odd 4. Tom Smith, Kenilworth. china, etc. 243 Warwick Rd. Ph. KenilTime: 7.3 worth 265 for appointment. 79· Yard Dash 100LT38-ltc 1. Stanley Simmell, Haven. 2. Vance Soule, Wilmette. MUST SACRIFICE BEAUTIFUL MA· 3. Arnold Fogarty, Boltwood. son and Hamlin Grand Plano. Used 4. Wlllam Holmes, Kenilworth. only a short time. Write Wilmette Time: 9.4 Life A-20. 100LTN36-4tc 80·yard Hurdles 1. Vance Soule, Wilmette. FOR SALE CHEAP-LLOYD LOOM 2. William Holmes, Kenilworth. baby carriage, latest style. 1309 Chest3. Jack Gunthorp, Boltwood. nut ~ve., Wilmette. 100LTN38-ltc 4. Ward Rockstrah, Boltwood. Time: 9.4 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS Pole Vault 1. Tied by Colin Finlayson, Wilmette; WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND Dick Joslin, Kenilworth; and Leonfurniture and other household goods. ard Woods, Boltwood. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni2. Roy Gedeborg, Haven. ture store, 10G4-6 Emerson St., EvHeight: 7 ft., 9 Ins. anston, Ill. Ph. Untv. 189. 101LTN5-tfc Shot Put 1. Lilburn Dawson, Boltwood. 10! FOR SALE-MISC. 2. Stanley Slmmell. Haven. 3. Miller Flager, Boltwood. MAN'S LIGHT WEIGHT BLUE SERGE 4. Clinton Dennom, Kenilworth. suit, overcoat, 40. Dresses. other things Distance: 25 ft., 11 ins. cheap. Ph. University 8569. Running High .Jump 102L38-1tc 1. Ward Rockstrah, Boltwood. 2. Colin Finlayson, Wilmette. SIMMONS WHITE IRON BABY BED 3. .Tack Gunthorp, Boltwood. complete $8, Hoover Vacuum cleaner 4. Melvin Kipp, Haven. $5. 627-llth St., Apt. B. Ph. Wilmette Distance : 4 ft.. 7 in~. 2244. 102IJ38·ltc Rnnnln~ Droatl .Tnntp 1. Dick Joslin. Kenilworth. FOR SALE REMINGTON TYPE2. Woodrow Wilson, Kenilworth. writer, good condition. Bargain. Ph. 3. William Bartlett. Holtwood. Glencoe 1148. 102LTN35-tfp 4. Stanley Brooks, Wilmette. Distance : 14 ft. MAN'S DINNER SUIT, SIZE 40-42 102LTN38-ltc Tel. Winn. 1313. JlTNTOR DIVISION (Under 85 Lbs.) lOt EXCHANGE llO-yartl Da sb 1. Howard Dixon. Haven. 2. .Tack ~tackhouse, Wilmette. !-t Don Vail, Kenllworth. 4. Tom FinlayMn, Wilmette. Time: 7.2 GOOD 6 OR 7-ROOM HOME IN WILmette or Evanston, east of tracks in exill-yard nash change for high grade 6 apartment 1. Howard Dix'on, Haven. building. Each apartment has 6 rms. 2. Julian Reeves. H~vPn . R. A lex NPwton . KPnllworth. and 3 baths. Income over $10,000. Well 4. Jack Allworth, Wilmette. financed. Property will show good inTime: 9.6 vestment. 80-yard Hurdles 1.·Tulian :Reeves, Haven. 2. 0Por~e Borrowm~n. Haven. R. Milton EvanR. Boltwood. 1108 Davis St. Phone University 8080 4. Perry Shortridge, Kenilworth. 104L38-ltc Time: 9.2 99LTN38-1 tc HO.U SEHOLD SALE * 8 ; l<.,~ederic Leason, Troop 8 ; Dick Steen, Troop 10 ; Robert Golden, Troop 10. Second Class awards to Arthur Cram· er Troop 2 ; Ed Hurman, Troop 3 : L~well Comb, Troop 4; Rock Preston, Troop 5 ; Scout Erickson, Troop 5 ; Clyde Warble, Troop 6 ; George Schopen, Troop 9; John Jordan, Troop 10. Merit Badges to the following Scouts Troop 10-Dlck Steen, ftremanshlp, swimming ; Richard Haugsness, handicraft. Troop 9-Henry Mlller, handicraft, blacksmithing; Adam Bauer, public health· James Hoffman, handicraft; John Mlller, handicraft, first aid; Lefty Steffens, public health, pathfinding. Troop 8-Treat Burns, life saving; Charles Stiles, swimming; Albert Barker, ftre manship ; Martin Herberholz, swimming Edward Kunz, Jr., civics, camping, cook ing, pathfinding, automobiling, life sav ing ; Wilbert Kunz, firemanship, first aid to animals ; Frederic Leason, metal work Troop 6-Theodore Buck, handicraft Rudolph Kaspar, handicraft ; Elmer G Priebe, firemanship, printing, pathfind ing: Eugene S. · Prochnow, handicraft firemanship ; Gordon Ruff, handicraft Wm. Christensen, flremanship, handi craft; Claude L. Mains, safety first, pub lie health ; Kermit Simons, Handicraft firemanship; W. W. Sorsen, swimming safety. Troop 5 -Hubert Pelott, person al health, swimmtng, craftwork in Ieath er; Frederic Robinson, first aid, elec triclty; Edward Bristol, woodwork Henry Vonderhof'f, personal health music. Troop 4-Jarrett Lake, fireman ship, music ; Bruce Kenyon, first aid Craig Stoddard, woodwork, persona health ; Paul Sterner, civics, persona health; DaYid Henderson, athletics civics; Lawrence Buckmaster, photo graphy, pathfinding. Troop 3-Bbb \Vaters, automobiling; Jerome ~eYins public health, athle tics; James Cham hers, pathfinding ; Foster Bennett, elec tricity. Troop 2-Philip A. Brooks, civics, automoblling, electricity; John L. Brenner, handcraft, carpentry; David Lott, woodwork ; Allen Rossman, ftre manship. Dr. Frank 0. Beck is Optimist Club ~peaker Dr. Frank 0. Beck, professor of so ciology at Garrett Biblical institute, spoke on "The P.;ychology of Adver tising" before the \Vilmette Optimist club Tuesday noon at the Wilmette Masonic temple. Dr. Beck told of the false impressions which many adver tisements give. and explained the ps} chology of advertising in general. The meeting was well attended. The club, which sponsors a Boy Sce>ut troop, took under advi.;e ment the matter of sending members of the troop to one of the Scout summer camQs for two weeks. Pole Va.alt 1. Perry Shortridge, Kenilworth . 2. Philip Sandburg, Haven. 3. Paul Soule, Wilmette. 4. Buford Hancock, Kenilwor th. Height : 7 ft. lEolEc§1tl1Illlfc~IPl~&llftyCC@c Shot P·t 1. George Woodland, Kenll worth . 2. Jack Stackhouse, WilmettP. 3. Hardy Sampson, Haven . 4. William Fee, Boltwood. Distance: 2~ ft., 2 ins. Rwnnlng High .Jump 1. Tied by Harry Van Clef, Boltwood: Alex :-.rewton, Kenilworth; and Robtrt Cook, Haven. 2. Tied hy C:larf'nce Barker, Haven; Larry Bothof, Kenilworth ; and Wll11am Fee, Boltwood . Dl11tance : 4 ft., ~ fnR, Rnnnlng Broad .Jump 1. Willard Hammer, Boltwood. 2. David GreenApan, Hfwen. 3. Eugene Deck, Boltwood. 4. Paul Boule, Wilmette. Distance: 13 ft., 4 Ins.

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