Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 57

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June 15, 1928 WILMETTE FEI\IALE 6? LIFE FOR SALE-HOUSES ?'i 57 FOR SALE-HO'C'SES ·ao SITUATION WANTED iFOR REN~-APTS. i7 MAID WANTS WORK 3 DAYS OR more each , week. Expert o laundress, , clear:ter and cook. Meats, pastries a spectalty. Wil. ref. Call Amanda Allen Oakland 6995. 60L38-lt~ LADY DESIRES TUTORING EXPERIN. E. COR. GROVE ST. ence . in High school, gr'a de, primary AND CHICAGO AVE. teachmg, also library work. Ph. UniFacing Raymond Park versity 8569. 60L38-ltc 3 & 4 RMS. WITH 1 & 2 CHAMBERS You wlll appreciate the large, airy rooms that characterize this unusual building 61 SITUATIOX WA:YTED-JIALE which is approximately a copy of a structure erected centuries ago in old CHA UF'l~~UR WITH BEST REFS., Blois in the heart of the Chateau al~o wrllmg to do hswk. and gardening. district of central France. Spacious Wrll go out of town if necPssary. Ph. living rooms and chamhers with comOakland 6385 or 3941. 61LTN38-ltp plete dinette and kitchenette equipment. The decorative appointments are deW,ORK ~y HOUR A~D DAY, CLEAN= cidedly out-of-the-ordinary, and will mg, wmdow wash.i ng, gardening, yard appeal to those who wish cheerfulness work or s e rving. Ph. \Vilm f>tte 3970. and the real luxury of a home. Bath61LT38-ltc rooms are of generous proportions with colored tile and showers, lighting fixHA YE YOT R BASEMENT vVHITEtures are all specially designed, a liberal wash cd. "Williams. Ph. Univ.ersity 1299. ~umber of base plugs provided. The 61LTN3~-1tp hving rooms are equipped with woodburning fireplaces and have wall beds SJTCATTO)J' \VXXTF.D BY CHAUFfor that extra guest. Electrical refe ur. Good ref. 'Vrite WilmPtte Life frigeration Included in the attractive A-29. 61LTN37-2tp rentals. Inspect these apartments today-agent on premises. E XPF-RTEN<;En GARDENER WANTS & "'o rk hy the day or week. Winn. 2864. Univer~lty 2600 61T/T'NM-tfc F'ountaln Square New Building THE CHAlTMONT APTS. EVANSTON NORTHBROOK 5-Rl\'T. BUNGALOW, LOT 77x150, NEAR school, $5,500. Terms, $500 down, $45 per mo., including Interest. Nearly new 5-rm. stucco bungalow, all improvem ents in. $9,000, $1,200 down, balance small monthly payments. ~ ew 5-rn'l. home, large, light rooms: ,S pace for 2 more rooms on second floor . Small down payment, balance like r e nt. Attractiye shingle colonial bungalow, iYory finish, landscaped lot. $9,000, $750 down. VACANT :i;)x1 ~5-$ 1.~75-$275 down. 50:x150-$1.!l00-$300 down. 75x100-$(500-$750 down. 66x300-,$2,500. 50 ft. business lot cheap. Terms. ACRES 5 Acres wooded-$2,500 per acre, cas.h . 7% acre s, central location. $2,700 per acre, cash. Fh·e houses to be erected at once on 55 ft. lots, 2% blocks to station and stores. English, French Italian and Colonial architecture. Living room, dining rm., kitchen and attached garage on first floor. ·rwo bedrooms and ·tile bath on second floor. $9,000, small down payment and balance like rent. Plans may be seen at our office. ? BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM RESIDENCE ON wooded landscaped lot, only a few blks. from shops ·and schools. 3 bedrooms, huge sleeping porch, extra lavatory, oll burner. Everything a small famlly could desire. Just reduced to $18,000. IHl(Q)ilK faJ.Iffi~@ liD & JJ ®llllk~ 746 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1617 77LTN38-ltc :\iODERN 6-ROOM STUCCO, 3 BLKS. from steam and electric stations. Nice lot, garage, excellent location. Price r educed to $12,000. Terms. Let us show you. 340 Linde n Ave. QUINLAN I TYSON, INC. Phone Wilmette 68 77L38-ltc 67LT~38-ltc 63 TIOARD AND ROOM WINNETKA Sherman Ave. at Waukegan Rd. VERY PLBARANT, NEWLY DECORA new 6 rm. frame with 3 bedrms., very Northbrook 181 ated room with board for 2, in priv. I~ vVIL'IETTE·. WE ARE OFFERING . large living rm.; lav. on 1st ft.; gar. famiJ~-. Tel. Winn. 621. ·' 77LTN38-Itc in basement. Deep lot, beaut. shrubs. 2-3-4-5 room apartments in the 63T15-ltc $16,500--$1,000 cash. Linde nc r est Bldg., 500-16 Fifth St., Wilmette, for immediate occupancy. WANTED-BOARDER Al\"D ROOl\IER. Pl easa nt room, good meals near & transp. 1023 l\Iain St., Wilmette. 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 THE FINEST NEW HOME FOR SALE 460 Winnetka Ave. Tel. Winn. 1800 63L38-ltp ON THE NORTH SHORE 67L'1'~7-4te TODAY 77LTN38-1tc Solid brick insulated with structollte-tile WlLL ROO:\{ A~D BOARD MEN. roof. concrete and steel foundaHon. Close to transn. 545 Provident Ave. FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE ~teel window frames. Large living rm., T el. "·inn. 2705. 63Tl5-ltc apartment, steam heat, janitor service, lnmg rm., kitchen, breakfast nook and GLENCOE. BEAUTIFUL NEW 6-RM. near transportation. Call Wtlmette extra lavatory on first floor. 3 large · s d 1800. 67LTN33-tfc W A:"TF.:D f'HILD TO BOARD DURING bedrms., 2 imported colored tile baths, panish home, tile roof, walls insulate , su~1mer m onths. C. S. preferred. Write Yitreous tile fixtures; H. W. ht. ., atwater heat, garage to match house with d tile roof, pretty south front wooded Wr.ml.'tte Life A-37. 63LTN38-ltc 6S FOR UE:X'f-FURX. APTS. tache garage heated ; overhead doors. lot 67 feet wide. $20,000, or will trade Lot 9!lx162. Price $29,500. Terms if for Wilmette house near Elevated Sta66 " FOR RENT-ROOJlS FOR RENT- AT ' LO,VEST POSSIBLE desired. tion. rate, for imm ediate occupation, cool, FURXISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS comfortable Orrington hotel apartment, & summer or longer. Complete hotel · emnloyc·d: light and pleasant· hot and Ph. Wilmette 308 336 Linden Ave. sen ·ice. Ice and electricity free. col~ running wate r; garage' space If Kitchenette. Very large closets. Call 1177 w~ilmette AYe. 77LTN38-ltc d es rr~: d. Phone Wil. 776-::\:r. 66L35-tfp Wilmette 273 hote l (L'niversity 8700) or tenant eve77L38-ltc nings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 536. FOR REl\"T-1 OR 2 ROOMS WITH OR 68LTN38-tfp without light housek eeping. Close to transp. Ph. Wilmette 1913. COMF. 8-RM. HOME ; OPEN PCH. ; 66LTN38-ltc F'OR RENT- BEAUTIFUL HOUSEslp. pch.; 2-car gar.; good nbrhd.; 3 IN "':""":"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.:. k eeping suite fully furnished. Extra blocks to station. $14,000. FOR REXT-LARGE ROO:\'[ WITH PRIlarge sleeping porch, attract. grounds. Nr. Indian Hill Club; charm. 7-rm. Brick vate hath for 2 m e n. Opposite Indian Conv. residential location. Ph. Winn. on % acre ground ; hot water heat; ga!!ill Golf Club, nea r transp. Ph. Ken- 2664. 68T15-ltc rage attached; $28,000. rlworth 1160. 66LT38-ltp LIVE Northbrook Realtv Co. ~ ~ li ?8) A®lbumrY QUINLAN 1'YSON, INC. lEoiEo§U:lllilltt~~®~ll~yCC©, FOR SALE OR TR.A.DE V{. G. S'"fACEY CO. --------------------------------Worth Your Inspection A BA.RGAIN FOR RE~T-1 ROO:\I KITCHENETTE, FOR RE)J'"T-FURN. APT. IN PRIVATE 7 ~OOM BRICK ON BEAUTIFUL close to transp. all after 5 P . ~I. Ph. home. t..arge porch and yard. Ph. wooded lot 100x190, all in A-1 condi'Vilm et te 4!l07. 'Vii. 866-l\1. 68LTN38-ltc tion. Facing park, close to school and 66 L 38 _1tc transportation. H. W. heat. One-car FOR RENT-HOUSES garage. Oft'ered at the very unusual 3 LARGE ROO:\TS.. ALL CONVF.NI- 69 price of $17,500. Only $3,000 cash reences, clo:;;e to transp. Ph. Glencoe 1008. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f!Uired, balance arranged. 66LTN3S-ltc FOR RENT-619 5TH ST. NEV\r HOUSE ----------------on 60 ft. lot with beautiful garden, 4 b~?drooms, bath with shower, extra 2 CHOJf'B ROO::\fS, SI)J'"GLE OR SUITE toilet & lav. on lst ft., H. W. ht. with 566 Center St. Phone Winn. 2032 east sidt>. Ph. Wilmette 1940. ' gas boiler, lg. liv. rm. with fireplace, 77LTN38-1 tc 66LT38-ltc combination dining and sun room. ROO~IS NE\VLY DECORATED, COME . and see. 731 lOth St., Wilmette. Wilmette 192 RED BRICK COLONIAL HOME AND 66LT38-2tc 513 4th St. 69L38-ltp garage on a completely landscaped lot COOL, LIGHT, PLEASANT ROOM, NR. 69x210. 1st floor contains living room station. Tel. Winn. 415. 66LTN38-ltp dining room, kitchen, sun porch, break~ FOR RE~T-7 ROOM HOUSE, 731 11TH fast por<'h, flag stone terrace. On the St. Large yard, gar., $110. Flentye, FOU RE:XT-APARTlUEXTS 6? second floor are 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 729 Lake Ave. Ph. \Vilmette 13S2. glazed and heated sleeping porch. · 3rd 69L28-tfc floor has maid's bedroom, bath and storage room. The owner is leaving 7i town and has reduced price to PRICE LOCATION QUALITY OF HOME Heinse.n Realty Cotnpany Unusual Offering- 720 Elm St., Winnetka. Ph. Wlunetka 254 77LTN38-ltc CROSBY & McKENDRY WILMETTE RE.ALTY CO. A. REAL BARGAIN ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM HOUSE, ALL large rooms, large sun parlor, large dining and sleeping porches, tiled wall bath, water heat, landscaped lot, 2·car garage and tool house, choice location, transportation 3 blocks, $18,000. Immediate possession, key at our office. W. G. S'I'ACEY & CO. 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 77LTN38-ltc JUST REDUCED PRICE ON ·ouR 7 rm. home ; 26 ft. living rm., fireplace ; corner cupboards in dining rm. : conv. kitchen ; ex. la v. on 1st ft. ; Oil burner; garage ; lot 50x187 ; 4 blks. from station, stores & school. Easy terms. Tel; Winn. 2251. 77LTN38-ltc N . E. COR. SHERMAN AVE. & MAIN INTERPRETED IN THE SPIRIT OF 337 Park Ave. the day, fash.ioned in a design which Here in South Evanston's most conrings a note of utility as well as beauty. venien-t location, you will find well-arGLENCOE The influence of modern decoration has ranged apartments of 3 rooms-consistproduced a most restful atmosphere ; ing of a large living room with roll.~incoln beamt:rd and planked ceiling living a.way bed, chamber, din~tte and kitchenette. All apartments have outside · room ; a large slate tile porch connect- NEW ENG. TYPE BRK. HOME. 8-H.MS., 3 baths, extra lav., 3 master bedrms., rooms which provide an abundance of ing liv. & din. rms.; large butler's pantry large dressing room, separate servants' light and air. Ample closet space. with sink and cabinets; kitchen facing quarters, 2-car attached gar. ; cor. lot Schools, churches and shopping facilifront with colored sink and stove ; 100x215 to a ravine; beautifully landties within immediate access. Electricmaid's room and bath and service dinscaped, with formal garden; southwest al refrigeration included in moderate ing nook; extra lavatory and toilet t>xposure, facin~ park; 2 blocks east of rentals. See the~e apartments today. complete the first floor plan. Old Glencoe main station. medieval lounge room with natural fireplace In the basement, informal but Th TQI TL IT Fountain Squar~University 2600 adaptable to present day parties. 4 @illlllll lr 0 JTil(t'\) 0 67LTN38-1 tc master bedrooms, 2 baths, one with v ~ mural paintings; oil heat, slate roof, 1617 Sherman Ave., Evanston FOR RENT-ONLY ONE LEFT, 5-RM. , 2-car garage ; lot 80x180, landscaped Greenleaf 2700 .modern apt. Roll-away bed, frigida.lre, with shrubs and lily ponds. Priced for 77LTN38-ltc near transp. Low rent. Franklin immediate disposal. Reasonable terms. Bldg. 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382. ' 67LTN38-tfc Call at . 2 YR. oLD BRICK AND sTucco FOR RENT-4-ROOM FLAT, H. W. HT., Open for inspection every day this week home with 3-car garage on deep wooded $45 a month. 1826 Elmwood Ave. and all of next week, from 2 to 5 lot. 3 blks. to Hubbard Woods Sta67L38-2tp P. M. We have several other homes tion. 5 bedrms., 2 baths (bedroom, of similar types on less expensive lots toilet and lavatory, 1st ft.) sun porch, FOR RENT-5-RM. FLAT AND BATH, ranging in price from $30,000 to $40,hot water heat. Easy terms. Box 11, reasonable for adults. 171 Prairie Ave. 000. 77L:J8-ltc Hubbard Woods. 77LTN38-ltc Ph. Wilmette 4227. 67L38-1tp New Building SHERMAN MANOR APARTMENTS EVANSTON $26,500 \Vi\;/fER P. Sl\fiTH & CO. T OWNER MUST SELL fi RM. DUTCH Col. ; real fireplace, hot water heat, 2-car gar. ; 100 ft. lot newly landGlencoe 702 scaped. $15,000. Ph. Wilmette 1326 77LTN38-ltc evenings. 77LTN38-ltp FOR SALE- AT BIG SACRIFICE, MY R rm. stucco home in Skokie hPi~hts. 5 bedrms. ; 3 baths, 2-car gar. 992 Eastwood Rd., Ph. Glencoe 1343. 77L38-ltp FOR SALE-6 RM. FRAME HOUSE now under construction in choice part of Deerfield. For information call Winnetka 26l3. 77LTN37-3tc 8 ROOM STUCCO HSE .. MODERN. H. W. heat, dble. garage, in Glencoe. Easy tt?\rms. Tel. Glencoe 325JX. 77LTN38-1tp FOR BEAUTIFUL HOMES ON NORTH Shore call Mabel T. Harney, Kenilworth 1576 or address l~ox 363. Kenilworth. 77LTN38-ltp FOR SALE IN NORTHBROOK. MODern 8-rm. house, 1 acre, 2-car gar., near transp. $11.500. Terms, no brokers. Ph. Wilmette 1582. 77LTN38-1tc and Crescent Drives QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. JJ JHI faJ.lilliffin 715 Ashland Ave., Wtlmette $21.500 Reduced to $1R.500 MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 58

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