Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 2

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WILMETTE LIFE June 15, 1928 · :-WEB LAWN SWINGS ~hrdy ·'BND ·. SPECIALS~. -· made . for Sprinklinc Cana · · Sprl.nkles tender plants without damage.· Cnsh and ( 'a rry. -a· m p I e . · four per~on~. To appred· ate &he ,·ahae ~tep Into our · annex. r o_ o m Special., 8 qt. can, $10.50 ..sse Only Sella Regularly for 8Sc SATURDAY ONLY FertiliZe as Yo-p ChUctre..l's Vehicles We have them to auit all al'eS from 1 year to 1& years VELOCIPEDES BABY BIKES SPEED BIKES PLAY PLANES SCOOTERS KIDDIE KARS TAYLOR TOTS Distinctly different styles that appeal to the diac:riminatinl' buyer. Extremely ri~d construction. 0\U' vehicles are 10 well built that they resist the careleiS haadlint and &D~ reckless riding of unthinkinl' children. Satuda~ CROWN LAWN SPRINKLER 69c Sanet~e Sprinkle Your lawn will be the envy of the nei-;hborhood if you use Lawn Vex Food. A 100% plant food, 46% Nitrogen. The moat productive food acience has found for cultivating a thick, sturdy growth of graaa. Lawn Vex Food ia ao highly concentrated that one cartridge contains aa much real plant food aa a 100 pound bal' of ordinary fiirtelizer. Vex outfit complete with enough Lawn Vex Food for 2,400 square feet. One to a Customer Cans A temporary y Garbage Pails Bac-ked by 29 wm Inside ('on· t a f n t> r for garbag.-. ..\ sanitary neeesslty for ev8ry hom.-. Sau.-ttP Junior e a r s uf manufodur· lng skill. Snug fitting lids kef"p odors In and flies and ver· min out. Watertight. :So. 7 e a n with l) gal· Ion <'HPR<'Ity. Get .Read~ lor PreseJ~ving 4XXIIIXIIIIXIXXXXIXIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXXJJJJXJX 'lime KiD the .B ugs and lnseets · Black Leaf "40'~ Bordeaux Mixture Suitable for the control of Blotch, Bitter Rot, Black Rot and Ant.hracneae of Apples. For Strawberry Leaf Spot, Tomato Leaf Spot. Ten oounda makes SO gallons of apray. Priced per pound. Get the bugs and insects before they cJeatroy your valuable Rowen, shrubs.. and vegetation. A small 1-oz. bottle of Black Leaf "40," sufficient to make six &'&Ilona of spray, sella for 3Sc Arsente of Lead PRESERVING KETTLES All iiaes-Attractively priced MASON JARS FRUIT PRESSES STRAINERS May be used as a powder. for dusting potatoe vines, cabbal'e, tomatoes, etc. Also excellent for apraying fruit trees, berry buahea, for the control of Codlin1 Moth, Canker Worm, and other chewinl' insecta. A one pouad can makes SO taUona of a~ray and sella for · 3Sc Kip Kills Pests Ants, · 8iea, roaches, moaquitoea, bed buga, moths, etc., haven't a' chance when given a good dose of Kip. Easy to use, leaves no disagreeable odors. A one pint can including Kip hand aprayer for T. M;. Reg. U. S. Pat. Otf. PYREX Oven ware the prize every woman chertshes! R I D G E - give PYREX Ovenwarc: as a prize and B the party's a success! PYREX Ovenware saves extra pan washing and makes food taste its best. PYREX Ovenware will not chip, dent or discolor and never wears out! No woncer the winner appreciates her PYREX Ovenware. We carry a complete line of PYREX Dishes for baking and serving-theres a dish for eve1y purpose. .t Atlantic Col· PacCanaers Mad., from $1.00 Salama AdJustable &onlng Boa.d The newea~ development in ironina boarda. Quickly adjusted to any poaition. Firm and ril'id when in uae. May be eaaily folded and stored in amall apace. Light and C'-:»nvenient to handle. Priced at Full Weialat Premier Claarc o a I PIa t e, R i 1 i d Wire Reck HeaYily Retia...t. lncliapeaaable for proper laome canni·t· BookiM of iaatructiou aacl receipt I W i t Ja ' .-cia canner. MILLEN HARDWARE -CO. 1~19 Wll···tte Ave. Wilmette, DL Phoae W~ 306~·3061

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