Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 55

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June 15, 1928 850 square yards of Portland cement concrete pavement, 'and with one-quarter ( ~) inch asphaltic felt ~xpan~Jion joints at thirty-foot intervals and with a longitudinal concealed· metal joint six and one-half (6%) inches high of painted or galvanized sheet steel of eighteen gauge set along the center line of the pavement and with one-half ( 1h) inch round steel tie rods three feet long set normal to the joint at intervals of five (5) feet, and cured with two (2) pounds of Calcium Chloride flakes or granules spread evenly over each square yard of pavement at $2.70 per square yard ... .. ........ · .. WILMETTE pipe, constructed In place @ $75.00 ... ·.· .......·...·· 11 manhole covers adjusted to grade @ $9 each 12 catch basin covers adjusted to line and grade @ $9.00 each ..................·.... LIFE 2,2~5.50 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,580.50 The owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon said alley wherein said work is to be done, may witl}.in ten da ys from the date hereof, as provided by law, elect to take said work and enter into a written contract to do said work ·at t en per centum less than the price at which same has been awarded. EARL E. OR~ER ERNEST C. CAZEL A. L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the V1llage of Wilmette. L38-ltc 01' AWARD OF CONTRACT For paving and otherwise improving Sixteenth Street from Lake A venue to Ashland A ve nue. (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 226.) Office of the Board of Local Improvements, WilmettP, Illinois, June 13th, 1928. NOTICE is her eby given to all persons interested that the bids for paving and otherwise improYing Sixteenth Street from Lake Avenue to Ashland Avenue, in the Vill age of Wilmette, were opened on the 12th day of June, A. D. 1928, and Paul Reschke of Winnetka, Illinois, being the lowest responsible bidder, the contract was awarded to Paul Reschke on the 12th day of June, A. D. 1928, Said bid is for the work as a whole and is as follows: · 4500 cubi c yards of earth excavated in grading for pavement and parkways at 95c per square yard .. .. . .... . $ 4,275. 00 9200 square yards of r einforced concrete pavement seven (7) inches thick, and reinforced with one-half (lh) inch d eformed round steel bars, laid In middle of the seven (7) inch slab and six (6) Inches inside the outer edge of each slab ; a concealed corrugated metal joint, six and one-half inches high, shall be placed along the c~nter-line of the pavement and with half inch deformed round steel tie rods set at five ( 5) foot intervals and extending one and one-haif (llh) feet on either side of and normal to the center line of the pavement and three and one-half (31,.2) inches below the top of the pavement and with prepared asphaltic felt expansion joints one-half (1h) inch thick, equal to Elastite joint, extending through and across the pavement, normal ~o the centerline thereof at intervals of thirty feet, all cured by application of two pounds of Calicum Chloride flakes to each square yard of pavement, constructed in place, including the cost of labor and materials at $2.68 per square yard ...... 24,656.00 5950 lineal feet. of concrete curb five inches high and six Inches thick composed of the same kind of concrete of the same materials and mixed in the same proportions as the pavement herein provided to be laid and above mentioned, constructed in place on the outer six inches of the concrete pavement at the, time of its construction, including labor ' and materials at 44c per lineal foot . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,618.00 1 new brick catch basin, with cast iron cover with adjustable curb and with grade seventeen inches by twenty-two inches including labor and materials constructed in place at $95 95.00 2 ~:~ b~l~k. 'd~tdh. b~~i~. ·.~~ let, complete, including tile :SO'l'IC}~ . streets, in the Village of Wilmette, were within ten days from the date hereof, 150.00 opened on the 12th day of June, A. D. as provided by law, elect to talte sa14 1928, and Krejci Construction Co. of Ev-· work and enter Into a written contract 99.00 anston, Illlnois, being the lowest re- to do said work ~t ten per centum less sponsible bidder, the contract was than the price at which same has been a warded to Krejci Construction Co. on awarded. 108.00 the 12th day of June, A. D. 1928. EARL E. ORNER Said bid is for the work as a whole ERNEST C. CAZEL Total . .. ............... $32,001.00 and is as follows : A. L. GRINNELL The owners of a majority of the front- 724 lineal feet of one (1) inch PAUL A. HOFFMAN extra strong lead pipe weighage of the lots an4 lands upon said alley C. MILES McDONALD ing four (4) pounds and wherein said work ·is to be d'one, may HANS von REINSPERG twelve (12) ounces per foot, within ten days from the date hereof, as GORDON WILSON constructed In place and conprovided by law, elect to take said work Board of Local Imprevements of nected to corporation cock and enter into a written contract to do the Vlllage of Wilmette. and roundway cock at $1.09 L38-ltc said work at ten per centum less than foot ..................... $ 789.10 the price at which same has been 26 per three-quarter (%) inch ·brass awarded. corporation cocks connected NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT EARL E. ORNER to the water main, including For the construction and laying of a. ERNEST C. CAZEL tapping main at $8.50 each . . . 221.00 connected system of Portiand cement A. L. GRINNELL 26 one (1) jnch brass roundway concrete sidewalks on the north side of PAUL A. HOFFMAN shut off cocks set in place Thornwood Avenue from Ridge Avenue C. MILES MeDON ALD at $1.90 each ............... . 49.40 to Twenty-third Street and on other HANS von REINSPERG 26 caRt iron spiral shut off boxes, streets. GORDON WILSON two and one-half (2%) inches (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 209. Board of Local Improvements in diameter and five (5) feet Office of the Board of Local Improveof the Village of Wilmette. long set in place at $2.50 ments, Wilmette, Illinois, June 13th, L38-1tc each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 1928. :SOTICE OF A WARD OF CONTRACT NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons For paving and otherwise improving Total ..... . ....... . .... . $1,124.50 Interested that the bids for the construe The owners of a majority of the front- tion and layi'ng of a connected system of the first alley west of Sixth Street and the second alley west of Sixteenth Street age of the lots and lands upon said alley Portland cement concrete sidewalks on from Gregory A venue to Isabella Street, wherein said work is to be done, may the north side of Thornwood A venue from and the first alley south of Gregory Ave- within ten days from the date hereof, Ri(lge Avenue to · Twenty-third Street ns proYided by law, elect to take said nue connecting the aforesaid alley. and on other streets In the Village of (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 218.) work and enter Into a written contract ·wilmette, were opened on the 12th day to do said work at ten per centum leRs Office of the Board of Local Improvethan the price -at which same has been of June, A. D. 1928, and James S. Foley ments, Wilm ette, Illinois, June 13th, of Evanston, Illinois, being the lowest awarded. 1928. responsible bidder, · the contract was EARL E. ORNER. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons awarded to James S. Foley on the 12th ERNEST C. CAZEL, interested that the bids for paving and day of June, A. D. 1928. A. L. GRINNELL, otherwise improving the first alley west Said bid is for the work as a whole PAUL A. HOFFMAN, of Sixth Street and the second alley west and is as follows : . C. MILES McDONALD, of Sixteenth Street from Gregory Ave28880 square feet of walk comHANS von RETNSPERG, nue to Isabella Street, and the first alley - plete @ 25c per square GORDON WILSON, south of Gregory Avenue connecting the foot .............. . ........ $7,220.00 Roard of Local Improveaforesaid alley, in the Village of WilThe owners of a majority of the frontmf>nts of the V.i llage of mette, were opened on the 12th day of Wilmette. age of the lots and lands upon said alley June, A. D. 1928, and Paul R eschke of L38-1 tc wherein said work _is to be done, may Winnetka, Illinois, being the lowest rewithin ten days from the date hereof, as sponsible bidder, the contract was NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRAC'.r provided by law, elect to take said work awarded to Paul R eschke on the 12th For furnishing and installing house and enter Into a written contract to do day of June, A. D. 1928. drains in Sixteenth Street between Green- said work at ten per centum less than Said bid is for the work as a whole wood Avenue and Ashland Avenue and the pr.ice at which same has been in other 's treets. and is as follows : awarded. ' 40.00 (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 224) 1 tree removed .............. $ EARL E. ORNER Office of the Board of Local Im90 square yards of brick paveERNEST C. CAZEL }:l>ovements, Wilmette, Illinois, June ment removed @ $2.10 per A. L. GRINNELL 13th, 1928. yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189.00 PAUL A. HOFFMAN ~OTICE is hereby given to all persons 900 cubic yards of excavating C. MILES McDONALD interested that the bids for furnishing 855.00 @ 95c per yard ......... . HANS von REINSPERG and installing house drains in Sixteenth 2\!50 square yards of Portland GORDON WILSON Street between Greenwood Avenue and cement concrete pavement Board of Local Improvements of Ashland Avenue and in other streets, in seven (7) inches thick, the Village of Wilmette. the Village of Wilmette, were opened on with one-quarter (1.4) inch L38-ltc the 12th day of June, A. D. 1928, and asphaltic felt expansion Krejci Construction Co. of Evanston, joints, at thirty-foot InterIllinoi_s, being the lowest responsible bidVILLAGE OF WILMETTE vals and with a l~itudinal der: the contract was awarded to Krejci Proposal concealed metal joint six Construction Co. on the 12th day of June, Bids will be received by the Supt. of and one-half (6%) inches A. D. 1928. Public Works for 500 feet of cotton high of painted or galvanSaid bid is for the work as a whole rubber lined double jacket 21h inch fire ized sheet steel of eighteen and is as follows: house; guaranteed to test 400 pressure, gauge set along the center 810 lineal feet of six (6) inch inequipped with rocker lugs and couplings. line of the pavement and ternal diameter vitrified tile Thread.s to be as per sample which may with one-half (%) inch pipe house drains constructed be seen at the office of Supt. of Public round steel tie rods, three in place, including all labor and Works. Bids must be in the hands of feet long set normal to the materials at 94c per foot . .. .. $761.40 Supt. of Public Works July 3, 1928, at joint at intervals of five (5) The owners of a majority uf the front- 7:30 P. M. at which time bids will be feet, and cured with two age of the lots and lands upon said alley opened and declared. (2) pounds of Calcium wherein said work is to be done, may The Supt. of Public Works reserves the Chloride flakes or granules within ten days from the date hereof. right to reject any and all bids. spread evenly over each as nrovlded by law, elect to take said CHAS. C. SHULTZ, square yard of pavement work and enter into a written contract Supt. of Publi<. Works. @ $2.70 per square yard. . 5,535. 00 to do said work at ten per centum lesR L38-ltc than the price at which same has been 333 lineal feet of eight inch vitrified tile pipe sewer awarded. EARL E. ORNER. @ $1.60 per foot . . . . . . . . . . 532.80 ERNEST C. CAZEL, 2 brick catch basins six feet A. I.... GRINNELL, Every property owner in New Trier deep three feet internal PAUT... A. HOFFMAN. Township is notified to cut hts thistles. diameter with eight-inch C. 1\fTLES McDONALD. Any person not heeding this warning and wall and cast iron cover HANS von RETNSPERG, allowing thistles to go to seed wlll be weighing four hundred and GORDON ·WILSON. prosecuted and fined. seventy pounds @ $95.00 Board of Local ImnroveJOHN BALMES, 190.00 m <>ntR of the Village of Thistle Commissioner. Wilmette. Total ........... . ....... $7,341.80 L38-ltc The owners of a majority of the front.. age of the lots and lands upon said alley wheFein said work is to be done, may NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT For constructing and laying of a conwithin ten days from the date hereof, as crete sidewalk along the south side of provided by law, elect to take said work Wilmette Avenue from forty (40) feet and enter into a written contract to do Vice-president Charles G. Dawes will of Sixteenth Street to the east line said work at ten per centum less than east be one of the judges in the internaof Ridge Road except where sidewalks the price at which same has been are already laid. . tional poster competition which the awarded. (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 210.) president and trustees of the World's EARL E. ORNER of the Board of Local ImproveOffice ERNEST C. CAZEL fair have announced to artists and ments, Wilmette, Illinois, June 13th, A. L. GRINNELL designers. 1928. PAUL A. HOFFMAN NOTICE is hereby given to all persons C. MILES McDONALD The competition, open to artists all Interested that the bids for constructing HANS von REINSPERG over the wor~. will be for the best and laying a concrete sidewalk along the GORDON WILSON Board ot Local Improvements south side of Wilmette Avenue from posters illustrative and indicative of forty ( 40) feet east of Sixteenth Street the coming World's fair. Specificaof the Village of Wilmette. L38-ltc to the east Hne of Ridge Road, except tions demand that no posters shall exwhere sidewalks are already laid In the Village of Wilmette, were opened on the ceed 18 by 24 inch~s nor have more NOTICE OJ.o' A W.ARD OF CONTRACT 12th day of June, A. ·D. 1928, and James For furnishing and installing water S. Foley of Evanston, Illlnois, being the than eigh! colors. They must be inservice pipes in Sixteenth Street from lowest responsible bidder, the contract dicative of the Chicago World's fair Greenwood Avenue to Ashland Avenue was awarded to James S. Foley on the in 1933 and of the city of Chicago and in other streets. 12th day of June, A. D. 1928. in that year. The competition will be (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 225) Said bid is for the work as a whole open until Sept. 15, 1928, in the Office of the Board of Local Imand Is as follows : provements, Wilmette, Illinois, June Americas, and until Sept. 1 in 7773 square feet of walk com13th, 1928. plete @ 25c per square Europe. Posters shall be ·sent to the NOTICE is hereby given to all person~'> foot ........................ $1,943.25 director of the Art institute, Chicago. interested that the bids for furnishing The owners of a majority of the frontand installing water service pipes in Prizes will be $1 ,500, $500, $250, $150 Sixteenth Street from Greenwood Ave- age of the lots and lands upon said alley and $100. wherein said work is to be done, may nue to Ashland A venue and in other NOTICE -------· ----------- Gen. Dawes to Judge World's Fair Posters

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