Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 53

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June 15. 1928 the site of the Improvement. Said parkways shall be leveled, smoothed and hand-ra;ked and all stones, broken conc~ete, hie, and rubbish of every d escriptton removed from the site of the improvement. The~e sha.ll be r emoved, including all grubbm f t - g 0 roo s, one (1) foot below th~ · subgrade of the roadway or the fim s h ed g~·a d e of the parkways wh er e !ocat eu.. sL~teen (16) trees seven ( 7) m ci:tes m dia m et er. a nd ove r. The exca 1 d va t1 1s m . w lere sa l trees , a re r em oved sh a ll be baclcfilled with ea rth and all wood, brush a nd Tubbi sh sh a'n be r emoved. 0f WILM~TTE LIFE S3 h said pavement four (4) inches below the present concrete base and thorough- and solid cast bronze lantern type ftx~ finished ·S Urface of ·said pavement ly compacted by ramming until free tures mounted thereon, and installed Sald bars shall ext~nd sixteen (16) inches mo,rtar appears upon the surface. The and connected as a part of the proposed into ~he concrete of said pavement on ttmshed top surface of the concrete improvement. e ne .s tde of said joint, and the remaining foundation shall be even and uniform The foregoing three (3) reinforced conpo~tlon of said bar into the concrete ·of and shall conform to and be six (6) crete ornamental electric . street lighting ~a.ld pa v ement on the other side of said inches below the finished grade of the standards or lamp posts and solid cast Jomt.. The latter shorter portion of each completed roadway, Upon said concrete oronze lantern type fixtures mounted ~ f sa .ld ba r s .sha ll be coated '"t"th grease, foundation shall be spread a ' layer of thereon shall be located, set and con· d · d n m se~ted m a one (1) inch in diameter clean sand two (2) inches in depth and nected as shown on said plate num~netal ptpe, said pipes being ten (10) upon said sand cushion shall be laid the bered 3. Each of said above standards After being laid, the shall be set in one-half (lh) cubic yard m ch es m length and made from twenty cleaned bricks. (20) gauge metal. One end of sal·d Pl·pes ~a!Tie shall be rolled and tamped and the of ·c rushed stone. All new materials shall I U b l ~ la e c osed with a cork, or in a m a n- Jomts completely filled with asphalt be of the same kind as those now ln use. ne r t o k eep the concrete out and provide fill er . All existing cables where disconnected ~lll o p~ n s pace at least one (1) inch long All existing structures within the lines for the making of said proposed ImproveAll ca tchbasin s and m a nhole ca tch- m wh1ch said bar m a y slide. of said improvement shall be removed ment shall be reconnected so as to con· bas m s ::;h a ll be con s tructed of concrete from the site of said improvement. All stitute a completely connected system, composed by volu me of on e ( l) part T~e re . s~all be constructed a longi- old lumber, brick, concrete and other all within the Village of Kenilworth, P ortland cem ent, two (2) p a rts sand and t u?ma l JOmt formed in the concr e te of building materials or structures shall be County of Cook and State of Illlnols. fo~r ( 4) . pa rts ~r.a vel or crushed ston e said pavem ent in Sixteenth Street a long- completely removed from the site of said mlxe~ w1th s utticten.t wa te r to fo rm a 1 h e ce nter line of said pavem~nt as proposed improvement. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN TO qua kmg m ass. Sa td catchbas in s and ~h o \~-n ~n sai~ Pla te numbered 3. 'sa id All sand herein provided to be Used ALL PERSONS INTERESTED, that the n:a nhole catc~basin s s h a ll ha Y e a n in side lOnglt udmal JOint shall be made of dia m eter of fo ur ( 4) feet a nd side wa lls V -sll aped a spha ltic pa inted sixteen (16) for concrete or mortar shall be clean, President and Boord of Trustees of the of Kenilworth, County of Cook and bottom s s ix (6) inch es th ick. Said g·~~ ug·e meta l ~ix and one-ha lf (61h) inches coarse, sharp sand. . Said sand when Village and State of Illinois, having ordered wa lls sha ll be drawn in a t th·e t op t o " lde. a ft.er b e.n~g pressed into shape. Said dried shall pass a screen having four that the above described !lt a nd s upport the cast iron cove r s h ere - l~ >ngi t_u chn a l JOint shall be provided with ( 4) meshes per lineal inch, and not more be made, improvement the ordinance for the same m a ~te r provided for. E ac h of said catch- th·e-e i g l~th ~ ( :;8 ) inch· r ound deformed than twenty-five (25) per cent of said being on file in the office of the VUlage basu~ s a nd .manhole catch basin s sh a ll ·be ~ t :e l r el!·l forc2ng ba r s, four ( 4) f eet long, sand shall pass a sieve having fifty (50) of said village and the said vilpronded with . at~ aspha ltic coated cast · pa.c:ed fh· · ( v ) fee t a pa rt throughout the mesh es per lineal inch. Said sand shall Clerk lage having applied to the Superior 1ron co yer con ststm g of a fra m e w eig·hin g l!n.tm:: ~ t- n gth th er eof , placed through the conta in no vegetable nor other deleteri- Court of Cook County,. Illinois, for an matter, nor more than two (2) per two hundred seve nt y-five (275) pou nds JOlllt , Imbedd ed in the concrete of said ous a ssessment of the cost of said improver. nd a p erfor a ted lid w e ig hi ng 0 11 p ave uwn t fo ur and one-qua rter (4 ~ ) cent by weight of clay or loam. ment according to the benefits, and a All gravel or crushed stone herein special hur.dred twe nty-five (1 25 ) po und s t: Inche!; be low the fini sh ed surfa ce of said assessment therefor having been E h t hb . .. pnn·nH·nt a Hd ext endin"" equal distances provided to be used shall be · clean, durmade and returned to said Court, Gen~c ca c a sm a nd manh ole ca tch - on each side of ~a id j oi~t abl e, tough gravel or crushed limestone eral Number 477106, the final hearing b.as111 shall .be r>rgvided with a Yitrified ~ · free fr om vegetable or deleterious mat~ ti.le se wer PIPe elbow eig ht ( 8 ) in ches in Th.ere ~ h a ll also be constructed a ter. The size of said crushed stone or thereon will be held on the second day . diameter, ::;t:t in th l! w a ll of sa id basin lon g-It udinal joint along the center line g ravel shall be such as to pass a two of July, A. D . 1928, or as soan therea nd eac h of said catchbas in s a nd man ~ I a nc l frout end t o end of the pa vement (2) inch round opening and shall range after as the business of the said Court h o.le ca t~ hl.>as in s . sh a ll be <.:(Jnnect ed to t<·n po) inch es in thickness h ereina bov e from that size down to a size that will will permit. All persons desiring may s;uu ~1l'L!- m s h e rema fter p ro Yid E.! d fo r o r lJI'C J\'Ided for. Sa id longitudinal joint shall pass a one-half (lh) inch ring. Not more file objections in said Court before said to .ex ustm g s tormwa ter dra in s. The lo- he m ade of on e-h a lf ('h) inch thick tha n five (5) per cent shall be sma ll day, and may appear on the hearing and catiOn!-', ch·p ~h :::, deta ils of cons truction as ph a ltic felt ex t ending from the bottom enough to pass a screen having four make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessand c(J n.n tct wn s a nd op nings of said r;f the concret e to one-half ('h) inch m eshes per lineal inch. ment in ten (10) annual installments, cat chba!;li1 S a nd ma nhole ca t chbasin s are abrJ Ye the top of the pa vement. Said All cement provided for herein sha ll with interest thereon at the rate of five mo r e full y shown on sa itl pln t r·s n~m- lo ng itudin a l joint sh a ll be provided with ber ed 2. a nd 3. Excavations sha ll be m a de t hre -q u a rter 0.! ) inch in dia m et er round be first class American Portland cement per centum (5%) per annum. to r ece n :e said catchbasin s a nd m a nhol =-- tl't:· l re inforcing ba r s two (2) f eet six a nd shall be so ground that ninety-two Dated at the City of Chicago, and at ca t c:hbas1ns a nd a ll openin gs a wund same (6) inch es long s paced two ( 2 ) f eet s ix ( 92 ) p er cent will pass through a stand- the Village of Kenilworth, County of ~~a ll be b:n.: k ~ fill t: d with earth a nd flu sh ed ( 6 ) in ·hes apart and imbedded in the ard number 100 sieve, having t en thou- Cook and State of Illinois, this thirtyWith \Va t er. c·onCI'Pt e t hrough sa id joint four a nd one- sand (10,000) meshes per square inch. first day of May, ,f\.. D. 1928. Briquettes made from mortar composed 1 AU dra in s and all conih:c tic,n s for q ua rte r (4 A) inches below th e fini sh ed by volume of one (1) part of said PortSAMUEL E. ERICKSON, ca t<.: hb a~ in .· a nd m a nhole ca tchbas in s s u!·face of the pavem ent. One end of land cement and three (3) parts of clean Clerk of the Superior Court of h erd n p ro vid ed to be con struct ed sh a.ii ~a 1rl ba r s sh a ll b e coated with cup grea se torpedo sand, exposed to air for one (1 ) Cook County, Illinois. co ~ s i st ?f salt-glazed , vitrified hub· a~d a nd pa inted with ~wo ( 2 ) coat ? of h ? t day and immersed in water for six (6 ) RALPH R. HAWXHURST, s~1 g·o ~ ~1l e se wer pipe, and shall be laid a~pl~ !J- It . Wh er e smd pavem ent 1s h er em days, shall develop an ultimate tensile JOHN O'CONNOR, Wi t h JOmts of m orta r composed by volume !>rrn 1cled t o b~ con structed around cast strength of two hundred (200) pounds GEORGE C. RICHARDS, of one (1) pa rt Portl a nd ce m ent and two lr.o n coYcr s, sa1d covers s~all b e sepa ra t ed per square inch. Commissioners heretofore ap(2) part~ sand, mixt!d w ith s ufficient . f1 om t!'le concr ete ~f smd pavem ent ~Y pointed by the Superior Court of All brick herein provided to be used wa t.er t o form a qu a ldng ma ss. Said t.hree-e1ghtl! s (% _) .mch thick ~sphalhc Cook County, Illinois, to make said report and assessment roll. dra m s ~h all be laid in tren ch es ex cavated tt-lt expan.·IOn JOl.nts and extendmg from shall be first class hard burned sewer brick. ther efor. The depth o f the tile pipe the bottom of sa1d covers to the surface ELMER E. JACKSON, All water used in the mixing of cond r a in r efer s to the depth of th e flow nf th fini sh ed p a vem ent. Said concret e Village Attorney. L36-4tc lin e. or th e in s ide bottom of said tile pipe P~wem ent during-. con struction sJ:all b e crete or mortar shall be clean and fr ee d ~a m. Sa id trench es shall b e bac k-filled pmt.ect ed from ram , ho~ sun or wmd and from iron, acid, alkali, or vegetable matter and suitable for the purpose for wtth earth and flu sh ed with wa ter fr ost hy burlap, and said pavement shall NOTICE OF A 'V ARD OF CONTRACT Th 1 t' . · . lw c ur~ d bl" the. use of two (2) pounds which it is used. For paving and otherwise improving a n e ;:ca I? ns an? depths of said dra m s r,f <'a lcmm chlonde to each square yard All calcium chloride herein provided the first alley north of Linden Avenue sa~ c~ nectwn s at e m ore fully shown on of pavement. The location, widths and to be used in curing said concrete · pave~ P ate.s ~umbe re d 2 and 3. detail s of con struction of said pavement, ment shall be in the form of loose dry from Fourth Street to Fifth Street. The ex1stmg manhole and catchbasin joints and curb and integral curb are lumps or flakes, and fine enough to be (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 206.) Office o~ the Board of Local Improvecovers shall be adjusted to the finished more fully shown upon plates numbered spread easily by mechanical spreaders. ments, Wilmette, Illinois, June 13th, grad e of said proposed improvem ent 2 and 3. Said calcium chloride shall conform to 1928. ~vh e re located, by cutting down or buildTrench es of the widths and depths and the following : ~OTICE is hereby given to all persons m~ upon. the. present masonry, us ing n ew a t th e locations as shown on said plates Passing three-eighths (% ths) inch inter ested that the bids for paving and bnck la1d m a mortar composed by number ed 2 and 3 shall be excava:ted or sieve one hundred (100%) per cent. volume of one (1) part Portland cement form ed · to r eceive the said curb hereinRetained on one-quarter (~) inch otherwise improving the first alley north a n? two (2) parts sand mixed with suf- a ft er provided for. The bottom or sub- sieve not more than twenty (20%) per of Linden A venue from Fourth Street to Fifth Street, in the Village of Wilmette, fict e nt wat~r to form a quaking mass. ~rad e of said trenches shall be thoroughly cent. Each of satd manholes shall be clean ed compact ed by tamping before the conwere opened on the 12th day of J'une, Passing twenty (20) mesh to the inch o ~ an · earth, broken masonry and rub- cr et e of said curb shall be placed. sieve, not more than ten (10%) per cent. A. D. 1928, and Paul Reschke of Winbish. 'I'he integral curb herein provided to b e The chemical composition shall conform netka, Illinois, being the lowest responsible bidder, the contract was awarded Upon the subgrade prepared as herein com;tructed in this improvement along to the following requiremnts: provided shall be constructed a one (1) th e edges of the concrete pavement seven Calcium chloride (anhydrous) not less to Paul Reschke on the 12th day of June , A. D. 1928. course reinforced concrete pavement of (7) inches thick and the curb herein pro- than seventy-five (75%) per cent. Said bid is for the work as a whole the thicknesses shown on said plates Yid ed to be con~tructed along the edges Magnesium chloride, not more than and is as follows : numbered 2 and 3. The concrete for said nf the concrete pavement ten (10) inches one-half of one (1%) per cent. pavement shall be composed by volume tl1i Ck, h erein prOYided for , Shall be conSodium chloride, not more than one 490 cubic yards of excavation at 95c per yard ................ $ 465.50 of one (1) part Portland cement, two (2) s tructed of concrete composed by volume (1 %) per cent. All of said electric welded steel fabric 850 square yards of concrete paveparts sand and three and one-half (3'h) nf one (1) part Portland cement, two (2) parts gravel or crushed stone, mixed nart~ ~nnd and three and one-half (3%) herein provided for shall be manufacment seven (7) inches thick, with sufficient water to form a quaking p'lrt~ gravel or cruf-:hed !':tone, except the tured from cold drawn steel wire having and with one-quarter (~) mass. All of said pavement seven (7) exposed portions of said curb and in- a yield point of not less than fifty thouinch asphaltic felt expansion inches thick shall be reinforced with t egral curb to a thickness of one-half sand (50,000) 1 mnds per square inch joints, at thirty-foot interand which shall bend cold one hundred forty-two ( 42) pounds of effective electric (lf:.) inch which shall be finished with a vals and with a longitudinal eighty (180) degrees around a pin, the welded steel fabric to each one hundred mdrtar coat composed by volume of one concealed metal joint six and (100) square feet of pavement and all of (1) part Portland cement and two (2) diameter of which is equal to the dione half (6lf~) inches high of said pavement ten (10) inches thick shall parts sand. All of said concrete and ameter of the wire specified without painted or galvanized sheet be reinforced with one hundred twelve mortar shall be mixed with sufficient cracking on the outside of the bent porme tal of 18-gauge set along tion. ( 112) pounds of effective electric welded water to make a quaking mass. the center line of the pave"'te el fabric to each one hundred (100} All said electric welded steel fabric Transverse expansion joints threem ent and with one-half ('h) square feet of pavement. The wires (>f eights (%) inch in width and filled with shall be free from rust, scale, paint or inch round steel tie rods, s aid steel fabric shall have a uniform asphaltic felt shall be constructed coating of any character which will tend three feet long set normal to spacing, which spacing shall not exceed through the width and depth of said to prevent proper bonding of the conthe joint at intervals · of five six (6' inches center to center of wires curb and integral curb as extensions of crete. Said wire shall develop an ulti(5) feet, and cured with two and shall extend to within three (3) said transverse joints in said pavement. mate tensile strength of seventy-five (2) pounds of Calcium Chlorinches of all joints, but shall not cross 'fhe location, dimensions and details thousand (75,000) to eighty-five thousand ide flakes or granules spread joints. Adjacent pieces of said fabric of construction of said curb and integral (85,000) pounds per square inch. Said evenly over each square yard shall be lapped four (4) inches when the <'Urb are more fully shown upon said wires shall have a uniform spacing of of pavement at $2.70 per six (6) inches center to center of said lap is made at right angles to the center plates numbered 2 and 3. square yard ................ 2,295.50 line of said pavement, and twelve (12) The concrete pavement herein provid- wire. inches when the lap is made parallel with ed for shall be connected with existing All cast iron castings for covers herein Total ·................... $2,761.00 the center line of said pavement. pavements wherever located and the ex- provided for shall be made of tough gray The owners of a majority of the frontThere shall be constructed transverse isting brick pavement in West Railroad iron made from new pig billets, containexpansion joints three-eighths (%) inch A venue, wherever the proposed concrete ing not more than ten one-hundredths age of the lots and lands upon said alley thick in said pavement seven (7) inches pavement shall connect therewith, shall (0.10) per cent of sulphur. Said castings wherein said work is to be done, may thick and transverse expansion joints be adjusted to m eet the proposed con- shall be true to pattern, free from flaws. within ten days from the date hereof as one-half ( 1h) inch thick in · said pavement crete pavement, and the said brick All castings while hot shall be coated provided by law, elect to take said ~ork ten (10) inches thick, filled. with asphaltic pavement, from the said connections to with an asphaltic paint. Said cast-iron and enter into a written contract to do felt, which said joints shall be spaced the middle of the paved roadway of shall conform to the following test- said work at ten per centum less than been thirty (30) feet apart in said pavement West Railroad Avenue, shall be removed a t~st bar one and one-half (l'h) inches the price at which same has seven (7) inches thick and said joints and the hricks composing said pave- in diameter and fifteen (15) inches long awarded. shall be used. Said test shall be on an EARL E. ORNER shall be spaced forty ( 40) feet apart in ment shall be cleaned, turned and re- unsupported l~ngth of twelve (12) inches. ERNEST C. CAZEL said pavement ten (10) inches thick and laid on a concrete base, adjustf'd to with load at the middle. The minimum meet the proposed pavement, and the A. L. GRINNELL in each case normal to the center line breaking load so applied shall be two present concrete base of said brick pavePAUL A. HOFFMAN of said pavement, and the felt in said thousand nine hundred (2,900 ) pounds ment shall be adjusted by placing new C. MILES McDONALD joint shall extend one-half (lh) inch with a deflection of at least ·one-tenth concrete thereon, composed by volume above the top surface of said pavement. HANS von REINSPERG /10) of an Inch before rupture. Said expansion joints, shall each be pro- of one part Portland cement, two parts (1There GORDON WILSON shall be moved from their pressand and three and one-half parts vided with three-quarter (%J Inch round Board of Local Improvements ent locations in West Railroad Avenue crushed stone, mixed with sufficient smooth steel bars, two (2) feet long, of the Village of Wilmette. three (3) reinforced concrete ornamental placed through the joints, spaced two (2) water to make a quaking mass. The electric lighting standards or lamp posts L38-ltc feet apart and imbedded in the concrete said new concrete shall be spread upon t I

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