Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 47

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J u11.e 15, 19.28 ---~~ -a-· a_a_a_ -a··· HEADLINERS WILMETTE LIFE TEATRO "Honor Bound" and "Fifty-Fifty Girl" Inaugurates Week of Outstanding Film Productions During the filming of Fox Films' "Honor Bound," which comes to the Teatro del Lago thi3 Saturday, Estelle Taylor found that George 0' Brien is just as ardent a fight fan as herself. The latter, during his service in the navy, fought his way to the li(Tht heavyweight championship of the Pacific fleet. Naturally, with Jack Dempsey for a hu sba nd, Estelle could not help being a rooter for boxing. · In "Honor Bound" George O'Brien, for the sake of honor, goes through all the hell s of a prison mining ~amp to protect a heartles s. selfish woman, played by Estelle Taylor. Alfred Green, the director, went to Alabama to s tu~ly prison and mining conditions so that George might play his part in reali stic conditions. The second picture on the Teatro del Lago bill fo..t:. the week is "The FiftyFifty Girl," starring Bebe Daniels. It will be shown on Sunday. Miss Daniels, as the intelligent but slightly prejudiced young woman who thinks she is the equal of any male under any circumstances, meets and falls in love with James Hall, de spite the aggressive measures emploY.ed by the latter. How .she finally agrees to concede his mastery is told in a series of humorous situations. Others in the cast include William Austin, George Kotsonaros, Johnnie Morris, and Alfred Allen. What many critics claim to be the best picture King Vidor has ever produced £01 the screen will run for two days at ·the Teatro del Lago next week: It i3 "The .Crowd," and is to be shown on Monday and ruesday. "The Crowd" has been called a "high spot in movie making." The story is an original by the director and depicts the lives of millions of young couples who help to make up the great middle class of Americans. Eleanor Boardman and James Murray play the leading roles. "Three Sinners," is another top notch picture and was selected by Photoplay as one of the six best for this month. It will be shov.:n at the Teatro del Lago on Wednesday, June 20. "Three Sinners" is a heavy drama, adroitly handled and exceptionally well acted. It is a Pola Negri picture based on the ol_cl theme of a disappointed wife deterrnined to recapture her own husband. O lga Baklanova, the recently imported Russian actres3, .is capable as the feminine vi llian. On Thursclav and Fridav at th e Teatro del Lago Willia1~1 Boyd's starring vehicle, "Skyscraper" will be the main attraction. It concerns the feud between t\YO rival riveters in the raw skeleton of a metropolitan skyscraper. The noisy boys are William Boyd and Alan Hale and they both love S!le Carol. Thrills are t;resent in abun.:lance-dizzv shot~ from an eight-inch girder, ten~ stor ies aho,'e the pavement -with the t\VO tough riveters fightingenthusiastically on a narrm:v strip of steel. "A hit breathless part of th e time, when you consi der the ozone that is below our rival love r s," says one critic. STARTING SATURDAY JUNE 16th THE EMPEROR OF FUN & LAUGHTER IN PERSON STAR OF "ZIEGFELD FOLLIES" "SALLY" & "LOUIS XIV" FIRST APPEARANCE IN A MOTION PICTURE THEATRE IN CHARLES KALEY'S , "THERE IT GOES" SCREEN · SUE CAROL 1n "WALKING BACK" VITAPHO.NE LOIS WILSON in "MISS INFORMATION" MOVIE TONE NEWS REEL AL LEAVES NORSHORE At Kvale, popular leader of t~e jazz collegians at the Norshore durmg the last year, is moving to the Oriental Sunday to take charge of Paul Ash's merry-mad gang.

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