Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 36

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WILMETTE LifE June 15, 1928 · Mid-June North Shore Wedding SeasOn at Its Height tn Curtis Birds Sail on Isle de France for Travel Abroad In St. Chryso5tom's church, beautifully graced with palms, blue flowers aud lighted candles, Miss Dale Mar; Klapproth of Chicago became the bride of Curtis Bird, son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. · Bird of 1010 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette. on Tuesday, June 5. The wedding reception was held at the close of the ceren10ny..~ at the Blackstone hotel. The wedding gown was made of i\·ory satin with rose point lace. A cap of rose point held the tulle veil in place and soft hands of the. same lace were draped on either side. The bride carried a shower bouquet of orchids, sweet peas. and lilies of the valtev. The maid of honor, Miss He~rietta Bird. and the matron of honor, Mrs. Joseph Delfosse. wore p-o\\'ns of vellow and green taffeta and tulle. respective!,·. and the hridC'~maids. Miss Dorothv ~ittere. Miss Miriam 'Vav. Miss Doro"th,· Patten. and Miss S~1~annp Russell. we.re in frocks of green taffeta and tare. Thev all carried Pernct ros('s ;1nd delphinium . Patricia Bird ·was the flower girl. Mr. Bird had as his hest man. Tohn Cope 1an d. and as ush<'n. 'Villiam Smvth. Stanlev Manson. Jack Klapnroth. Jack Cannon. and George S. Channer. Rird and l1is hride sailerl for F.ngland on Julv 9, on the Tsle de France. ancl will remain abroad until the first of Angust. Among the out-of-town guests '"ho came on for thr \vedding- wNr \f r. anrl Mrs . Henr)· S. 'Vinzelrr of Bn·on, ()hio. · ·To 'Marty Saturday I Mr. The marriage of Miss Jane Ramsey of Wilmette to Phillip H. Kemper, son of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kemper of Chicago, is taking place Saturday, June 16. T]1e ceremony will take place in the St. Francis Xavier chur.c h at 9:30 o'clock and the ·we ddin g r ecep tion will he held immediately afterwards at the Georgian hotel. Miss Laurette Healy of Chicago will be maid of honor and Raymond Barrett, also of hicago, wilt se rve as best man. Miss Ramsey is the daughter of Mr. and l\1 rs. harles Nace Ram sc\' of 'the Linden Crest apartments. - Elson-Meyerhoff Wedding Event of Sunday, June I 0 Luella Burrows Sets June 2 8 for Wedding The home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Elson, 744 Michigan a\·entte, \Vilmette, provided the setting for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Ruth. on Sunday, June 10, when · she became the bride of Irving E. Meyerhoff of Chicago, son of Manuel Meyerhoff of Houston, Texas. Rabbi Solomon Freehof of Chicago officiated at the 6 o'clock ceremony which was followed by a dinner for members of the immediate families, about forty-five in all, and a reception later for about 250 gu_ests. The bridal gown was fashioned of white satin with pearl trimming. A cap of rose point lace held the veil of tulle to the hearl and orchids and lilies of the valley composed the bride's bouquet. · Miss Marion Rivkin of Chicago, the maid of honor, was clad in a gown of green taffeta and the briciesmaid. Miss Edna 1feyerhoff~ also of Chicago, was in a pink frock of the same material. They both carried bouquets of spring flowers. Arthur M ever hoff acted as best man and the brid.e's brother. Adam Elson, was usher. Mr. and Mrs. Meverhoff are on a wedding trip through- the east and will be at home at the Erlgewater Beach hotel about the first of july. Miss Luella Burrows, who spent her childhood in vVilmette and has many friends in the village but who now lives in \Vinnetka, will be married on June 28, at the Methodist church of Wilmette at 8 :30 o'clock, to Alonzo Trevezant Folger, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Folger of Rogers Park. Miss Burrows is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Burrows, 216 Myr~1e street. The Rev. Horace C. Smith will officiate at the ceremony which will be followed by a small reception at the bride's home. Miss Burrow's sister, Miss Dora Burrows, will be her maid of honor, little Barbara Cole of Highland Park will be the flower girl, and Lowe Simpson, a small nephew of the groom, will he the ring bearer. Mr. Folger will have John Folger ag his best man and the ushers include Richard Burrows, Robert Burrows, Lowe Simpson, and Hortan Matlenson. Showers and parties have been given for Miss Burrows all spring. Among those who have entertained are Miss Mildred Hertel who gave a miscellaneous shower, Miss Margaret Stafford of Wilmette, Mis·s Maurine Tatham, who was hostess at a trousseau shower, Mrs. Charles Edv.rards of Austin and Miss Frances Ellison of Evanston who each gave kitchen ·showers, and Miss Ethelmae Sturgeon, who entertained at a qridge party. Mrs. Frederick Storch will entertain at luncheon on Saturday, June 16. To Wed June 16 The marriage of Miss Phytlis Ruf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wittiam Ruf of Kenilworth takes place Saturday evening, .Tune 16, at 8:30 o'clock, at the Kenilworth Union church, the Rev. Herbert W iII e t t Mrs. Carl S. William.; of Evanston enofficiating. The reception will be held tertained as her guests at tea Monday at the home of the bride, 236 Cumnor afternoon the mothers of members of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Saturday, June 9, was the wedding day of Miss Hazel Strand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nels A. Strand of Miss Caroline Case, whose marriage Evanston, and Edward Weber Tubbs, to Lawrence Norem taking place Satson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jefferson urday afternoon, June 23, in the garTubbs of 1350 Greenwood avenue, dens of her home on Sheridan road, Wilmette. The Georgian hotel was the in Hubbard Woods, will undoubtedly scene of the .ceremony which was read be one of the prettiest of such events by the Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth this .5eason, is the guest of honor rat of the Church of the Holy Comforter, many delightful parties the$e days. Kenilworth, at 4 o'clock. Palms and Last Thursday Miss Edwina Litsinger white flowers decorated the rooms gave a luncheon at Exmoor after which where the service and the reception the party adjourned .to the Litsinger were held while pink roses and smilax home in Lake Forest for bridge. That were arranged artistically in the dining same evening Mr. and Mrs.]. Houston room where the wedding supper was M. Clinch of Glencoe entertained in served. . formally at · bridge for Miss Case and Edson Sessions of Chicago served as Mr. Norem. Mr. Tubbs' best man and Frank SherToday Miss Mary Harding- is givingritt of Kenilworth was the usner. a picnic. The next party \\·ill he on The bride wore white satin trimmed Tuesday, June 19, when Uiss Jean with lace and in place of the con- 'Logan entertains at luncheon at the ventional tulle veil sl·1e \\'ore a small \\Toman's Athletic club. In the evecap of lace, and carried a bouquet of ning Miss Case and 1.fr. Norem " ·i ll roses and valley lilies in sho,,·er ar- attenrl a dinner dance giYen for them rangemcnt. hy Miss ~Iary Barry at th e Edgewater Her two attendants were Miss Bar- Beach hotel. On Wedne sdaY ).1 rs. bara Lynch and Miss Lois Martin, of John H. Coulter is entertair~ing at Evanston. The former, her maid of luncheon in Chicago and Mis,; Frances honor, was dressed in powder blue and Miss Mary Louise VonHofstcn chiffon and carried pink roses and will give a picn.ic that evening. 11rs. larkspur and the latter wore a frock of Amel ·M cBride Kinnev. a hricl e of the pale yellow chiffon and carried lark· season. \\'ill entertain ·at lunch eon and SL1Ur and yeltow roses. a kitchen shower for ).fi ss Case nn Mr. Tubbs and hi s bride hav e gone Thursday. · east on their wedding trip and upon The la st two da,·s before the '" eeltheir return the y will spend the sum- · ding, that is Thunilay and Friday evemer in the Tubbs' residence in \Vilnings, bring the soinstcr dinner which mette during Mrs. Tubb s' absence in Miss Margaret Quan is gh·ing. 1fr. Europe. Norem's bachelor dinner. and the hri clal dinner given by 1f r. and ~J rs. Wed in Minneapolis Francis M. Case, the parents of the Miss Helen Burtis of Minneapolis bride-elect, at th eir home. becomes the bride of Rms ell Lawrence Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie F. Invitations Out for Perrv of 1127 Greenwood avenue, \Vil Mulvey-Rowe Wedding mette. this evening at a ceremony performed at the home of the hride':'i Invitations ha\'e been is sued hv Mr. parents, Mr. ancl Mrs. vV. H . Burtis. and Mrs. Richard ]. Mulvey of 800 The \vedding will he an informal affair. Oakwood avenue, vVilmette, for the Mr. Perry and his bride are expect- marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth ing to spend Sunday and Monday in Convene Mulvey, to Leonard E. Rowe Wilmette with the former's parents. of Long Beach, Cal., which will take white on their way to Washington. place Wednesday, June 20, at 8 :30 Mr. :-'t:rry, who is ·an instructor of o'clock in the evening. Agricultural Engineering at the OreThe affairs given in Miss Mulvey's gon Al!"ricultural college at Corvallis, honor include sever·al showers. Tuesand Mn. Perrv, who has been an day, June 12, Mrs. At;thur Durham was instructor in physical education at the hostess at a kitchen shower at the same college. witt return to Corvallis home of her mother, Mrs. C. A. Rising for the new term commencing in the of Evan5ton ." The gifts on that occafall. sion entirely carried out the green color note which the bride-elect has chosen for her kitchen. Miss Helen Entertain for Bride Newey gave a luncheon and bathroom Miss Jane Ridgway of Kenilworth shower at her home at 436 Lake avenue entertained at a luncheon and a pro- Wednesclay, and Thursday Miss Harvision shower on June 8, in honor of riet \Voodcock of 503 Central avenue Miss Frances Devere, whose marriage entertained at a hosiery shower. to James Doig wilt take place on Mrs. Purely ()rvis and Mrs. Peter June 16. ()n June 9, Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker will be hostesse5 at a misAlfred Johnson of Chicago gave a cellaneous shower Mondav, June 18. luncheon for Miss Devere and Mr. at the home of the latter i;1 Evanston. Doig and Edward Pernell of Evanston, who is to be best man at the wedding, gave a 5tag party for Mr. Doig at the Announce Marriage Union League club on June 8. Mr. and Mrs. William Happ, 888 Miss Dever(' and Mr. Doig will be Elm street, announce the marriage of married at "Walnut Grove," Burming- their daughter, Ruth E. Madson, to ham, Mich., with the ceremony and Harvey E. Young of Chicago. The reception out of doors. They will start marriage took place fast Saturday immediately after the wedding for an evening at 8 o'clock at the study of extensive motor trip through New the Rev. James A. Richards. Miss England and the eastern states. Eleanor King of Chicago was the only attendant of the bride and E. Fink of Christ church, Winnetka is to be the Wauconda was the best man. The background for the wedding of Miss young couple will live in Wilmette. Fae Lorine Christiansen and Leslie Harry Huettman, both of Wilmette. Miss Dorothy Lawrence and Miss Saturday afternoon, ] une 16 at 4 Naomi McDowell of Wilmette will give o'clock. The bride is the dauihter of a luncheon and bridge June 19, for Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Christiansen of Miss Catherine Hinman of Winnetka the Linden C.rest apartments: who will be married June 23. Strand- Tubbs Wedding' Last Pre-Wedding Solemnized at Georgian Days Bring Many Affairs for Bride · · .. ~

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