24 WlLMETTE LIFE June 15, 1928 · has issued a statement setting forth the information that is in demand. The box-office, Mr. Eckstein explains, will be open every day during the season including Sundays, from 9:30 o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock at night. Residents of the north shore towns from Evanston to Milwaukee . may secure telephone connection with the Ravinia box-office by calling Highland Park 2727. This is a double line, thereby preventing ' congestion as much as possible. p;;;;~~~~~~~~~~ B. & G. CANDY Sunday, June. 17 is ,SEATS FOR RAVINIA'S, FmsrwEEKONSALE Louis Eckstein Gives Complete Ticket Information to Patrons of Summer Opera Seats ·for · the . fir·st. we_s\k of the new season of Ravinia Opera and Concerts, which opens Saturday night, June 23, wi ll be placed on sale ·for the general public at the box-office at Ravinia this Saturday morning, June 16, at 10 o'clock. · It is necessary to advise the public that for the opening performance of the season, Saturday night, ] une 23, and for the performance of Sunday night, June 24, the subscribers to the guarantee fund have the first call for tickets and until these have been served it is impossible to determine what seats will be available for general sale. If mail orders cannot be filled, the money will be refunded. For the last few weeks Louis Eckstein has been deluged with inquiries from those who-- expect to attend the performances at -Ravinia this season. For the benefit of these inquirers he · FATHERS' DAY Remember Father with a box of his f.avorit~ B. & G. candies. Our mailing service will dispatch your gilt .to distant cities W 1 deliver twict d·ily anywhttt in E vanrton For Better Home Made 567 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka Candiea1Jf~ 1 eJ· ~ 1633 Orrington Ave. Library Plaza Rings for Brides and Plan of Reservations S.eats · io reserved, however, must be taken up by 10 :30 o'cl<;>ck the following morning, or check sen t to the Ravinia company, Ravinia, Illinois, by mail or otherwise, to reach the box-office at that time~ and .tickets will be mailed or held as requested. If reservations are made on the day of the performance for which· they are desired, the tickets must he paid for before 5 o'clock in the afternoon. For the benefit of those who de sire to order tickets in advance, and who find it more convenient to have them held until called for, an arrangement . which has been entir~ly ·satisfactory in the past \vill be in vogue again this year. Under tbis plan those desiring such accommodation will make a deposit of ·$20. for wbich a receipt will be given. Seats ordered in advance will then he held until called for at the box office by the depositor, but must he paicl for at that time to leave the total amount of the deposit intact. There can he no returns, cancellations or exchanges. nor may depo5itors tran sfe r their rights to the use of other s under this plan. \iVhen tickets so ordered are not called for, they will he charged to the deppsitor. These deposits may be made at the Ravinia box-office after June 16, or may be made at present addrcs~ed to · The R a'" in i a company. 36 South State street. Chicago. The deposits will be rcturnccl at the end of the season in -:'e ptemher. Give Scale of Prices Then comes the question of prices. The general admission at the gate i:; $1, but coupon books are ·5old at $18 for t,··e nty coupons. The reserved scat prices for the opening night according to. location,· will be $4.50 and $3.50. For all other opera nights, except gala nights (to be announced) and closing night, the prices will be $1.50 $1.75, $2.50 and $3. On Monday concert night5 there is no charge for reserved seats, the $1 general admission at the gate covering everything. In addition to the splendid transportation facilities it enjoys, Ravinia has always been a paradise for motorists, the roads from every direction ·s tretching through some of the most beautiful portions of . the north shore. As a convenience to the thousands who arrive by motor car, two extensive parking spaces are maintained, one at the Sheridan road entrance. and the other at the Green Bay road entrance. These are adequate in every way. There are ample box-o'ffice accommodations at , Ravinia to facilitate the delivery on the evening of the per.formance, of tickets which have been ordered hy mail or telephone. l.fr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Ketchum of 1466 North Willow street, Lake Forest. announce tile birth of Patricia Ann 0!1 Saturday, June 2. at the Alice Home ho spi tal, Lake Forest. 1{r. Ketchum was a former resident of. Wilmette. .,. Brides . .to . .Be When buying diamond wedding rings at NELSON'S Every Living Convenience Here! Another reason for I i v i n g at T h t G t o r g i a n i& the dining service. Fooda are deliciously prepared unier chef" supervision. urved exqui&itely in quiet s u r r o u n dings of quality. Special luncheon&, breakfasts, dinntra, at special price& and a Ia carte &ervice daily from 7 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. When you take up residence at The Georgian everything is bright and clean-and neat-in spick and span order-and kept that way for you. Everything is furnished- all . the newest approved, modern living conveniences with the added luxury of service twenty-four hours. The Georgian will make you a home, ideal in every respect. There is no o .. ner way of living or no other location which offers so many advantages nor at such a low cost. Wouldn't you really rather live at The Georgian without any housekeeping cares or up-keep responsibilities? Why not inspect the commodious living comforts of The Georgian soon? you are assured of a guarantee that the stones are exactly as represent· ed. You do not have to leave the city of Evanston to find a larger or better s h ow i n g of suitable Rings for all Gift pur· poses-just call at our new store-let us assume the responsibility of satisfying you in QUALITY and in PRICE. ENGAGEMENT RINGS WEDDING RINGS GROOMS' RINGS SILVERWARE WATCHES DIAMONDS FINE JEWELRY NOVELTIES .. l IDhe ~to11Jian An Address of Distinction CopJiright 1928 bJI The Georgian Hotel, Evanston LEE NELSON Jeweler · 4100 DAVIS AT HINMAN - EVANSTON - GREENLEAF New Location 1626 ORRINGTON AVE. (Nrw Hahn Building) University 4 6 1 -oSenior Lawn week was held · last week at New Trier. This fashion of allowing the seniors the freedom of the front campus the week before graduation i5 fast becoming one of the traditions of the school.