June 15, 1928' , W l 'L M E T .T E Ll F E 21 Stolp ; 4, Fred Leason Howat·d-Distance : 23 feet, 8 inches. ' Boys' Elght-!)ound Shot Put-Eighth grade-1, Frank Riley, Stolp ; 2, Wilbert Kunz, Stolp ; 3, Henry Specht, Howard ; 4, Sterling Harper, Stolp-Distance: 40 feet, 9 inches. Girls' Running High Jump-~eventh grade-,-1, Alice Nord, Howard; 2, Fran ·es Ellis, Stolp; 3, .Jean Munro, StolpHeight: 4 feet, 1 ineh. Boy~:~' Running High Jump- Seventh grade-1, Hichard Sullivan, Stolp; 2, Hobert Dunn, Stolp; 3, Herbert Nave1·, Htolp-Heig-ht: 4 fe(>t, 11 inches. Girls' Running High Jump- Eighth grade- 1, Helen '!'aft, Stolp; 2, Palyma Lee Burpee. Stolp; 3, Elizabeth Bathatchet, Stolp- Height: 4 feet, 2 inches. Boys' Hunning High Jump-Eighth grade-1, Colin Finlayson, Stolp; 2, Frank Church, Stolp; a, Leonard Wolff, Howard - Height: 4 feet, 8 inches. Dashes 40-yard da:-;h- First grade girls- 1, E\·elyn Jan~ Suckoff, Central; 2, Jean Donald~on, Howard; 3, Betty Ble~er, I .ogan. 10-yard dash- F'in;t grade boy:.;, 1, Dick Moreau, Howard; 2, Charles vo11 'T'f>l'ner, Laurel; 3, H.oger Anderson, Centnd. 40-yanl dash- Second grade girlH- 1, l·'rances Al{eley, Centra l; 2, Betty Todd, 1JrJward; 3, Josephine Russo, Central. 40-yard dash--Second grade boys- 1, Billy Robet·ts, Howard; 2, Charles Moon, I.ogan ; 3, Bob Spiegelhauer, Logan. 40-yard dash-Third grade girls-1, Dorothy DaYis, Howard; 2, Etta Gingles, 1 foward; 3, Katherine Wenter, Central. 40-yard dash-Third grade boys-1, John 'Velter, Logan; 2, Fred Miller, Central ; 3, Wayne Feltman, Central. 40-yard dash-Fourth grade girls-1, !-";ue Spinney, Central; 2, Mary Gingles, Logan; 3, Jane Brandt, Howard. 40-yard dash-Fourth grade boys-1, Walter vonRelm;perg, Central ; 2, Frank Koenan, Central; 3, .Jack Ragsdale, CentJ·al. 40-yard dash- Fifth grade girlR-1, Frances HoRl<in, Howard; 2, Virginia <:r~en, Howard; 3, Phyllis Richardson, 1 'cntral. 40-yard dash- Fifth grade boys-1, !·'rank Hooper, Central; 2, Tom Finlay~on, r cntral; ~. Billy Anhalt, Howard. ::iO-yarcl da:-:h - !:::ixth grade girls- 1, I ~uth ~()lomon, Central; 2, Else von1~f"'in:-:pPrg· , C('ntral; 3, Bf'tty Palenske, I 'f'ntral. ::iO-yarcl (l:t ~h - ~i xth grade boys-;-1, .fohn Ral'lhnlomt:>w, Central; 2, DICk I 'rf'~t .. n. C 't>ntra I ; 3. RobPrt KPhl, Central. :iO-~· ;tnl da~h ~f'venth grade girls- 1, Jean Munro, Stolp; 2, June J{ehl, Stolp; r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3, Ruth Bersch, How~v·d. · 50-yard dash-Seventh grade boys_:_1, Jack Allworth, Stolp; 2, Edward Wittman, Stolp ; 3, Rex Martin, Stolp. 50-yard dash-Eighth grade girls-1, '· Betty Wilson, Stolp ; 2, Ruth Smith, Howard ; 3, Virginia Hawley, Stolp. 50-yard dash-Eighth grade boys-1, George Quinlan, Stolp; 2, Hugh Saxon, Stolp; 3, Cecil Williams, Stolp. Team Hace-Eighth grade boys- 1, Hugh Saxon, Stolp; 2, Vallee Soule, Stolp; 3, .Jac1< Stackhouse, Stolp; 4, Frank Riley, Stolp. Business As Usual Burial Alterations During the p~riod of altering the old theatre building. we will conduct business as usuat striving to give perfect service and our same 1 oo% quality. M~et Officials Officials for the track meet were: Daniel M. Davis, referee and starter; Lester F. Ball, announcer; Joe Skidmore, scorer; ]. R. Harper, Dudley C. Stone, Glen Gathercoal, Olga Stopka, Lucy Lucresser, Frances Ryan, Lowell Todd, and John Finlayson, field officials. Awards were made by Mrs. Norman D. Betts, secretary to Superintendent Harper. The awards were gold medals for first place winners, silver medals for second place winners, and bronze medals for third place winners. I Until further notice we will continue . to serve your wa.nts along· the lines of ice cream sandwichest ice cream and candy. . Mrs. Ray C. Pearson of 117 Dupee place rctur11ed to Wilmette last Sunday from Galena, Ill., where she attende the funeral of her brother Frank }. Desmond. ' VILLAGE CHOCOLATE SHOP 1150 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. 436 BIG REDUCTION IN TIRE PRICES Give the Bride ARUG A beautiful oriental rug is a gift that the bride will always cherish. We are featuring a l.lrge selection in small sizes with beautiful colorings of blue, mulberry and . rose blendings. Rugs with deep silky nap, made to last a life time. "Prices range from FIRESTONE GUM-DIPPED TIRES 29x4.40 ........................ $9.50 30x4.50 ...................... .$10.50 30x5.25 ....................... $14.95 3lx5.25 .... ·................... $15.50 32x6.00 ....................... $18.10 33x6.00 ....................... $18.60 ·30x3lj2 Ex. Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.75 3lx4 ......................... $13.10 32x4 ......................... $13.85 ~3x.fl/ 2 ........................ $19.40 COURIER TIRES 29x4.40 ........... ............ $ 7.15 30x~.50 ....... · ................ $ 7.75 32x4 ......................... $10.25 30x3lj2 Ex. Size ............... $. 6.40 30x3lj2 Reg. : ................. $ 5.95 OLDFIELD TIRES . 29x4.40 ....... :: .............. $ 8.00 30x4.50 . : ..................... $ 8.65 30x5.25 ....................... $12.75 31x5.25 ....................... $13.25 32x6.00 ....................... $16.80 33x6.00 ....................... $17.15 30x31j2 Ex. Size .............. $ 7.00 31x4 ......................... $11.50 32x4 ......................... $12.20 33x41;2 ....................... $16.70 AIRWAY $4 95 30x3lj2 Reg· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · 29x4.40 . : ...................... $5.95 $9.75 to $75.00 Mestjian Bros. Inc. Floor Covering Contractors and Jobbers Oriental Rugs-Carpets-Linoleum Expert Cleaning-RepairingLaying 51 1 MAIN ST., WIL~ETTE Wit. 1949 Umv. 5050 ALL TIRES -SOLD HERE FIRESTONE BUlLT All other sizes proportionately low. Take advantage of this new record low price and re-tire now for your summer touring. Wilmette Battery & Electric S~rvice 740 - 12th Street Sinclair Filling Station . Wilmette 691