Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 19

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June 15, 1928. WILMETTE LIFE 19 KetJilworth Pupil 300-Pound Indian Squaw Is Carted Off by Thieves Wins Third Prize Who would want a 300-pound Indian for Home Poster squaw? That is what Mrs. Mary Ann Earl Moss, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. E arl C. M oss , 316 Cumnor road, Kenil·worth , has wo n third place in a statev.-id c ideal home poster contes t for pupi ls of th e seve nth a nd eig hth grades ;;t ncl th e fi nt year hi gh schoo l stud ent s in lllinoi s publi c school s. · T he contest was spo nsored by th e Illin o is F ederation of Wom en's Club s a s a n ince ntive to int er est citi zens in a campa ig n for we ll equi pped homes now being condu cted by th e federation . E arl is in th e seve nth g rade at th e Joseph Scar s school at Ke n i 1w orth and placed third amo ng a fi eld of hundr eds of cont estant s from schools in a ll part s of Iltinoi s. T l~e poster which \\·on him th e prize will be on ex hibit at th e annua l Josep h Se ars ex hibit t3 ht held at th e sc hool tonig ht . Th e poster wa s a lso on exh ibition at the Ameri can H ome Exposition h eld at th e Steve ns hot el in conn ection with th e .;; ta te co nve ntion of the Illinoi s Federat ion o f W omen's clubs from May 14 to 19. Prizes we re awarded on th e basis of ur ig in a lit y a nd ge neral neatn ess of th e pos te rs submitt ed. T he judges were M r s. Constant C. Hopkin s, chair ma n of th e dena rtm ent of th e Am eri can home; M rs. Cla r ence C. Goodwi n , cha irm a n of th e conventi on expos ition committ ee; a nd Ke ith Spade . direc tor of th e publi c se r vice 3peak er s' bureau . P ost er s w ere of bo,th ex terior awl inte ri or desig n, show ing eith er a hu a nd gro unds or a living room, kitche n or la un dry. T he pos ter made by E arl ~fo s s was a n exte ri or desig n. Dicke of 808 Washington street, Evan ston, is wondering. She left her squaw standing on the steps in front of her studio home for sev~ ral days, and then, Wednesday night of last week, it disappe tred. ] ust how, Mrs. Dicke wonders, because it had a base of solid ·concrete and weighed over 300 pounds. Her squaw, of ccurse, was a cigar store Indian of a type now almost ob solete. Mrs. Dicke located the statue in AtticaJ Ind., during a recent huying trip for antiques in which she deal s, and r ecognized it as of unusual value. She set it in a place of vantage in front of her home, but it must have tempted some passers-by, as from \Vedne sday night of last week when it di sappeared to Tuesday night of this, she had received no trace of it or information of its whereabouts . She oe l. eves the vandals who carted it otl em ployed a truck to move it. SEIBERLING Tire· Prices . Reduced Effective At Once Now you can buy a world famous Seiberling superior qu~lity tire and pay no more than you have been paying for .second rate and inferior Our stock is complete with a full makes. assortment of sizes. Vacation time calls for good tire equipment. Better let us re-tire your car and avoid grief on the road and a perfectly good vacation ruined. LOSE SON BY DEATH vVilm ette friend s of Mr. and Mrs. E dward K. Kirchberg of 733 Brummel avenue, E vanston, have just learned' of th e death of the Kirchbergs' son, E dwa rd K. Kirchberg, Jr. Junior became ill last Sunday from a throat infection and di ed suddenly Monday morning. He was 3 years old. Mrs. Kirchberg is th e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Cru sh of 710 Laurel avenue. Miss Frances Allworth of 427 Eighth stree t ente rtained a g roup of friends las t F riday evening. FREE Repairs for one year on all ... I SEIBERLING ALL-TREAD TIRES purchased at Margerum's PHONE WILMETTE Tir~ Shop 3 24 3 WILMETTE 6 21 MAIN STREET , l I ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _.J ~: 1086 Cherry St., Winnetka Boy Friend-Sufferin'blowouts! If I on I y had a spare! Girl Friend- Listen, BoyFriendspare yourself the trouble of remembering my ~phone number until you ~t Price $.20,000. Occupancy October 1st or before White tlapboard residence a years o.Id. Redecorated lnl!lide and out. Oak Aoora throughout. Full·slzed screens tuHl storm windows for all windows. Gla1ed winter enclosares for front entrance porch and rear service porch. . First floor consists of living room with ftreplace, center hall, dining room, large rlazed and ftnlslted sun porch. kitchen and pantry; lavatory with wash bowl and toilet, two clothes t.losets, ope,a screened porch tor summer use. Second floor consists of three good sized bedrooms with four clothes closets. gla·ed and finished sleeping porch, nlso uuscreened open porch, linen closet, one bathroom. A large attic tor storage purposes. Floor of attic lnsalated with Insulex. Large cement basement, warm air heat with Bryant gas furnace, three laundry tubs. . Lot 68xl77 exclusive of alley. T"'O·«'ar cement floor garage with attle for storing screens and storm wJndow11. Large play · yard with sand box, swlar, trapese and rings. Lot beautifully wooded with large old trees. Lawn, b·shes and perennials represent Investment of over ,2,000. No special assessments. Goodyears on all/our rints. WILMETIE MOTOR SALES . P. J. 515 FOURTH ST. SCHAEFER, Prop. PHONE WILMETTE 636

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