Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE June 15, 1928 ' at everybody~ven his own master_:and tries to run otf and hide. Fits may last only a few minutes or for hours and may recur one after another. Fits .differ from rabies In that rabies always kills a dog while flts do not. To · have rabies a dog must have been bitt n by a dog with rabies, which 1s one ~~ the rarest diseases there is, so .that a dog who has bitten a person and 1s suspected of having rabies should never be killed but should be kep.t under observation where he cannot b1te anyone else, and if he lives he cannot possibly have had rabies, which is always fatal to a dog. th" f If, therefore, your dog has ~my . mg o this kind do not let t~em k1ll. h1~n · but put him under observatiOn and tt ts perfectly Hkely that h.e can be cured. . A true dog lover 1s one wh~ lov~s ammals with understanding and intelltgence, not maudlin sentiment which allows t()O many dog owners to say, "Oh, yes, I love dogs. Why, I own one," 3:nd in th~ same breath) "I feed him anythmg that 1s _ l ef~; He picks up a good amount foragmg , "Where is he now?" "I don't know, but if he gets into any mischief I'll break every bone in his body, ~nd ~e knows it Oh he obeys me all nght. ·That' is the type of individual who is 1 a menace to the community, for "as you treat your dog so will you treat a hu man being." It is especially unfortunate that we find that type of individual very prevalent in offi.ces . where he fi!lds it possible to abuse h1s gtft of authonty. Let us recognize that it is a fine~ t~p of indiYidual whom we find apprec1atmg and understanding animals, but at th f' same time let us endeavor to educate our neighbors away from their inherita~ ce of superstition a~d ignorance wh1.ch makes them one wrth the mob to ra1se a "hue and cry" of "mad dog" at the sight of every stray dog! As good sports lf't. us co nform .. to ~.he law-for the pr?.tectwn of our ?o,7 and meanwhile educate the publlc. l\Jrs. T. :\T. ;ramer, a45 Park avenue. ~TOY~ L----------------= 1 I Public Forum j for the Kiddies Rubber Balla 5c to 7Sc Sail Boats 2Sc to S9c Sand Toys IOc to $1 Garden Seta Rake-Hose-Shovel 2Sc: Colored Imported Rubber Balla Special this week 29c UNDERSTAND YOUR DOG Editor, WILMETTe Ln'E: Muzzles ' are demanded in most communities by law, particularly in the summer time, and a real dog lover is a real sport who likes to respect the law anrl the rights of others, and many nervous parents are made m9re nervous by unmuzzled dogs runnmg around the street. Also an unmuzzled dog is apt to be picked up and shot Mrs. Edwina Martine · w ECKLER will open dancing at tbe classe~ WILMETTE WOMAN'S CLUB Medium Size Beach Ball Special at 49c Thursdays Next Fall Fifteen Dollars for twenty lessons. This will be her eighth season in Wilmette. Two seasons at the Ouilmette Country Club. Five seasons under auspices of RIDGE AVE. GIFT SHOP Opposite St. Joseph Church P. T. A. Address 14 34 THORNDALE AVE. CHICAGO Tel. 171 Wil. Phone Longbeach 7128 by the dog catch!!r or the policeGo d pity the dog tha falls into the hands of either! Personally I look upon muzzles as atl unnecessary evil, bl!t if they mus t Y es t er d a y be, muzzle humane tY· saw a poo'r dog half crazy f~x _lack of water and i}ir, because Ius Jaws were strapped so tightly togeth7r by Ioul)le batlds of leather that he could l· get no relief. A humane· muzzl~ p_revents the dog from biting or ptc~mg up poisoned or decayed matter f~om but Permits him to drmk. til e Streets' In the summer time dogs given an · 11 suffict"ent quantity of water-and by 1 b an insufficient quantity I mean t Ile a scnce of a bowl or tin of fresh water where the dog can reach it. all th e tl.me-wt'll often get very exctte_d, almost amounting to a fit, and Wt 1 1 run around and frot11 at the mouth and 1 shot for mad dogs when the one >e l 1 b hot who really oug 1t to 1ave een s. was the heartless dog owner who fatled to provide sufficient water. . · good dog is A s f or ra b tes, many a . killed ~s mad . when all he ha~ 111 a convulsiOn. Ftts are often mtstaken for rabies. All dogs, especially grow· · b" t t 0 fit and mg pupptes, a~e su Jec ,, s . epilepsy, sometnnes called the fallmg sickness." Fits in grown dogs are caused by worms overeating, indiges'· f t" 1 k tion, violent exercts~ a ter e~ mg, ac of water, constipation, a htt on the head, or some similar cause. . The ordinary fit usually starts W_lth nen-ous twitching, staggering, snapptng jaws. foaming mouth, dog falls on his ~ide Pxhausted, legs work Yiolently, face distorted, staggprs to his feet, snapping 1 a ... GIVES BEACH SUPPER Mrs. E. R. Her locker (Florence ~r cGuire of \Vinnetka) e nt e rtained th e members of the chojr of the First Methodist church of \Vilmcttc and their families at a supp er on the beach of the ~[ cGuire home at 565 Sheridan road. \Yinnctka. Tue day evening. :1· 1,. I I! i! + jl Let Us Fix It! Include Gas Heat when you build No other investment you can make in your new home will yield bigger dividends in comfort, health and cleanliness than a gas-fired heating plant. One of our heating engineers will gladly · call and give you .a cost estimate or other information. [ · Let us estimate the cost of The weather is too nice now.adays and your time too important to spend an afternoon under the car. Just give the job to us and we'll repair it quickly, effectively, and at low cost. Estimates gladly given. We Don't Sell Cara-We Depend ONLY on Good Repair Work to Merit .Your Continued Patronage. li I. 'I li II :I II ·I I II I. ,, REFRESH YOURSELF Eat at the ,, 1: I! I SHERIDAN II CAFE I' I! ing )'OUT heat-] home with Gas. LAKE AVENUE GARAGE A. H. MODINE, Prop. 344 Linden Ave. 601 Main St. Delicatessen Service I I I I t .- PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 1141. Central Ave., Wilmette, Wilmette 2899 JNO. S. REESMAN, District Manager General Repairing, Overhauling, Storage, Expert Mechanics Lake Ave. near Ridge Ave. 1208 Wilmette . ~ve. . Phone Wilmette 3040 We Never Close

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