Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1928, p. 8

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WILMETTE Tuesday of this week Mrs. Arthur Ruf of Kenilworth opened her L I·F E home ~n Cumnor road for a trousseau Several members of the Wilm~tte tea for her daughter, Phyllis, whose Rotarv club will entrain Sunday eve'h marriage takes place this Sa.t urday ·- f. M' nmg . ' or mneapo11s, w1 1ere . t e con. evening. , ventton of Rotary I_ nternatwnal wtll _______R _a _t_ s -. - - - - - be in session, June 18 to 22. The official delegate from the \Vilmette club I rfrl your placl' or rats and mice, is D. E. Allen, Jr., presi~ent-elect of u~lng f'xelul'lvely the famous Ra.tln the local club. Others in the Wi lm ett e p r f' p n ratIon, Non-P olsonousHarrnlc>ss to Human, Animal, Gam e partv wi ll be 1\Ir. and Mrs. David Neland Bird Life. son,· Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Wi lson, M r. and Mrs. R. L. F. Biescmeier., and Peter Uedelhofen No rthllrook 22o·J 1'(·1. Wlnn. 76 Lloyd Hollister. Rotarian's WiD Attend The Lions Might Have Minneapolis Convention ' Best Time After All ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l': Distinctive Lantp Shades Designed to Your Order Bring your lamp bases to our studio and we will design and make shades to harmonize perfectly witb any style or type of base. This is an opportunity to obtain shades that are decideply different and truly 'artis tic. In r~ference to the ~oy Scouts whf are bemg sent to Afnca as guegs ?d George Palmer Putnarn and _ _ avt B' from mney p u t nam, a letter comes . Tanganyika, written b:Y Martm Johnson author of "Safari." "Yon can assure the Boy Scouts that they are going to ha,·e the greatest time. of their lives. Osa and I will wander around this country for hundr eds of miles during the riext two and a half months, and have the best camp site selected. Then, \\'hen I _knm'\o· the date your boys arc to arrtve, I · will rctur;1 to N'airobi, get the boys, and come right out with them. I will supph· th m with guns and everything th e\· ;,ecd. A·ll th ey need to bring will be -thc·ir clothing. "\\"e will take th e best o£ care of them ... O sa and ·r think we are going to have ~ better tithe out of their visit than thcv will, for \Ye will certainly get a bfg kick in show ing them th e gr<.'at-c . :; t time boys e\·er had." e I .'"' ~ . so~~i~ June 15, 1928 Au Xi 1i a r y · Leg i 0 n Or Clair Studios 71 0 2 SHERIDAN ROAD Estimates Furnished PHONE BRIARGATE 7892 D ec idedl y D ifferent Guaranteed to Please Realtors Hold Regular Dinner Meeting June 18 The regular dinner meeting of tl!e rorth Shore Real Estate board \\'tll he held 1fonclay evening, June 18, at Glcngablc's tea room in Glencoe at 6:30 o'clock. ~ew members of the Real Estate board wi ll be present, and sc ,·cral of th e members plan to bring guests. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·a---·--·--·-~-.---·-~--·-·-o-·-·-~~-~~-·THIS TELLS PART OF THE STORY WHY f .-· -·-n-n_o _ n _c! _ ()_ ()_ ()_ ! __()_,_._.:. , - Tuesdav evening, June 5, at the 1-fatemple, the Legion Auxiliary, Post 46, held i~s· con~l~ding spring meeting and enJ?yed m th e ~nnual r eport s a resume of the. years accompli shments. The prestclent, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, in a _car~fully prepared rep ort , gave crecltt to the commit tees, and_ pointed _out what each chairtnan brtngs espectally to her departnrent. To the interes t of these women ::\.frs. ] ohn son credits much of the year' succe ss; she thanked a lso the sec r etar y, 11 r s. Victor K lebba , and the tr easur er, Urs. Vaninwagen ior faithfulness to their rather exacting duties. The memh crs, howen.'r, realize that th e f1 nc leadc;r s.hip of th e . pre . ident ha s hL"cn a chstmct factor 111 the m1it' s progress. \Irs. Harrv Hopp, the rehabilitati on chairman. reporte d that $233.20 has been spe nt in service \\'Ork beside the clothing r eco rd s, playing cards. and sim ilar donations \\'hi c h \nr c distributed to th e men in h ospitals. 52 patients \\"('re ,·isited by the commit tee. The child welfare chairman, ).frs. Stanlev Peterson, announced that ~ 102. spent hy the unit. had contributed to children' s ,,·r1fare si nce this committee \\'3" formed-a sp l c ncli~l shmring. ).fr s. Roclenkirk 's committee ha " completed eight layette and start ccl t\\"0 othe r s. The " ·a,·. ami means committee. under the. kadership of ).fr.. George Bassler, has added $1fi7.16 to the trea sury through the parties arranged (lur ing t!Je year. :\fr s. George .\. Stone's committee l1as addrd close to thirtv members to the roll hv their untirin g effort. Tt is expected· that results frnm their \\'Ork ,,·ill continue to come in during the falL Bv the time the bu si ne ss session \\·as· cnnc lu (led a numher of lcgion naires bad joined the ladies. and the meeting ,,·as turned over to \f r s. C. R. Cochran, the program chairman. who was in charge of the entertainment 1 for the evening. After Mrs. Tohnson had welcomed the Legion. members-special gue sts for the even m Q'-a group of songs was given hy· \~' itliam Balhatchet. w h o is ~~U-kno\vn in musical circles in the villag-e, and is wicicning hi s audience. for his fine vo ice is occasio na Uv heard over the r adio. His program: admirab le in both varietv and rendition. \\'aS most enthi1siasticaily r"ceived. Rrel s of Paris and Versai ll es. taken hv Burton Holme s for his travel 1ectt1re. were di splayed by Victor Klehha (predicted to "know his Paris") with a nice amount of knowledge and humor. Following the pictures Miss Olive Chase, with her own blending of charm and zest, F:ave a program of vouthful dances. Mrs. B. F. M cNa uhtra played accompaniment s for hoth the dances and Mr. Balhatc het's songs in a dependable and mu sicianly manner. The program was concluded in ·a brief .talk bv Commander Vaninwagen of the Legion. , . Mrs. Clara Harriso n, a member of Mrs . .Van Deursen's social committee, ·which has done such splendid service through the year, was in charge of refreshments. The June calendar holds two dates of intere<\t to Auxiliary memers: .Tun (' 14. when there will be held at Hotel La Salle an all-day meeting for the discussion of National Defense and Americanization problems. SILE . B. Crawl, L. Carrithers, (~ eo. T. Steen, J. L. Wilds, Arthur Bonnett, H. V. )Jeslck, F. W. Henkel, John Rygel, G. A. Peterson, Dr. 11. R. Broman, lJ]OMAJIC . . I I THE NOISELESS OIL BU 1\N El I I I · Sllc>nt 2,846 Gal. 2.692 Gal. IS OUTSELLING-ALL OTHER OIL BURNERS Name Address 26H Park Pl., 90-& Colfax, 810 Lincoln, 1406 Gregory, 2H Oxford, 167 Robsart, 331 Essex, 635 Walden, 811 Foxdale, 722 Elm, El·anston E vunston · Evanston Wilmette Kenilworth Kenilworth Kenilworth Winnetka Winnetka Winnetka 3,800 Gal. 3,886 Gal. Coal $250.00 3,750 Gal. 8,000 Gal. M25.00 '460.00 Prev. Used I 1 1 ' 1 i ~ $242.];) Says Coal Coni Says Says less than soft coal 1.94i Gal. 2,600 Gal. $2!!5.00 $:t7;;.oo coal more than on less than sort coal Whert coal was u&ed no Janit or &eruices were figured in or a&h re moL·al ex penses. Send for additional lise of users' names and letters. To use Oil,in the form of Gas to accomplish the above savings you should consider nothing but 1620 SHERMAN AVE. Evanato,. Showroom 1 1 i SILENT AUTOMATIC GREENLEAF 700 ! ~~~--~~~-~~~-~~~~~-~~~~~~~-·~~~~~·-~--·~~-no f G~OWING C~\L.. OREN NEEO ~GOOD/ CAN0'1' POP. 'fOUR. MOTHER PU-r '(O U POP, DO '{OU ~uPPoSE UP TO IHI ~ - IE L.L.~ HER.. l'O GROW UP 'TO . BE A t4ERE,S' A. DO L..L AR. . R.\JN SWELL LO·O KIN6 MAJ.J L.IKE YOU IF l EAT 600D ALONG NOW- c;t-'e. 'S WA.t,.l ~G FOR YOU AT PURE CAND'{ __ ?~ ~ The RIDGE AVE PHARMACY -A.ND I NEC.D RAZOR BL.ADES 1 pound Cumberland Ripple Sta[iontry, 50 Envelopes to match, 63c. Waterbury Alum Clocks, Blut, green or red, $ 1. I 9· Jarnac Talc, Cold Cream, Rouge or Face Powder, special this week, · I gc each RIDGE AVENUE PHARMACY Opposite St. Joseph School C. C. Renneckar Phone Wilmette 316

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