Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1928, p. 66

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WILMETTE 7 ROOM HOME IN WILMETT~ JUST RECEIVED CHOICE COLLEC- GOOD east of tracks in exchange for ~ea~tl tion of antique hooked rugs. Fine and fuf high-grade six apartment bmldmg, (Continued from page 65) floral and geometrical patterns. Good each apartment has six beautiful large range of soft color. rooms with 2 baths. Building is well Antique mirrors, glass, small maple and financed, only one mortgage. Yearly FOR SALE-HOUSES walnut tables, lamps, etc. Reas. prices . income $10,800 and shows fine net in-: 383 Brierwood Pl., Ravinia, Ill. Ph. come. Good chance to turn your home FOR BEAUTIFUL HOME ON NORTH Highland Park 2847. 99LTN37-ltc into a fine income producing property. Shore call Mabel T. Harney, KenilFor full details call or write Mr. worth 1576 or address Box 363, KenilSchrock, 1108 Davis St., Evanston. worth. 77LTN37-ltc 100 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GDS. University 8080. 104L37-1tc FOR SALE-8-ROOM HOUSE, DOUBLE garage,· modern imp. Box No. 293, Glen101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS coe, Ill. 77L37-ltp HOUSEHOLD GOODS, INCLUDING child's blue enamelled bedrm. set; blue WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND & white porcelain gas range ; also Re~8 FOR SALE-VACANT furniture and other household goods. liable r~nge & laundry stove; chairs ; Highest prices for same. Crost Furniday bed ; life size baby doll ; largest WINNETKA ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evsize doll buggy; Mason jars ; Oliver anston, Ill. Ph. Unlv. 189. 101LTN5-tfc typewriter; fiat top desk; also several dinner & aft. dresses, size 16. VERY EXCLUSIVE, ADJOINS EQUALPh. Glencoe 440 ly beautiful estates. Artistically land- 850 Sheridan Rd. YILLAGE OF WILMETTE 100LTN37-ltc scaped, wonderful gardens of shrubs PROPOSALS and flowers and an abundance of trees. R eally a natural park. Beautiful spa- FRENCH GREY BREAKFAST SET & For grading, paving and otherwise imcious home having 5 baths and separate' 4 chairs to match, $18; 3 gold curtains, proving Seventeenth Street from Wilservants' quarters. You can sell 2 or new, $20 value for $7; blue velour· mette A venue to Elmwood A venue. 3 estates and retain the original home drapes, $2.50; 1 Singer portable elect., (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 223) at practi cally no cost. exc. cond., $30; 7-piece rose bed set, Wilmette, Ill., June 6, 1928. This I:; a safe ·investment and a de$21 value, $8.50, new ; small rugs. Tel. Sealed proposals for grading, adjusting lightful place to ]Jve while it is grow"\\-..inn. 3169. 100LTN37-ltc manhole and catch basin covers, coning into money. Liberal terms can be arranged. ::;tructing storm water drains with necesSTEINWAY GRAND PIANO, PIANO ::;ary manholes and catch basins, paving scarf and pillow to match. 1 antique with Portland cement concrete and & desk and chair, orchid taffeta bed- otherwise improving Seventeenth Street 566 Center St. Phone Winn. 2032 spreads, twin size, 1 exquisite rose bed from the north line of Wilmette Ave78LTN37-ltc spread and pillow, chaise lounge cover, nue to the south line of Elmwood Aveetc. Ph. Edgewater 3522. nue, except the intersections of Central 100LTN37-ltp Avenue, Highland Avenue, Washington Avenue, Lake Avenue, Forest Avenue and Choice i)O ft. lot on Scott Avenue, east of FOR SALE-GOOD DINING RM., LTV. 'Valnut Avenue, which are now paved, Grecnwood- $125 per ft. rm., and bedrm. furn. Books, Scott and in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Choice 72 foot lot on beautiful Walden Victor Hugo, DeLux editions. Misc. Illinois, in accordance with the ordinance Road-'$11,000. · articles. Ph. Highland Park 1130. and specifications for said improvement Choice 50 ft. lot on Asb4ry A venue, east 100LTN37-ltp will be received by the Board of Local of Vernon- $130 per ft. Improvements of said Village of Wil1 a c re lot at Indian Hill Estates; nothing like it anywhere-$9,000. MUST SACRIFICE BEAUTIFUL MA- mette until 7 :30 o'clock P. M. on Tue:;;50 ft. lot on RoRewood- $140 per ft. son and Hamlin Grand Piano. Used day, the 19th day of June, A. D. 1928, only a short time. Write Wilmette at which time said proposals will be Life A-20. 100LTN36-4tc publicly opened, examined and declared 720 Elm St., Winnetka by said Board of Local Improvements in Ph. Winn. 254 78LTN37-ltc FOR SALE- WALNUT DINING ROOM the Council Chamber in the Village Hall. The specifications for said improvement -----------------table and 6 chairs, excellent condition, quick sale very reasonable. 1040 Pine and blank proposals will be furni~hed at office of said Board of Local InlSt. Ph. Winnetka 752. 100LTN37-ltc the provements in said Village Hall. 75 FOOT BUSINESS FRONTAGE ON Main St., Wilmette, one block from FOR SALE-FULL SIZED BED, BOX Proposals must be made out on blanks depot at $175 per foot. Will divide. spri!]$S and mattress. Portieres, ruffle furni shed by said Board of Local Improvements and must be addressed to curta1ns. Ph. Wilmette 3736. & 100LT37-ltc the Board of Local Improvements of the 1157 Wilmette Aw. Phone Wil. 640 Village of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois, 78LTN37-ltc DAVENPORT, SEVERAL CHAIRS, and endorsed "Proposals for Improvecarpet, 2 ftoor lamps, misc. furniture. ment of Seventeenth Street from WilPh. Kenilworth 598. 100LTN37-ltp mette Avenue to Elmwood Avenue" and WILL BUILD HOME FOR RESPONall proposals must be accompanied by sible party In Deerfield, ~ot 60x136, 3 blocks to transp. Write Wilmette CHILD'S METAL CRIB & MATTRESS; cash, or a certified check pa:,..able to the Life A-16. 78LTN12-tfc Field's special; exc. cond. Tel. Winn. order of tne President of the Board of 3!!3. 100LTN37-ltc Local Improvements Qf the Village of Wilmette, for a sum of not less than ten 71 FOR SALE-ACREAGE MODERN 8-PC. WALNUT DINING (10) per centum of the aggregat e of the set, excellent condition. Bargain. Ph. proposal and no proposal will be conFOR SALE OR TRADE-20 ACRE Winnetka 3146. 100LTN37'-ltc f'idered unless accompanied by ~uch check farm at Three Oaks, Mich. 73 miles or cash. from Chicago, about 21h mi. to Sawyer The contractor will be paid in bondR Beach and near Lakeside summer re- 10! FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS and vouchers payable solely out of the sort. 4 acres timber, 3 acres in orchard assessment for said improvement, when and grapes, balance for farming. Fine FOR SALE-REAS. PRICE. 1 BOHN collected in accordance with the prosoil and well water. 5 rm. bungalow, Cyphon Refrigerator, almost new. visions of the ordinance therefor, and fine garage, grainery and out-buildings. Porcelain outside and in, 150 lb. ice in the manner preRcribed by law, which Many shade and black walnut trees. capacity. Suitable for installing ice ma- bonds will bear interest at the rate of Could be turned into resort property, chinery. Also 1 Scholle design solid six (6) per ce ntum per annum. For quick sale $5,500 cash or will mah. bookcase. 901 Ashland Ave. Ph. The contractor to whom the contract trade for Wilmette or North Shore vaWilmette 33. 102LT37-1tc may be awarded will be required to cant. Ph. Wilmette 713-M. 79L37-ltc furnish a bond to the satisfaction and FOR SALE - BOOKS, CHILDREN'S & approval of said Board of Local Improve8t adults' at less than 1h cost. Sets of ments, in a sum equal to fifty (50) per SUIUIER BESOBTS Dickens, Alcott, Twin books, etc. 228 centum of the contract price, condiSheridan Rd. Tel. Winn. 1459. tioned for the faithful performance of 102LTN37-ltp the contract. Proposals will be received for the conFOR SALE-GENUINE REED BABY struction said improvement as a buggy and bassinet, $10 each; baby whole ; andof said Board of Local Improvebed and spring, $5, good condition. Ph. ments reserves the right to reject any Wilmett~ 3915. 102L37-ltc and all bids. Spacious summer home, furnished, housecleaned ready for immediflte occupancy. EARL E. ORNER, SALE-HIGHEST GRADE Location quiet outskirts of Saugatuck FOR ERNEST C. CAZEL, French Mantle clockr black marble and on banks of Kalamazoo River near its ALBERT L. GRINNELL, bronze, 29 in. high with side urns. Ph. outlet at Lake Michigan. River frontPAUL A. HOFFMAN, Wilmette 2363. 102L37-ltc age, private docks. 2 acres extend to C. MILES McDONALD, 3Jtioinlng fruit farm; beautiful scenery; HANS VON REINSPERG, large trees. FOR SALE REMINGTON TYPEGORDON WILSON. writer, good condition. Bargain. Ph. Board of Local ImproveGlencoe 1148. 102LTN35-tfp Facilities for swimming, boating, hik. mentE; ' of the Village of ing, golf. House h:-,s electric light, Wilmette. wood stove with fuel, plumbing in FOR SALE- 1 CHILD'S WHITE ENAML37-1tc eled bed spring and mattress, $11. Ph. kitchen, bathroom, lavatories In 4 bedWilmette 1144. 102L37-ltc rooms. Large screened porch and other outdoor screened accommodations, 2-car TWIN BABY CARRIAGE, GOOD CONgarage and wind mill. Notice is hereby given that eYery dition. Ph. Winnetka 2616. property owner in New Trier Township Rental for season, $600. For further 102LTN37-ltc IR notified that Canada Thistles must be Information phone Glencoe 970. cut. Any person violating this law and allowing thistles to go to seed will be 82LTN37-ltc 104 EXCHANGE prm:;ecuted and fined. Classified Advertisements 99 ANTIQUES .., LIFE EXCHANGE June 8, 1928 ANTIQUES HOOKED RUGS· I A Village Divided (Continued from page 3) to his office about nine, spends a hard day at work and, if he is lucky and still alive toward evening, will begin to look forward to his homeward journey on a nice, clean, comfortable "L" train wherein he'll hang his tired and weary form on a well supported strap. "Shortly after his dinner he'll pull down one of his walls, which he calls an in-ador bed, on which to rest his battered body in slumber~ blessed with dreams of life in Wilmette. He'll dream of a home nestled amid murmuring hemlocks and whispering pines out in Wilmette on that glorious North Shore where God smiled while He builded. And, gentlemen, he'll dream of the comforts and pleasures which only Wilmette holds for her villagers and which Wilmette offers to all who will come within her fold. "Annexation will necessitate certain changes. Take for instance the school situation here in Chicago. You have already proven that you don't need a superintendent of schools and, since the board of education has only been a bother anyhow, we'll eliminate it. Our Wilmette school system is not what Winnetka would call a 'unique system,' nevertheless we teach our children such fundamentals as that 2 and 2 make 4 and that pineapples are really fruit and not . instruments to . shoot pep into politicians. "Some of the Chicago attractions we won't want. Among them is your water . You can't. drink it straight and no matter how you mix it, chlorine remains the predominating flavor. Of course Wilmette is no place for the Stockyards. We understand that Evanston is annexing that. We got wind of it last night. Our local banks, the Wilmette State and the First National, will absorb the Continental and Commercial and the First National of Chicago and all the other banking houses that want to be absorbed. And I understand that they w~ll pay par value for the stock. A good deal for the Chicago bankers. "We will absorb the entire Chicago city government. We have a Village President and six Trustees and they could do the work very successfully and still have plenty of time in the afternoons tr play golf. While we do not have a grea deal of patronage in our Wilmette poli tical system, nevertheless we promise t o take care of the more potent figures in your administration, provided they will show us how we can raise taxes and make 'em like it. Our present tax rate does not provide support for so many real estate experts and politicians. "In our Wilmette Rotary club we stil have a few open classifications, so we are going to instruct our Membership committee to be very lenient so that we can take over the entire Chicago club and make it a real organization. It ~eems that some of your more farsighted members years ago saw the hand-writ ing on the wall of this great movement to Wilmette and environs and so they purchased their homes out our way. I refer particularly to your President Van, Inte!'national Secretary Ches Perry, Floyd Bateman, R. E. Pattison-Kline, F. A Cushing-Smith, Paul N. Battey, and a great many others. In fact, I believe that the best part of the Chicago Rotary club lives out our way. And, surely, the rest of you gentlemen wouldn't question their discretion and judgment. Therefore, since they have already committed them selves and, in view of the many advan tages I have pointed out, you · must con elude also that the sound and practica thing to do is to annex Chicago to Wil mette." AT YOUR OWN PRICE ACREAGE ESTATE CROSBY McKENDRY VA CANT BARGAiNS ...... HEINS EN REAL'rY CO. AN UNUSUAL OFFER F. Colen1an Burroughs Co. ... I Sutnn1er Property Saugatuck, Michigan For Rent and for Sale 179 PUPILS GRADUATE HERE NEXT WEDNESDAY ('C ontinued from page 3) t7 WANTED TO BUY-VACANT WANTED-A LOT 75 OR 100 FT. FRONT In east Wi1meotte or Kenilworth. MuRt be reas. Mabel T. Harney, Box 363, HIGH-GRADE, WEL~-LOCATED, IMKenilworth. 97L37~1tc . proved clear farm in exchange for modern 30-apartment building, financed t8 WTD. T_O BUY-USED CARS with only one 6% first mortgage running for 10 year.§. This bullding shows WANTED-USED CAR IN GOOD CONwonderful net income. Write Mr. mother, Mrs. John Gaines Young. Miss ficially close the school year in Wil dition. Ph. Wilmette 3970. Schrock, 1108 Davis St., Evanston. Ill. Young will resume her classes in the mette. School will ·open in the fal 98LTN37-ltc 104L37-ltc fall. about September 10. Halbert F. Riley, Theodore B. Robert son, Frederic M. Robinson, Jerrold M. Rosenberg, Robert Rye, Corrine Sander son, Hugh H. Saxon, Ruth Schuman, Arnold I. Sobel, Vance Soule, Jane L. Spinney, Jack Stackhouse, Marcus w .. Stoddard, Henry Stover, Helen E. Taft, Doris Tansil, Mary M. Thaleg, Mary Jane Thomas, Edna L. Varney, Arno H. von Reinsperg, MBton P. Vore, Georgia JOHN BALMES, Alice Vosburgh, Elsie Wade, Ruth Web Thistle Commissioner. ster, Margaret R. Wegner, Arthur B. Weldon, Junia L. White, Paul WilliamR, Betty K. Wilson, Jerry Wilson, John F. Withrow, Robert B. Young, Eleanor S. Miss Edith Ray Young of 630 Park Zemek, Isabelle Zimmerman, John B . avenue has been called to Vincennes, Zipprich. In~., by the serious illness of her The graduation exercises wilt.. of ---------------------· ------------

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