Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1928, p. 3

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1une 8, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE VOTE mr THURSDAY ON SCHOOL ADDITION A VILLAGE DIVIDED Rotary Addresses Or, the "Battle of the Century" aa it ia F ouabt on Our OWn Home Grounds an Open Letter to Wilmette Citizens I 176·PUPIS GRADUATE HERE NEXT · WEDNESDAY (Statement authorized for publication Eighth Grade Commencement in WILMETTE LIFE by unanimous vote of the Rotary Club of Wilmette at its Exercises to Be Held in How· E. A. Zimmerman, an attorney at 219 regular meeting, Wednesday, June 6, ard School Auditorium Sixth street, who only a few weeks ago 1928.) Voters in the Wilmette School dis- voiced the plaints .of certain Wilmette One hundred and seventy-six Wiltrict will be called upon Thursday, mette school children will receive To the Citiz~ns of Wilmette : June 14, to vote on two propositions: Commercial interests opposing, with Our attention having been directed diplomas at the annual eighth grade a bond issue of $110,000, and the con- others, the issuance of a special permit to a pamphlet circulated late last week commencement exercises to be held at struction of an addition to the How- by the Board of Appeals to another over the name of Edward A. Zimmer- the Arthur H. Howard school Wedard school. Commercial firm in the community de- man, 210 Sixth ~treet, Wilmette, and nesday evening, ] une 13, at 8 o'clock. These propositions and other facts siring to operate a cleaning and dyeing which_ Enoch Steen, president of the board , by veiled inference at least, pertainin~ to the Wilmette school sys- establishment, late last week came attributed to the Wilmette Rotary of education, wit~ present the diplomas. tem are set forth m the following into .v iew as the author of a lengthy club. an interest in annexation of our ]. R. Harper, superintendent of the statement addressed by the \Vilmette document which succeeded, though suburb to Chicago, we desire to m- \Vilmette schools, will make the class board of education to the voters in the probably not by design, in portraying form the public of Wilmette that the presentation. Music will be furnished district: the terrifying vision of a community statements contained in the pamphlet by the school orchestra, by the mixed "It has been the policy of the Wil- divided against itself, with local busi- bearing specific reference to the Ro- chorus, and by the boys of the gradumette Board of Education, whenever ness · folk, most of whom are home tary club are plainly a distortion of ating class. any new grounds or buildings are owners and tax payers, aligned in des- facts obviously designed to serve the Graduation Program under consideration, to carefully pre- perate combat against other home selfish purposes and ambitions of the The complete program follows: sent the matter to the patrons of the owners and tax payers who do not hap- writer or certain Commercial interests March ........ . ......... . .... School Band Invocation .. . . .. . Rev. W. E. McCormack school. pen to be local business people, be- which he represents. Spanish Dance . .. ..... .. ..... Englemann "Inasmuch as you are asked on cause of the simple fact that most of The facts in the case are these : On Mel odie in F ......... ... . .. . .Rubenstein June 14 to vote on two propositions, them are engaged in business else- Tuesday, · May 29, the various Rotary School Orchestra first, to approve an issue of $110,000 in where. clubs in the Chicago suburban area SongsEarly Violets . . . . . . . .. . ... .. Norwegian school bonds, and, second, to approve All · of which . is neither here nor each were invited to appoint a repreHeatherbloom and Heatherglade __ . . _. an addition to the Howard school, the there, insofar as this particular item ·s entative to debate this question with . . . . . . . . . . ... -. ............... Scottish All 1\ly Grief and Sin ...... .... Russian board feels that -you should be care- of news is concerned, for we must the Chicago Rotary club: "Resolved, , .Boscher Gaan . ... ........ . . Hungarian fully advised in the matter. hasten to corroborate Mr. Zimmt"r- that my suburb be annexed to ChicaMixed Chorus Provide for Additions Waltz of the Flowers .... .. Tschaikowsky man's presumably sincere, though pos- go." School Orchestra "The fiqt section of the ·Howard sibly ill-advised reference to a recent This debate, with the suburban clubs Songsschool was begun in 1923 and completed debate involving Rotary clubs in this assuming the negative and the ChiHow Can I Leave Thee ........ Klicken in 1924. It was erected on a fourteen- vicinity on the question : "Resolved cago club, the affirmative side of the The Voice of Praise ... . . . .. ... . Mozart Dedication ... . . ... . ............ .. Franz acre tract of land, part of which ts that My Suburb be Annexed to Chi- question, emanated in the Chicago club Marian ina . . . .. . . .... Italian Folk Song owned by the Board of Education and cago." with the strict understan<1ing that it Boys of the Class part by the Village. The plans for this Presentation of the Class .. J. R. Har'"' Just how ponderous was this discus- was not to be regarded as the basis Superintendent of Schools school provided not only for the sec- sion which gave Mr. Zimmerman such for a serious discussion, but, on the Presentation ot Diplomas .. . . Enoch Stten tion then to be erected but also for profound concern is readily reflected contrary, intended, a·3 President John President Board of Education future additions as the needs of the in the argument put forth by F. .T N. VanderVries of the Chicago club School Loyalty Song .. . . . . ... . ..... Class Class of 19!8 school increased. Consequently these Budinger, representative of the Wil- stated in ·his letter of instructions to The students who will receive additions need not cost more than they mette Rotary club in the contes~, the various clubs, to "afford a great would if they had been erected with (which, by the way, was in conside~a field for fun, newspaper publicity and diplomas next Wednesday are: Konrad P; Anderson, Lauretta E. the original structure. In 1926 six tion of a silver trophy). Mr. Budm- instructive information." While sev- Anderson, Elaine W. Alberga, Arthur H. rooms were added to the school. This ger said: eral of the debaters may have ap- Boyajian, Stephen E. Brooks, Olive B. provided the extra class rooms neces"The best way that I know of to answer peared to be quite serious, as a matter Chase, Jannette E. Conner, Vera J. Dangerfield, Roger J. Delander, John E. sary, gave us a manual trainit g shop the affirmative's presumptions and ab- of fact it was understood by all con- Dernehl, Alice W. Edmonds, M. Louise i's to submit a consideration of surdities in this school and released t 1-te old a sound and practical idea-annex Chi- cerned that the point of the di·scussion Eldredge, Lindsay L. Field, Osmond F. Erwin Foslund, Elizabeth F. manual training shop in the Logan cago to Wilmette. was, for the purposes of the occasion, Field, Fowler, Robert B. Golden, Doris I. school for a much-needed play room. "Wilmette is a village of about 15,000 simply a facetious encounter in ora- Goode, Betty Jane Haigk, Helen W. "It should be of interest to our citizens and we could most successfully tory, 't he debaters merely hammering Greeri, Lorraine M. Haigh, Charlotte E. patrons to trace the developments in absot·b Chicago's 3,000,000 and thereby home their well chosen and apparently Harvey, Isabel C. Haskin, John N. Hellgive great relief and comfort to our unmuth, ~lora Holm-Hansen, Paul C. Hosour educational system corresponding fortunate neighbors. serious arguments only in the hope of king, Richard C. Huck, George R. Jones, to the development in our building John E. Jordan, Cornelia H. Kuetfner, "Consider the cliff-dweller living in this receiving the silver cup which constiprogram. Before the Howard school ammunition center of the world-Chicago. tuted the reward for t.he talk rated Dorothy L. Kunzer, Edward Kurman, Albert E. Lind, John D. Low, Margaret ,,·as erected, our ·schools were badly He lives in a sort of glorified hut which best in "clarity of reasoning, diction, A. Ludiger, Janet L. McConnaughey, an apartment and there so effihe calls Lawrence A. McHal ~.; , Jr., Ralph H. crowded. All the seventh and eighth ciently packed away that an observa- wit and delivery." Meaker, Margaret Melton, Lucy R. Murdtgrade children from all over the dis- tion would probably suggest ideas for the The Wilmette Rotary club re·.sents son, Clarisce T. Newhagen, Paul H. Pottrict were in the Stolp school. The ~ardine shipper. In the morning he gets the apparent attempt on the part of ter, Donald F. Pavlicek, Harriet Redup at about 6:30, shaves and bathes in erection of the Howard school per- an obscure corner of his 2x4 bathroom Mr. Zimmerman to involve the or- fern, Lydia M. Rogers, Kermit T. mitted us to do the thing that the while he sings the Prisoner's Song. He ganization in his personal political dis- Simons, Roas Skelton, Jr., Marie Skog, Ruth M. Smith, Robert W . Sparks, Henry board had long felt necessary-that is, rushes and forces his breakfast, mean- cu'ssions or other matters of a contro- Specht, Jr., Paul W. Sterner, Edna F. while speculating on how he could save Stiles, Charles W. Taylor, Marian L. to decrease the size of the class room time if his mouth were on top of his versial nature. Tubbs, Clyde K. Warble, Nellie M. groups. Ii1 the last five years the av- head and he could pack· his breakfast Rotary _ principles bar all discussions Waf;aquam, Robert L. Waters, Ruth M. erage stze of these groups has been into his hat and eat It as he runs to of a disputable character, and the Ro- Wayt, Leonard R. Wolff, Albert L. decreased from 42 to 31. And the catch the street car which leaves his tary Club of Wilmette propose·s to ad- Zibble. June C. Anderson, Edward R. Arden, average Is exactly the same m the point about a mile away at 7 :02. He gets here unwaveringly to those principles. (Continued on page 66) Elizabeth M. Balhatchet, Albert F. Central-Laurel group of schools as in -The Rotary Club of Wilmette. Barker, Foster C. Bennett, Janet R. Benthe Howard-Logan group. son, Emma H. Bickham, Lois M. Boomer, Need More Room Space Helen E. Bower, Hugh V. Boyd, Jeanne r. eorge . agl E .·. h L th Ch h Bradley Brashears~ Edward F. Bristol, "A careful ·study of the school census Da Olive c. Brower, William Bruse, Virginia R esigns Pastorate Here ng lObS u erCah~ld ur,c reveals the fact that during the next S y Buck, Palyma Lee Burpee, G. Irene The resignation of Dr. George p serves I ren Christophel, Frank w. Church, Jr., Ellen few vears there will be a steadily inChildren's Day will be observed at H. Cozzens, Eleanor B. Culver, Henry B. creas-ing need of school room space in Magill as minister of the First Pres·t tt E 1' h L th church Crawford, Jane W. Crawford, Lucille the Howard-Logan area. Specifically, byterian church was formally accepted, t h e W 1 me e ng Is u eran Dahlberg, John H. Davidson, J. William three rooms for each grade will be in accordance with his expressed de· services Sunday morning, June 10. A Didriksen, John F. Duncan, . Margaret L. necessary within the next three or sire, ·at a congregational session of the special program appropriate to the oc ·· Ebeling, George J. Eber, Franklin arranged for the serv- Eberlein, Mary Jane Elder, Ethel A. Ellis, four vears requiring the addition nf Church he ld Wednesday ev~ning of casion has been 11 0 ' 1 k Th Martha C. Ericson, Colin I. Finlayson, . this week. ice of wors h 1P at c oc · e· Charles R. Ford, Rose Marie Gash, Stirling at lea~t on~ room each year. ~ho has been minister Children's Day offering will go into H. Harper, Jr., Margaret Harris, Virginia "The members of the board are layD r. Mamll, b' the coffers of the Nachusa orphanag\! Hawley, Bob D. Hes~. Lucia M. Hollister, men-not educators-and just · as in of the Presbyterian church for of the Illinois Synod of the denomina- Stephen Hopkins, Edward Howard, Rosa Louise Humphreys, Doris E. Ingham, legal matters we seek the advice of more than a decade, has not anCha.rl~s A. Jones, Jr., Helen M. Jones, Ia wyers, or in s.i ckness seek th~ help nounced his plans for the future. His tion. Jacinta Kampmeier, Raymond G. Kimof medical experts, so the advice of decision to relinquish the work here bell, Jr., Kenneth H. King, Harry c. Kinne, Jr., Wilbert C. Kunz, Wllliam M. experts was sought in de~idi~g wh:it terminates for Dr. Magill a long period Observe Children's Day Larlee, Mary E. Lauer, Car()) Lawrence, to build and where to bUtld tt. The of splendid service that extended bein. Services of Singing Helen Harriett s. Leach, Robert 0. Leonard, board has ·spent a great deal of time yond parish activity into the broader v. Lilly, Ann Boyd Linn, Thalla A Children's Day program will be G. Little, Alec Maclean, Donald R. Maton the question and has consulted field of community service. He has many experts, including Paul ~acker been at all times intensely devoted to given at a joint service of the congre- thews, Janet Mcllralth, Robert G. MeKay, Robert Mil-es, Jr., Kenneth P. Milof the University of Iowa, considered t he welfare of his village both from a gation and Sunday school of the Fir~t · ler, Mary June Miller, Mazie E. Mouat, the foremost exQert in his field w~st spiritual and civic standpoint, and has Presbyterian church Sunday mornmg, Charlotte M. Nielsen, Ruth H. Nordbertr, of New York City. Our own superm- esta-blished a particularly . strong bond June 10, at 10:30 o'clock. The various Richard B. Oglesbee, June K. Orwttr, . 'th th b · n of departments of the Sunday school will Harold W. Osborn, Robert B. Parker, tendent has made a thorough ·study o f f e 11 ows h tp wt e usmess me Frederic C. Plc~ard, Frank S. Polzin, the community. He was recently electpresent the service in song and there Shirley G. Popp, Caroline E. Preston, of modern schools and will re-visit a number of other modern plants before ed president of the Wilmftte Optimist will be a contribution for Sunday George A. Quinlan, Jr., James B. Ricks, club. school missionary work. (Continued on page 66) Continued on Page 68) Wilmette School District Voters Urged to Favor $110,000 Issue of School Bonds D G P M ·11

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