Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1928, p. 64

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w I L M ET T E ·L,I FE June 8, 1928 I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ClauUled advertlsementa will be ehareed only to relddenta of the district from Bvanaton to Glencoe tnclualve whoM namee appear in the telephone dlrectoi"J', or ALKwbo are replar eub.crlbera to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA T or GLBNCOil NEWS. , LOST AND FOUND ii GARDENING !0 LOST-CHILD'S SHELL RIMMED BLACK SOIL FOR SALE, PROMPT glasses. Central school or between delivery $7 per load. Johnson Bros. Greenleaf and Ashland. Hattstrom & Ph. Glencoe 1227. 20LTN35-3tc Sanders case. Ph. Wilmette 1308. 55L37 ~ 1t c 2:1 ELF.CTRICAL REPAIRS CI OCK HEPAIRING 'locks call~d for and Davey, Jeweler. 1165 nue, Phone Wilmette -= · Gtneral N 0 't ICe - on all caeh with order advertisements when broucht to our oftlce at l~o 3Q CeDtral A.ve., Wtlmette, or 664 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 15 centa a line In one paper. Z5 cents a line ln any two papera. Rat el'--3o centa a line ln all three papers. MINIMUM CBABG B it eea&e. Averqe of ftve words to the line. No black face type used. 18"' dl1eow:,a! advertisements will be acto Wednesday 6 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers: Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telepbonee : Wilmette 4800 or Winnetka 20no-2001. · f Ot Jnsett· Classified Deadl tne IODS-cepted up f FOB SALE-AUTOS J:o' OR SALE-AUTOS EXPERIENCED NURSE WITH H EFerences to take care of 6 mos. bah,· TO HARMONIZE WITH YOUR and 3 yr. old child, willing to go north draperies or decorative scheme. Our this summer. Tel. between 9 & 11 creative artlRts achieve perfect results; o'clock. Winn. 2174. 56LTN37-11c· vases wired. ALAN-GOODRICH STUDIO 632 Church St. Carlson Bldg. WANTED- NEAT, C 0 M PETE::\ T. 27LTN37-Jtc white girl for general housework, sma 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=home, good pay. 2 children in famil :' so LOANS and nurse. Ph. Glencoe 1282. 56LTN37- l it- PARCHMENT SHADES PAIN'fED TO ORDER BY EXPERT. 56 HELP " dTANTED FEMA delivered. Paul _ ____ - ____ L_E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n Wilmette Ave- WAN'l'ED - EXPERIENCED WOMA :.-.l 23 L 34 -tfc 6. for part time telephone solicita tion work; mornings preferred; stra ight INTEJUOR DECORATING commission; excellent opportunity fo r woman with ability. Phone Wil mett t· 4300. 56LTN3i-lt p A USED INVESTIGA.TE THE8E REAL USED CAR VALUES Jewett Sedan Studebaker Touring Ford Coupe H upmobile 8 Demonstrator Charles H. Breth old 1st and 2nd Mortgagee 545 Main St., Wilmette INSURANCE Tel. 65 30L17-tfc 1ffi lllliielk REFINED NURSE FOR 3 YR. O L D child, also to assist in hswk. in piE;·a~ home on lake. Good opportunity for teacher. Tel. Winn. 1995. 56LTN37-l tc WANTED-A COMPETENT WHl't'J ·~ maid for general housework. 1\Iu:-.t be good cook and understand serving. Ph. Wilmette 931-J. 56L37- lt l' IS THE NEXT GREATEST VALUE TO A NEW BUICK 1926 :Master Six Buick Sedan, Gold Seal 555 Chestnut St. Winnetka Guarantee . ... . . .. ..... ... ....... . $975 4LTN37-ltc 1926 Buick 2-Pass. Standard · Coupe . . $685 1926 Two-door master Sedan .. . ... .. . $850 ONLY $135- STUDEBAKER SPECIAL 19!5 Buick 7-passenger Sedan, big bar6 touring," new tires & paint; engine ga.ln, has f new General cord tires rebored & very powerful. Can be seen . · · · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $850 at Bell's Auto Service, 1013 Tower rd. 1924 Master Six 4 door Sedan ..... $500 4LTN37-ltc Tel. Winn. 155. 1tJ'l Kast.r Six Country Club Coupe, Gold Seal ... . .. ... ... ... . . ..... . $1,250 FOR SALE-FORD · SEDAN, GOOD condition, fully equipped. Pri ce $175. LIBERAL TERMS W . E. William_ s, 711 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 1115. 4LTN37-ltc HANSON MOTOR CO. NEAT, REL. WHITE GIRL FOR GE.:-\ . hswk. Tel. Highland Park 3167. 56LTN37-l hON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAl. confidential service. housework, no co9king or washing. H. ~ f . $15. Ph. 'Vilmette 3405. 56LTN37-:. ltl· 1614 Orrington Ave.. Evanston Unlv. 8383 30LTN35-7tp WHITE GIRL FOR MOTHER'S HELl'er and general housework . Ph. Wilmette 3957. 56L37-ltp _:t:! ______ ~f_ ,_\s_·s_A_G_F._ _ _ _ __ WHITE GIRL; GEN. HSWK.; 1 CHILD ; AUNITA HOT SPRINGS (Q) tel. Glencoe 1343 Sat. P. M. or Sun . GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. WILL SACRIFICE 1927 CHEVROLET 56LTN37-1 t" Hotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for Coach. Ph. Winnetka 2263. light houseke eping, $35 per mo. Swim4LTN37-ltc WHITE ming, golf. pool, riding horses, tennis, WANTED- EXPERIENCED maid for general housework. Ref. req. dancing, picnics, · fishing and hiking. 5111 1030 DAVIS ST. UIUV. 11 UUIT,DING & CONTRACTING Ph. Wilmette 28S. 56LTN37-1tc L. P. Stitzer, Mgr. 32LTN33-14tp OPEN ----------------------------AND EVENINGS SUNDAYS NEAT, WHITE GIRL, GENERAL 88 PAINTING AND DECORATING 4LTN37-ltc housework. Hofeld. Ph. Winnetk a WE REBUILD AND RESURFACE OLD 2149. 56LT37-ltC' driveways or build new ones that will last. If you are contemplating a new IMP. AND DOMESTIC WALLPAPERS. WANTED-GIRL FOR HALF DAY REGULAR PRE-SUMMER JUNE driveway or to repair your old one, a housework and boy to sprinkle lawn. Call Decorating Dept. CLEARANCE SALE call from you will bring our representaPh. Kenilworth 3880. 56LTN37-ltc LORD'S-EVANSTON '27 Whippet Coach . . ..... . ... .... . .. $325 tive to your door. Ph. Gr. 3972 Res. Ph., Univ. 3321-J '27 Pontiac Coupe (second series) . . . . 500 38LTN34-6tp WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL, NO '25 Ford Tudor sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 washing, :l in family. Ref. req. Ph. '25 Oldsmobile coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Est. 1905 Wilmette 3010·. 56LTN37-ltc 39 PETS '26 Hudson coach ...... . . . .. . ... 350 Phone Winn. 201-202 '25 StudebakeJ touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 660 Center Street 2 11LTN37-ltc FOR SALE RED AND WHITE WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. '25 Dodge coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 in fam. Tel. \Vinn. 2a89. Cocker male, 6 · mos., handsomely '2!l Oakland coach ... . ..... . ....... . 385 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56L37-ltp CARPENTER AND GENERAL marked, bargain. Ph. Kenilworth 3880. '26 Oaltland 4-door .... . . . ....... 550 CONTRACTOR 39L37-ltp '25 Nash 4-door sedan ........ . . .. .. 390 SOLICITOR WITH PLEASING VOICE '25 Buick coupe .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 75 for established studio on North Shore. FOR sALE-GENTLE sHETLAND '26 Chevrolet coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 0 0 Ph. Univerj;fty 2714. 56LTN37-ltc pony, cart, harness and saddle. Reas. ALL CARS RECONDITIONED Screens-Storm Sash C. R. Keith, 222 9th St. Ph. Wilmette Garages-Porchee-Addltlons 901-R. 39L37-1tc »? HELP W ANTED-1\IALE Expert Cabinet Work. 1016 CHICAGO AVE. 1752 Highland Ave., Wll. Ph. Wll. 1171 U BEP AIRING A BE FINISHING Evanston HIGH CALIBRE SALESMAN TO SELL 11LTN24-tfe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4LTN37~1tc Hupmobiles on North Shore. Good PEOPLE WHO KNOW AND APproposition to right man. Gould C. PRECIATE EXPERT CRAF1'S15 CONCRETE AND CEMENT WORK Davis & Co. Ph. Winnetka 3090. MANSHIP, SEND THEIR FURNI57LT37-1tc TURE TO US TO BE REPAIRED AND REFINISHED BY OUR F.XWE CAN NOW OFFER AN EXCEPPERTS. CALL US AT UNIVER- 60 SITUATION W ANTED-FE)IALE tivnal buy in a Nash Advanced Six SITY 6300. 43T.~TN28-tfc 2-passenger coupe. Painted black with TO ORDER, IN WHITE CEMENT OR AN EXP. KINDERGARTEN TEACHER ivory trim. A very smart and distincmarble, samples on display. Flagstone WATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EXwould like care of small ·children for tiYe looking car. Equipment includes pert. Watches cleaned and adjusted. walks-Cement contracting. sm:nmer or any part of it. Mod. wages ; six wirt> wheels and trunk rack. This Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette best of ref. Tel. Winn. 1338. car sells delivered and fully equipped Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. 43L34-tfc 60LTN37-ltp tor $2,0~0. We have used this car a 906 Grove St. Tel. Univ. 3815 SILVER PLATING few weekb as a demonl'ltrator and will 15LTN37-2tc 4uA WANTED BY COMPETENT WOMAN, sell for only $1,500. New car guarancare of children, cook and serve meals ----------------------------------~ SILVER PLATING - HAVE YOUR tee. Investigate this remarkable offer. 11 or cleanin~. Ph. Wilmette 3240. CLUB :MEMBERSHIP good old pieces renewed at a reason60LT37-ltc able price. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 116!1 MEMBERSHIP IN COUNTRY CLUB Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. WANTED-BLANKETS, CURTAINS & located between Wheeling and Glencoe 45A-L34-tfc other laundry work to do. Will call and at reduced price, terms if desired. F. 547 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winn. 2707 ~==========~~~~ del. 886 Wlllow Rd. Ph. Wlnn. 19Z4. S. Frost, Oak Par .oi:, Ill. 4LTN37-ltc GENE.IJ,AL REPAIRS 60LTN34-tfc 1GLTNL 37 _1tp :;o JEWELRY REPAIRING AND REMOD- WANTED BY EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESSMAKING 17 eling by a craftsman of rare ability. dress, work to do at home, will call Packard Sport Phaeton ....... . . ... . . $595 Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette for and deliver. Good ref. Ph. WilChry~ler Sedan, priced right at .... . 425 DRESSMAKER, EXPERJENCED, BY A VP . Phonf' Wilmette 6. 50L34-tfc mette 2623. 60LT37 -2tc Flint Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 day or home. Anita Shop. Ph. WilFord Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 mettP. 3464. · 1'7LTN37-ltp lit WINDOW SHADES POSITION WANTED-OFFICE OR clerical work Ph. Wilmette 969-W. 10 GARDENING ---0-ar-d-en_&_B-ea_c_h_U_m_b_r_el-lu-60LT37-ltc 806 Oak St. Winnetka 3090 Drapery Hardware 4LTN37-ltc LANDSCAPE GARDENER AND CONCanopies Rented EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS FOR ---------------tractor, lawn reseeding, black dirt, Mondays, g_ood ref. Ph. Greenleaf 1142 FOR SALE- ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILE, shrubs and perennials of all kinds furAwnings & Window Shades 60LTN37-1tc Rauch . Lang, in good condition. Ph. nished. Driveways made or resurfaced. Lakeview · 1769. 4LTN37-ltp Ph. Winnetka 2864. 20LTN37-tfc WISH TO PLACE MY COOK JUNE 18 Would doJen. work, 2 in family. Tel .~· . ~ Wlnn. 447. 60LTN37-ltc 26 Prouty Annex J'OU Winnetka 1125 COMPETENT COLORED LAUNDRESS Waukegan Omce & cleaning woman wants work by day This Office will accept classified advertising to be run 302 S. GeneBBe St. Tel. Winn. 1667. 60LTN37-ltc Waukegan !087 in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 1 6,ooo fami51LTN29-tfc CLEANING, LAUNDRY WORK. lies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. Thurs., Fri. or Saturday. N. S. ref. LOST & FOUND Tel. Kenwood 2489. 60LT37-1tp on Tuesdays. MONEY T.O LOAN McKENDRY REALTY CO. §liD rce Iffiuniiclk: CC(Q)mmJP) ann y N<tl)rilht "r DRIVEWAYS PRICES SLASHED Wallpaper & Paint B. vV. BLOW IF Jf IHiack.<er Lake Shore Auto Sales Bird Baths - Flo\ver Vases Lawn Benches E. Woodruff GOOD USED CARS GOULD C. DAVIS & CO. Baa Waat Ad Ia Evaaatoa, too .._,_, Telephone Wilm~tte 4 300 or Winnetka 2000 DOG FOUND-WHITE FEMALE ICE- WHITE LAUNDRESS WISHES WORK land Spitz pup. Kenilworth Police Tuesday and Wednesday. Call Win · Dept. 55LTN37-ltc netka 1613. 60LT37-ltp

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