Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1928, p. 38

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38 WILMETTE LIFE June 8, 1928 North Shore Society Sl!ttles Into Early Summer Gaii t Fitst Week of June I . Brings Weddings of North Shore Interest· . A wedding that included among it:; guests a large number of north shore residents was that of Miss Winifred Fairchild Metze!, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Metze] of ·Kenilworth and llallard V. Higbee, son of Mr. and,Mrs. John W. H . Higbee of Wilmette. St. Augustine's Episcopal church in Wilmette was beautifully decorated with palms and spring flowers ior the cere"!ony which wa·3 performed at 8:30 o clock last Saturday evening by the rector, Dr. Hubert Carleton who was assist~d by the Rev. Frank Fitt of the Highland Park Presbyterian church. The reception was held at the Kenilworth club. ~he bride was in a gown of white satm and rose point cream lace. The tulle ve!l was gathered into a · cap of rose pomt and arranged with orange blos~oms. She carried a · 5 hower bouquet of gardenias, sweet peas, and lilies of the valley. The frocks of the matron of honor and the bridesmaids were of soft yell<?.\\.: _c hiffon, very long waisted, with the sktrts sho~t it~ front and long in back. The matd of honor wore orchid chiffon .fashioned in the · s ame manner; The bndesmaids wore lavender slippers, and yellow gardenias in their hair to match their frocks. Their bouquets were of roses, snap dragons and sweet p~as tied with lavender ribbon bows with long st:eamer~. The flower girl ~as ~ressed m yeJlow chiffon trimmed m nbbon, and carried a basket of flowers. . The mem_bers of the wedding party mcluded Mtss Margaret Neilson, maid of h~nor; Mrs. James Prindle, sister of. the ~ride, matron of honor; the h~Jde.sf!la1ds, Mr3. Robert Osgood, Miss VIrgJma Belt, and Mrs. Truman Metze]; Peggy Ketcham, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Craig Ketcham of Kenil~ worth, flower .girl; Jack Higbee, brother of the bndegroom, best man; the ushers, ] oh_n. A. Thompson, Robert Osgood, 'VVIlltam \Vhite, and Robert Belt. . Tues~a~ evening, June 5, brought the wed d 1 n g of Miss Eugenia Moore daughter of Mrs. John ]. Moore of Glencoe, to Kart D. King, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. King of Wilmette', at the Moore ·home, 440 Sheridan rpad. '.!'he hous~ was attractively decorated With '5 pring flowers and this note was carried out in the b;idal bouqu.ets of Miss Moore's attendants. ~Iss Mvore wore her mother's weddm~ dr~ss, whi~h ·was of heavy ivory s"!-tm With a tram. The tunic had tiny Ptn tucks and the neck line was low over the shoulders. The veil was of Brussels lace, brought bv an aunt from Brussels for_ Miss Moore. Her bouqu~t was of whtte roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Helen Wicks of Chicago who wa·.; the maid of honor. wore a' pink bouff~nt taffeta dress, having a wide band of lace at the bottom. A large velvet flower at the side and a velvet streamer from the shoulder. added a gr~ceful . touch to the costume. The bndesmatds. Miss Vera McDermid of Gl~ncoe, Mrs. Cedric Gifford (Bettv M.dler) of Evanston, and Miss Alice King of \Vilmette, were in taffeta frocks of pastel shades made with bouffant skirts trimmed with a lace band; They wore peach, green and orchid respectively. Betty Moore l)f · Hinsdale and Gertrude Kagy of Salem flower girls,- were demurely dressed i~ pink crepe de chine. After June 20, Mr. and Mrs. King will be at home at 20 Frederic street, Hartford, Conn. ' ' Betrothed II . _ . I On Honeymoon I Elect Officers for ·Recen.tly Organiz,ed Juntor Woman s Club Photo by Reick Photo by Moffett Miss Mary Lewis Lothrop of Glencoe is to become the bride of Samuel S. Hill oi Reading, Pa. Her betrothal wa3 announced by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Thoma·s M. Lothrop, on May 12. No weddi'1g day has been set. M: iss Lothrop is a graduate of Wellesley college. Mr. and Mrs. Ballard V. Higbee have gone East on their wedding trip and when they return the latter part of June they will go to housekeeping -i n a charming English cottage built for them in Winnetka. The bride was Miss Winifred Metzel of Kenilworth. Select Attendants for Ruf-Sanders Wedding Miss Phylli·5 Ruf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur William Ruf of Kenilworth, is to be ' married to Claude Kelsey Sanders of Evanston Saturday, June 16, at 8:30 o'clock in the evening, in the Kenilworth Union church. The Rev. Herbert Willett will read the serv~ce, following which a reception will be held at the home of the bride's parents at 236 Cumnor road. The bridal party will include Miss Helene Seibold, who will be maid of honor, and the bridesmaids, the Mis·5es Katharine Stolp, Betty Harwood, Frances ·Stevens, Bet_ty Taylor, Lois Bassett, and Mrs. Arthur Ruf. Clifford Smith will serve as best man and ushering will be Frank Sander.:; and Walter Sanders, brother3 of the bridegroom, Granville Revere Lewis, Fred Bruce, Jack Reasnor, and Bassett Ru£. FridC\Y, ]_une 1, Mrs. Jackson K. Dering of Evanston gave a bridge tea for the bride-elect. Saturday, June 9, Miss Helene Seibold will entertain at a luncheon at her home, 522 Forest avenue, Wilmette, which will be followed by a matinee party given by Miss Betty Harwood. Sunday, June H), Miss Betty Taylor will entertain at tea. Mr~. Ruf and Miss Ruf will be hostesses at a trousseau tea at their home June 12. Miss Katharine Stolp will entertain at a kitchen shower Wednesday, June 13, and the following Friday Miss Frances Stevens will entertain at a luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Ruf will giv<" the bridal dinner at the Drake hotel Friday_evening, June 15. Winnetkans Made Oflicers for Dundee Country Club Mrs. Charles A. Klotz of Winnetka was elected president of the new Dundee Country club at the first gathering of the charter members Tuesday, May 29, at luncheon at the Woman's Athletic club. Mn. Hathaway Watson Winnetka is tp be vice-president and Miss E.rncstine Pearce, of the same village, will serve on the board of directors. Other officers are, Mrs. W. \\'. Haerther, secretarv, and Mrs. Paul Walker, treasurer. Miss Pearce, who was acting ·3ecretary of the organization, gave an outline. o.f this new project at the luncheon and also read a welcome from W. A. Alexander, one of the founders of Old Elm, the club of similar character exclusively for men. Frank Craven, author and star of "The 19th Hole" was the guest of honor. Mrs. Hathaway Watson extended a cordial invitation 't o the members and friends to meet sometime in June in her gardem at Winnetka. of Catholic League to Have . Annual Luncheon June 19 The new Columbian Country club. on Milwaukee avenue, located one mile north of the Dundee road, i3 to be the setting for the annual · luncheon of the North Shore Catholic Woman's league Tuesday, JunL 19, at 12:30 o'clock. Bridge, five-hundred, and bunco, with at.tractive prizes given for each game, wtll be played following the luncheon. Mrs. L. ]. Hillman, 353 Park avenue, Glencoe, is in charge of reservations and is chairman for the' luncheon. Mrs. William Schildgen of Evanston is president of the organization and Mrs. Welfare Ends Season R. D. Hessey of Highland Park is The Wilmette Senior board of the program chairman. Infant Welfare Society of Chicago closed its season's activities with an Mrs. H. E. Poronto of 901 Elmwood all-day meeting Monday at the home avenue entertained about sixty guests of Mrs. Nathan P. Colwell, 520 Greg- at luncheon and bridge at Indian Hill ory avenue. club Friday, June 1. · The Junior Woman".s club of Wilmette, under the leadership of Mrs: Fred Rye, and the. sponsorship of Mrs. Paul L. Roche and Mrs. Hayes McKinney of the Woman's club of Wilmette, has been organized. The followinz officers have been electe.d for the summer: Ruth Bower, pres1dent; Virginia Bixby, vice-president; Vi_rginia Hannah, secretary; Helen Elhs, trea·.m rer. This club is designed for the daughters of the members of the Woman's club of Wilmette and their friends who are interested in clup work and yet who are too young to take an active part in the Woman's club itself. About sixty girls have expressed their interest in thi-3 new venture and have joined a'3 charter members. They are : Gwendolyn Addenbrooke., Edith Adkins, Winifred Adkins, Ruth Anderson. Agnes Biehl, Virginia Bixby, Marion Born, Ruth Bower, Florence Branson, Frances Bredon, Betty Brown of Kenilworth, Betty Brown of Wilmette, Jane Burrill, Ethel Co 1we 11, Florence Cook, Marion Cook, Jean Duncan, Laura Durgin, Helen Ellis, Genevieve Emrich, Lillian Fitch, Rebecca Fitch, Patsy Flentye, Dorothy Fuller, Ethel Gilchrist, Janet Halt, Katherine Hall, Virginia Hannah, Mary Harris, Helen Bayes, Mary Hemp, Jeanette Hollister, Betty Hunt, Kathryn Kelley, Alice King, Ruth King, Leah Kinne, Helen Kirtley, Marion Kirtley, Mary Mack, Marcelite Melind, Mildred Melone, Elizabeth Michelet, Rosalind Mills, Catherine Moore, Harriet Newey, Jane Nystrom, Dorothy Pedigo, Lucille Puelicher, Lena Rapp, Helen Suits, Bet·3y Shapker, Ma~ion Thayer, Vera Thaleg. Ruth Youngberg, Norah Palmer and Mrs. Fred Rye. The club meets the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month and alternates social and bustness programs. At the last meeting on May 31, Miss Fisher of the Service Council for Girh spoke on the work that could be done for the King's Daughters: club in Evanston. It was decided to adopt that club as the philanthropy of the Junior Woman's club. Besides dealing with philanthropic and social work, the club will be responsible for presenting one program before the Woman's club of Wilmette next year. A special sul)lmer membership ~a3 been arranged for the benefit of' gtrls who have been attending schools out of town. This membership will extend until September 15, and will include all social privileges. Everyone who is interested in hecoming a summer member will he very we 1come at the next meeting on June 14. This will be a social meeting and will begin with supper at 6 :30 o'clock at the Woman'·3 club. Re servations are to be made with Patsy Flentye, 919 Central avenue, before June 12, it is announced. To Hold Annual Meeting Monday, June 11, the North Shore Musical society will have its annual business meeting and election of officers at the North Shore hotel, Evanston. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Thoma·.; C. Moulding, 1004 Greenwood avenue, will be hostess at a luncheon and bridge at Westmoreland Country club Tuesday, ] une 12.

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