Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1928, p. 20

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.a WILMETTE LIFE June 8, 1928 NeWs of Interest to the Church-Goers Of Our Village St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Me):er, M. A., pastor 406 Prairie a venue. Telephone 1396. Church telephone 3111. Services First Sunday after Trinity: 9 :30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible classes. 11 A. M. Special Children's Day SerYice. Sermon: "A Church of Children." Meetings Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30: Evening classes for catechumens. Monday at 7 :45 : Choir rehearsal. Tuesday at 7 :45 : Meeting of the congregation. Thursday at 8: Fair and Social given by the Senim· Y. P. S. A new class for adults who wish to be instructed in the teachings of the Lutheran church prior to their confirmation and reception into full membership was begun on Monday evening last. This class will meet every Monday, Wednesday_ and Fl'iday at 7:30 at the pa!'ltor's study, during the month of June. Those who would like to become acquainted with the Lutheran church and its teachIngs are cordially Invited. Children's Day will be celebrated both in the Sunday school and the regular church services. The pastor will deliver R special sermon for the children as well as for the parents. The children of the Sunday school will sing, as will also the choir. We hope that all parents of Sunday school children and members of the Bible classes will attend the service, and have their children attend both the Sunday school sessions and ·the service. Tuesday evening next at 7 :45 a very Important meeting of the voters of the church will be held In the Sunday school rooms beginning at 7 :45 o'clock. Every member should be present. d ill be held at Long Court of Awards. This will be the last cago f'..Treha an ~cement ·was favorably regular meeting of the year. Lak~. d edatnnkou under advisement · No t·ecetve an · a en definite action was taken, but it was unThursday at 3:30 the Boys' club will derstood that our league ~ould comeet at the church . under the leader- operate with the other leagues m making ~hip of Mr. McCormack. this rally a success. At 8 o'clock Thursday the Religious The Spring dinner .served by th~ Wo~ Education committee will . meet at the en's Missionary society Wfl.S a splendid church. s u cces~ . The largest crowd ever served at the mission. w~.te given a fine dinner. An interesting program followed immediately after the dinner, with Mr. Children's Day-June 10 Arthur Stark as toastmaster of. the eve"The Rlehes of the Earth" ning. Those who had · been recetved into I< ...ollowing our custom of former years membership during the present pastorate the morning church congregation and were introduced to the audience. The net the Sunday school will be united in the increa~e in membership for the first half ·>bservance of Children's day. Will you of the year has been 28%. please remember the hour is 10:30 A. M. l'he following program will be presented A Farewell party was given by the in the Sunday school auditorium: Church Council and their wives to Mr. Song-"This Is My Fath e r·~ World" and Mrs. J. T. Peterson, who sail for Scripture and Response Europe in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Prayer-D r. Magill Peterson and family plan to visit seve;al Song--"For the Beauty of tlte Earth" countries on the continent in celebratton Infant Baptism of their silver wedding anniversary. A Beginners' Department very delh.;htful evening was enjoyed by Exercise--"Very Little Tots" those present. Dainty refreshments were Flower Garden sen·ed with seventeen sitting down at the Song-Those present were: Mr. and. ¥rs. "We Plough the Field~ and Scatter" table. J. T. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Wtlham Primary Department Melbye, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gash, Mr. "The CloYer Band" and Mrs. Edwin Knudtson, Mr. and Mrs. SongCharles F . Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence "The Song of Garden Flowe r~" Lineberger, ~r, and Mrs. Arthur Stark, "Greetings from the Field Flower:-:" Mrs. Scott Smith, and Pastor and Mrs. Song-"All the Happy Children" Empson. The party adjourned at a late Junior Department- 3rd Year Cla~se::; hour. "From All the Earth" Song- "God Goodness" Ronald Clare Johnson, infant son of Song"\V'e've a Story to Tell to the Xations" Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson, was ~ap tized in the church Sunday mormng, lntermediate Department June 3. "The Challenge" Song"The Word Is Lil<e a Garden Lord" Offering for Sund<lY School 1\lis:-:ionary Work Sunday, June 10, will be th~ first SunA.nnou ncemen ts day after Trinity. There Will be Holy Benediction Communion at 8 A. M., Church school and Bible classes at 9 :45 A. M., and Announeemellts PICNIC-Our annual church and Sun- Morning prayer with address at 11 A. M. day school picnic will be held in Glen· \.-'lew Forest Preserve, Ft·iday, Jun e 15Monday, June 11, is the day · set apart rtfternoon and evening. Sports, eats and by the Christian church to honor the ever'thing. All the families of c-hurch memory of St. Barnabas. There will be and Sunday school inYited. Holy Communion at 8 A. M. I :1t 7 :30 Thursd ay evenmg. . The church ofhce is open daily from 9 to 12 12 and from 1 to 5. Saturdays from 9 to · The Wilmette Baptist church is toca ted at the corner of Wilmette and Forest aYenues. ----~----------- Jail ethodist Church Kext Sunday will be obset·ved as Children's Day and Promotion Day in the :.: burch. 1t is one of the great festal davs of the church year. An appropriate service, in which very many of the children and young people participate, has been arranged. This service will be held at 10 :30 A. ~- in the church auditorium, and will be the only service held on that day. One important item of the program will be the Baptism of Infant Children. Both the Junior and Senior choirs will sing. The folJowing children in the Church school will be ('romoted: Beginners' department to Primary de· 1·artment: Georgia Haskin, Harriet Jon e~ . Jane Maddock, Virginia Todd, Betty Jane Patzeldt, Janet Elizabeth Smith, Gloria Harris John Cox, Leonard Larsen, John Long, 'Duane Robison, · Richard Thill, l<'rederick Carter, Anne Jean Pifer. Prhnatry department to J11nlor depart· ment: Georgana Louise Grignon, Alice Berkeley Weakly, William Harridge, Dorothy Burgess, Donald D. Scarff, Philip A. Greer, Dorothy Davis, Murray Tripl ett, Ruth Ann Koegel, Hoger A. Thill, Harriet L. Stevens, Philip T . . Hogers, Marian E. Cox, Betty R. Green, Howard R. Moulding, Maurite Salzman, Eleanor E. Lewis, Gordon C. Boling. Junior department to High School de· partment: Marger·y Iverson, Eleanor Moulding, Elizabeth Paddock, Florence Sellery, EmilY Symons, Junior Ackermann, Rex Martin, John Osborne, George Waidner, Carl Zipprich. lligh School department to Young Peo· pie's department: Robert Harper, LeRoy Stoker, Alice Walton, Earl Poronto, Haze l Franken, Genevieve Tubbs, LaFayette Cozzens, Haydn Jones, Marion Baldwin. The Official board will hold its June meeting on Monday night at 8 o'clock in the church chapel. Several significant Items will be brought up for consideration. . Presbyterian Church Is St. Augustine's Church Thursday evening, June 14, the Senior Young People's society and Walther league Is givln_s a Fair and Social to which It Invites the public. The Young People will have several booths for the AAle of parcels, candy, etc. The Ladies' Aid wllJ also have a booth. The Boy Scoftts Troop 6 will give a demonstration. The regular all-day meeting of the and a short play .will be given by a few Woman's society at the church, Tut'sof the Seniors. Ice cream and cake will day, June 12. be served for which there will be no extra charge. The Fair will be given at The Annual Reception given by the the Sunday school rooms. Presbyterian Home will be held at the ttome, Tuesday, June 12, from 10 to 3 n'clock. Luncheon at 1 P. M., followed by program. Call Uni\·ersity 8346 for This Is one of the fine churches in reser\'ations. Wllmt>tte. Its fellowship and program The Scouts and Rangers will have thpir has been found intere~tfng and helpful meetings as u~ual. to representatives from more than . twenty-one ditr~rent denominations, and Several teams are being organized to any resident of Wilmette is Invited to partici,Date in the community summer affiliate with it. recreational pi'Ogram. Congregational Church Friday, June 8, at 1 :30, the board of the Woman's Guild will meet at the ~burch. At 2 the Woman's guild will hold its The First Sunday After 1'rlnlty annual busines~ meeting at the church. Tht>re will be election of next year's of- 9 :45 a. m.-Sunday school. ftcers and the reading of the annual Joseph Johnson, superintend~nt. reports. 1'1 a. m.-Morning worship. Children's Day service. The Girl Scout picnic supper and Court The children will lead us in our worof A wards plannt>d for Friday evening is ship next Sunday. They haYe a nice postponed until Wednesday, June 13. service prepared for us. Prayer, Praise, and Thanksgiving are to be offered by Sunday morning the Church school wilJ them. The main servke will begin at meet at 10 o'clock. 11 o'clock. The children will meet as usual at 9 :45 a. m. All are -asked to At 11 the regular Children's Day bring flowers. Some may want to bring service will be held. There will be special their canal'ies. There will be a comn'littee music by the choir. The Rev. William E. present to arrange decorations. McCormack will be in charge. The Children's Day Offering will go toAt 1 :30 the mt>mbers of the Senior de- ward the Nachusa orphanage. You all partment will meet at the church to at- know of the burning of their main buildtend the Pilgrim Federation at the ing a few weeks ago. Fortunately it was Chicago Theological Seminary at 3 in the wat·mer months and it is plano'clock. ned to have the new building ready for dccupancy by cold weather. But it must Tuesday at 3 :45 the Wekeacaflla Camp- be paid for and since it is the orphanage fire Girls, _MrR.. H. A. LaRoy, guardian, of the Illinois Synod, the Illinois Synod must pay the bill. We have been. assigned wlll meet at the church. a fluota of $78.00 as our share of this It amounts to about $1.50 per At 6 :30 the annual banquet of the expense. member. It is hQ!.led that this amount Senior department, Hugh Paterson, super- will be raised , next Sunday. Put your Intendent, will be held at the church. offering in a plain envelope and mark it Plans for the new year will be made, "Nachusa Orphanage." The treasurer and the election of oftlcers will take will see that it gets there. place. The June meeting of the Vestry was The Mid-Week service next week will held last night in the rector's office. :!enter around the idea of Commencement. It will be an interpretation of The rector spent Monday and Wednes- Lhe significance of high school and colday of this week as a delegate from the lege gradua~lon. Diocese of Chicago to the Conference of Educational Leaders of the Province of The Chicago Northern district of the the Middle West. Woman's Home Missionary society will its annual meeting at this church Sunday, June 10, will be the last ses- hold :m Tuesday of next week. The mornsion of the Church school until after sum- ing program will begin at 10:30 A. l\1. mer vacation. Luncheon will be served at 12:15 o'clock. important address will be gi\'en at The rector read a paper last week be- An fore the Clergy of the Diocese of Chicago the afternoon hour by the Rev. Warren Clarke, pastor of our Community church on "Sex and Religion." in Chicago. Those who heard him speak at a recent morning service will be The Bishop's Chair and Sanctuary th i t h h' ·n Chairs which have recently been pre- more an anx ous- o ear tm agal . sented to St. Augustine's by Mr. and Mrs. The annual meeting of the Woman's M. B. Skinner an~ Mr. :;tnd Mrs. ~enry Home Missionary society of the Rock Fowler as memortals wtll be itediCated River Conference will be held in the next Sunday. Austin M. E. church Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. I The Luther League will meet at the At 7 o'clock Roose\'elt Troop No. 2 Boy church Frldav evening, June 8. At their Scouts will meet at headquarter~. last meeting ft was voted to have a picnic In the near future. A committee was apAt 7:30 Troop 7, Sea Scouts, WilHam pointed to arrange the details and to E. McCormack, Rklpper, will meet a.t the select a place. It was also voted to have ehurch. 250 building bricks J?rinted. These will be 11Aed in raising the Luther League BuildWednesday afternoon, at 5 o'clock, In~ Fund. The paAtor mentioned a rally Troop 1, Oirl Scouts, Miss Elizabeth ·lf young people which was being planned Brown, leader, will meet at the foot of fnr A u~U!"t 4. This will be a combined Forest avenue for a beach PJlrty and meeting of all the leagues of the Chi- The Church school will be reorganized for its summer program Sunday, June 27. All departments will meet at the usual time, with the exception of the High School department, which will meet a.t 11 o'clock. An interesting summer The Sunday school meets at 9 :30. program is being planned. There are classes for all ages under A large crowd of the high school stugraded instruction. The Men's and Women's classes meet in the auditorium at dents enjoyed the annual progressiv~ dinner last Saturday. evening. They went 9:45. to Walter Lindblad's for the first course; The mid-week meeting of the church to Betty and Caroline Schwarm's home will be held Wednesday evening at eight for the second; they progressed to John o'clock in the Guild room. The Rev. Waldner's for the salad course, where Mr. Morphett will continue his study of the newly-elected officers for next year were introduced and gave several talks. tl~e life of Elijah. The last course was served at the home The Senior B. Y. P. U. will hold their of Wendell Keith, where the crowd spent weekly meeting in the Guild room Sun- the remainder of the evening in games. day at 5:30. Lois Phelp's group will The Installation of the new officers for· lead. the · High School department was hel~ Friday, June 8, an adjourned meeting last Sunday morning in the church audiof the Woman's society will be held at torium. The following officers were inthe home of Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, 1004 Michl .. stalled: president, Wendell Keith; vicegan avenue, at 2 o'clock. president, Marcia Smith ; chairman of program committee, Royal Martin; cHairFriday evening, June 8, at 8 o'clock an man of music, John Waldner; chairman entertainment is being planned by the of social committee, Walter Lindblad; B. Y. P. TJ. and F. A. S. chairman of world service committee, Bradford Fike; girlR' membership, MarChildren's day will be observed Sun- garet Bickham; boys' membership, Rayflay, June 17. Inasmuch as this will be mond Kimbell. Dr. Allison's first Sunday with us the l~hildren's day program will be combined New members will be received into the with the morning worship, the service church one week from Sunday morning. commencing at 10 o'clock. It is expected that a large class wl_ll join this fellowship at .that time. Thts f'hnir rehPar~al will be held Thursday is the fourth group to join during the evening at 8 o'clock at the church. ~1resent conference year. We welcome the Reverend Charles T. Holman who will preach Sunday at the regular Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. The Boy Scouts will meet at the church The architect expects to have all the Wilmette Baptist

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