lJ WILMETTE LIFE ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE June 8~ 1928 WIN PRIZES AT SHOW THE SQUIRE'S TABLE PLENISHINGS o/ SILVER . Styles in Silverware may change but eacf1 generation adds to its traditions. The Bride of today, like the wife of the Mid-Victorian Squire, prizes l1er ccTable P/enishings of Silv~ru SPAULDING & CoMPANY ]e~elers Miclrigan Ar;enue CHICAGO Orrington Avenue EVANSTON Rue de la Paix PARIS " WHEARY Airplane Wardrolette Junior WEW Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alfred Thorsen of Kenilworth announce the mar- Wilmette Garden Club Names Those riage of tht::ir daughter, E 1i z a·b e t h Receiving Honbra at Spring Flower Luella to Wallace W. Muehlberg, Exhibit Saturday, June 2, at Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. M uehlbcrg wilt be at home The Wilmet.t e Garden club now anafter July 1, at 1209 Sherwin avenue, nounces the prize winners for its Chicago. Spring Flower show which was held Friday of last week in the garden of Mrs. R. D. SchueUge, 804 Green- Mrs. C. N. Hurlbut's home, 715 Greenwood avenue, entertained eight e e.n leaf avenue: Class I Flower arrangl:!' friends at luncheon on Tue·sday m ments, section a, Garden Section A, honor of Mrs. Charles Hall, who is garden flowers. Exhibit 1-yetlow flowers predomimoving away from Wilmette shortly. nating-Mrs. Neil Clark, first prize ; Mrs. John F. Weedon, second; exhibit 2, lavender flowers predominatingMrs. C. D. Ewer, first; Mrs. A. ]. Stinson, second: exhibit 3, AquitegiaMrs. A. Gebert, first; Mrs. David Cooke, second; Mrs. \Veedon, third: Mrs. Cooke, honorable mention; exhibit 4, Astilbe-Mrs. \Veedon, fir:-~t; Mrs. Gebert, second and third. Mr s. \~'/ eedon, honorable mention Section B-Flowering shrubs, exhibit 1, lilac sMrs. Ewer, first; Mrs. Ralph Huff, second. Class II Flower perfection-Section A. three or more garden flowers. Exhibit 1, tulips-Mrs. Gebert, fir st; Mrs. Weedon, second; Mrs. Gebert, third and honorable mention; exhibit 2, Iris-Mrs. A. E. Logie, first; Mr.;. Ed,,·ard Scheidenhelm, second; Mrs. Neil Clark, third; Mrs. Logie, honorable mention. Section B Flowering shrubs-Mrs. Ewer, first; Mrs. Scheidenhelm, second: Mrs. Neil Clark, third. Class III Miniature Rock GardenAll Children Smile for Bernie Mrs. Weedon, first; Mrs. Gebert, second. Class IV \Vild Flower plants - ~[(::;. Three 7xll \V. G. Mitchell, first and second: Mrs. Buff Etchings B. G. Galloway, third; Mrs. \Veedon, honorable mention. Regular Value $10 Mrs. Frederick Fisher, president of Better Pictures the Garden Club of Illinois, acted as one Better Values of the judges, and also ga ,.e a talk. M r3. Frank vVallis of Libertvville, who al3a addressed the meeting,- and Mrs. Vv'. Now in Our New Home Harn· Davis of Glencoe were the other judges. 1623 Sherman Avenue BERNIE'S SPECIAL $5 BERNIE STUDIO (Opposite Postoflice) Phone University 8998 ,1 George E. Tarnow of 126 Fourth street. who has been away on a busi ness trip, is expected home Sunday. MRS. R. L. SIMMONS 8 2 5 LAKE AVE. Wiimette exhibiting Wilkinson Sisters' Quilts Spreads and other products Kentucky Hand-made Quilts Woolen Blankets -mum htmd luggag~ with ward~ PRICE at truni aJ,.antages s~~ 6 drettc:l 2 tlipt I ba1 $20 to $42.50 N. A. 9I 2 HANNA ~· Co. SHoPs 1 168 SPANISH CT. Monday, Tuesday f1 Wednesday June 11th, 12th ~ 13th WILMETTE AVE. Thursday f1 Friday June 14th t1 15th what it holds I 1 eewing kit 2 nightgowna 1 negligee 1 ecarf 6 pn. etockinge 6 brauieree 1 eilk coat or ahawl 2 pain aloo·ee · etepiot or leddiee J pain eboea 2 dozen bandkc:rchida I boz Jewelry 1 tet toilet articlee Drink ., more of l·t, · Milk is your best foodthe children especially should have just as much as they want' particularly when · it comes from the NO more need to carry heavy, bulky luggage on weekend or overnight trips. Take a Wheary Airplane Wardrolette ·Junior! Measures only 17'x20'x9'. Carries dresses smoothly and neatly with only one fold over individual · hangers-like a wardrobe trunk. Cushioned top protects them with gentle even pressure. Choice of Gold, Green, Burnt Orange, Maroon, an.d Black. Standard LUII818 Co. 16 40 Ytcrn in the Buaintu., WINNETKA SANITARY DAIRY 818 OAK ST. 612DAV~STREET GREENLEAF822 PH. WINN. 137 EVANSTON