Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 May 1928, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIF·E May 25, 1928 A. · Vaa Deasea SEUER OF GOOD FOOD m. YERE V. LOPER ACCEPTS PULPIT HERE (Continued from Page 3) Hold Comfirmants' · 25th Reunion at St. John's Sunday The 25th anniversary Reunion service of those confirmed at St. John's Lutheran church will be held Sunday evening, May 27, at the church, Wilmette and Park .avenues, Wilmette. The program will begin at 7:15 o'clock with a social meeting in the Sunday school rooms, the .Reunion service proper being scheduled for 7 :45 o'clock. The order of service will be as follows: Organ Prelude-M1nch . . ..... .. ... .. ... . .. Waldemar Borgiel Hymn 263--Holy, Holy, Holy Prayer and Scripture Reading Choir-Behold, God Is My Salvation . . . . . ... ... ........ . . ... .. ..... . Rogel':; Soloist: Miss Elsie Reinhardt '23 · The Apostles' Creed · Hymn 259-Holy Ghost, With Light Divine The Sermon .. . .. Pastor H. C. Steinhoff Prayer The Lord's Prayer- Spoken by the. Congregation Choir-My Faith Looks Up to Thee . . .... . . . . . .. . .. ..... .... ... . Schne<'ker The Offertory-Aria from Suite in D . . .... . .... .. . . .... . .. . .. . ...... :. Bach (The otrering this evening is for· the chancel fund) Hymn 412-0 Lord, Accept l\ly Heal't This Day Benediction Doxology 591 Postlude-Marche Religfeuse .... Gounod Ceatnl Aveaae aad l2tb Staaeet 1\oaes Grocer, 510-511-512-513 Meats 514 SPECIAL-MAY 25th to JUNE 2nd GENUINE LEGS OF SPRING LAMB. Lb. . : ............................ . This is positive. There is no shenanigan about it. These are 1928 Spring Legs of Lamb. 42c 2Sc 30c 35c For Saturday, May 26 Only Please gh·e your order Friday. NATIVE POT ROAST OF BEEF. Lb. . ........ ·........................ . FRESH MADE LAMB PATTIES. Lb. . ................................ . SEAGARDEN SHRIMPS. Large glass jar ...................... . . D. M. Ferry & Co. Seeds. You know them. vVe have a large stock, and \Ve can ass. u re you they are ·the best you can buy. \Ve also have La\Yn seed, "\\7 hitc Clo,·er seed. \ Vhite Onion sets. IOc a pound. Aunt Lou con1es to us once each day with the finest Pan Rol1s, Parker House Rolls, and Sweet Rolls. These are \vay above the orqinary. I ask you, as a fa, or, to please try just one lot of then1, \varnt thetn before using, and see if I an1 right or not. church of Minneapolis is reluctant" to lose has leadership. During the war Mr.. Loper wa~ commissioned to the Ftrst Offic~rs · Training camp as a lieut~nant of Ft~ld Artillary and served dur~ng the ~er10d of the war in that capactty. Whtle he was in France he served in the 338th Field Artillary. 1 Mrs. Loper, who has been of great ·ssistance to her husband, wa graduated from Grinnell colleJ,!e in 1915 where she won Phi Beta Kappa honors. There are three children ~n the family which wilt mak~ its restdence in the Manse of the- Ftrst Cong~ega tional church at 1029 Lake avenue. Mr. Loper will move to Wilmette during the first or se.cond ":eek of July before going on hts va~ahon aHci will begin his work in Wtlmette as minister on September 1. · Mr. Loper comes to the W~lmette church following the resignatiOn of Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd, February 1. last. The work of the church has bN·n .carried on since Dr. Lloyd's resignation hv the associate minister, the Rev. William E. McCormack who is to continue his relation to the · church a!' as!'ociate minister after Mr. Loper arrives. · Optimist Club Hears of Facts About Telephone The regular weekly me~ting of the Optimist club of Wilmette was held Tuesday, May 22, at the Georgian hotel in Evan~ton. The program con sisted of two films exhibited by the Illinois Bell Telephone company. one of which showed the method of plac ing a call from San Francisco to Lon don, while the other showed the method of sending pictures over th e telephone. Ed Arnst of Evanston. champion harmonica player in that city, ent er tained the club. W rP,ckerfi: Arrive Next Tuesday to Raze Shawnee Club RI~H~~~~~ -~~~~-~~ -~~~~~ .i~ -~~ -~e.t~~r. I BUTTER. Fresh and s\\·eet. Bu1k. It is just as good quality as brick butter. Lb. . . . . . . EGGS. These are fresh, and you can use them for any purpose. Doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Vhat would vou saY? If a condition ever ~arose by which you would be told what you had to buy in food instead of what you wanted to buy. Consider this carefutty. It may come .. Imported Roquefort C h e e a e . Lb. . ..... 49c Alice of Old Vincennes Tomatoes. They are really very fine. Doz., $1.20; No. 2 can. can . ... ... . ....... ..... .. . lie None Such Narrow Crain Sweet Corn. Doz., $1.50; 2 cans. 2Sc Bqdad Dates. Pkg. . . . . . lSc Don't pay any more. They are as good as you are buying. Nata. Bull Jordan Shelled Almonds. Lb. . . . . .. . . . ...... ... IOc De Luxe Salted ea nut s, Lb. . ... .. . . ..·... . .. .3Zc Shelled English W a 1n u t s . Lb. . .... . . . .. .... : . ..... 64c Shelled Pecans. Lb. . . 8Sc Orlo& CaYiar. 3 cans ...... $1.00 D.rs Molaaaes. Large Ko. 2~ can . . . .. . . .... . ... . ... 35c· Old New York Full Cream Cheeae. Lb. . ... ..f4c Honey. Pure White Clover. Comb. Lb. . . . . . . . . . . . ZSc Richelieu Pure Strained. 1 lb. jar . . . . . . .. . .... . . 35c C:OO.· Spaaiah Oli"s. Fancy Spanish Queen Olives. Large .~o. 20 jar .. .. .. . . ..... . . 4lc s 1.19 SJ 38 C C r Wright's Suprem~ Mayonnaise Dressing. Full quart ... . . . SOc' Fresh California White Figs. Lb. . .. . ... . .... . .......... 25c Sardines, Gondolier. Large Yz size can .......... . ........ 30c Triumph Norwegian Smoked Sardines. 2 cans . ......... ZSc Canada Dry Ginger Ale. By case. 48 bottles . .............. $7.55 Baby Stuart Yellow Free Peaches. No. 1 can. Doz., $1.90; can ....... . .. . ..... . .. . .. . l&c Baby Stuart Yellow Cling Peaches. Large No. 2Yz can. Sliced. Doz., $3.08; can, 2Sc Richelieu Hawaiian Pineapple Fingers. No. 1 can. Doz., $2.40; can ... . .. .. .... ..... . . .... 20c Beauty Hawaiian Pineapple. Large No. 20 can. This is not the small No. 2 can. Doz., $8.00; can .... . .. . .. .. . .... . .. .. . 2Sc Richelieu· Grapefruit. The meat of the grapefruit only. No. 2 can. Doz., $3.25; can. 28c Super6ne Sifted Early June Peas. The finest and smallest pea that is canned. Doz., $3.08; can ....... .......... . .. ... 2Sc Richelieu Mammoth Asparagus Points. No. 1 can .... .... .. 37c Stamp's Ant Paper. Ants will not stay where this paper is. Each . .. .. . ........... .. . .. Zic Cryttal White Laundry Soap. Box 100 bars, $4.51. 10 bars, 4Sc Tuesday, May 29, wrecking crews will lav sledge and axe to the Shawnee Countrv club structure on Michigan avenue· at Lake avenue, to make way for the magnificent new $400;000 cluh building which is to rise on the site of th~> old Ouilmette Country club. A bridge luncheon Monday, May 28, will be the closing activity in th,~ present club house, signalizing the climax of the first winter season since the merging of the Ouilmette club Seek Annual Donations with the Evanston Centur:y clu!J last for Patriotic Events autumn under the new destgnattOn of I W'l p N f h A Shawnee club. . 1 mett.e o~t o. 46 ? t e m~rThe order for the razing of the tcan . Let?tOn ts reguestmg finan~tal present building came at the annual contnbuttons toward the fu.nd whtch meeting of the Shawnee club late last de!rays the expense of a fittmg Memweek. At that time officers were onal day observance a~1d ~lso for. a elected as follows:· Albert N. Page, Fourth of July celebratiOn tn the vllpresdent; Dr. C. H. Searles, vice- lage. 1 president: H. L. Fogg, secretary: J. It i.5 only in this !11anner that the M. Budinger, treasurer. Elmer S. Bers- Post 1s enabled to ra1se the necessar.\· bach. Daniel H. Burnham, and Jame" funds for these two important annual B. French were elected to the board events in the village and it is hoped of governors for a term of three years the citizens of Wilmette will come beginning July 1, next. forward with their usual liberal conThe Shawnee club membership now I tributions. extends throughout the north shore Donations may be made to H. L. from Evanston to Highland Park, in- Flentye, Jr., treasurer of the Patriotic elusive. C:elehrations fund. Village President Earl E. Orner, or Dan G. Stiles, at the POPPY DAY IS HERE AGAIN Fint National bank. Next Monday and Tuesday we have our chance to remembe:~·fr . and Mrs. Phil ]. Sesterhenn, those who didn't forget us back in 1812 \\'alnut avenue, are receiving conthose days "over there," a decade gratulations upon the birth of a ago. Let's buy and wear a poppy daughter, Lor~tta Marie, at St. Franci:; to show we won't forget. hospital. May 12. · .... All Kinds of Wood Work Bird Ho11ses Dog Hoases Book Cases Pergolas Rose Arbors Flower Boxes TreiUses Pleket Feneee Garden Work TreiUs Design& Seroll Saw Work All work done on a satisfaction guarantee basis · THE WREN SHOP tl" ltabella St. Phone UaiY. 7700 EYaaetoa, IlL

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