Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 May 1928, p. 51

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- May 25, 1928 WILMET.TE [\ hili Jiiit Jiifi Iiiii IIIII IIIII ill&& LIFE 51 Wilmette Baptist Dr. Johnston Myers will preach next Sunday at the Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Dr. Myers is well known to many of our members. The Sunday school meets at 9 :30. Completely graded lessons for all ages. Classes for men and women at 9 : 45 in the church auditorium. The :High School B. Y. P. u. will m eet at 5 :30 in the Guild Room. Carbon Dubbs' group will present the Kansal:l City Convention of the B. Y. P. U. ot America. The regular mid-we ek meeting of the church will be held on Wednesday evening at 8' o'clock in the Guild room. Re\'. :\Iorphett will continue with the study of the life of Elijah. I 1 1 An illuminat ed dlsnlay of the Flag and patriotic singing will feature the clo~ e of the Sunday school session in an ndvance observance of :\Temorial Day. The several departm t>n ts will meet for this purpose at 10 :30 sharn in th f' main Sun-~ day school room Sunday, :\lay 27. The Bo:v Scouts meet at the church at 7 :30 Thursday evening. The choir. under the direction of :\1adame Gildero~· Rcott, meets . for reh ~a rsal at 8 o'clo<'k on Thursday ev(·mng. The churc h office is open daiJ,· from 9 to 12 and from 1 h . 5. - Saturda,:s from fl_ to 12. The office· will be closed DecoratiOn Day, :\fay 30. "Do You Remember 'Way Back When" you went to church three times on Sunday and to prayer meeting every Wednesday ~ight-and very likely,.attended regularly a two weeks' revival meeting in mid-winter? Times; you say, have changed. No one does that any more. Golf and the automobile and other forms of recreation have taken a large share of the Sabbath. The Church is asking for less time today than it has ever asked. in its history. One short service is all that is held in our Wilmette Churches, and the preaching is better and the music finer than in the olden days. Man's spiritl\_al · needs are changing. Surely in the allotment of yOtrr time you can devote an hour of the Sabbath day to fellowship with Christian people. s The Wilmette BatHist chu r c·h is locatt'd at the co rn er of \\.ilm ette and Forest a vt>nues. I Kenilworth Union Church Kt·nilworth avf'nue and Warwick road Kenilworth Dr. Herbert L. Willett, mh.ister ~ext Sunday at 11 a. m. Dr. \\·illett'~ subject will be, "The Great Remembrance." a sermon appropriate to :\Iemorial Sunday. Sunday school at 9:45. and eve rybody welcome. Classes for all, I At 6 o'clock the Young People's cluiJ will be host to th e young people of K enilworth and 'Vilmette. On 'Vedne-sday evening at 7 :15 the Sunday schoo l council will hold its r egular weekly session .. On Sunday morning, :\lay 27, ~Icm orial Sunday, th ere will be appropriate services in the Sunday school in commemoration of the three young men from this school who lost their lives in th~ · World 'Var, and whose · memorials ar'.! embodied in the south window of the Assembly rogm. The names are Franklin B. Bellows, C. Purcell 1\Ia<;klin, and 1\Ianierre S. Ware. On the afternoon of Memorial Sunday at 3 o'clock the Kenilworth Memorial Day services will be held under the auspices of the Kenilworth club. The parade will start from Cu lbertson gymnrtsium at 2 :45. Commemorative exercise~ will be held at 'the monument In the park with the placing of wreaths in hono~ of the five Kenilworth boys, and salute by a firing . squad. The program at the Kenilworth club will include apPropriate music by the Second U. S. ,Infantry band, an exercisE: entitled "The Oracle," Lincoln's Gettysburg speech, and addresses by Alden F. Brooks, Admiral Ziegemeier, and Bently G. l\Ic91oud. On Sunday June 3, Dr. Willett will preach by request ·o n "Prayer." 'l;'he ordinance of Baptism will be admlmstered, new members received into the church, and the Communion will be observed. The special offering for June, made In accordance with the plan of the church to devote the offering on the first Sun. day In each month to some cau~e in which the ohureh has an interest, w1ll be made in behalf of the American Institute of Sacred Literature. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Directory of Churches: Wilmette English Lutheran O.urch Gtllnltaf Avtnu. and Stvmth Streit ReiJ. Carl I. Empaon The Wilmette Baptid Church Forest and Wilmette Avenue· Fint Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Aven·e· The F111t Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Aveaae Re11. Georgt P. Mt~gill SL Jolm's Lutheran O.urcb Wilmette aad Park Avenaa The Fmt Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues RIV. Horact G. Smith St. Augustine's Rector Receives Gift of Auto Aug~stine's Episcopal church, is dr.ivDr Hubert Carleton, rector of St. ing the first of the new Graham-Patge motor cars to appear on the north shore. The automobile is a gift t.o Dr. Carleton by the members of ~ts congregation, presentation of, whtch was announced at last Sunday s services. R111. HunMn W. MIJitr Wilmette Avenae Rtu. H ublrt Ct~rZ.ton St. Aupstiae'1 Episcopal Church 1140 Palllithttl 1111 tht lntttchcuch Adutttiling Committ11. Wilm1tt1 Church F~·ntion

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