so WILMETTE LIFE May 25, 1928 News of Interest to the Church-Goers of Our Village St. John,s Lutheran The 1 order of the evening service, at '7 :45: Organ Prelude: ":March" ....... Borgiel Hymn 263: "Holy, ldoly, Holy" Prayer and Scripture Reading Choir: ··Behold, God Is :My Salvation" . . Rogers Soloist: Miss E. · Reinhardt, '23 The Apostles' Creed Hymn 259: "Holy Ghost with Light Divine" The Sermon: Pastor H. C. Steinhoff of Pilgrim English Lutheran Church, Chicago. The Lord's Prayer Choir: ":\Iy Faith Looks Up to Thee" Ol'fertory: Aria from Suite in D .. .... . .. . Bach (offering . for the chancel fund) Hymn 412: "0 God, .\ccept l\Iy Heart Thil:; Day" Benediction Doxology 591 Ppstlude: "March Religieul-le" .... Gounod On Tdnity Sunday, June 3, the Lord's Supper will be celebrated at St. John's. All the newly confirmed will t·eceive the Sacrament in this service. All those who desire to commune will announce this to the pastor on Friday, June 1. aftc~· noon or evening, at the parsonage. and Professional Women's club will meet phone number of the Exchange is 2891. In the church for dinner at 6 :30. Parents of children in the Church school are urged to take advantage of Tuesrlay at ·3 :45 the Wekeacafila Camp the remaining visiting days. This SunFire Girls will have their regular meet- day May 7 the Junior department will ing at the church. During the absence wel~ome vi~itors. The High School deof Mrs. H. A. LaRoy, guardian, who partment will be visited on June 3. leaves Sunday for a month in Iowa, the meetings will be in charge of Miss DorChildren's Day and Graduation Day othy Perry, assistant guardian. in the Church school will be observed Roosevelt Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts, .June 10. will meet at the church at 7 :30, Tuesday The high school students are asked evening. to save Saturday evening, .June 2, for Thursday afternoon the Boys' club their Progressive dinner. will meet at the church at 3 :30 under The ·wilmette and Winnetka W. C. T. tht> leadership of Mr. ~cCormack. U. will meet Monday at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William Carey, 883 Frida v June 1, the Central avenue Oak street, Winnetka. This is to be Circle \v'nl he entertained at the home a social meeting, and there is to be a of its <·hairman, Mrs. J. M. T. Boyd, box lunch.eon. 718 Greenleaf avenue. Luncheon will be ~en· ed at 12:30. The Kenilworth young people have inAt 1 o'clock the East End Circle, Mrs. vited the members of the High School Sumner )Jason, chairman, will meet at league of this church to join with them lhe home of Mr!'. L. F . Owen. 725 Green- In their Beach service this Sunrlay evening. The High school students will wood a\·enue. meet at the Young People's House at ;; :45 and will go to Kenilworth in cars. Owin~; to Memorial day occurring on \Vednesday, the meeting day of the .Junior and Senior· choirs of the Congregational church has been changed until Thursday. The former will meet Among the Sundays which have come at 3:45 o'dock on May 31, anrl the latter to be outstanding days in the church at i . calendar is Memorial Sunday. Th1s Sunday immediately preceding our Xational Memorial Pay has come to mean very much to those who are disposed Whitsunday . to consider our national histor~· and na9 :45 A. M. . ............. Sunday school tional patriotism from the religious point of view. We sing about the "God of Joseph Johnson, sup't. . 11 :00 A. '::\-1. ....... .... Morning Wor~h1p our Fathers" and the "Faith of ou:Fathers," recognizing the pur1>oses and Sermon: "The Indwelling God" providences of God in our national hh;Holy Communion will be celebrated in torY. this church Sunday morning at the 11 When \\'e think of those who ha\"e o'clock Rervice. Tho~e having children in years gone by so patriotically whom thev de5:ire to have baptized, offered their services to the country, should notify the pa!'tnr not later than in so doing many of them having given Raturda: . their liH!S, we should need no urgingto attend the service in our churches A Ph·nle RO(l Hully of all Lutheran5: as an evidence of our appreciation and of the United Luthemn church in the the fact that we do not forget. Chicago area will be held Saturday afterThe First Presbyterian church of Wilnoon, May 26, at We~twood. Westwood mette invites you to ~rt~d the services is a new df'vf'lopment located just be- with us next Sund y morning. Tht> yond 80th avt>nne at Grand avenuE>. The church is located at t e corner of ~inth program begin~ at 3 P. :\£. rome ! street and GreenlE>af avenue. )lornint~ at 11 a. m. Sunday school at Tht> ~11rlng dlntwr. gi\·en every year service 9:30 a. m. Junior church at 11 a. m. under the auspicel" of the WomeJl's Mis- Christian Endeavor at 5 :30 p. m. sionary Rociety, will be held in the church baRement Friday eYening, .June 1. Dr. )lagill announces that he will o n Our ball team IO!it its first a-arne. They next Sunday give a brief summary surwere defeated hy the K of C'. team 5-l. vey of the remaining chapters of th e It was a good game. '\\re have no alibi~ book partially reviewed last Sunday, ento offer. We will continue to play hard titled, "Beliefs that ::\latter." The con · and clean. Good sportsmanship is more eluding part of the services will be a to be desired than a long list of victoriel'l brief message on ~lemorial Day. won by tricky playing. We want our The musical program presented next . hoys to be good losers as well as good winners. Both teams played fast and Sunday morning is entirely appropriat e clean. Better luck next time. We play to the religious observance of )femorial the All-Stars this Friday evening at Day. The program is as follows : Organ Prelude, "Hymn of Glory" .... Yon 7:30 P. M. (Dedicated to the American Legion) Tht> Children's Day C'Ommittf'e if: work- Anthem "God of Our Fathers" .. Schnecker ing for a splendid celebration on that Anthem, "Souls of the Righteous" .. N'oblt> day. The little folks are responding Organ Offertory, "By Smoldering Em· heartily and we will all be children tobers" ...................... Mac Dowell gether once more. Anthem, "')'here Is No Death!" .... O'Hare I Wilmette and Park aYenues, Wilmette Herman \V. Meyer, l\1. A., pastor 406 Prairie a\'e. Telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 Ptntetol't Senlces 9:30 A. :M. Sunday school and Bible clas es. ~ :45 A.M. First service and sermon. 11 :00 A. l\1. Second sen·ice and sermon. The Holy Gho!'t, the · Sanctifier of Men. Sunctay EH·nlnJr Sen-lee Informal met-ting of all the ~onfirmed in the Sunday :<choul room:<. 4 :4;) P. ll. Heunlon of all the confirmed. Rt>rnwn b~· Pa:-;tor Ht>nry Steinhoff. i :15 P . ll. St. Augustine,s Church I Sunday, May 27, will be Whitsunday, commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit to the Infant Church at Pentecm;t. There will be Holy Communion at 8 A. :\I., Church sohools and Bible clas:--e!' at 9 :45 and Holy ('ommunion with address at 11 o'clock. ,\.hitsun,day has been set apart each \'Par in the Diocese nf Chicago as "Enclowment Sunday." Next Sunday's offE-ring, exclusive of the envelopes. will he given to the Endnwment Fund of the Diocese. Presbyterian C burch English Lutheran )ff't>tiDffS The rector receivE>d a surprise last Ft·iday, :\lay 25, at 8: Junior rect·ption Sunday ~ernoon when he was presented fo r the newly confirmed. with ~ handsome Graham-Paige Sedan, Monday at 7 :45: Choir rehearMtl. the gift of the congregation. Dr. Carleton wishes to thank the memher::- <·f tl~t Xt>xt Sunday Is tht> Day of Pentecost congregation for their ~itt. nt· Whitt~unday. It is the Festival · of The rector is to gl\·e the addl't>Ss nl'xt the Holy Spirit. The services will be of a nature as is cuf'tomary in the Lutheran Monday morning at St . .Jamel-1' ehureh. l'hurch on the three great fe::;tivals, Chicago, at the Rounrl Table, the orChristmas, Easter and Pentecost. The ganization including in itr- mt-mben.:hip rut-s age of the day is essentially this, the Bishop and Clergy of tht> Dioet>st~ of that true faith. enlightened undet·stand- Chicago. lng of ttle \Vord, and the truly Christian life are produced· In man by the power of the Holy Gho~<t. St. John's welcomes l' Veryone to its servlceR This is one of the fine <:hurches in " ' ilmette. It desires primal'ily to offer Sunday next is one or the red en- a place of worship and an opportunity wlope Sundays. This Is to say that it is of serving for the pt:>ople of Wilmette one of thf' days on which we are re- who are interested in humanity, who quested to bring a special offering in wish for happine84t, and who seek an octhe red em·elopes for misl'lionary and casion for the expreRsion of their reNew re:;;idents M Wilsynodical purposeR We have not yet ligious faith. reacped one half of our apportionment mette are h eartilv invitt:>d to make this for the current year. and the half year their Church Hon1e. mark Is not far away. We hope that Friday morning at 10 A. ~I. the ('onall of our members will bE-ar this in mind and make tht:>ir contributions ac- gregational Woman's Missionary society nwets at 19 South La Salle street, Chicordingly. cago, for the Homeland Missions MeetON' SUNDAY EVE. 'lNG N'EXT there mg. A report will be made of the Mini · to be a reunion of all those who in neapolis Convention. the past twenty-five years wet·e conFriday afternoon, May 25, The ~orth firmed in this parish. We have been able to reach by mail two hundred and west Circle will meet for luncheon at twenty-five of the two hundred and 12 :30 at the home of Mrs. A. ,V. Aiken, thirty-nine ·confirmed. It has always NlR Greenleaf avenue, Rogers Park. been our object to keep in touch with Mrl-1. .J. H. StackhousE> i:-- chairman of the confirmed. Many of these of course tht> Circle. live hundreds and thousands of miles Friday Hening·, l\lay 25, Troop ~o. 1 a way. We can hardly expect them to a ttf'nd the reunion. But we do expect of the Girl Scouts will meet at the messages from a good many of them. chm·ch at 7 :15, unrler the leadership of And we do expect that those living with- 1\til-'s Elizabeth N. Brown. in a reasonable distance of Wilmette will . , bend every effort to be present for the ~aturday mornmg at 6 o C'lock: meJ~1informal meeting at 7 :15 and the servke ber~ o~ the Wekeacafila Ca1~~P. F1re .w1~! at 7:45 o'clock. A very pretty souvenll· 1 met:>t at the church for a B1rd Htke program haR been printed for the oc-1 ~nd beach Mrs. H. A. J:aRo.y casion containing the order of the service !S guardian of, thts group. The h1ke IS and the names of all th confirmed, as ~~~ charge of M1ss Dorothy K. Perry, asalso the plan which will be launched on st~tant guardian. Sunday evening with reference to the Sunday morning, at 9 :30, the Church chancel ftJrniture. school will convene in its variow:; deMiss Elsie Reinhardt has prepar,ed a partments. At 10 :30 the Junior Congrevery beautiful poster ad\·ertising this gation will meet. reunion. lt has drawn very favorable .comment from all who have 8een It In At the morning worship service the the church vestibule. Miss Reinhardt i Rev. Dr. Robert W. Gammon, secretarY of the class or 1923. and will be the of the Congregational Educati.Qnal so·soloist with the choir at the Reunion clety, will be the guest preacher. The services. mu:--ic will be under the direction of Amy Leslie Toskey and the quartet. The order of the morning service follows: Monday the North End Circle, Mrs. Organ Prelude: Melodle ........ . . Grieg Bruce R. Owens, chairman, will tll,eet for Hymn 257: Its annual luncheon at the home of 1\fr!'l. "Come, Holy Ghost, Lord and God" A. L . Cra,ig... 716 Lake avenue. 1\fr~. The Liturgy to the Gospel Craig will be assisted by her mothet', Solo 1\frA. J. L. Connley, by Mrs. Frank CorThe Nlcene Creed nell, Mrfl. F. L. Koontz, and Mrs. Hope Hymn 2 '7: "0 Holy Spirit, Enter In" Thompson. The luncheon will be folThe Sennon lowed by a short business meeting at Otrertory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . !.!erkel which the annual reports will be read Hymn 253: "Gracious Spirit" and a social afternoon. ' The Benediction Doxology 588 Monday evening the Wilmette Business Congregational Church We Im·Jte Unf.'hurf.'hed pt>ople to worThe officers and teachers of the Sunship with us. You will like our service. day school are to have their dinner antl You will enjoy the splendid spirit of business meeting Monday, )Jay 28th, at fellowship. You will want to come often 6 :3n p. m. at the church. after you get acquainted and that's easy. Come next Sunday ! · Spoke 9 of the· Woman's society will meet today at the home of :\[iss :\lary Pope, 904 Lake avenue. Methodis( Church The sessions of the General ConferYou will be interested in knowing that ence of the lfethodist Epi:o;copal church as a result of the Tag Day for Aged are nearing their close. This confetence Charities, our Presbyterian Home benehas been in session a.t Kansas City throughout the month of May. The pas- fited to the amount of $4,166. tor will soon return to Wilmette and Miss 1\laizle Lesher will lead the C. E. will be in the pulpit Sunday morning, meeting on Sunday night with the topic. June 3. What does it mean to Me that all Men are Brothers?" This Is bound to be a TJ The preacher for next Sunday morn- interesting session and you are cordially ing is Dr. Stafford, superintendent of the Invited to attend. Sunday 5 :30 p, m. Anti-Saloon league of Illinois. The Junior Choir will join with the Senior Tonight at 6 :30 the Scouts of Troop 5 Choir this Sunday morning· in singin~ with their parents, and prospective scout~ "Land of Hope and Glory," the music of which was written by Edward Elgar and will meet at a dinner meeting at thr~ · church. Mr. Walter McPeek, a North arranged by Arthur Fagge. Shore Scout official, will be the speaker. The mid-week Fellowship service is held After the dinner the annual report of th·3 each Wednesday evening from 8 to 9 Troop committee will be read and awards o'clock. Dr. Stecker Is in charge of will be made for troop and patrol acthese services during the absence of the tivities. pastor. He Is being assisted by some Scout Meetings : The Girl Scouts wi 11 of the laymen. Dr. Stecker will also render any pastoral service that may be meet Tuesday at 3 :45 as usual. Thlq will be Miss Ja'Ckson's last meeting with the necessary. girls and it Is hoped that all the memThe Woman's Exchange Is open daily bers will be present. At this time the from 10 to 5 except Saturdays when it girls will receive final Instructions for closes at one o'clock. There ts a Bakery: activities on :Memorial Day. sale In the Exchange each Saturday The Boy Scouts will meet on Monday morning. Please send recipes for the evening at 7 :30 o'clock. Exchange Cook Book to Mrs. Reinhold Boy Rangers meet Saturday morning or Mrs. Bur'l)ee as soon as possible. The at 10 o'clock. ·