WILMETTE LIFE M~y 25, 1928 M: - ' ' MUSIC FESTIVAL Chicago North Shore Featio. al Aa1ociation North. Shore Girls Help , , Edit Daily Northweste~ The mere men employed on the Daily Northwestern, official stu.dent publication at Northwestern umversity, took a vacation May 16, and the entire task of producing the newspaper, from gathering the news to putting the pages to bed, was performed by 'c o-eds, all members of Theta Sigma Phi, women's professional fraternity. Marjorie Feakins, 301 Temple Court, '""innetka, acted as managing editor, wtih Mary Deutch, 1424 Devon ~ve nue, Chicago, as city editor. Elizabeth Howe, of Deadwood, South Dakota, a regular member of the editorial hoard, was for the day promoted to its chairmanship. She was assisted by Miss Maxine Boord of Omaha. Societv events were written up by Ruth Kfnne · of Wilmette. Harding- and Cornelius Van Schaack have returned to Cornell and Illinoi s universities respectively after a short time at home hecame of the illness of their mother, Mrs. C. P. Van Schaack of 614 Linden avenue. Although still seriously ill, Mrs . Van Schaack is out of danger. PLAN SURVEY OF FIGHT AGAINST·TUBERCULOSIS Illinois Deparbnent of Health to Teat Efficiency of 16 County Sanitariums Are the sixteen public county tuberculosis sanitariums in Illinois doing their stuff? Which ones are the best and why? Are the beds full of patients or not? What type of tuberculosis patients are being treated and how successful is the Sf""vice in curing the sick and pa. Aecting the healthy? Answers to these pertinent questions cpncerning' the state's two million dollar per year venture in sanitarium maintenance will soon be forthcoming as a result of a survey now in progress under the direction of Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health director. "Forty-seven counties are collecting in taxes close to $2,000,000. annually for waging war on tuberculosis," said Dr. Rawlings. "In Adams, Champaign, Cook, DeKalb, Kane, LaSalle, Livingston, McDonough, McLean, Macon, Madison, Morgan, TazeweJl,Will, Winnebago and Woodford, public sanitariums are operating. The other 31 counties use funds collected through tax levies for providing tuberculosis citizens with san itarium care in institu~ tions not their o-wn. O J Ft Northwestern l:Jniversity Gymnasium MAY 21 - 22 - 24 - 26 PROMINENT ARTISTS APPEAR AT EACH CONCERT ut Concur, Verdi "Requiem." Soloists, Isabel· Richardson Molter, Alvtne Resstguie, Eugene F. O'rtssltr, Rollin M. Pease. ~nd Concert, Soloisu, Marquerite D' Alvarez, Richard Crooks. 3'rd Concert, Soloists. Dorothy Spurt. Jacques Gordon, large male chorus 1,ooo voices. 4th Concert, Children's matinee, Soloist, Florence Macbeth. 5th Concert, Soloists. Claire Dux. Lawrence Tibbett. Chicago Symphony Orchestra All Concerts thl M .... thl ch on co At ho of en co: SINGLE TICKETS ON SALE NOW at 1517 Sherman Avenue, Telephone University 51 and 52 BUY EARLY AND SECURE GOOD SEATS Single Prices: $3.50, $3.00, $2.00, S 1.50, and $1.00 Course Prices: $16.00, $14.00, $11.00, $7.00, and $5.00 hi5 So als inf ru l M1 m an soc ). Make Efficiency Rating "The survey now in progress ha s been undertaken in order to show the efficiency of the county sanitariums now operating. A personal investigation of prevailing conditions will be made of each. Observation of everv important factor in the operation a sanitarium will be made and a rating given to each. The result will he an efficiency score or rating, based upon 100 points, that will show at a glance the comparative standing t)f each institution. "The character of the medical and nursing sen-ice is the mo t important item in the snncy schedule. :\ perfect rating Oil this item gives oO points on the score sheet. The number ancl amount of spccializtd training of the Imedical and nursing staffs. the manner in \\'hich thev examine and manage patients and. the sort of record ::; they keep determine the rating. Comprehensive Survey "Other items embraced in the scht' dule arc administration, which i ~ valued at 20 points in a perfect score: plant and equipment. lO points; field service of a public health character in the county, () points; location of sanitarium. -l points. Information concerning the numher of patients handled last year, the number now in the sanitariums, the number of incipient and advanc ed patients. the per capita cost and the results of treatment for each patient will also be collected. "The results of this inquiry will show to the public and to the sanitarium boards the good and bad points in ~he. operation of the 16 county santtanums. They will be helpful to oth~rs in selecting sanitariums for pay pattents and they will be invaluable as a guide to forming new policies an_d new activities in sanitarium operation. "The battle against tuberculosis is tightening all along the line. Progres s against the disease grows harder each vear as the more obvious channels of spreading are dried up. The public sanitarium is a very important factor in the fight when it operates at its best." th< Jar tie Th vet cer old 111\.l dir thi Sa ' CCC of COl An eX( So1 Te gre by IS of · par ( . 0, to M<J ar c1a \V tho wh the ing ger car the The CHARM of BEAUTIFUL AWNINGS Decorators and home - owners today· seek awnings that enhance the beauty of a home instead of detracting from it. It was to meet this new demand for really artistic awnings that Blasius Awning Stripes were originated. From the gay canopies of old Moorish Spain . . . the Orient . . . the Riviera · . . . inspirations were taken for the many brilliant color combinations in which these lovely awning-materials have been rendered. Each design is distinctive . . . each is rich in glowing colors, harmoniously blended. fashiona~le hui HAROLD N. BLASIUS Co. Established 1913 MANUFACTURERS OF AWNINGS AND CANOPIES 26 Prouty Annex - - - Winnetka 1125 15 78 MAPLE AVE. EVANSTON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE "Ancient and Modern N ecromancv, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, denounced," will be the subject of the services Sunday, May 27, at the First .mette. Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wil- 302 S. GENESEE ST. WAUKEGAN ._________________________________________ -J