24 WILMETTE LIFE May 25, 1928 Elite IRE D· A L E STORAGE Fernlee Weinreb, a pupil of Miss Kathleen Air of Winpetka, won a silfor Yoar Dameatic Help ver medal ih the Chicago Herald and ' - - - - - - - - - - - - -· . Male ~ Female Dept. Examiner piano contest. Fernlee will WOMAN'S ATHLETIC CLUB compete with many other children for The Wilmette Athletic club baseball 1 1 1 E. Pearson St. a gold medal in a similar contest to be nine will hook up with the fast WauPhone Superior 7al-2 held in June. ' kegan team Sunday afternoon, May 27, at 3 o'clock, on the Village Green diamo~1d west of the ·Howard school. Free Estimates While Wilmette's line-up is still in Edward H. Munson PACKING aad SHIPPING ol the experimental ·3tage, with numerou s HOUSEHOLD GOODS Mason Contractor candidates out for steady employment U niveraity 9300 in the various positions, the team Gm·df' n Aqum·iums, Cm·b lValks, etc . . managed to def eat the North Centers E1·anston, Ill. 2aJ.I Grant Street last Sunday afternoon in a nip and tuck affair that tc:-minated with a 9 to 8 score. A fine cr,owd of rooters was out for the initial home game of the season and a sizable a·5semblage is predicted for the Waukegan encounter. \Vilmette will play on the Villag-e Green lot V\ ednesday, May 30. Mem EXPERT NORTH SERVIC~ orial Day, the identity of the oppo;;ition havi·HY not as vet been det ermin ed. PIANO TUNING Game ti~~ is 3 o'clock I I Empl~yment PHONE Semce w1Ns siLVER MEDAL I' Engaged I Wilmette Baseball Team to Encounter waukegan Sunday NOW -l RADIO - VICTROLA BECKER'S MUSIC SHOP "Home of H armoml' TO BE CIRCLE HOSTESS Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Christiansen of the Linden Crest announce the engagement of their daughter, Fae l.orine, to Leslie Harry Huettman ~ son of ~Ir. and Mrs. Freel Huettman of 345 ~Iichigan avenue, formerly of Evanst on. The wecldin~ will take plaLc June 16. I\lis s Christian sen and Mr. Huettman are gracluate3 of Principia college at St. Louis, Mo., and later at te nderl Beloit college, where ~l r. j Hucttman is a member of l3eta Th eta Pi fraternity. :\[rs. Harvey A. Craig of 7lo Lak e ·avenu e is entertaining the North End circle of the Congregational church at the annual luncheon to be held ~[on day. May 28. Th~ assisting hoste~ses are l\frs. ]. Connelly, 1\frs. F. H. Cor nell, l\[rs. F. L. Koontz, ai1d l\·J r s H ope Thomp son. ~~ r. and l\f rs . Robert Kem·o n r eturned to their home ·at 101 ( Gre en " ·oocl a\·enue Sunda\·. ~~ r s. K cnn)IJ \\"ent ea st to meet ::\1 r. Keny on as· lw landed in :\e\\. York fr om a busin e ~ .; trip abroad. 80 1 Dempster St. University 1640 An Orrington home not only commands respect, but is bome· like, warm, and rnviting as well --------------------------------~ ;-----~:&~-----· [ 1 and]fosiefj for Woaim ancl <Lildmt "Thtrt is a diltinctitll Fost1r Shu for t'IJtr'1 occasi·n" ·~------_,__ . .....__ ______. ] The children-grown away, now, from the happy circle? . . . the old home-too big, expensive and lonely at times? . · . household cares-a little irksome and tedious? .·· then try a new fresh environment where you can rest and relax to your heare s contenttry a happy home at The Orrington! A few beautiful l to 4 room suites now available-some furnished and with kitchenettes. Why not make reservations, Now, for a glorious Orrington Summer? University 8700 Jolle ;,t {;lace !){icl 'fhe Pump-illustrated 91n 6.//ecliPe @olor ' $1550 Opera Slipper $I.J·.oo Color Harmony- in the Costume-the Shoes-. the ~osiery ~nd even the Shopping Bag-ts effecttvely evtdenced in the beautiful lacquer like finishes of the new Foster productions in Glace Kid. 7 G.7oster &'Company II5 :J{orth Wabash ~venue Community ShopJ · The Drake Hotel · Evanston's Largest and Finest Hotel ---:J 705b South Shore Drive Q,ington ·nd Church, EVANSTON c._...