Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 May 1928, p. 21

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May ~5, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE 21 were the Iron bars, the stone walls the cocoon, is expanding toward the unlimited attend the ' May party at Shawnee SPEND WEEK-END HERE hatred steel door, the tiny window ' and realm of spiritual realities. In the words It all seemed very real to the dre~mer. of our Leader: "We welcome the InThe William L. Harts of 623 Green- Country club tomorrc w evening. As he pondered the situation, endeavorof knowledge and the end of error, leaf avenue will ~ave as their guests ing to find a reason for his imprisonment crease because even human invention must 'have Miss · ] ane Gillespie of '781 Locust a wave of righteous indignation at th~ its day, and we want that day to be over this week-end, and perhaps for Injustice of it welled up within him and succeeded by Christian Science, by di- Memorial day, Mrs. Hart's father and avenue, Winnetka and Miss Florence · as he started to beat hs fists against th~ vine reality" (Science and Health, p. mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. AinsTaylor of 508 Cherry avenue, Winwall, it all fell away, and he ~wakened 95). We are steadily bringing out a highher sister, Miss Gertrude worth, and to find himself free. netka entertained eleven tables at a er sense of man's dominion, but we still Christian Science t eaches, and it can have leagues to go in the line of spiritual Ainsworth, of Battle Creek, Mich., and bridge ~nd luncheon last Saturday at be proved with mathematical certainty unfoldment and achievement before we John Ware of Detroit. They all will the home of Miss Taylor. ~hat the bondage ttJ false material sense can approximate the demonstrations ol as a dream from which we can be Jesus . . a wakened and set free, just as the sleepPrayer Defined ing dreamer can be roused from a nightPrayer, as we understand it in Chrismare. All that is necessary for our re- tian Science, is the calm, confident, posilease is first the desire and then the de- tive realization of the ever-presence of termination to know God a right fol- infinite Mind and the pel'fection of Mind's lowed by the consistent living 'which ideas. As we turn from the contemplaproves our gratitude for r elease from tion of things material and discordant evil. Sin is forgiven only as it is aband- to the ever present Christ, there comes oned. Salvation depends upon our stead- into consciousness the assurance that u A Correct Grade for Each Burner" fast, devout consecration to the things God alone f:.; present and has power. of God and a constant striving for in- Time, place, or environment cannot increased spiri tuality. Just as the healing terfere with our instant appeal to the o.f the .sick, as accomplished by Chris- Most High, for there is no place where Two Bulk Plants-Eight Trucks tian Sctence, proves the r eality of God His voice i:,; not heard. as good, so the r ed emption of the sinner operated ON the north shore to assure proves the unreality of sin. CONDUCTS FASHION SHOW PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE Prayer Prof. Anna Belga Hong, head of It is doubtful if any chapter in the Christian Science textbook, ··science and the art department of Northwestern Ht>alth with Kt>Y to the Scriptures" by university, presented the annual spring Mary Baker Eddy, h as attracted more attention or h~ been responsible for sat- fashion show Wednesday afternoon isfying more people of the practicality of at the \ usity theater in Evanston. Chri stian Science than the chapter· on She was assi sted by a number of prayer- with which the book opens. In the first senteuce of this chapter we read: north shore girls who acted as models. "The pra~·er that reforms the s inner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that 7 21 O.tk Strttl. Winnetka Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Warinner of all things are possible to God,-a spiritual understan ding of Him, an unselfed 929 Central avenue left May 20, for an Winnetka 3020 - Telephones - Highland Park 3290 love" (p. 1 ). Just a few lines farther · extended stay in the country around on the author says: "Desire is prayer: Escanaba, Mich . . and no loss can occur from trusting God with our desires, that they may he ll liJUlded and exalted before the~· take form in words and in dt-eds" (p. 1 )~ Could mything h more simp le or yf>t more s ublim e? Could anything capable of expression in words bring us closer to God, the great heart of Love? It is to such prayE>r that we can resort when we enter into our closet and s hut the door with the assurance that as we pray to our Father in secret, He will reward u s openly. 'Ve enter into this closet, "the st>cret place of the most High," as we rise above the arg-uments of material sense and realize that we are alone with God. No audible words, no human intermediary, no particular posture is necessary for s uch prayer to be h ea rd. We only need the deep and abiding senl'e that we are in the presence "of Him whom to know aright is Life t>ternal" (Science and Health, Pref., p. Yii). It matters not how difficult a con dition may seem to be, it nnot interfere with our right to appeal J OT only a complete selection of the finest and smartest Strawsour Joying Father-Mother God, nor an e rror prevent us from ht>aring the but also a conscientious and trained selling guidance which till small voice" of Truth in answer our desire. assures you the One Hat best suited to your particular type. You It is this silent prayer of understanding will like that phase of our service. of the allness of God, of man's oneness with Him and the consequt>nt nothingness of evil which banishes and destroys and up the manifestat ions of the suppos ititiOus opposite, whe ther it argues to us as sin, to $15 sickness, or death. Jesus made quite clear the difference betwee n those v·ho Panamas, $6 to $50 Leghorns, S6 to $20 prayed in the streets or synagogues to be heard of men, or who employed vain r epetitions, or who made long prayers expecting to be heard because of their much speaking, and the silent prayer with which we approach our heavenly Father in th e quiet of our closet, or m enta l hom e. Absent Treatnunt Right here it might be well to say a word about absent treatment, which is State and Jackson-Chicago not always understood by those unfamo 'r rington and Church-P vanston iliar with the teachings of Christian Sdence. As we begin to understand the allness, the infinitude of God, the humal'. limited Sf'nse of time and space Jose their imaginary power, and it is proYed that prayer under such conditions is quite as efficacous whether the patient is in thP. same room or thousands of miles away. Why think it incredible that healiPg should r esult from absent treatment? R ..·memher that when Jesus was at Cana in Galilee he healed instantaneously tht> nobleman's snn who was sick at Capernaum, seYeral miles away: again, when our :\laster came into Capernaum after His *-' XP lt*-'d ·' Xperience on the mountain, He healed the centurion's sen·ant who lay at home sick of the palsy. If God is omnipotent and omnipresent, there is no place where He is not, nor can we by any chance or possibility be separated from His presence or power. Our limited finite sense of space is being rapidly ovt>rcome. You recall that on one occasion after Jesus fed the five thousand, th~ disciples were returning by boat to Capernaum. A high wind arose and they were not making. much headway, when Jesus appeared, walking on the water. As -soon as He came abroad, immediately the ship was at the other side. Compared with this demonstration, our achievements in the way of modern, physical science-the radio, the aeroplane, the transmission of pictures by telegraphy- seem feeble. These appliances have always been possible, for the idea existed in infinite Mind, and they are only now coming to light because human thought Is throwing off Its limitations and, like the butterfly emerging from its FUEL OIL BRAuM Baos. OIL Co. "For Fuel- Use Oil" I In Our Evanston Shop Straw Hats For the Man Particular About His Appearance-and His Corr./ort N $4 $6 I

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