Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 May 1928, p. 19

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May~. 1928 WILMETTE LIFE 19 ANNOUNCE N. I. E. C. COMMENCEMENT PLANS Dr. Herbert L. Willett of Kenilworth to Give Baccalaureate Sermon June 3 !\fn. Joseph J. O'Connor Loses Father by Death Word was received in Wilmette .this week of the death in Los Angeles of George Willard, father of Mrs. Joseph J. O'Connor, who formerly , resided on Gregory avenue. Mr. Williard was stricken with a heart attack while on , the way to a cathedral in the California city last Sunday. Burial will be from St. Joseph's church in Kenosha, where he formerly resided. Survivors are a sister living in Los Angeles, a brother in Detroit and the daughter Mrs. O'Connor. .' At ' ia which · . . -· . An mteresh.n g program has been arrange~ !or Cof!Imencement week at the NatiOnal Kmdergarten and Elementary college. Saturday, J~ne 2,. is the annual alumnae .day, opemng wtth the business session and election of officers at 10 o'clock in Harrison hall, followed by an address "Present CHANCES MEETING DAY Trends in Earl.Y Elementary EducaThe Home and Garden club of Kention" by President Edna Dean Baker. The alumnae luncheon, at which mem- ilworth will meet on Saturday of this bers of the graduating classes will be week instead of Monday next, which entertained, will be held at the close is the regular day. The members will assemble at the home of Mrs. Henry of the mQrning's program. On Saturday eveninJ.r the st udents Taylor on E5sex road, and drive out to will hold their Comme~1cement Prom view the gardens of Lake Fore5t which in the Sovereign hotel, Chicago, hav- will be open to the public on that day. ing as their guests the members of the Senior class. Mrs. George A. Thursby of 1716 The Baccalaureate service will he Highland a venue will sail ] une 9. for held in the college at 3 o'clock Sun- a visit to her former home in Scotday afternoon, June 3. Dr. Herbert L. land. She plans to be away until Willett of the University of Chicago, autumn. and the Kenilworth Union church will give the address. and a special musical program by the student choir ha.s been arranged under the direction of ~liss Louise St. John Westervelt. Tuesdav afternoon the students will entertain~ 500 children from mission schools and orphanages on the college ca!_ n pus. This frolic is an annual! affair, and the children 's enjoyment of I the out-of-doors, the balloons. flowers , ' and ice cream which are part of the entertainment, makes the afternoon one of the brightest spots of the commencement festivities. The forty-second annual commence-! ment will be held in Harrison hall at three o'clock on \ Ved_r1esday afternoon, June 6. Dr. Edwin D. Starbuck of the University of Iowa will give the commencement address, followed by the granting of degrees · and diplomas 1 and the awarding of the honorary scholarships. we offer aaYiaa· ap to ONE-HALF '16~.'21 anti Jliaes' Siz~t Actual Value to $40 Jt·· the Weather Man'· Fault! .. We are overloaded with the finest of Coats, including models just received in the _ .last few ·days. Rather than wait until June to reduce prices we have decided to offer phenomenal savings totnor- row while the demand for Coats is great. Spring and Summer Coats .From New York's Fmest Maken Beautiful materials-the Furs are the best - Remarkable values in Coats of the better kind for all smart summer and spring wear. The recent unseasonable weather has left some of our stores with more coats than we intended at this time, which accounts for these very low red~ced prices. This merchandise will be impossible to duplicate. There is only one of each model. On Sale Now at Jewdry Give Baha'i Lecture in Foundation Hall The concluding Baha'i lecture in the 1 present series by Or. Albert · R. Vail, of Evanston, is ~nnounced for Sunday afternoon, May 2i, at 4 o'clock. in the Foundation hall at Linden avenue near , Sheridan road. Wilmette. The sub-, ject will .be "The Baha'i MovementThe Synthetic Religion." Seekers for the realities of religion. students of humanitarian and world subje'cts, and the public generally. are cordially and espec ially invited. it is explained. This, like all Baha'i public lectu res, is free and no collections are taken. Various Baha'i lit erat ure and puhlications may he examined in th e hall. both before and after th e ad.dre ss. 1 Always An Appreciated Gift For the Graduate For the girl-a beautiful wrist watch or a gold fountain pen. For the boy-a smart strap watch or a handsome desk set. COATS- Worth ~JATF.RIALS: to' $15 Styles that are the vogue of Paris. .The pick of our exclusive stocks at about half price. Reduced to COLORS: Belgt Gray Green Blue Tau ~1ny Cocoa Middy Blue Blnek '31 aad For the Bride Give a gift of silver. Why not a table service for 8 persons? A welland-tree platter - a water pitcher or candle sticks? Twee41s Kashallne nroadcloth Ut>ngallne and Satin Twills STYLES: Stralghtllne Capes In many lengths and styles. Belted Models, Searfs and Throws Purchase Sale of Very Reweld . SUITS Sacrificing AU D. B. E. TO MEET Cambridge chapter, Daughters of tli c British Empire. will hold it s regular monthly meeting with Mrs. Thoma ~ West, 723 Ashland avenue. Tuesday. May m, at 2 o'cl.ock As this will l'e the last busin ess meeting before th e i summer vacation. a large attendance is urgently request ed. Anyone int~r ested will be made heartily welcome, it is announced. I I Anniversaries Scores of appropriate gifts- our suggestion would be a good-looking 8-Day Mahogany Mantle Clock. DRESSES Modes lot Every Occaion ~u~!:~~ 'IS · *25 Suits In the smartest of swagA'er styles of Tweeds, Twills, and Ox· fords. Ensembles with Coat, Skirt and Silk Blouse In fine fabrles aacJ attractive color combinations. Tile m1ues nre from $3;) to tiiG. EMSBMBLBS LEE NELSON Jeweler New Location 1626 ORRINGTON AVE. (New Hahn Building) Univtnity 461 'l'he vlck of our Ol\' 11 stock as well as new arrivals Included! Chiffons, Prints, Georgettes, Tub Silks, Taf· fetas and many more materials fashion these lovely Dresses. All · colors Including Pastel shades. LOSES BROTHER BY DEATH Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Keller of 820 Greenwood avenue were called to Chilton, Wis., recently by the death of Mrs. Keller's brother. Mrs. Amelia Wilson of 839 Park a venue was calJrd to Wheaton last week to attend th e funeral services of her brother's wife. BARNETT'S Fountain Square STYLE SHOP 703 Davis Street Downtown Evanston

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