May 25, 1928 WILMETTE · LIFE 11 WUEn'E STATE BANK IN "BUSINESS DRIVE" Local Banking Institute lnaugu· rates Intensive Campaign to Extend Services At a dinner attended by th e stockholders, directors, officers and em. ployes of The Wilmette State bank, Tuesday night, May 22, at the Shawnee Country club, the launching of an e_xtensive c~.mpai~n to advise the pubhe concernmg the many services rendered by the modern bank and to interest them in making greater use of The Wilmette State bank's facilities \\"as inaugurated. The campaign takes the form of a competitive race between sixteen teams, each having a set quota of new business to be secured by July 31. The total quota for the entire institution is $300,000 in new savings accounts, checking accounts, certificates of deposit, investment security sales, real estate loans secured and safe deposit boxes rented. This goal is to be reached by means of special se lling effort on the part of the personnel and their friends among their associates and acquaintances. The entire manpower of the bank including directors, officers, employes and stockholders has been marshalled into the sixteen teams and, · i'n addition. the bank is exte nding a cordial invitation to any of its customers or friends who wish to enroll upon one of the sixteen teams. The teams \.vill be pitted against each other in keen but friendly competition during the next seventy-five days. Three- Months' · Campaign "The campaign continues during ' ~lay, June and ] uly," said an official of the bank. "\Ve are inviting several hundred of our customers and friends to participate in joining one of our sixteen teams. Friends of the Wilmette State bank who join teams will have an opportunity not only to do a favor for their friends and associates by introducing them to the many conrcniences afforded by th e modern financial institution. but also to earn some real 'pin money.' The Big Scoreboard in the bank lobby will not be nday, May 28. and up posted until Mo_ to that time the scores will remain a mystery. "Among the objectives which The \Vilmette State bank expects to accompli sh through the medium of this campaign, in addition to securing a large Yolume of new business. is to promote to a slightly higher degree the personal friendly feeling which exi!-its between its personnel and its customers. The clo'ser acquaintance and greater co-operation between these two groups will operate advantageously in many ways. Name Directing Groups The committee which has charge of formulating the rules of the campaign i headed by S. A. Wheelock, president )f the bank. Other members of this committee are W. D. Leary, ] . M. Budinger, \ V. B. Robinson. Jr. and F. D. Anderson Arthur ]. Taylor, a director of the bank. was toastnwster at Tuesday's dinner and the principal talk of . the evening was made by T. Harris Smith. of T. Harris Smith and ~ompany, Chicago, professional sales managers for financial institutions. under his fing_ ers. Bewildering spee<l in itself that it · becomes ~ part of retains perf6ct clarity. The instru- drama. ment s~~gs un~er his fingers even .in "It will be interesting to . hear hi~ _ competstlon wtth the orchestra. He recital. One wants to measu~¢ ·----------~-----' has no mannerisms. Technic is never used for display alone·. It is a mood- him in his contacts with all the grea~ creating agent, yet a thing so perfect · Recitalist I in Overstocked on Perennials Clean, fancy stock now growing in our own greenhouses, priced as low as $1.00 per Dozen. Also a complete line of bed·· l_ dlag Block apeclaiiT prlcod, . .,. { r ~ lf!7·!9 1\lor&e Ave., Rogers Park .. Briargate ·Florists ,..,.,.. ~ ~ ~· ..,. Phone Rogers Park 0471 ~ Vladimir Horowitz, one of t.h e outstanding musical sensations of the season 1927-28, will be the second artist introduced in the Artist Recital series presented by the Winnetka Music club next season. This pianist will appear on December 26, the only available date, as he is booked solid and leaves .this country for Europe on January 1. Glenn Dillard Gunn. critic. says of Vladimir Horowitz: "He is the greatest talent that has come out of Russia since Rachmaninoff. "He played that master's third concerto for piano with Frederick Stock and the Chicago ·symphony. "Horowitz has every attribute of greatness. He is master of the complex art of the pianistic address. He makes the felts and wires of that most mechanical of instruments r espond to as many inflections of tonal beauty as the violin can command. Whether he sustains a t~nuous thread of melody or thunders more loudly than the orchestra's basses and percussions, his playing has diction. "He never fails to impart to every moment of his performance that especial inflection. accent or rhythmic impulse which adds eloquence to mere tonal beauty. It is no matter for surprise, then, that the often blase Friday audience li stened in breathless silence and applauded frantically. "This pale, slender yout h of 24 has mastered the piano. Passages g.litter Wreaths aad l'lowers Ro· MEMORIAL DAY We have a large assortment of beautiful wreaths and other memorial pieces in pleasing designs, also many attractive morial Day. cut flowers and potted plants for Me· JOHN WEILAND 1161 PHILADELPHIA 192.6 Wilmette Ave. Wil. m. Wll. 212& SOlfF. IlEC'ENT INSTALLATIO:s-S GOLD MEDAL · ENTERTAIN WIVES Members of the Wilmette Rotary club entertained their wives at dinner at the Wilmette Country club last Wednesday evening. The musical program for the event was furnished by the New Trier Iligh school orchestra under the leadership of Mrs. Marian Cotton, musical director at the high school. Wilmette :S. P. 1\lllln 177& Washington An·. Uoy Kirtland .t20 Washington A 1·e. James Barrus 303 17th Street G. B. Bassler :wt 17th Stret>t A. R. Dana 1203 A.shland ·A ,John 1 \Illlen (Hdw.) 1219 Wll·tette An. Kenilworth E. R. Cole 749 l\lcLean An. Winnetka w. Coolidge 79t Lincoln A ...-e. Geo. llnsklns 428 Cedar St. F. A. Han rock 1181 Oa-kley Ave. SILE ~-zit:~~ UTOMATIC THE NOISELESS OIL BURNEI ,.f:'. Buy now, start payments Sept. 1st, 1928. Fall rush starts in July. By placing your order now, ·you may enjoy Automatic ' heat during the cool evenings with no disadvantage to your bank account. EVANSTON SHOWROOM 1620 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 700