Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1928, p. 69

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May 18, 1928. ' " HELP WANTED-MALE t7 EXPERIENCED GARDNER, MUST BE able to look after cars and drive in emergency. Modern living quarters,· prefer adult family with help of woman available if required. Ph.· Wilmette THE 2683. 57LT34-ltc WANTED-A HIGH CLASS REAL EState salesman to sell Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe property. Must have car. Plenty . of leads and co-operation given. Write Wilmette Life A-13. 57LTN34-ltc SO SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE WANTED-BLANKETS, CURTAINS & other laundry work to do. Wlll call and del. 886 WiJJow Rd. Ph. Winn. 1924. · 60LTN34-tfc WILMETTE FOR BENT-.APTS. LIFE FOR 8A.LE-BOU8ES 71 FOB RENT-STORES A OFFICES EXP. WHITE GIRL WISHES WORK by day. Good ref. Exc. cook, serving, cleaning. Address Talk A-2. 60LT33-2tp EXPERIENCED NURSE DESIRES position caring for· children : best ref. Ph. Wilmette 3711. 60LTN34-ltp WANTED-LAUNDRY WORK TO TAKE home. Ph. Winnetka 2764. 60LT34-1tc EXP. WHITE WOMAN FOR LAUNDRY and cleaning. 2 days a wk. Ref. Ph. Wil. 3724. 60LTN34-ltc LAUNDR~ meals. CLEA~I~G AND EXTRA Ph. Uniyersity 5569. 60LTN34-ltp FOR SALE-JUST COMPLETED BRICK and stone residence. Several bedrms. ; 3 baths, large sunparlor and Uving room, recreation room, serving room FOR REFINED BEAUTY .SHOP. MUST and breakfast nook. Frigidaire, atcater to phone appointments. Indian tached 2-car garage. Choicest .locaHill section. $50,000. 229 Park Ave., Glencoe. tion. N. E. COR. .GROVE--sT. 2 77 · AND CHICAGO AVE. LT3f- tc Facing Raymond Park 3 & 4 RMS. WITH 1 & 2 CHAMBERS 18 ~ FOB SALE-VACANT You will appreciate the large, airy rooms 460 Winnetka AYe. Ph. Winnetka 1800 that characterize this unusual building 73LTN34-ltc which Is approximately a copy of a VACANT BARGAINS structure erected centuries ago In old 500 SQ. FT., 2ND FLOOR FRANKLIN CHOICE 60 FOOT LOT ON SCOTT AVEBlois in the heart of the Chateau Building, S. W. corner Elm and Center, nue, east of Greenwood, $126 per foot. district of central France. Spacious Winnetka. Corner suite, six windows, Beautiful building site 80x167 In Kenilllvlng rooms and chamhers with comover Adams Pharmacy. · :\lost promiworth Community development $8,000. plete dinette and kitchenette equipment. nent corne·r in town , lease to Jan. 1st Choice 72 foot lot on beautiful Walden The decorative appointments are deor longer. Fred B. Thomas & Co. Road $11,000. cidedly out-of-the-ordinary, and will Ph. Winnetka 2850. 73LTN34-tfc Choice 50 foot lot on Asbury A '\'enue, appeal to those who wish cheerfulness east of Vernon, at $130 per foot. and the real luxury of a home. Bath- FOR RENT-SHOPS AND OFFICES. 1 acre lot at Indian Hill Estates at $9,000 rooms are of generous proportions with nothing like It anywhere. G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 62. colored tile and showers, lighting fix'l3LTN8-tfc tures are all specially designed, a liberal number of base plugs provided. The FOR RENT-2ND FL. OFFICE: CENT. 720 Elm St. Winnetka 254 llving rooms are equipped with wood78LTN34-ltc loc. ; reasonable. Winn. 545. 73LT33-2tc burning fireplaces and have wall beds for that extra guest. Electrical re- 7i FOR SALE-APT. BUILDINGS frigeration Included In the attractive rentals. Inspect these apartments today-agent on premises. SPECI.A.L ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND IN WINQUINLAN TYSON. INC. netka, 4 apartment building, brick, in &lf Fountain Square residential district. Large lot, good University 2600 investment. $25,000. Address P. 0. 67LTN34-ltc OWNER FROM NEW YORK HERE TO Box 12, Hubbard Woods, Ill. dispose of her 65 feet east of Berkley 75LTN34-ltc Must be sold this week. Price $4,500. New Building CHAUMONT APTS. EVANSTON EolE:o§ltunli\t~~~~llftw(C@, Heinsen Realty Co. wllmillil<eitk~ JMI ~Jill(Q)lf 185 ~ &llllil IHHillll & §tt©rrnce Winnetka 1544 ·& SIT. WTD.- TAKING CARE OF CHILdren · or mother's helper. Ph. Wil. 911-J . 60LTN34-ltp ... I 78LTN34-1tc SETTLED 'WOMAN . DESIRES POSI· MODERN 12 ROOl\1 HOllE ON BEAUtion, genera 1 housewor~ . Colored. Ph. N. E. COR. SHERMAN AVE. & MAIN tiful 100 foot lot, N. E. Large living University 6374. 60LTN34-ltp Here ill South Evanston's inost conroom and dininK room; ~ heated pchs.; venient location, you will find well-ar2 master bedrooms an<l bath on 1st ranged apartments of 3 rooms-consistWANTED-,,..ASHING AND IRONING. floor: . 4 master bedrooJn~, 2 sleeping MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK-CHOICE ing of a large livlng room with rollWill call for and deliYer. Ph. Wilporches 2 baths on 2nd floor. De~.way bed, chamber, dinette and . kitch80 ft. lot In · Kenilworth Community mette 210. 60LTN32·St.c tached 'two-car garage, with servants' enette. All apartments have outside Sub.-Restricted to high class homes, quarters and bath. A bargain at $42,~00. rooms . which provide an abundance of 2 ·blks. Ke~llworth station-$7,500. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS FOR Jlght and air. Ample closet space. lo(ondays, good r ef. Greenleaf 1142. Schools, churches and shopping faclU- Nearly new 7 room fa·ame and stucco 60LTN34-ltc ties wlthln Immediate access. Electricresidence. Heated ~un parlor, 4 good al refrigeration Included In moderate bedrooms, hot water he~t. deep wooded EXP. LAVNDRESS WISHES DAY WK. Inc. rentals. See these apartments today lot, garage, ea~t. An exceptional barGood X. S. ref. Call evenings. KenPh. 'Wil. 407-408 18 500 End "L" 410 Linden wood 2236. 60LTN34-ltp QUINLAN TYSON, INC~ gain at ' ' . 78L34-ltp tl SITU'A TION WANTED-MALE 67LTN34-ttc FORMER CHAUFFEUR 0 F OURS Phone Wilmette 68 wants position as chauffeur and gar- FOR RENT--3 AND 5 RM. MODERN 340 Linden Ave. apts. Genuine Frigidaire, best location, 77L34-ltc dener, very reliable, hard worker, over reas. rent Inquire at SEVERAL 50 FOOT LOTS, REDUCED 10 years in our employ. For informabelow market for immediate sale. All tion phone G. H. Dovenmuehle, WinFRANKLIN BLDG. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE improvements ln. netka 1903. 61LTN34-ltc 526 Center St. Ph. Winnetka 382 NEW TAPESTRY BRICK, NOW 67LTN28~tfc EXPERIENCED WHITE CHAUFFEUR ready: very high class section on welldesires position. Good ref. Write Wilwooded lot ; 2 master bedrooms, with mette Life A-12. 61LTN34-ltp FOR RENT-AT A SACRIFICE RATE, tile bath en suite ; 2 additional spacious Ph. Wilmette 273 bedrooms and additional bath : large 1177 Wilmette Ave. home-like kitchenette apartment In Or78L34-ltc BXP.ERIENCED GARDENER WANTS living room, dining room, breakfast rington Hotel. 3 lal'l'e closets, comwork by the day or week. Win. 2864. room, large screened porch, well-arplete hotel set'Vice. West exposure. Apranged kitchen with Frigidaire, extra 61LTNU-ttc ply hotel, University 8700 or tenant lavatory, H. W. heat (oil fuel it pre- WE OFFER FOR THE FIRST TIME A evenings, Greenleaf 4660. 67LTN30-tfp ferred): 2-car brick garage to match EXP. WHlTE CHAUFFEUR. GOOD very attractive piece of property house : liberal terms. ref. Ph· GlenYiew 28-M-1. KITCHENETTE APART1-ROOM 100xl54 facing golf course and Wilmette. 61LTN34-ltp ments, $47.50 & .u,p. 7735 Haskins Ave., harbor. The most pleasing outlook you CROSBY McKENDRY Chicago. Office open until 10 P. M. would want. A choice location at the HANDY l\IA~ AROUND HSE. DERogers Park 8432. 67L34-ltc 566 Center St. Phones Winnetka 2032-2033 right price. 77LTN34-ltc sires work. Fences, screens and windows painted and repaired. Tel. Winn. FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE 146ft 61LT34-ltp apartment, steam heat, janitor service, 1108 Davis St. University 8080 SPECIAL near transportation. Call Wilmette 78L34-ltc NEW BRICK HOME, TII.E ROOF, UNt! SIT. WANTED-MALE & FEMALE 1800. 67LTN33-tfc ueually large living room, breakfast !\fAN AND WIFE, WHITE, WOULD room ; 4 large bedrooms, 2 colored tile like to take care of home for sum- DESIRABLE LARGE 4 ROOM. H. W. baths, extra lavatory, large attached A BEAUTIFUL LOCATION, A CHOICE heat. 2nd floor, rear deck porch, rent mer months. North Shore ref. Ph. garage; oil burner, wooded lot, choice reas. Near transportation. 840 Center lot with excellent beach. Must be sold Longbeach 9060, rm. 303. 62LTN34-1tD location near transportation. Liberal St. PhonfJ Wlnn. 265. 67LTN30-tfc at once. Size 100x450. Will sell beterms; Immediate occupancy. low market value. Terms to suit purU BOARD AYD ROOM 18 FOR RENT-FUBN. APARTMENTS chaser. CROSBY McKENDRY WANTED·-BOARDER AND ROOMER. Pleasant room, good meals, near transp. 1-ROOM FURNISHED KITCHENETTE 566 Center St. Phones Winnetka 2032-2033 77LTN34-ltc 1108 Davis St. 1023 Main St.. Wilmette. 63L34-ltp University 8080 apartments, $57.50 & up. 7735 Haskins 78L3·-ltc Ave., Chicago. Office open until 10 It FOR RENT-BOOMS P. M. Rogers Park 8432. 68L34-ltc GLENCOE FOR RENT-RM. IN PRIVATE HOME. FOR SALE-VACANT LOT. DESIRAEast side, young man, convenient to FOR ble location, 3 blks. from d6pot and 2 RENT - SUMMER MONTHS, all trans.p. Ph. Wilmette 2098. blks. from town. Ph. Winnetka 2468 well-furnished studio apt. in attractive NINETY-EIGHT FOOT FRONTAGE 66L34-ltc bungalow ; 8 min. to transp. Ph. Winor Glencoe 1555 after . 6 P. :M. improved with two small homes. This 78L34-ltp 68 L.TN33-2tp property Is suitable for remodeling FOR RENT-1 OR 2 RMS. WITH OR netka 690· and is In the center of one of Glenwithout light housekeeping ; near transp. NICELy FURNISHED SUITE OF 2 coe's exclusive sections. Price $22,500. LOTS FOR SALE BY OWNER, HAPP Ph. ·wilmette 1913. 66LTN34-ltc front rms. with connecting bath, vacant road, 1 mile north of Northfield station. Tel. Wil. 895- Y -3. DOUBLE OR SINGLE RM. NR. TRANS. .JWuinlemeltstte, naoeoa.r transp. and 6StL~~34-~~c 78LTN34-2tp Phone Glencoe 702 332 Park Ave. Tel. Winn. 1632. 66LTN34-ltp _ \ 77LTN34-ltc HOME-SEEKERS BARGAIN ROOM FOR RE~T AT 840 SPRUCE ST. NICELY FURNISHED 4 LARGE RM . 66LT34-tfc kitchenette apt. and bath, near transn. Lot in best location In Winn. $90 per ft. E. Z. terms. For Inform. call Winn. FOR S~t\LE ~=======~==~~==~ and stores. Garage space. Ph. WIJ542. 78LTN34-ltc mette 300. 68LTN34-ltc NEW BRICK HOUSE WITH 5 BEDFOR RENT-APTS. rooms and 3 baths (2 are colored tile), 119 FOR RENT-HOUSES sun porch with slate roof, breakfast !oiO BUS.I NESS PROPERTIES ~~k~ ~~~~.tory, 2-car garage. $23,500. -,r-HE--L-E_O...;N_AR_D __ S_H_O_P_P_E-_I_N_F_A_N_T_S' FOR RENT-3-ROOM COTTAGE WITH \VILMETTE bath sleeping porch, l-ear gar. : large :\. REID wear offers an established and growCORNER FIFTH & LINDEN wooded lot, nice child's play house, FRANK ~""\ ing business to one or two women deBeautiful 3. 4 & -5 room apartments, out418-lOth St. Inquire at 405 Linden ~54 Linden Ave. sirous of earnings on a small InvestPhone 'Vi nnetka 1300 R ide rooms. Ready for immediate ocAve., A. & P. store. 69L34-ltp ment. Good reason for selllng. Apply 77LTN34-ltc cupancy. Agent on premises. to 795 Elm St., Winnetka. 80L34-ltp RENT- 7 ROOM HOUSE, 731 11TH 5 RMS. AND SUNROOM, REAL FIREQUINLAN TYSON, INC. FOR St. Large yard, gar. $110. Flentye. SUMMER RESORTS place, H. W. heat, 2 car gar. 100 ft. 8! 42'4 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 729 Lake Ave. Ph. Wilmette 1382. frontage, newly landscaped, N. S. and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 67L34-ltc r.nt.. 2R-tfc N. W. Sta. and car line. Phone Wll· WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS ATT. 2-RM. APT. NEAR LAKE AND mette 1326 evenings. 77LTN34-ltp GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. l'OR RENT-FURN. HOUSES transp. All or part of summer. Ph. ";0 Hotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for Wilmette 4040 before 8 A. M. ROOM HOUSE 50 FT. LOT. " NEAR light housekeeping $35 per mo. Swim67LT3·-ttc ATTRACTIVE BRCK. HSE. FOR SUM- 5 transportation and schools. H. W. ht., ming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis, mer 6 rms., sun and slpg, prches. .2Price $10,500. Phoz e Winn. 265. dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. FOR RENT-4 .ROOM APT., HEATED, car 'gar. Choice location. Tel. Winn. · 77LTN30-tfc L. B. Stitzer, Mgr. 82LTNS3-14tp janitor service. Ph. Wilmette 2399. 414. 70LTN34-1tp 67LTN27-tfc New Building SHERMAN MANOR APARTMENTS EVANSTON FOB SALE-HOUSES IE:~~iiw~©liil & Allll~Im & ---------------------------------- ~o JMloJJ©lffiliD~ft©liD &CC©o Mi©M&tt & IFll&Iffi<enty Well Located Hon1esite & E. E. Stults Realty Co. Wilmette Riparian \ T acant & E. E. Stults Realty Co. Overlooking Skokie . Walter P. Smith & Co. Linden Crest Apts. & ·

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