Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1928, p. 63

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May 18, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE ·'N' MEN TO BANQUETjFour .Seasons Reduces Health Posters Entered Old Time N. U. Stars to Foregather I . Chi~ken Dinner Price . in Contest ~y 4 Pupils After Conference Track Meet A chtc~en dmner at reduced price and a cool, merry eating place are offered with coming of the warmer \\'eeks by the Four Seasons inn on th.e \Vaukegan road Qne and one-half mile n.orth of Glencoe. . The tnn has recently establtshed a chicken and squab farm to supply the trade in quantity or singly. Live or dre ssed poultry is offered for sale and delin' ries are made anywhere on the north shore. Bill Fisher has charge of Elste Herr and Luahce Jefferson, of District 37 school, and Elizabeth Epp and Margaret Baker, of Gros.se Point school, have submitted posters in a contest that is being conducted by the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute. I· F I MORTGAGES: I · 0 N Two hundre~ and fifty winners of S D "K"s at N ortlnvestern university, inT eluding sorne of the mo'3t prominent of the old-time stars, will gather from all part s of the country to attend a dinner at the North Shore hotel SaturPosters, dealing with the work carday, 1[ay 26, follo\\'ing the final s of · ried on by the Chicago Tuberculosis Established 1881 the con ferencc track and field meet Institute, are being entered from all which take place in Dyche stadium in oHr the Chicago area. The contest 618 Grove St· Greenleaf 888 .the afternoon. \\'ill he concluded sometime this ~lte dinner \vill he of the nature of ttll~te~p~o~ul~tr~y~f~ar~tn~.~~~~~~~~~n~lo~t~lt~h~.~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ both a reunion and a welcoming of the graduating "l\" men, who number abottt 12. All the 62 undergraduate wearers of the letter \Vho ·have recently formed an undergraduate divi185.S SINCE sion of the "N" club will be other guests of the evening. Kenneth "Tug" \Vilson, director of athletics; Dick Hanley, football mcu- I tor; Frank Hill, track coach, are slated to speak, together with other coache-;, ·~--and Justin Dart, pre·.sident of the undergraduate letter men. Sidney B. 1Ieyer, president of the "N" club, \Yill preside. Among those to whom invitation s have been sent are Jess Van Duser, Bert Potter, \\ ilber Hightower and Paddy Driscoll. Officers of'the "N" club besides Mr. Mever arc: vice president-R. T. Nelson-; secretary-J. E. Smiley; trea·.mrer-C. Andrew Rogers. .H. Construction Loans c EVAIISTOII 80~ [-I ~HORTGA\L - I ~ My · Wife Enjoys Living Deere Park tn · Men's Garden Club Plans Flower Show June 16-17 The ~[en's Garden club of the Chicago cli'3trict was organized scYcral months ago and embraces a n:embership reprc entative of the c1ty . and surrounding territory, a number ot the members being from Ke'v Trier towns. It is desired to bring into the fold every genuinely enthusiastic amateur flower grmYer in the territory. Paul Battev of Glencoe, is treasurer. and. upon- ;eceipt of $5 annual due.s, \\'ill forward a membership card. A flower . how is to be held June lG and . 17 at the · new admini.;tration building in Garfield park. by the clu?. at which it is hoped all members ':·Ill exhibit. There will also he many mteresting exhibits by non-members. P. \V. Armstrong of Glenc?e. is on the committee and \\'ill send mtormation on request. "Because she is relieved of the problem of selecting the children's companionst as well as the watchful care necessary when we lived in the congested city. "She knows that their play will be wholesome and healthful. ushe herself has found new enjoymentt and her cheeks are made rosy by invigorating air and bright sunlight. uS he now feels confident in her motoring ability t and drives to. nearby towns without fear. uThe pleasant neighbors she has found in Deere Park have made it the most pleasant place of residence we have ever known." . ., A DEERE PARK RESIDENT Story Hour Series to be Concluded May 26 'Miss · Gladys Levanim. of the ~a tiona! Kinclergarten and Elem.entary College, will continue the telltng of the Rhinegold stories, started last week at the story hour this Saturday in tl;e \Vihnette Public library. . The story hour on May 26, at whtch the Rhinegold series will be concluded, will mark the discontinuance of the hours for the summer as they c~n flict during the vacation mOJ~ths wtth the other interests of the chtldren. The story hours have been .conducted since last fall under the dtrection of Miss \Vinifred Bright, children's lahrarian. Miss Bright plans to resume the series next fall. Next Saturday evening the Lig~t House dine and dance resort, wtll have its spring opening and offer dancing and a fountain luncheo!l· There is a pay-as-you-dance plan m order this season and parking space for 1 000 cars. Music will be provided by S~inmy Stewart and his plantation band. Mrs. R. N. Baker of 518 vVashington avenue, entertained at bridge Friday of last week. DEE· R E PARK Sheridan Road (Route 42) to North Boundary of Glencoe -at the Lake LIGHT HOUSE TO OPEN BAIRDl(WARNER . DIVISlON OP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT > 646 N. Michigan Avenue Superior 1855

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