Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1928, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE M~y 18. 1928 Woman S Golf and Bridge Season Opening on North Shore Committees Chosen Invitations Ate Out for Albert N. Pages Celebrate .Mary Jacoby Is to for Women,s Days Metzel-Higbee Wedding Their Silver Wedding Day Wed Lyman Drake, Jr. · ClU bS 307 Mr. ' and Mrs. Emil Beck Metze} of During these weeks of weddings S · d M 26 at . .COUntry Cumberland road, Kenilworth, comes one that i's a little different, a atur ay, ay BY JEAN TEN BROECK have issued the invitations for the Golf and bridge luncheons are women's own activities at north shore , golf clubs and each year assume a larger share in golf club activity. While this activity still is another unfailing harbinger of summer on the north shore, we notice this season that it is commencing earlier than usual, and in spite of the coldness of spring. Committees already are chosen and some of the plans are made quite definitely, although we have been unable to communicate with aJJ the chairmen of these events to ascertain those who are working with them. M r:s. \V. H. M ushlet of Wilmette, with a committee composed of Mrs. D. T. Adams. Mrs. \V. Brodkorb, Mrs. H c Ch · M z H . · apm, rs. · arston, Mrs. W. H. Montgomery, Mrs. H. G. Swigart, and Mrs. C. R. Naylor, is in charge of Ladies' day at W estmore!and, which opens Friday, June 1, .for a bu.;y golf season. Mrs. J. D. Harpe:o f E vanston is in charge of arrangements for the luncheon and bridge events which commence a little later on. North Shore Golf club already opened ·its golf events for women Tuesday of this week with medal play and full handicap. thus making a departure from the Friday golf events for women that haYe been customarv. The dav will continue to be Tuesda_~- throughou-t the .summer. Among the plans for the season ending September 21, will be an open meeting the first Tue·sdav of each month. Other announcements concerning the Tuesday e\·ents appear elsewhere in this issue. ~frs. C. E. Driver heads the golf committee. with her as~istants, Mrs. R. J. Filling-ham, Mrs. \V. D. Fowler. Mrs. G.eorge Richard.;, ~-{rs. Geor(J'e D. \I rolf. and "' ·v Mrs. Richard Wolfe. Mrs. Gef)rge Wolf has been apoointed captain of the Korth Shore Golf team for this vear. Mrs. 0. G. Corns of \Vilmette is chairman for the bridge da~·s which commence Wednesday, June 6. Play started for women at the \Vilmette Golf club Tuesday of last week. but the first scheduled event occurs the first Tuesday in June. when players will Qualify for the June tournament. It will be open day. Mrs. Fred Otte, Jr., of Evanston, is chairman of the woman's golf and her committee includes ~frs. John Arends of Evanston, Mrs. F. Jones of Park Ridge, and Mrs. Thomas McLaren · of \Vilmette. Bridg-e da,·s at Wilmette club will open ~aturday, June 2, to continue each Saturday during the month. Luncheon wilt be served the second and fourth Saturdavs until the end of August, with the second Saturday pivot day, and the fourth, partners day. One large bridge luncheon will be ~iven in September, according to present plans. Mrs. Harrv Herb of Evanston is chairman for these events, with a committee of Mrs. Edward Richardson and Mrs. Goodman Wilson. The first women's golf d~y at Indian HiJI Country club 'will be held next Wednesdav. Mr3. Charles A. Matz of Winnetka ·is chairman with Mrs. Harry Tennev. also of \Vinnetka. co-chairman. The other members of the committee are Mrs. Gilbert Scribner. Mr". Darrell Boyd, Mrs. Hobart Young, all of \Vinnetka. Mrs. Grant RidP"ewav nf Kenilworth. and Mrs. Carroll Kendrick. Winnetka. who wilt be team captain. The women's golf' daYs at S11nset Rid~e will not start ouite as earlv as at the other north shore duhs ·this vear. Tuesday. .Tune . 5. will be the first regular dav. M r". Arthur 1'. Goodman is chairman of the ~·oman'·.-· golf committee and the folk.win~ arc marriage of their daughter; Winifred Fairchild, to Ballard Van Ho.rn Higbee of Wilmette, which will be solemnized Saturday, June 2, at 8:30 o'clock in the evening, at St. Augustine's Episcopal church, Wilmette. Miss Metzel has chosen for her attendants, Miss Margaret Nielson of Wilmette, who will be her maid of honor, and .as her matron of honor, her sister, Mrs. James Prindle of Ravinia, as bridesmaids, Mrs. Robert Osgood q"f Kenilworth, ·Mrs. John Thompson {Eleanor Buckman) .Mrs. Truman Metzel of Highland Park and Miss Virginia Belt of Kenilworth'. John Higbee will serve as best man for .his brother and James Prindle, Robert Osgood, John Thompson, Truman Metzel, Robert Belt, and \Villiam \\'hite are to be ushers. M ff · d . any a atrs a 1 rea Y have been given for the bride-elect, and other festivities will continue until the day of the wedding. On April 27, Mrs. Truman Metzel gave a kitchen shower at her home in Highland Park. Mrs. James ·Prindle entertained at a linen shower in Rav.inia, May 2. A hosiery shower wa.s gtven by Mrs. John Thompson Fnday, May 11, at the Buckman home in Wilmette. Tuesday of this week ~Irs. \\'illiam \Vhite of \\rinnetka, another sister · d at a mtsce · 11 aneous · en t er t ame shower.' The following day ~frs. Granville Revere Lewis of Evanston was hostess at another miscellaneous shower. Thursday Mr. Higbee's mother, Mrs. John W. H. Higbee of 810 Lake avenue, gave a luncheon and shower. ~fiss Virginia Belt will be hostess at ·a shower at the Skokie Countn· club M 23 d 1 f tl · T. ~y ' an t 1~. o own~g uesday, M1ss Margaret ~telson wtll entertain at a miscellaneous shower at the Edgewater Beach hotel. silver wedding, a large and beautiful affair given at Shawnee Country club last Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nichols Page in celebration of their twenty-;fifth wedding anniversary. The entire club WSlS a bower of palms, smilax, ferns, ~nd spring- flowers. The 290 guests assembled in the lounges and porch to await the coming of the bride, who descended the stairs in her wedding gown of twenty-fiv.e years ago carrying a bouquet of white gardenias and white swe~t peas. She was preceded by her two daughters, Marian and Sarah, who were gowned, respectively, in a gown of green georgette and silver beads, and in a period frock of pink taffeta lined with silver · cloth. Miss Marian carried pink roses tied with green ribbon and Miss Sarah, lavender sweet peas tied with ribbon of the same color. The wedding party passed along an aisle formed by the stretching of ribbons to the porch, where, before an altar improvised with silver cloth, smilax, green palms and cathedral candlesticks. Dr. Horace G. Smith, who returned from the conference in Kansas City for the occasion, read a simple sen·ice of his own. Before the dinner a trio composed of Yiolin. 'cello. and harp, played, and Mrs. Ada Tilley Allen, teacher of Yoice at New Trier. sang "0 Promise Me," and '~All For You," the latter sung from the same score that had been used at the original wedding. Following the ceremony the guests. assembled in the dining room where dinner "·a 5 served. The bridal table Miss Mary Jacoby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lewan Jacoby of 1367 North State stre.e t, Chicago, is to become the bride of Lyman Manley Drake, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman M. Drake 0 £ 933 Lake avenue, Witmette, Saturday afternoon, May 26. The Rev. Duncan Browne will officiate at the ceremony which will take place at 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon at St. James church. A reception will follow immediately at the Ambassador East hotel Attending Miss Jacoby as maid of honor, will be her sister, Miss Laura Jacoby, who is returning the first of next week from Miss Shipley's school, Bryn Mawr, Pa., to be in the wedding party. The bridesmaids will be Miss Win!fred Smith, Miss Edwina Litsinger, and Miss Jean Logan, all of Chicago, the Misses Cynthia and Suzanne Kohlsaat of Winnetka, who ·are returning from Vas·sar for the wedding, and Miss Anna Catherine Hurd of Evanston. Keith Drake will serve his brother as best man, and the ushe.rs will inelude Horatio H, Chandler of Chicago, Nathaniel H. Whiteside of Hin ~ dale, Thomas G. Kindel of Grand Rapids, Edward H. Yonkers, Jr., of \Vilmette, Charles M. French of Evanston. and Robert T. Drake, who i·5 returning from Dartmouth for the festivities. Several affairs already haYe been given in honor of Miss Jacoby and Mr. Drake. Mr. and Mrs. Char1es M. French entertained at dinner and bridge Friday evening, May 11, · at their home in Evanston, and Saturday, C H bb d May 12. Miss Carolyn ase of u ar \Voods was hostess at a dinner and bridge. Sunday evening was the occa.5ion of a dinner given by ~fiss Judith Walsh of Winnetka. Other parties still are to be gi,·en and these will include the members . of the bridal . party. Saturday evening. May l9, Miss Anna Catherine Hurd and Miss Jean Lo(J'an will be hostesses ,.. at a theater party followed by a supper dance at the Drake. Miss \Vinifred Smith will entertain at a dinner and bridge at her home in Chicago Mooday evening, May 21. and the .fo~low ing evening Miss Edwina Lttsmger will give a similar affair at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Jacoby wilt give the bridal dinner, a dinner dance at the Union Lea_gue club, Thursday evening. May 24. was charming with its silver candlesticks, its large wedding cake. and fiower:s. At it were seated thirty-two guests. either those from out-of-town. members of the family, or those who had been at the earlier wedding. At To Give Bridge Luncheon the right was a table of young people, of Miss Marian and Mi·5s Mr5. Fernando \V. Fuermann of 835 friends Sarah . Greenwood avenue and Mrs. John Andrew Ronan of ~l Greenwood aveBetween the dinner and dessert a nue "·ill be hostesses at a luncheon and sh__ort music program was gi,·en by hridge at Shawnee . Country club Tues- Mrs. Allen, accompanied by Miss \Vindav. May 22. ifreq Mickey, who sang a spring song, written by La Forge; an~ by th-e the members-Mrs. J. B. Coambs, Mrs. harpist, a member of the trio. Dr. Raymond Doonan, Mrs. James At- Smith acted as toastmaster, and Frank mo)1d, Mrs. Dorr C. Price, Mrs. Ryland L. \Vard. a teacher of the Wesleyan Wolcott, Mrs. Warner Robinson, Mrs. Bible class. who had introduced Mr. Ward Pearl and Miss Virginia Ingram. and Mrs. Page years ago, g~ve a short talk about the oart he had played. ~he opening card party wil1 also be Following this. Mr. and Mrs. Allen a ltttle later than most, taking place on sang a duet. "Sweethearts" from June 6. l-frs. F. ,V. Fairman i·3 chair"~fa,·time," and, as an encore. "Reman of this. On Friday, June 1, Skokie will hold membering." Later in the evening there was daneits first women's golf event of the season. During this month there have ing for those who wished it. and a real been ball sweepstakes every Fridav. reunion of old friends wa·5 held in the Mrs. Helen Hepburn is chairman of club loun~es a~ Mr. and Mrs . Page the committee for women's g-olf and ha\·e lived in Wilmette t\Yentv-three s thev the other members are Mrs. F. P. vears of the twentv-five vearCarson, Mrs. J, W. Cullen. Mrs. M. have been married. a~d are ~,·ell known A. Bassett .and Mrs. C. Fred Weed. here. ~frs. Herbert C. Arms of Evanston is A·5sisting ~frs. Pag-e as hostesses in chairman for bridge davs. the dining room were Mrs. Morgan Mrs. Robert G. McKav of \Vilme tte Hammer". Mrs. C. Mile's McDonald. is chairman this vear for the women's ~~ rs. F. \V. Fuermann. Mrs. Ravmond card !_)arties at Illinois Golf club. Her Kimball. Mrs. Perry L. Smithers. Mrs. rommittee is composed of ~r rs. £,·aid Harrv Greenwood, Mrs. Paul Barrett, ~aedel of Chicag-o, ~frs. Sa\\'\'er Smith. Mrs. T. L. Grisamore, Mrs. Ben Callor.lencoe. and ~{ rs. Arthur Hammond ,,·av. of \Vilmette. and Mrs. Edwin G. \Vilmette. The first card partv wilt b~ Fisher of Winnetka. f->eld on Decoration dav and after that Those who came from out of town the parties will be held even· Saturdav for the silver wedding- were C. C. PaQ'e throu~hout the summer. On Mav 22. of Austin. Minn .. who ser\'ed a·s his ~11 the women of the club have been brother's best man at his wedding, Mr. invited to a get-together luncheon at and Mrs. George Mahonev of Indianthe clubhouse. Plans for the women's apolis. cousins of Mrs. Pa-g-e. Mrs. \V. rrolf as WPtl as the cards will he rlic:- S. Tillson of Brookfield, Mo.. Miss Lou russert . ~f rs. ·C. M. Ca·5e of Chicago T;llson of Toneka. Kas .. and Mrs. John i.: polf chairman. · M thoney of Columbus, Ind. H l W b W dd" J ar an- e et e tng S to Be Small Home Affair Miss Ruthlea Harlan. daug-hter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith Harlan of 430 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, has chosen to have a simple and small home wedding when she becomes the bride of James Erdman \Veber of Burlington, Iowa Saturdav evening. May 26. A cousin of her father, the Rev. Fred Palmer of Denver. Colo., will read the service befote a g~.theritl'! of relatives and a few intimate friends at 8:30 o'clock in the evening. Miss Harlan and Mr. \Veber wilt have onlv two attendants. the former's sister, Miss Helen Harlan, who is returning from a trip Monday. and Clark P;.re of Evanston. Mr. Weber and his bride witt make their home in Evanston after returning from their wedding trip. To Give Musical Afternoon ~venue has invited Miss Anna Chin- Mrs. M. R. Rosen of 1045 Elmwood 19. lund of the Columbia School of Music and her pupil~ to a musical afternoon M her home Saturday afternoon, May

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