Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1928, p. 10

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10 ' WILMETTE LIFE M~y is. 1928 Mrs. Celia Bartlett, Former Resident, Dies 1'frs. Celia P. Bartlett, mother of Mrs. · R. ]. Wig, forme rly Anna May Bartlett. of 151 5 Spruce st ree t. South Pasadena, Cal., died in the Victoria Hospital in Palestine on May 3, ' while on a tour of the Holy Land \vith a part); from the Pasadena Presbyte rian church. Memorial services were held at the h ome in South Pasadena on Mav 5. Buria l will fH' at Ro sehill cenietery, Chicago, upon the arrival of the remaim some time this month. ~fr s. Bartlett. wh o \ra s 70 years 0f age and \\'as apparently tn perfect health up to the tin1e of her death. '"a s \Yell known in \\'ili11 ct te, ha\'ing r c~ ided h ere fnr a munhcr of years. She was horn ·in 11 inooka, Ill., on Aug-ust 30. 1857. She married Dr. Rufus H. na rt ll't t in 1R82. After his death in 1905 she and her daught.er moved to \Vilmettc to he with her mother and sister, Mr s. l\L A. Com· is and Mrs. l·annie C. Strong. then re siding at 1144 Wilmette avenue. the site of the present Wilmette Episcopal church. The daughter. Anna ?\fay Bartlett, married Rudolph ]. \Vig in 1910 and thcv all moved to \Vashington, D. C., ren1oving to Cali fornia in 1918. ~f rs. Ralph Moochr of 1235 Ash land avenue went to \r a·:.;hington. Pa. to spend Mother's dav \rith her son, Joe, \Yh O is a junior at \Vashi'ngton and Jefferson coll ege. nn her return trip she visited friends in Canton, Ohio. New Trier Track ~ Stars to Enter Olympic Tryouts ~ ew Trier trackmen . placed in the half-mile relay at the University of Chicago's National Interscholastic last year and they hope to win points in at least three events this vear. The meet, which has been des~gnated ·as an Olympic tryout by the pre sident of the Olympic committee, Gen. Douglas ~IacArthur, will be held at Stagg Field, June 1 and 2. It affords the largest track and field competition in the country, with more than a thousa nd prep athletes entered. It is open to the public free of charge and there will be free reserved seats for those X ew Trier fans who wish to attend. Dave Wanger, who won the broad jump at Marquette and took first in the Lake S hore division trials for the state meet, is New Trier's best bet for several points. Carl Hall may be able to place in th e high jump if he gets going as good as h e. was the first part of the year. The mile relay team, which was tied for second at Marquette, is sure to lnake a good showing. Coach Nay will also enter a two mile team if his half miters can get going a little faster. Ted Burgess, who switch ed from the mile to the half at the start of the outdoor season, has never been beaten in th e longer eve nt . He ought to be able to place in the Stagg meet, although there is always a very formidable field entered in the mile, because he ran a very fast mile in the state trials and is improving all the time. New Trier captured fourth place in the Lake Shore division tryouts for the State meet. held at Oak Park last Saturday, although only a small part ~f the team was entered. Oak Park was victorious in a close fight with Evanston for first place. Provi so was third . Ted Burgess nosed out Hammond of Deerfield to win the mile in the fast time of 4 minutes 45 9-10 seconds. Marty Cassell and Simp son. an Evanston man, led the rest of the field 111 the quarter mile. l\f arty kept the pole atl the way and although Simpson sometimes came abreast of him he couldn't quite pass him and the New Trier man hit the tape just a few ya rd s ahead. Dave Wanger. whose springy legs are bringing much honor to th e Gray and Green, won the broad jump easily. Kershaw nlaced fifth in the javelin throw and tied with \Vin eberd of E\'anston in the pole vault. Travelers Checks and Letters of Credit are issued by us for your Vacation Needs ... THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Wilmette -oM rs. Barton Llonl Little of 1337 GreemYood a renue- will entertain twenty guests at luncheon and bridge Uav 18, in honor of her hou se guest. Mr s. J ames \ V. Henry of Pittsburgh. -oMr. and Mrs. \V. E. Dubss, formerly of \ Vi lm ette, but now residents of Crystal Lake, visited friends in \Vil mctte last week. You are invited to attend a . specially arranged I = HOUSE CLEANING HINTS ' ENTERTAINMENT by the manager · of WMAQ and WQJ Radio Stations. at the When you're doing the housecleanIng, you want to do it the easiest possible way- and that can be accomplished only by having the proper articles to do it with- here are a few suggestions. CHAMOIS 25c to $1 SOAPS OF ALL KINDS ENOZ AND SPRAYS ELIMINATE MOTHS Masonic Temple Auditorium SUNDAY MAY 20 at 8 P. M. sharp sponsored by the merchants of Wilmette stars from these stations, 1ncluding THE WHITNEY TRIO Robert Whitney. Director I ft SPONGES 15c to $1 POLISHES THAT REALLY POLISH LARVEX WITH SPRAY IS ALSO GOOD George Signor Bush Dies at Age of 69 j George Signor Bush of 1009 Oakwood avenue, Wilmette, passed away suddenly last Sunday at th~ age of ()9 years. Funeral rites were held from the residence on Tuesday afternoon with burial at Oakwood cemetery. He is surviv ed by hvo sons, Harry and Olney Bu sh, an,1 by a daughter, Mrs. W. G. Mitchell, president of the \\rilmette Garden club. . (-Y"~ THE CHICAGO CONCERT COMPANY and quartette, directed by Frank Bennett. THE THEATRE CLUB ACTING AND Dramatic Co.. under the personal direction of N. H. Miller, presenting extremely interesting offerings. The players by courtesy of KYW a nd oth~r features that will please you, durmg two and one half hours. 1 ii II: I' I Moth Balls, Naphtha Flakes? etc. I l TO GIVE CARD PARTY A card and bunco party will he given by Wilmette Rebekah Lodge 610. Wednesdav evening, Mav 23, at I. 0. 0 . F. hall at 8:15 o'clock. Mrs. F. T. Scheidenhelm and her · daughter, Marv Louise, of 804 Forest avenue, left Thursday, May 17, for New York. The~ will sail Saturday for a three months' tour of Europe. :II Ridge Ave. Pharmacy C. C. Renneckar Opposite St. Joseph School Phone Wilmette 316 Admisaion SOc and ,$1.00 Children 2Sc A. -oHarding and Cornelius Van Schaack are home from college because of the !'P.riou" illness of their mother, Mrs. C. P. Van Schaack of 614 Linden avenue. E. MILLER, Mgr.

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