LIFE A Lasting Gift for a Lasting Love ·may be had in our store of nutnerous items. / Most popular is Candies. You have Art Style Whittuan's and Martha Washington to select from. Then comes perfutnes and Compacts in different odors and artistic style compact. A good book or a beautiful box of stationery and you should not neglect to send one of our beautiful Mother's D a y cards. Why . Just · ONE ··Day?An. d Other Thoughts \\'bile I'm willing to grant that National Recognition of the "Second Sunday in May" as MOTHER'S DAY is a splendid institution, it seems to me that a mighty happy gesture would be to "make a resolve to make EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR a Mother's day." Certainly there are hundreds Qf us who forget more often than we remember the wonderful woman who dared the "shadows" to give us life, raise us to man and womanhood a11d who then when we leave · the home .fireside . for far-off firesides of our own lapses back to seek the lonely solace of her "memories!" Does the average man or woman past 25 years of age, visit, write, talk or REMEMBER their mothers as much as they SHOULD? Isn't it a fact that we men are the WORST offenders? Isn't it pretty generally acknowledged that a girl always calls where her mother lives "HOME" while a boy generally feels that which HE establishes, where HE lives is "home?" I've noticed this in many, many cases but for .the life of me, I can't figger a GOOD reason for this. Pretty near ALWAYS the boy gets LOTS more attention and favors than "the girls" in a family get. Just as soon as· he gets to the gallus and long pant stage, he com~ences to sprout the idea that he wants to tear out "on his own" and he generally DOES! And MOTHER is a memory-a sweet one doubtless, but not so NECESSARY to him as she is to his sisters. And MOST of the time he forgets! EXCEPT on MOTHER'S DAY! But does his MOTHER forget any day in the year? Genr "A Lutiq Gift Lutiq Love" ,_. The Artstyle Mother's Day Package Aaorted Chocolates MOTHER'S DAY IS Sunday-May· 13th Gifts have always been the most popular way of expressing affection. Send or give her one of these beautiful metal packages just loaded with tasty chocolates. 31bs. $4.50 211.. $3.01 I U.. $1.58 Renneckar's Phones 28-29 Renneckar'a n.s-atta.. Wilmette, IIGaoia Only One Store-Central and Wilmette Avea. Wihaette, IIGaoia $6.50 MOIORS SERVICE Inc.,.,.,.., . EVERYTHING .&-tAe MJTOMOIILE OUR BUMP 'lhese new Spring SHOE. S express good taste in every line Many otbtr beautiful Queen Quality Models in . Patents, Satin or Light Kid. NEVER. CLOSED SHOP Bampen ·traiateaed aad ........... Fe.._. amoothecl oat, Jac:q.en.l . . . ........... Raaaiq l.oarch replaad, recow.....t aad Npaind. Wiac:lalaield aDd tloor alau replacecl. We ha·e h.b capa for aD popalar makea of can ia atock. The Lar1eat ·Motor Repair Shop in Wilmette . $6.50--$8.50 NEVER CLOSED MAIN STREET Wilmette . $8.50 -, ,.,~t TAYLOR'S BOOTERY 605 Main St. '//////////////////////////. Wilmette. tae\Wbaeib~ot J.C.SIGwh.