;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oo~~m~~ T~~rtft~or DRIVEWAYS IJailt a IWittilbM Bllimata p,., Tilt Deed of inude keys bfeh · are so easy to lose and so hard to find has now been eliminated by a modem lock Rapid progress is being made on which locks the door from within by the second story of the three-story merely pressing a button in the center business and apartment building which of the knob. Keys are used only for unlocking the door from the outside. David Nelson is erecting on Park avebusiness section, it is Said, will be completed for occupancy by June 1, as originally planned, ~nd the twelve apartments on the other floors are scheduled for completion soon thereafter. Several of these have 'already been leased, according to Walter P. Smith & Co., renting :·urents, who, on June .~ ofli ces f rom 332 1, will move the1r Park avenue~ across the street, to the east room in the· new Tudor Court building, to b~ known as No. 110 IRSIDE UYI 10 . LOCK NEAR $21t,.IN APQ. S....O Bat BU7 V. . . Coatia- . ·-StrciD8a. ..... P.ceNine New Reaideacea I, I' Franz Krenn ElldiUbM LANDSCAPE ·GARDENER TELEPHONE 2435 337. BE CAREFUL IN BUILDING Be sure of your "plans" before you go ahead and build your house. For in those plans lie not only the power to make you happy or miserable as they are good plans or ~ad plans, b~t in them you are investmg a certa·.n amount of capital-hard earned cap1tal, perhaps-that !epresents consid: WINNETKA Witb .oar kaowledae aad experieaa-we caa llelp aatare ia tbt are of yMr lawa aaul prdaa. A top-clnaiaa ol BIKk SoiL Fadliar aad Lmae, propedJ applied, wiD ·ake a areat iaaproYeaaeat. Pboae a..,_we kaow bow. · EVERGREENS-SHRUBS-BLACK SOIL-VIGORO FERTILUVIA-LIME ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~e~n~b~~~e=ff~mgt~o~f~u~v~·~~·~ · ~~~~~nmo~hg i of $10,500 $4,100. Kenilworth, in the north. shore building statistical derby, .contan:ues to set a lively pace for her ~1ster ylllal(es, and, despite her hand1cap m stze, closed the month of April well up near the $200,000 mark, the greater part of which ~~ for t~e nine new residences authortzed durmg that per"od. I The new northwest sectton · o f t he village continues to be the center of attraction for builders. Included among the operators are James Crabb and A. Abramson, two builders of Wilmette. Maclean avenue, particularly, was centered out .lor development the past month. Here. Mr. Crabb is building three new residences and Mr. Abramson one. · Fdteea Permits luaed A total of fifteen permits were issued in April, nine being for new residences costing $157,000; two for and four for ·private garages, the cost of which is given as ~k npre~~~ a ro~ FOR REAL ESTATE LOANS COME. TO US If you need funds for building-come to us. If ~ refinancing is your problem-see us. We have money to loan for construction or on improved Evanston and North· Shore property at 5~% and 6% Stop in or telephone and let us know your ·needs and desires. Prompt attention is giym to telephone inquiries. James Crabb is building three twostory brick veneer residences on Maclean avenue, the two at No. 716 and No. 721 each costing $11,000 and the other, at No. 732, also a brick veneer, costing $12,000. A. Abramson is also building an $11,000 brick ·veneer residence on the same street, at No: 725. Two are being built on Abingdon avenue, where, at No. 125, Edward Hagelin is erecting a two-story solid brick, with attached garag~. costing $33,000, and at No. 167 C. B. Grabling is building a two-story brick veneer with detached two-car garage, costing $26,000. Brier place, which has been the scene of much building activity the past rear, also contains one of the new Apri buildings, where, at No. 559, John Liljestrom is building a twostory stucco, costing $15,000. Charles D. Miller is erecting a twostory tile and brick, with attached garage, at 007 Kenilworth avenue, costing $15,000. · Kenilworth's other April permit went to R. G. Sherman, · for a twostory brick and stone veneer residence, with basement garage, at 111 Oxford road, costing $Z3,000. 1 REAL ESTATE LOAN DEPARTMENT New Home for R. L Schutter Being Built by Ekelmanna ~ Max Ekelmann and his two sons, Max Jr. and Russell, builders, are A. K. ScHEmENHELM, JlGIMII« rapidly completing a fine residence in Glencoe, for Robert L. Schutter, of 914 Sheridan road, Wilmette. It is of the English tudor type, being located on the wooded lot at 125 Park avenue, having a frontage of .., feet and a depth of almost 200 feet. · · What the architect and nature might have overlooked, S. G. :Mennell, the landscape gardener of Highland Park, is adding. The entire job, it is expected, will be completed in about a mQnth, and will represent an investment, inclu~ing grounds and all, of something like $60,000 it is said Orrington at Davia The house comprises ten rooms and four baths. Brick and stone are used Evanston, Illinois in its exterior construction, with slate for the roof. Two stone porches, approached by flag stone walks, are CHICAGO PHONE EVANSTON PHONE WILMETTE PHONE pleasing exterior features. BIJAitGATB 5000 GREENLEAF JOOO WILMETTE 3100 In addition to this building the Ekelmanns' broke ground this week for another building of similar type, on the II) foot lot adjoining the one described, where they wiD erect a fine atone and brick residence, of the Gothi.: tJpe, comprising eleven rooms ......._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.land four baths. STATE BANK and TRUST COMPANY