- WHY DID YOU MOVE TO THE NORTH SHORE? . OST residents of the North Shore suburbs have moved to this district from some other locality- from Chicago, from the southern and western suburbs or from the hundreds of communities all over the country which annually contribute so many thousands of home-seekers to the Chicago district. Many families have settled on the North Shore because they have friends or acquaintances who have experienced its advantages-the transportation facilities. the excellent school systems, the proximity to Lake Michigan, all of the innumerable but important factors that Ciombine to make North Shore living so nearly ideal. The property you have purchased is rapidly increasing in value mainly because, with the building of every new h\lme the supply of available, desirable North Shore vacant property diminishes. Surely one of the major reasons for the constant growth of these suburbs lies in the consistent advertising of its advantages-for it is being advertised constantly, every day in the wetk, with paid advertising. A group of business firms, the REALTORS of your community, are spending thousands of dollars to tell millions of people of the advantages of investing in North Shore property. Primarily selfish, yes, but every dollar so spent helps to increase the value of your holdings by inducing other desirable families to make their homes on the North Shore-just as you yourself, and countless others, may have originally puKbased your present home-site as a direct result of a REALTOR'S advertising. M THE NORTH SHORE RE~L ESTATE BOARD I H. 8 R. Aaspacb Lloyd C. Ayrn Bills Realty, lac. Dacllq Braclstnet J. B. BndwrU F. Colaaaa Barroaghs 8 Co. Crosby 8 McKtadry. lac. DicktaJOa Realty Aa'a. Eddiagtoa 8 Alita, lac. F. H. Gatbermal R. S. Hambly 8 Co. lubtlla V. Barbas Heia·a Realty Co. A. D. Henua Hill 8 Stoat R. M. Jobastoa 8 Co. Charla C. KapecbaU Ennt M. KbabaU Anhar 1M Moaat 8 Flaherty, lac. Marny 8 TtnJ Gto. F. Naoa II Co. Qailllaa 8 TJ10a, lac. J. H. Scllaefer II Co. E. Sawyer S·itb 8 Christy Browa. lac. Walter P. Smitb 8 Co. W. G. Stacey 8 Co. E. E. Stalq Realty Co. Frtcltrick B. Thomas 8 Co. Tighe Realty Co. Fraak A. Reid Fnak W. R11110 Vaat 8 Stlig 0. W. Walker Co. D. E. Wiak Wilmette Ralty Co. Wyatt 8 Coou