11--------------·ll u....... 1114 ll-------------·ll . R.... P·· JIZZ ....... ..,. BOOKS American Prosperity. Its Causa and Conaqaeaces P-' II. Jla· Loaia E. Kenteia, Vice-Praiclrat ol· Fileae'1 ia Bolloa. IIJI. "Tilt ·Oit nadable aad iateftltiaa J.octk oa eco·aia tbal I baYe 11111. I feel dut aot oaly b..-. aea wo..d prolt larply by radiaa tlaia hook, bat a11o .baabn aad attoraey1." Vikiaa Pm~ ····· ~ ·.... S:a.so The Criminal 8 His Allies jed. . ..... IUaMnaagb A Cbicaao .iaclae who lw bad loaa ezperieace with this tab- According to a ..survey recently con l'-.....:=-~~~~~~~~~~~~--.-.---~~~e~...,.....,..~.....,.:..· by the Oat-Door Life confer· , ence, . with headquarters in Chicago, there is a rapidly ..:owing interest in outdoor life. In Macbipn, Wiscon· sin, Minnesota, and other states whert! forests aboun4 and fish 1 are plentifQI, an increase of SO to 100 · percent in tourist traffic has been noted during the past three years. · In discussing the subject today Ernest C. Griffis of Wolfi-Griffis Hardware company, said a great many more people would head for the wide open places if they were possessed of more definite knowledge as to the loc~tton ()f suitable places to recreate. 1 The directors of the Out-Door Life conference have recognized this fact a'nd have appointed leaders in strategic locations for the purpose of dis: seminating useful information regarding places to hunt, fish, camp, and enjoy other forms of outdoor life. Mr. Griffis will represent the conference in this lOcality and · states that by April 15th, he will have a complete file which will enable him to furnish any information that may be desired, whether it be a place in which to recreate or the latest in auto camping or other equipment necessary to make the vacation 100 percent enjoyable. The organization will hold its sixth anilUal conference in the Coliseum, Chicago, May 7 to 12. · duct~d Bobbt-Merrill ··········· l).oo Basqatrie ..... llert.fttJ lc.llv "Ia BMqlllrie, Elwaor Memia hu ....... ia dilcoYeria1 a aew maalllir ldtia1 for the olclat ol ro.aatic facti. Her atoriea of die Ba.qae Mouataias baYe · ···· die IDftty of Spaia, the clarity ol Frace. aad the 1 e a t i · e a t aad hu·or of Aaeria."--l10a1 a co··eat by Harper II Blalhen ······· s:a.so JOIIpb ~er. JUNIOR PROII MAY IZ The Junior Prom, annual dance given by the l unior class at New Trier for the seniors, is to take .place Saturday, May 12. Only seniors and juniors ~re eligible to attend this social function. The Four Horsemen orchestra from Northwestern wiD provide the harmony. Red Lily and Chin~ Jade .to.,;, loN.n . Jliln author of Mr. Wa Stoka ············ ····· S:a.oo Pboto by IAhle Poems ia Praise of Practically ,_,,., Holmltin Boai II LiYmpt ····.... S2.oo Miss Estelle Englehart is shown posing for reproduction of famous Gainsborough masterpiece at entertainment given by the Women's Catholic club of Wilmette. The event staged by the fine arts department of the club, held at the Wilmette Woman's club la.s t Friday night, was well attended. PLAN UBRARY BUDGET North Shore Relationa The finance committee of the WilCommittee Holda Meetm, mette Library board held a meeting at the library Thui'Sday of this week A meeting of the North Shore Refor the purpose of planning the bud- lations committee was held last Thursget for the coming year. day evening at the Moraine hotel in Highland Park. Twenty-two of the thirty members of the committee, comTaken from an old legend current posed of representatives of each of In England this book tells how a qui~y the Chambers of Commerce of the youth. Trevy, born on the banks of towns and Villages between Evanston a tempestuous river. takes not only Ita name but Its characand Highland . Park inclusive, were terlstfca also. It Is written In beauWhen eyes become blood shot present. The meeting was presided tiful prose. over by C. D. Hardy, chairman, of from wind, dust, over-111e, crying Evanston. Several matters of mutual The River or lack of sleep, apply a few drops importance to the various communities of harmless Murine. Soon t~y B7 Le.lie Reid represented were discussed. It was decided to hold three or more meetings will be clear again and will feel E. P. Dattoa A Co. SUI each year and to call them as a social refreshed and vigorous. :·get_-together" ~n case nothing of maJOr Importance 1s current. Notbia1 The Burying Road Dodd. Mead II · eo. 11_, W'iltlbin . ..... S:a.oo Clear Daisy 8 Daphne ROlf ll__,llfl btr beat DOYel iiace 'Potteriaa.'" . Boai 8 LiYtriabt ········ S:a.so "Coa~idertcl up bloodshot eyes and safely Daaptm of India 11.,.., lVillon Aa attaorcliaary 1 t o r y of DaYida. aa Aaeriwa Miaioaary, who clelibentely caltiYata auterida aad uplicitia, without . eYer beiaa able to cam btr refnlbiaa aad nanat 9irit. Ha~per II Brotbtn ····· ., · S:a.oo Trevy, 1- The Hotel Traaecly aad b . . .r ia a hotel · die ltiYiera. Fftlh, aacere, ~ Dial Pn. 1_, ........... 1..- .,.,b .._, ,_ Many persons use Murir. acb night and morning to keep that eyes alwaya dear and bright· A month's supply of this longtraated lotion costs but 6oc. A~ Lutl We H.... Tlaat Geatle. . Lrr, llnaettes B7A.ita Leo. Seldom has a book of humor ever swept the country and the world as did "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." Now we have from Lorelei's friend, Dorothy, the other side of the story in which the brunettes get their innings. Don't miss it I CHANnLER'S for ...~ ...... I :a. so &~nt~ LDRD'B-IJOOIC8 BOOKS Tl» moat com,.,. booA ltocl on . tbe NOdb ,,_., --------· - -- t6e 1Vn1 O.U Ba.IAI..iY.iaJat lUI -