#fNo Jlt1tJ'1 &tween Wilmttte and Kenilworth Phone Kenilworth 3980 -· 3981 MATINEES: SATURDAY, SUNDAY SATURDAY 8 SUNDAY DooRS OPEN 1 :30 SHOW STARTS ~ p. M., CONTINpOUS IL Lmd" Sheridm Roltl At The North .. Vanity Offen "Somethin1 Alwaya Happens" Saturday "Something Always Happens" is the film being · featured at the Varsity theat~r during the last two days of this week. The subject matter is centered upon what happens when a person wishes for something to happen and Neil Hamilton and Sojin vie with one anot}ler in giving Esther Ralston a lasting thrill. It is a delightful melodramatic farce and should please. No advance information is available on "The Sporting Age," a Belle Bennett feature which has been scheduled by Lubliner and Trinz for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Considering Belle's past achievements, however, it's a pretty safe bet that it will be good entertainment. JOhnny Hines' "Chinatown Charley" concludes the week's program. "Chinatown Charley" is one of Johnny's very best productions. It's full of gags and laughs and is refreshingly free from the usual comedy formula. Nice melodrama, thrills enough and a splendid supporting cast. COSMOPOLITAN CAST The cast of Laura La Plante's starring vehicle for Universal, "Thanks for the Buggy Ride," is truly cosmopolitan. Miss La Plante was born in St. Louis, Mo.; Glenn Tryon, Butte, Mont.; David Rollins, Kansas City, Mo.; Trixie Friganz.a, Ly Cygne Kan. ; Kate Price, Cork, Ireland, and Lee Moran, Chicago, 111. --------------- Go to the Movies Next Week: You'll Have a Good Time E·eaiaa· Duriq Week Doora Opea 1:31 Show Starta 7 p. m. Program Starting May 5th, 1928 SATURDAY, MAYS, ltZI '. with :rom Mix. "KO-KO'S TATTOO" Cartooa "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT" Mack. Seaaett comedy "PATHE REVIEW" SUNDAY, MAY I, IIZI t "HORSEMAN OF THE PLAINS" "THE STUDENT PRINCE" with Ramoa NaYarro & Norma Shearer "FAIR & MUDDY" Caaa Comedy "DAILY NEWS" "FOX NEWS" MONDAY & TUESDAY, MAY 7 aad 8, IIZ8 "JAZZ SINGER" with AI Jolaoa "CI.R LS FROM EVE·RYWHERE" "PATHE COMEDY" "PARAMOUNT NEWS" WEDNESDAY~ MAY I, IIZI "DRESSED TO KILL" with Mary Aator -d Edmaad Lowe "WHO'S IT" Edacatioaal "LOVE SUNK" PARAMOUNT "KRAZY KATZ" "FOX NEWS" THURSDAY, MAY 11, IIZI "HEART OF A FOLLIES GIRL" with Billie DoYe "NEWLYWED IMAGINATION" NewiJWeda Co....ly "JUNGLE TRIANGLE" PATHE "FABLE" "PARAMOUNT NEWS" FRIDAY, MAY 11, ltzl · Bver7 ll'rh1a7 N!Pt Ill "SOMEDIING ALWAYS HAPPENS" with Eather Ralatoa "ADORATION" Paramoaat (No.elty) "FAMILY CROUP" Charlie Chaae Comedy "Paramoaat Nna" SATURDAY, MAY IZ, IIZ8 "'OBTBWBIHU "CoUece" IProllc ....... at I P. II. lO&IIP The coming week is one period seven days, insofar as north short movie houses are concerned. that almost regardless of which night or which theater you choose, ·you can return home after the show without the feeling of having wasted a perfectly goQd evening. Teatro del Lago starts the week's roster Sunday with Ramon Novarro in the "Student Prince." The story needs no introduction so it remains but to ~~Y that the film is beautiful. Jean Her~holt as Dr. Juttner, the prince's tutor, is lovabl£ and provides ail interesting and touching bit to the picture. Ramon is, as always,-well, himself. Norma Shearer plays the role of Kathie. I believe · that you will like ..The Jazz Singer." Aside from . the fact that most people lack sales resistance where AI J olson is concerned, the story is dramatically intere's ting and while AI is not the best shadow actor in the world, he gives a good performance. "Dressed to Kill" offers perfect story construction. splendid acting and fast action. It is a tale of the underworld from the inside of a gangster's lair. You'll like it. Edmund Lowe, Mary Astor and Ben Bard are the principals. Of the three pictures · that are scheduled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. which are "The Heart of a Follies Girl," "Something Always Happens," and "Thanks for the Buggy Ride" in the order named, the last two are the most outstanding. All are good entertainment. "Thanks for the Buggy Ride" is by Universal. It is a comedy with an original idea and presents Laura LaPlapte at her best. "Something Always Happens" is a splendid melodramatic farce in which Esther Ralston gets a decided surprise. Neil Hamilton and Sojin originate the surprise. o· : STARTING SUNDAY "THANKS FOR THE BUGGY RIDE" with Laura ..._ Plaate "KITCHEN TALENT" Mermaid Comedy "OSEE OF THE MOUNTED" Uai~eraal (Oawald) "TAILWACCERS" Pathe, (Sportqht) SUNDAY, MAY 13, IIZI AND HIS JAZZ COLLEGIANS ALIVALE m Community House Pftaenta "Fourftuaher~ Tuesday The two films selected by Burton H. Atwood, Jr., for showing on Tuesday an~ Friday of next week at Community House are "The Fourftusher" and "Let 'er Go Gallagher." "Th~ Fourftusher" offers the indefinable charm of youth in a story that is delightful. It is, · briefly, about a smart-aleck in business. George Lewis and the Collegian gang with Marion Nixon playing the feminine lead. · ~unior :Cogh~n, Harrison Ford, Ehnor Fa1r and· I van Lebedeff are the principals in the cast of "Let 'er Go Gallagher." It is said to be Junior's best work. "THE DIXIE FLYER" fHtuting "COHENS AND KELLEYS IN PARIS" with Ceobe Sidaey "CZARINA'S S£CRET" Meb'o (Tecluaicolor) RED FINNEGAN EVANS f!J MAYER KELO BROS. "JAZZ LIPS" RICHARDSON NORSHORE BALLET "Daily Newa aad Fo:a Newa" -On &cmn-- COMING ATIRACI10NS MAY 14, "THE DEVIL DANCER" with Gilda Cray MAY 11, "OLD IRONSIDES" with Ceorp Baacroft MAY., "SHOWDOWN" with Eftlya Braat aad c._... a-croft MAY Zl, ZZ, D. "PATENT LEATHER KID" willa Riclaanl Bartla....... MAY Z4, ...-HE PATSY" with Marioa DaYiea MAY Zl, "NIGHT OF MYSTERY" with Aalolphe Meajou MAY 27, "THE CIRCUS" willa Claartie Qap1ia "SMART SET" with William Haiaea "LEGION OF THE CONDEMNED" willa Cu7 Cooper "THE CROWD" with ....._ Murray _. Joaa Crawford MARY PICKFORD In "My Beat .Girl" !Yay Satllnlay-Del·u COMMUNITY HOUSE Prl., K&J' 4 T·e1., Kay 8 Geo. Lewis ·ad·· Klxo· KYale Ceo-Coo Madaee. 3 :oo P. Briaa tbe cbildrea. Clu M. w. c. Clletter Ple14a Coaklla "Two FLuaiJ-. Foarn..Jaer" ·n.. Y.alaa" -~ "Ia WW&opn H~ · '