Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1928, p. 1

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.. WIL·M ETTE VOL. XVII, NO. 32 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, ¥AY 4, 1928 APPOINT DSINGroN ABATEIENT AnOUEY Fonaer State S..tor Selected by M....Uto Alaatilaeat Diatrict for Lepl Aclftaor J. M. Budinger to Head Appoint Standing WilmeHe Day Committee Board Committees Wilmette is to · enjoy a Community for Village Year holiday again this year, as a result of Plans for the summ~r's program in the campaign toward the eradication of the mosquito were largely completed by the board of trustees of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district at their meeting at the Wilmette Village hall last Wednesday night. District superintendent William Edwards was· authorized bv the board to effect a contract for the purchase of oils to be used for spraying pools, ditches and catch basins. Retaiaed aa AHoraey Former state senator Thurlow G. Essington was appointed attorney for the district. Mr. Essington has previ.. ously greatly assisted the north shore in connection with its campaign for the supression of mosquitos, it is pointed out, having assisted in the drafting of the bill which provided authorization for the formation of the district and having done considerable other work for the district. A map of the district, the preparation of which had been previously authorized by the board, was sub-· mitted to the board by Windes and Marsh, civil engineers. Inorder to facilitate the planning for and actual accomplishment of the . work to be done, the district .has been The paving of Tenth street--gatedivided into several sections by Supt. way to Wilmette from Sherdian road Edwards, it was reported. District N'o. 1, which will i>e looked -over that portion of the thoroughafter by \fr. Edwards personally, fare extending north from Chestnut comprises the whole built-up section street to the Village limits, will be the from the county line to the south subject of a public hearing before the limits of Evanston and from Lake Village board of local improvements Michigan to the east edge of the Tuesday evening, May 15. Skokie. As soon as the oil trucks, This proposed improvement, which which have been ordered, are deliv- has been a knotty question for Village ered, Mr. Edwards plans to place two officials for several years, is regarded of the trucks in this district, one from as an imminent necessity in view of the south limits of Evanston to Lake the fact that the paving of .t hat. at times street, Wilmette, and the other from almost impassable, section of Tenth Lake street north to the county lnie. street affords a short-cut to the very These trucks will be used to spray all heart of Wilmette from Sheridan road of the catch basins in the towns along at the south Kenilwor·th limits. the shore. There are over 800 catch At various intervals the Village aubasins in Wilmette and 1,200 in Ev- thorities have sought to carry through anston, providing an excellent place this project only to meet stern objecfor the br.eeding of mosquitos, it is tion from the few property owners who will be assessed for the improvepointed out. District No. 2 comprises all of the ment. Now that Township Highway territory from the east edge of the Commissioner Williams has secured Skokie to Pfingsten road and from an appropriation to pave the townthe county line to the south limits of Sihip's section of the roadway in "No Man's Land," and is prepared to proGlenview. District No. 3 comprises all of the ceed with the job, local officials are deterritory from the south limits of Glen- termined to make a strenuous effort to view to the south limits of the district have Wilmette's portion of the roadand from the east edge of the Skokie way similarly improved at the same time. to the west limits of the district. Diatricta Ha'ftt F . . . . . Districts 2 and 3 will each have a PURCHASE STREET SWEEPER foreman, whose duties will be to locate The Village board Tuesday authormosquito breeding places, to make sug- ized the purchase of an Elgin Pick-up gestions as to the work and to see Motor Street Sweeper, with complete that all of the work laid out for that auxiliary equipment .at the cost of district is carried out. He will be the $6,811 .· The new equipment, purchase trouble man in his district, and aU .of whtch was urged several we~ks alfo complaints in the district will be turned by Tr'!stee ~"!est C. Cazel: WJD be m over to him. Oil truck No. 3 will cover operation Wlthm a week, 1t was anboth districts 2 and 3, as Mr. Ed- nounced. ward's surveys reveals that there are - - - - - - - - - - - - - - only a few catch basins to take care all of the work in th~ entire district. of in the Village in this ·erritory. Mr. A fourth truck will be used in hauling Edwards will, of course, supervise the material and men to the various points foremen in each of the di·trict· aad where they are needed. Appointment of Standing commit- favorable action in that conneCtion ·tees oi the newly established Wil- r==~=~=~ taken at a meeting of the board of dimette Village board was made at the rectors of the Wilregular board meeting Tuesday evemette Chamber of ning of this week by President Earl Commerce MonE. Orner, the appointments being conday evening of this firmed by the board. week. The exact The committees follow: date of Wilmette Finance committee : C. Miles McDay was not deDonald, chairman : Paul A. Hoffman, termined at Monand Hans von Reinsperg. day's meeting, but Public Service committee: Hans · will be fixed later von Reinsperg, chairman; Ernest C. by the board actCazel. and Gordon Wilson. ing in the capacity Streets and Allevs committee : Ernof the Wihnette est C. Cazel. chairman: Paul A. HoffJ. M. · B....... Day General comman, and C. Miles McDonald.. mittee. Sewer and Water committee: Paul J M. Budinger, cashier of the WilA. Hoffman, chairman; Hans von mette State bank, was appointed genReinsperg, and Albert L. Grinnell. Judi.ci..,ry canunittee: Gordon Wil- eral chairman for Wilmette Day and son, chai.rmtln ; Albert L. Grinnell, and it was his announced intention to inaugurate preliminary plans immeErnest C. Cazel. Fire committee : Albert L. Grinnell, diately with the purpose in · view of chairman; C. Miles McDonald, and giving Wilmette the most elaborate community holiday in the history of Gordon Wilson. The entire board of trustees and this popular festivity. Every. member President Orner comprise the Village of the Chamber of Commerce will be board of local improvements of which ushered into service to help "put over" E. H. Kerr, Village CoUector, is sec- the big event, which will come sometime late in August. retar~·. Tenth St. Paving to Be Subject of Hearing on May 15 Definite action to develop -Wilmette' water supply commensurate ~t~ t steady growth of the commtUUty expected soon as an outgrowth of expert report of the · present staws Q the local water su~ly system which includes many .specific recommencbt· tions for improvement and protlfessive expansion to meet conditions that pon.u~tion estimates indicate will exist within a quarter of a century or when the viUage will have approximated its probable maximum growth. · This report submitted to the Village· board by the etagineering firm of Con-· soer, Alder and Quinlan, retained sev... eral months ago to make a painstaking survey of the local suP.,ly system~ will be the subject of an informal discussion at a me~ting of the Sewer and Water committee of the board next week to which Paul A. Hoffman.: chairman of the committee. bas invited all membed of the Village board. 1 · Woald A....- p._._. Immediate remedial measures to render the water supply adequate f« May 15 ~ Hearing Date existing demands in the village are on P·vinglmproYementa suggested in the e!'gineers'. report·. it Public bearings on various paving is sta!~d: These mclu~e msta11atton improvements in the village have been Iof facd1t1es for !lugmenttng the water set by the Village board of local im- pres~ure to pro!tde adequate supply at provements for Tuesday evening, May ~ax1mum requ1remen~ for e!ery sectS. beginning at 7 :30 o'clock. These tton of towl!. Immed1at~ rebef .measproposed improvements include: ures would mclude !he mstallatl!ln Qf First alley south of Lake avenue ·a 2,000 gallon per mmute pump 1n the between 15th and 16th streets: first Sheridan road pum.P~I!g station. and alley north of Forest avenue between other attendant fac1_ltt1es to augment Fifth and Sixth streets · first alley pressure. Construction of a 400,000 south of Walnut avenue between 15th ~allon capacity elevated tank, 65 feet and 16th streets; first alley west of high to low water mark and to be to... Eighth street between Lake and Cen- cated at or near Lake avenue and tral avenues; first alley south of Lau- Ridge road (th~ appr<!ximate cent~r rei avenue between Fifth and Sixth of the future dtstnbutton syst~). Jl streets; Tenth street from Chestnut suggested as a means of equalizmg avenue north t-o the Village limits. distr_ib~tion! . Aaticipate F1dve o ...... Requirements in the not far distant future will include installation of addi... tional feeder and other mains, addition of more pumps, and installation of more hydrants in ,mercantile areas, the If you have report indi~ates. Construction of an underground not yet seen water storage concrete reservoir of 3,000,000 gallon ~apacity, and to be loour new cated on the lake shore at or near t~ foot of Washington avenue w.ill be necessary to meet water supply deprinting plant, mands in 1940, the report state~. At that time erection of a new pumping pay us a visit station operated by the l!illage and addition of more pumps will be found soon. Conte any necessary, it is suggested. Cite N.... ia Ia time-we operate The growth of the' village in 1950 will, the report estimates, make advis~ day and night. able the construction of an additional underground water storage reservoir of 1.500,000 gallon capacity, acljoiniq the J,OOO,OOO gallon reservoir previouslt mentioned, and installation of · adc&1232 ...36 tional pumping facilities. ~ · This program of progressive expaaCENTRAL AVENUE sion of the water supply s"tem il signed, according to· the engiaeers, WILMETTE later fit in with a Wilmette Wa works plant that woalcl dnw wat from an intake in Lake Kiehipa passed throqb a, filt~·--j·~-:,

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