$1.95 for long strand of . Finely Pleated · French Pearl Beads Deep, warm, lustrous pearls· in 6·o-inch strands. Two sizes of beads. Made to be worn long, doubled, or looped over. Lord's- First Floor Sports Skirts whose PleaJs don ·t come out SQVARt LVANSfON co~red Linen ·and-. Cuff Sets r Pans, layer on layer of ·ed linen. One has a layer !d in orange, over that a een, ~dged in red, then 1 green. Other color com'e bl ul~-orange-green, and :hampagne, and orangeUtflually smart-and s at S2. 50 a set, with ·ch. Annual Home Furnishings $10.9sBeautifully tailored skirts of fine wool crepe, cut very fuJI, but pleated so tightly that they fairly cling to the figure, and swing gracefully in walking. · The bodice from which the pleated crepe depends is of fine washable silk that may be kept fresh and dainty with· . out the slightest difficulty. Almond Green, Powder Blue, 1favy Blue, White, Sand. Lord' s-Second Floor SALE of Oriental Rugs · now In progress GREAT SAVINGS rless Vestees $3.95 red linen, with a row of n pointed bone buttons ·ont,~~ for cuff fasteneffedlve with tailored $3.95 ·Glass .Salad Plates . Dozen, $2.59 A simple, round plate, entirely unadorned-but exceedingly decorative in color! Which means that you can use them with almost any other ware. Emerald green and peach tint. rd' s-First Floor ~d Milan Hats Little Girls E~1s, maker of hats Imported Breakfast Sets $5.49 One of the patterns had been specially priced at $5.95-the other at $6.75. One bordered in cool green and Persian orange conventional design-the other with a rich painted-flower border in deep colors. 6 each, cups and saucers, plates, sauce dishes, bread-and. butter plates. One platter, one bowl. the always-new ilors · of firm Milan graceful long ribbon These may be had in navy, sand, white and 50 to $8.5o. J cont~ Glass 'I'ea Sets $5.95 6 8-incb plates, 6 cups and saucen, 1 sugar, 1 cream pitcher, 1 cake plate. Green or rose checked optic ware. Ice Buckets $1.50 Clear, leaf-green and pracb tint, with shiny nickled bails. Attractive for . table decoration! ns, large and med .. ack ljelvet bindings and .so. illintiJr.....Second Floor Lord's-Git~~~WIIrt-Firsr Floor