I · " Lena Club Photo . :, 1YfAS it of twins you were speaking? Well, New Trier High school presents W: this imposing group of nine pairs, all of whom are enrolled in .that institution at this time. Reading from left to right are: Fro_!lt ro~, Murtel and ~len Colby, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Colby of Wilmette; and Eileen and Ernest Logan, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Logan of Wilmette; Second row: Pauline and Paul Jones, daughter .and son of Mrs. Pearl P. Jones of Wilmette; .Forest and Alice Cole, son and daughter of George S. Cole of Northbrook; and Cynthia and Margaret Richards, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Richards of Kenilworth; Back row: Roscoe and Ralph Happ, sons of Mrs. Stella B. Happ of Northbrook; Betty and Jane Henning, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Henning of Glencoe; Fanny and Mary Brown, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Brown of Wilmette; and Elizabeth and C~roline Schwarm, daughters of Mr. a.nd ¥rs. A. C. Schwarm of Wilmette. The picture was taken under the dtrectton of H. H. Herron, facul~y sponsor of the Lens club at New Trier High school. The University of Illinois, in 1906, Illinois' only woman representative in Congress was Winifred Mason established the first railway engineering department in America. Huck, elected in 1922. Let the Conover Be Your W~lling Slave Walk out of your kitchen ten minutes ·after you have fin .. ishtd your dinner I Your dishes are immaculately clean, dry, ready for the next meal. The Conover has (with no effort on your part) taken just. tea minutes- to accomplish what it usually takes hal~ or thrte quarters of an boor to do. It's 10 easy to wash your dishes the Conover way. Try it for one week in your own kitchen. Clau itself while working. Rolla away into convenient cororr. No new plumbing. Fills from faucet. Infants' Half Socks of Quality 'T'HERE is no exaggeration when we say .l that nowhere on the continent will you find a greater selection of Infants' Half Socks than at this store. They are featured now in plain· and fancy lisles--circular stripes, small checks and plain with fancy tops. Priced at only ~~ J Imported from England T tltpbont lot a Demonattation SOc and 60c Boys, Sport Hoae in Unaautd Vtuiety Ston Ho·a-1 to 6 PCDL & PIPER . ·lltC:· CHILDR.EN·s SHOE SPECIAUSTI 1608 Chicago Avenue Evanston